姓 名:
职 称:
教授 博导
生理心理学 听觉神经生理 感觉运动门控的机制 学习记忆的生理基础
(86-10) 6275-6804
北京大学王克桢楼 100080
1985年在北京大学获心理学学士学位。1988年在北京大学获生理心理学硕士学位。1988至1989年在中国科学院心理所担任助理研究员。1994年在加拿大Carleton大学获心理学哲学博士,专业心理学。1994至1996年,获得加拿大自然和工程学研究基金委员会(NSERC)的博士后经费,在Queen’s大学从事博士后工作。1996至1997年在Queen’s 大学担任讲课助理教授。1997至1999年在加拿大多伦多大学从事博士后工作。1997至1998年曾担任加拿大自然和工程学研究基金委员会委员。2001年曾担任加拿大多伦多大学生物通讯系统研究中心兼职副教授以及北京大学智能科学系视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室学术委员会委员。1999至2000年曾担任北京大学心理系客座教授。2000年起到现在为北京大学心理系教授。目前还承担北京大学"985"生理心理学科建设带头人 、北京大学听觉与言语研究中心学术委员会副主任、北京大学脑与认知科学研究中心骨干科学家、中国心理学会“生理心理学专业委员会委员、中国科学院心理健康重点实验室客座教授、北京大学机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室副主任、Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 期刊副主编等学术职务。
主要获奖:2008年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖的二等奖: “听觉感觉运动门控的新模型”; 2013 全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师奖
为以下期刊审稿:Acta Acustica United with Acustica;Brain;Brain Research;Brain Structure and Function;Canadian Acoustics;Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences;Cerebral Cortex;Clinical Neurophysiology;Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience;Ear and Hearing;European Journal of Neuroscienece;Hearing Research;International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience;Journal of Comparative Physiology;Journal of Neurophysiology;Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews;Neuroscience Letters;Physiology & Behavior;PLoS ONE;Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry;Pharmacology,Biochemistry and Behavior;PsyCh Journal;Psychological Medicine;Psychophysiology;Science in China Series C: Life Sciences;Scientific Reports;动物学研究、科学通报、生物化学与生物物理进展;生物物理学报;心理科学进展;心理学报;中国科学;中华医学杂志。
参与国家973项目子课题:精神分裂症的脑网络研究:精神分裂症的听觉认知特性和机理 (项目批准号:2011CB707805),2011.01-2015.12,60 万。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:鸡尾酒会"环境中促进语音识别的听知觉加工链(项目批准号:31170985),2012.01-2015.12,60 万。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:听觉注意强化惊反射前脉冲抑制的神经机制 (项目批准号:31470987),2015.01-2018.12,80 万。
参与863计划项目子课题:面向移动终端的多模态自然交互技术:移动终端三维声场技术 (课题编号:2015AA016306)。
