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于1992年毕业于首都师范大学音乐系,并于1998年赴德国深造,成功考入德国斯图加特国立音乐学院及表演艺术学院硕士班第一人,师从于德国著名男高音歌唱家Wagne Long和著名艺术指导Carl Davis,以优异的成绩获得音乐学院颁发的艺术家文凭。
在德国学习期间曾参加多次演出及大师班,1998年在Mozart Halle von Stuttgart参加中国驻德国大使馆“端午节”的演出,并演唱中国歌曲《我爱你中国》;留学期间连续四年参加中国大使馆举办的华人华侨“春节联欢会”并演唱中外名曲。
2001年在Statliche Hochschule fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart成功举办个人独唱音乐会,演唱Bach、Mozart、Schumman、Cilea、Verdi、Wagner、Puccini Richard Strauss等作品;2001年参加德国歌剧院面试以第一的成绩被歌剧院录取,著名经纪人评论家Carl-Henning Steinhaus评价她为世界上少有的戏剧天籁并存的美妙歌喉女高音!并希望留在德国工作。
2004年参加Wasserburger Klaviersommer举办的“大师班”,师从于萨尔茨堡音乐学院著名男中音歌唱家兼声音系主任Heiner Hopfner,他曾多次挽留并希望留在音乐学院读博士;在大师班音乐会上携手英国著名钢琴家Julian Jacobson,合作演唱Franz Lehar——Operetta《Das Land des Laechelns》咏叹调《Dein is mein ganzes Herz》和Wagner——《Lohengrin》咏叹调《Einsam in Tueben Tagen》
2015年在瑞士苏黎世艺术大学“大师班”演唱Puccini——《Tosca》的咏叹调《Vissi D’arte,Vissi D’amore》;她多次放弃了留在欧洲从事歌剧艺术事业发展的机会。
回国后,在音乐学院及大使馆举办多场个人独唱音乐会。2004年著名钢琴大师周广仁先生为其策划并伴奏音乐会曲目,场面空前绝后;2007年与著名意大利指挥家Gianluca Marciano在Winland Christmas Cala Concert演唱Puccini——歌剧《Madam Butterfly》的咏叹调《Un bel di’vedremo》。
2011年在卢森堡大使馆成功举办了个人独唱音乐会,得到大使先生和夫人的高度赞扬;从2003年--2012年在德国大使馆,美国大使馆,加拿大大使馆,西班牙大使馆,俄罗斯大使馆,日本大使馆等“迎新春晚会”上演唱Puccini——歌剧《Turandot》中的咏叹调《nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!》及Verdi——歌剧《La traviata》中的咏叹调《Libiamo ,Libiamo ne’ lieti calici》。

为了更好地开展国内外文化交流,在学校的要求下,经过几年的努力成立“北医爱乐团”,成为北医颇具影响力的音乐团队,为校园文化建设增添不少活力,也为北京大学医学部增添了不少荣誉。如代表北京大学医学部参加2010-2011年度北大十佳演唱《The prayer》并获得季军;2013年第九届海淀区青年歌手大赛通俗组并获得季军;2013年北医爱乐组合演唱Weber —Musical《The pohantom of the opera》中的《The music of night》获“第十届首都高校风采之星”并获得亚军和最受媒体关注奖。



本人作用音乐治疗与康复训练 指导


July 9th1966

The research field
Vocal Music


Master of Fine Arts

Medium-Grade Professional Title


Education experience
Yanjie Luo is graduated from conservatory of music, Capital Normal University in 1992. In 1998, she began the abroad study when she was admitted to theStaatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Ku, Germany and became enrolled in the master program as the first Chinese student.Tutored byher vocal mentor, the distinguished German tenor singer, Wagne Long together with the guidance of famous art advisor Carl Davis, she was graduated with excellent grades and awarded the artist diploma from the Conservatory of Music.
In Germany, Yanjie Luo participated in many performances and master classes. In 1998, she performed in the "Dragon Boat Festival Concert" held by the Chinese Embassy in Germany at Mozart Halle von Stuttgart, and sang the classical Chinese song "I Love You, China". She went on singing many famous songs for four consecutive years in the "Spring Festival Gala" hosted by the Chinese Embassy.
In 2001, Yanjie successfully held her solo concert at Statliche Hochschule fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, where she performed the masterpieces of music by Bach, Mozart, Schumman, Cilea, Verdi, Wagner, Puccini, Richard Strauss, etc. In 2001 she auditioned for the Germany Opera House and was admitted as the BEST operatic singer. Famous art critic, Carl-Henning Steinhaus thus recognized Yanjie as a rare operatic sopranos in the world because of her truly exceptional beautiful voice, and he predicted her prominent career in Germany.
In 2004, she attended the master class held by Wasserburger Klaviersommer and was mentored by famous baritone, the director of the vocal department in Salzburg Academy of Music, Heiner Hopfner, who persuaded Yanjie to pursue the doctoral degree under his supervision for many times. The famous English pianist, Julian Jacobson played a musical accompaniment for Yanjie, and they together performed Dein is mein ganzes Herz , from Das Land des Laechelns , and Einsam in Tueben Tagen from Lohengrin by Wagner.
In 2015, she made her debut in the master class of Zurich University of the Arts and sang Vissi D’arte,Vissi D’amore from Tosca . She gave up many opportunities to develop her operatic career in Europe and went back to China.
Yanjie held several solo concerts at the Conservatory of Music and the Embassy after back in China. In 2004, the master of Chinese pianist Zhou Guangren planned and accompanied the concert repertoire for Yanjie, and the scene was unprecedented. In 2007 Yanjie sang Un bel di’vedremo from Madam Butterfly with the famous Italian conductor Gianluca Marciano at Winland Christmas Cala Concert.
She successfully held her solo concert at the Luxembourg Embassy in 2011 and was highly praised by ambassador and his wife. From 2003-2012, she sang the aria Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! From Turandot and Libiamo, Libiamo ne’ lieti calici from La traviata at the Spring Festival Gala held by the Embassy of German, United States, Canada, Spain, Russia, and Japan.

Work experience
Now Yanjie Luo is teaching opera appreciation and musical appreciation in Peking University Health Science Center. She investigated and explored the methodology herself for European and American popular singing besides teaching classic music. In order to improve the music literacy and singing capability of medical students, sheset upcourses of jazz appreciation; European and American popular music appreciation and popular music skills training.
To better achieve cultural communications nationally and internationally, Yanjie made her years of efforts to establish the “PKUHSC Philharmonic”, which became an influential musical team of PKUHSC and contributed to the vitality of campus culture. Therefore Peking University Health Science Center has received many honors, including the 2010-2011 Peking University Top Ten Best Performance "The Prayer", and the third place of 9th Haidian District Youth Singer Competition popular group. In 2013, the Music of Night in Musical The Phantom of the Opera sang by “PKUHSC Philharmonic”, guided by Yanjie, won the “the 10th Capital University Stars” and attracted the intensive media attention. Accumulating the teaching experience of more than ten years, she summarized advanced scientific vocal methodology in Europe and America which helps comfort students’ diseases such as pharyngitis, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux, myocarditis, diabetes and various mental diseases.

Appreciation of Jazz
Appreciation of European and American Popular Music
Popular Music Skills Training.
Appreciation of Musical and Opera

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