视觉系统的一个重要的信号加工策略是以降低时间分辨率(如眼球颤动的功能)为代价来增强加工的空间分辨率,但听觉系统则要处理在时间序列上的信息输入并具有极高的时间分辨率。因此,声音信号中的原始精细结构在脑内的暂存是在时间整合基础上的听觉客体(auditory object)形成所不可缺少的。这种所谓的“初始听觉记忆”发生在传统的感觉记忆之前,并具有容量大、抗干扰性强以及持续时间短等重要特征。我们最新的心理物理学实验和脑电实验结果表明,对噪音精细结构的初始听觉记忆的保持时间在人类听者之间有很大的差异,可以从几毫秒到二十几毫秒,并与噪音中的频率成分有关。再进一步,因为在有回声的声学环境中,听觉系统对直达声与反射声的知觉整合极大地依赖于直达声的信息在初始听觉记忆中的保持,因此这种原始性的听觉记忆形式是实现声音信号的跨时间的相关性计算所必要的,并与人类听者的抗掩蔽能力有密切的关系。进一步探究这种初始听觉记忆的特性、功能以及相应的神经机制将是听觉领域中的一个重要课题。初始听觉记忆的工作容量有多大?初始听觉记忆能够保持多久?这种记忆形式是否有可塑性?老年被试的这种记忆保持时间有无减少? 两个宽带声音信号的相关性神经计算是如何实现的?这些都是我们实验室目前所研究的几个具体的问题。
听觉系统是动物最重要的“早期警报系统”,不仅能探察趋近的捕食者或被掠物发出的声音,还能确定其方向。对外在目标进行空间定位,是视觉与听觉的主要功能之一。然而,与视觉系统空间感知的神经机制不同,听觉感受器仅编码声音频率,不编码声源位置。精确的声源定位,必须由听觉中枢通过比较声音输入双耳所诱发的神经信号才能实现。声源空间线索主要包括声音到达双耳的时间差(interaural time difference, ITD)和双耳间声强差(interaural level difference, ILD)。但听觉系统如何用双耳线索来进行声源定位还是一个未解之谜。
在嘈杂的声学环境中,如果目标声音和干扰声音都是言语,目标声音所受到的干扰影响可以分成能量掩蔽(energetic masking)和信息掩蔽(informational masking)。能量掩蔽发生在听觉系统的外周部分。当掩蔽声音和目标声音同时出现,尤其两者在频谱上重叠时,听觉系统对目标声音的动态反应就会下降,进而觉察和辨认目标声音所需要的信噪比被提高。能量掩蔽使进入高级中枢的目标信息有实质性的缺失,而这种缺失是任何高级中枢的加工所不能补偿的。然而,信息掩蔽是另外一种更复杂、发生在高级中枢阶段的掩蔽作用。当掩蔽声音和目标声音在某些信息维度上有一定的相似性时,例如当目标声音与掩蔽声音都是言语时,一些神经/心理资源就会被用于对掩蔽声音的加工,目标声音和掩蔽声音之间就会在高级加工层次上出现竞争与混淆,从而使目标信号受到了掩蔽作用。从信号加工的观点来看,分离目标言语成分与掩蔽言语成分,并对目标言语成分进行组合是一个非常困难的任务。尽管近年来信息科学和计算机技术有了快速的发展,但到目前为止还没有任何计算机言语识别系统能在有干扰言语的环境下实现对目标言语的有效识别。然而,在有干扰言语的环境下,具有正常听力的人却能在相当的程度上理解所关注的语句的内容,这是为什么呢?就是在半个世纪前由Cherry (1953) 所提出的著名的“鸡尾酒会”问题。
我们近期的工作表明,在嘈杂的“鸡尾酒会”环境中,当目标语句本身的一些特性能保持一定的稳定性时,听者可以利用这些与目标语句相关的各种知觉线索来觉察、捕捉和追随目标语句流,以达到减少信息掩蔽的目的。这些知觉线索包括, 目标语句与掩蔽刺激的主观空间分离、与目标语句有动态相关性的视觉刺激、对目标嗓音和目标语句部分内容的熟悉程度等。 这也表明,在“鸡尾酒会”这个重要的问题中,人类高级认知加工过程起了关键的作用。对各种知觉线索的利用是一个复杂的动态过程。在不同情况下,各个线索的显现程度会随时间发生波动,因而听者会在不同的条件下选择利用不同的线索组合来减少信息掩蔽。这样,认识各个线索之间所存在着复杂的交互作用是破解“鸡尾酒会”问题的关键所在。
由强感觉刺激所引起的惊反射是一种建立在简单中枢环路基础上的对威胁性刺激的全身性反射活动,具有重要的生态学意义,但也能干扰认知活动。中枢系统也具有能抑制惊反射的机制。前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)是出现在惊反射刺激之前的弱感觉刺激(前脉冲刺激)对惊反射所产生的抑制作用。Graham的“加工-保护”理论(the Protection-of-Processing Theory)认为,前脉冲刺激除了引发对该刺激的中枢加工外,也引发了一个门控过程以削弱对随后强干扰刺激的加工,以此来保护对前脉冲信号的加工。PPI实际上是通过运动系统的活动来反映脑内信息加工的门控过程。尽管PPI环路位于包括下丘、上丘深层、以及桥脑脚被盖核的脑干部位,但它与感觉皮层、运动系统、上行激活系统以及边缘系统有广泛的神经联系并受到复杂的调节作用。PPI在精神分裂症病人中有显著的缺失,而抗精神药物在缓解症状的同时也减少PPI的缺失。因此,PPI的缺失与精神分裂症之间的关系成为了当今国际上研究精神分裂症的神经和心理机制的一个重要题目。动物实验研究也证实,药物性调节或损毁与精神分裂症有关的某些脑区以及引入早期不良刺激都可以造成大鼠PPI的缺失。
Ding, Y., Xu, N., Gao, Y.Y., Wu, Z.M., Li, L. (2019) The role of the deeper layers of the superior colliculus in attentional modulations of prepulse inhibition. Behavioural Brain Research, 364, 106-113.
Huang, Y., Lu, H., Li, L. (2019). Human scalp evoked potentials related to the fusion between a sound source and its simulated reflection. PLoS ONE, 14(1): e0209173.
Hao, W., Wang, Q., Li, L., Qiao, Y., Gao, Z., Ni, D., Shang, Y. (2018). Effects of phase-locking deficits on speech recognition in older adults with presbycusis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, Article 397.
Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, J., She, S., Peng, H., Li, L. (2018). Cortical gray matter loss, augmented vulnerability to speech-on-speech masking, and delusion in people with schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, in press.
Wang, Q., Lu, H., Wu, Z.-M., Li, L. (2018). Neural representation of interaural correlation in human auditory brainstem: comparisons between temporal-fine structure and envelope. Hearing Research, 365, 165-173.
Wang, M., Kong, L., Zhang, C., Wu, X., & Li, L. (2018). Speaking rhythmically improves speech recognition under “cocktail-party” conditions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,143 (4), EL255-EL259.
Zheng, Y., Wu, C., Li, J., Li, R., Peng, H., She, S., Ning, Y., Li, L. (2018). Schizophrenia Alters Intra-Network Functional Connectivity in the Caudate for Detecting Speech under Informational Speech Masking Conditions. BMC Psychiatry, 18:90.
Lu, L.-X., Bao, X.-H., Chen, J., Qu, T.-S., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2018). Emotionally conditioning the target-speech voice enhances recognition of the target speech under “cocktail-party” listening conditions. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80 (4), 871-888.
Lei, M., Zhang, C.-X., Li, L. (2018). Neural correlates of perceptual separation-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition of startle in humans. Scientific Reports, 8, 472.
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2018)Differences between auditory frequency-following responses and onset responses: intracranial evidence from rat inferior colliculus. Hearing Research, 357, 25-32.
Wu, Z. M., Yang, Z. G., Zhang, M. J., Bao, X. H., Han, F., & Li, L. (2018). The Role of N-methyl-d-aspartate Receptors and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 in the Prepulse Inhibition Paradigms for Studying Schizophrenia: Pharmacology, Neurodevelopment, and Genetics. Behavioural Pharmacology 29 (1), 13-27
Cui, Z., Wang, Q., Gao, Y.Y., Wang, J., Wang, M.Y., Teng, P.F., Guan, Y.G., Zhou, J., Li, T.F., Luan, G.M., Li, L. (2017). Dynamic correlations between intrinsic connectivity and extrinsic connectivity of the auditory cortex in humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00407
Luo, L., Wang, Q., and Li, L. (2017). Neural representations of concurrent sounds with overlapping spectra in rat inferior colliculus: comparisons between temporal-fine structure and envelope. Hearing Research, 353, 87-96.
Lu, L.-X., Zhang, C.-X., Li, L. (2017). Mental imagery of face enhances face-sensitive event-related potentials to ambiguous visual stimuli. Biological Psychology, 129, 16-24.
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2017). Modelling envelope and temporal fine structure components of frequency-following responses in rat inferior colliculus. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 60(7),966-973.
Li, J., Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, R., Li, X., She, S., Wu, H., Peng, H., Ning, Y., Li, L. (2017). Schizophrenia affects speech-induced functional connectivity of the superior temporal gyrus under cocktail-party listening conditions. Neuroscience, 359, 248-257.
Yang, N.-B.; Tian, Q.; Fan, Y.; Bo, Q.-J., Zhang, L., Li, L., Wang, C.-Y. (2017). Deficits of perceived spatial separation induced prepulse inhibition in patients with schizophrenia: relationships to symptoms and neurocognition. BMC Psychiatry, 17 (1) 135-147.
Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, J., Zhang, B., Li, R., Wu, H., She, S., Liu, S., Peng, H., Ning, Y., Li, L. (2017). Activation and functional connectivity of the left inferior temporal gyrus during visual speech priming in healthy listeners and listeners with schizophrenia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 1-13.
Gao, Y.-Y., Schneider, B.A., Li, L. (2017). The effects of the binocular disparity differences between targets and maskers on visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79 (2), 459-472.
Gao, Y.-Y., Wang, Q., Ding, Y., Wang, C.-M., Li H.-F., Wu, X.-H., Qu, T.-S., Li, L. (2017). Selective attention enhances beta band cortical oscillation to speech under “cocktail party” listening conditions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,11, 1-10.
Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, J., Wu, H., She, S., Liu, S., Ning, Y., Li, L. (2017). Brain substrates underlying auditory speech priming in healthy listeners and listeners with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 47(5), 837-852.
Wu, Z.-M., Ding, Y., Jia, H.-X., Li, L. (2016). Different effects of isolation-rearing and neonatal mk-801 treatment on attentional modulations of prepulse inhibition of startle in rats. Psychopharmacology, 233(17), 3089-3102.
Liu, Z.-L., Wang, Q., You, Y., Yin, P., Ding, H., Bao, X.H., Yang, P.-C., Lu, H., Gao, Y.-Y., Li, L. (2016). The role of the temporal pole in modulating primitive auditory memory. Neuroscience Letters, 619, 196-202.
Zheng, Y., Wu, C., Li, J., Wu, H., She, S., Liu, S., Wu, H., Mao, L., Ning, Y., and Li, L. (2016) Brain substrates of perceived spatial separation between speech sources under simulated reverberant listening conditions in schizophrenia.Psychological Medicine, 46, 477-491.
Zhang, J., Luo, H., Pace, H., Li, L., Li, Liu, B. (2016) Psychophysical and neural correlates of noised-induced tinnitus in animals: intra- and inter-auditory and non-auditory brain structure studies. Hearing Research, 334, 7-19.
Zhang, C., Arnott S. R., Rabaglia, C., Avivi-Reich, M., Qi, J., Wu, X., Li, L., Schneider, B. (2016) Attentional modulation of informational masking on early cortical representations of speech signals. Hearing Research, 331, 119-130.
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2015) Auditory midbrain representation of a break in interaural correlation. (2015). Journal of Neurophysiology, 114: 2353-2367.
Kong, L.Z., Xie, Z.L., Lu, L.X., Qu, T.S., Wu, X.H., Yan, J. and Li, L. (2015). Similar impacts of the interaural delay and interaural correlation on binaural gap detection. PLOS ONE, 10(6): e0126342. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126342.
Du, Y., He, Y., Arnott, S.R., Ross, B., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Alain, C. (2015). Rapid tuning of auditory “what” and “where” pathways by training. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 496-506.
Yu, B., Wang, X.-D., Ma, L., Li, L., Li, H.-F. (2015) The complex pre-execution stage of auditory cognitive control: ERPs evidence from stroop tasks.PLoS ONE, 10(9): 0137674. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137649.
Ezzatian, P.; Pichora-Fuller, K.; Li, Li., Schneider, B.A. (2015). Delayed stream segregation in older adults: More than just informational masking. Ear and Hearing, 36, 482-484.
Kong, L.-Z, Xiong, C., Li, L., and Yan, J. (2014). Frequency-specific corticofugal modulation of the dorsal cochlear nucleus in mice. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8(125), 1-7.
Zhang, C.-X., Lu, L.-X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2014). Attentional modulation of the early cortical representation of speech signals in informational or energetic masking. Brain and Language, 135, 85-95.
Lei, M., Luo, L., Qu, T.-S., Jia, H.-X., Li, L. (2014). Perceived location specificity in perceptual separation-induced but not fear conditioning-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 269, 87–94.
Gao, Y.-Y., Cao, S.-Y., Qu, T.-S., Wu, X.-H., Li, H.-F., Zhang, J.-S., Li, L. (2014). Voice-associated static face image releases speech from informational masking. PsyCh Journal, 3, 113-120.
Wu, Z.-M., Chen, M.-L., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2014). Interaction between auditory system and motor system in speech perception. Neuroscience Bulletin, 30(3): 490–496.
Li, H.-H., Kong, L.-Z., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2013). Primitive auditory memory is correlated with spatial unmasking that is based on direct-reflection integration. PLoS ONE, 8 (4) e63106.
Qu, T.-S., Cao, S.-Y., Chen, X., Huang, Y., Li, L., Wu, X.-H., Schneider, B.A. (2013). Aging effects on detection of spectral changes induced by a break in sound correlation. Ear and Hearing, 34, 280-287.
Wu, C., Cao, S.-Y., Zhou, Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2013a). Temporally pre-presented lipreading cues release speech from informational masking. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133, EL281-EL285.
Wu, C., Li, H.-H., Tian, Q., Wu, X.-H., Wang, C.-Y., Li, L.(2013b). Disappearance of the unmasking effect of temporally pre-presented lipreading cues on speech recognition in people with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 150, 594-595.
Du, Y., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2012). Perceived target-masker separation unmasks responses of lateral amygdala to the emotionally conditioned target sounds in awake rats. Neuroscience, 225, 249-257.
Kong, L.-Z., Xie, Z.-L., Lu, L.-X., Wu, X.-H., and Li, L. (2012). Sensitivity to a break in interaural correlation is co-modulated by intensity level and interaural delay. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, EL114-EL118.
Chen, J., Li, H.-H., Li, L., Wu, X.-H., Moore, B. (2012). Informational masking of speech produced by speech-like sounds without linguistic content. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131, 2914-2926.
Wu, C., Cao, S.-Y., Zhou, F.-C., Wang, C.-Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2012a). Masking of speech in people with first-episode schizophrenia and people with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 134, 33-41.
Wu, M.-H., Li, H.-H., Hong, Z.-L., Xian, X.-C., Li, J.-Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2012b). Effects of aging on the ability to benefit from prior knowledge of message content in masked speech recognition. Speech Communication, 54, 529–542.
Wu, M.-H., Li, H.-H., Gao, Y.-Y., Lei, M., Teng, X.-B., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2012c), Adding irrelevant information to the content prime reduces the prime-induced unmasking effect on speech recognition. Hearing Research, 283, 136-143.
Wu, X.-H., Yang, Z.-G., Huang, Y., Chen, J., Li, L., Daneman, M., Schneider, B.A.(2012d) Cross-language differences in informational masking of speech by speech: English versus Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54, 1506-1524.
Ezzatian, P., Li, L., Pichora-Fuller, K., Schneider, B. (2012). The effect of energetic and informational masking on the time-course of stream segregation: Evidence that streaming depends on vocal fine structure cues. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27, 1056-1088.
Wang, J.-H., Chen, Y.-M., Carlson, S., Li, L., Hu, X.-T., Ma, Y.-Y. (2012). Interactive effects of morphine and scopolamine, MK-801, propanolol on spatial working memory in rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience Letters, 523, 119-124.
Du, Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2011a) Differentially organized top-down modulation of prepulse inhibition of startle, Journal of Neuroscience, 31 13644-13653.
Du, Y., Kong, L.-Z., Wang, Q., Wu, X.-H., and Li, L. (2011b). Auditory frequency-following response: a neurophysiological measure for studying the “cocktail-party problem”. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, 2046-2057.
Du, Y., He, Y., Ross, B., Bardouille, T., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., Alain, C. (2011c). Human auditory cortex activity shows additive effects of spectral and spatial cues during speech segregation. Cerebral Cortex, 21, 698-707.
Huang, Y., Li, J.-Y., Zou, X.-F., Qu, T.-S., Wu, X.-H., Mao, L.-H., Wu, Y.-H., Li, L. (2011). Perceptual fusion tendency of speech sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1003-1014.
Wang, M.-Y., Wu, X.-H., Li, L., and Schneider, B. (2011). The effects of age and interaural delay on detecting a change in interaural correlation: The role of temporal jitter. Hearing Research, 275, 139-149.
Cao, S.-Y., Li, L., and Wu, X.-H. (2011). Improvement of intelligibility of ideal binary-masked noisy speech by adding background noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 2227-2236.
Ezzatian, P., Li, L., Pichora-Fuller, K., Schneider, B. (2011). The effect of priming on release from informational masking is equivalent for younger and older adults. Ear and Hearing, 32, 84-96.
Yan, J. and Li, L. (2011). An overview of the neural circuitry for sound processing (Editorial). Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, 2045.
Huang, Y., Xu, L.-J., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2010). The effect of voice cuing on releasing speech from informational masking disappears in older adults. Ear and Hearing, 31, 579–583.
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Huang, Y., Huang, Q., Chen, X., Wu, X.-H., Li, L. (2009a). Transient auditory storage of acoustic details is associated with release of speech from informational masking in reverberant conditions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1618-1628.
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李量,郑英君,吴超,黎绢花,张畅芯,陆灵犀 (2017)在鸡尾酒会场景下利用去掩蔽知觉线索提高言语识别的脑网络机制。心理科学进展,25 (12),2099-2110。
杨志刚、张亭亭、宋耀武、李量 (2014)听觉信息掩蔽的亚成分:基于行为和脑成像研究的证明。心理科学进展,22(3),400-408。
雷铭、罗路,马士棋,张研,吴玺宏,李量 (2013) 早期社会隔离构建精神分裂症动物模型的行为学和神经生物学特征。生理学报,19, 944-958。
吴超、吴玺宏、李量 (2013)精神分裂症患者在听觉掩蔽环境下的言语识别。心理科学进展,21(6),1-7。
李量 (2012) 生理心理学:一门探索心理活动、行为活动以及神经活动之间交互作用的科学。中国科学院院刊,27, 22-30。
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陈明立、张畅芯、杨少娟、毛利华、田永鸿、黄铁军、吴玺宏、高文、李量 (2012)基于双眼视差的立体视觉去掩蔽效应。心理科学进展,20, 1-9。
杜忆、 李量 (2011) 对听感觉运动门控自上而下调节的动物模型和神经机制。心理科学进展,19, 944-958。
徐李娟、 黄莹、 吴玺宏、 吴艳红、 李量 (2009)“鸡尾酒会”环境中的知觉线索的去掩蔽作用。心理科学进展,17, 261-267。
吴超、李量 (2009)研究人类注意缺陷多动障碍的大鼠模型。中华精神科杂志,42,122-125。
孔令志、吴玺宏、李 量 (2009) 杏仁核内GABA介质传递及其在恐惧消退中的作用, 生理科学进展, 40, 63-66。
宋炳楠、蔡超、李永新、吴玺宏、李量 (2008) 脑源性神经营养因子延迟应用对感音神经性聋影响的实验研究。中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科, 15, 562-565。
李艳珍、吴玺宏、李量、宋炳楠、孔令志、李颖、李永新(2009)耳蜗内高速率电刺激对大鼠下丘神经元兴奋性的影响。中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科, 16,183-186。
李量、李楠欣 (2008)建立新一代的精神分裂症的动物模型。心理科学进展, 16,399-403。
郑佳威、吴玺宏、李量 (2007)外侧杏仁核在恐惧性条件化学习和记忆中的作用。生理科学进展,38, 269-272。
杜忆、刘良发、李永新、吴玺宏、李量 (2007)细菌性脑膜炎致聋研究进展。中华医学杂志,87,1147-1149。
李楠欣、平俊丽、吴玺宏、 李量 (2006) 精神分裂症的神经发育动物模型研究. 中国临床康复, 10, 154-157。
邹丹、黄娟、李量 (2005) 听觉情绪学习及其神经机制.中国临床康复, 9, 149-151。
吴艳红,李文瑞,陈婧,王纯,曲宏伟,吴玺宏,李量 (2005) 主观空间分离下的汉语信息掩蔽效应. 声学学报, 30, 462-467。
吴玺宏、马成、陈婧、李量、迟惠生 (2003)一种测量听觉系统时间分辨率的新方法. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志, 1, 13-15。
李量、邵枫(2003)精神分裂症的听感觉运动门控障碍的动物模型。科学通报,48, 1603-1612。
王浩然、李量、高祥荣 (2003) 基因芯片技术和蛋白质组技术在神经科学中的应用及其研究进展。生理科学进展,34卷, 第二期, 121-126。
李量(2001)外侧丘系背核中的谷氨酸递质传递对听觉中脑下丘中的双耳抑制反应的调制。复旦神经生物学讲座,XVII, 55-66。
李量、肖健(1995)老年与青年大鼠学习记忆的比较及其与脑内NADH含量的关系。 现代老年医学杂志,4,92-95。
李量、童佳瑾、杨珉、刘均。感觉意识形成的四个基本要素: 编码、激活、门控和感觉记忆。汪云九、杨玉芳(编辑)意识与大脑。人民出版社,北京。2003年9月出版,第115-123页。
洪志令、吴梅红、陆灵犀、吴玺宏、田永鸿、黄铁军、高文、李量,一种基于双眼立体视觉的图像压缩质量评估系统。申专利号:2013 1 0369957.9。授权时间2015年8月22日。
2008年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖的二等奖: “听觉感觉运动门控的新模型”
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