张影现任北京大学光华管理学院副院长,光华数字教育中心主任,市场战略及行为科学教授, 博士生导师。张影教授于2013年获中国工商银行经济学杰出学者奖,2014年入选中组部国家青年拔尖人才计划,2016年获北京大学光华管理学院厉以宁杰出研究奖,2019年获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,入选中宣部文化名家暨"四个一批"人才计划。
Xu, Qian, Liyin Jin and Ying Zhang (2018), "The Shifting Preference for Contingent Rewards in Goal Pursuit," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Huang, Szu-chi, Stephanie Lin and Ying Zhang (2018), "When Individual Goal Pursuit Turns Competitive: How We Sabotage and Coast," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Huang, Szu-chi, Liyin Jin and Ying Zhang (2017), "Step-by-step: Sub-goals as a Source of Motivation," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Steinmetz, Janina, Qian Xu, Ayelet Fishbach and Ying Zhang (2016), "How Being Observed Magnifies Actions," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Jin, Liyin, Qian Xu and Ying Zhang (2015), “Climbing the Wrong Ladder: The Mismatch between Consumers’ Preference for Sub-Goal Sequences and Actual Goal Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research.
Huang, Szu-chi, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Ying Zhang and Maia Beruchashvili (2015), “From Close to Distant: The Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships in Shared Goal Pursuit,” Journal of Consumer Research.
Jin, Liyin, Yanqun He and Ying Zhang (2014) "How Power States Influence Consumers’ Perceptions of Price Unfairness," Journal of Consumer Research.
Jin, Liyin, Szu-chi Huang and Ying Zhang (2013) "The Unexpected Positive Impact of Fixed Structures on Goal Completion," Journal of Consumer Research.
Huang, Szu-chi and Ying Zhang (2013) "All Roads Lead to Rome: The Impact of Multiple Attainment Means on Motivation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 236-248.
Huang, Szu-chi, Ying Zhang and Susan M. Broniarczyk (2012) "So Near and Yet So Far: The Mental Representation of Goal Progress," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 225-241.
Zhang, Ying and Yanping Tu (2011) "The Impact of Associative Strength on Performance in Goal Pursuit," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1088-1095.
Huang, Szu-chi and Ying Zhang (2011) "Motivational Consequences of Perceived Velocity in Consumer Goal Pursuit," Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 1045-1056. Journal of Consumer Research, 38, 78-93.
Fishbach, Ayelet, Rebecca K. Ratner and Ying Zhang (2011) "Inherently Loyal or Easily Bored?: Non-conscious Activation of Consistency versus Variety Seeking Behavior," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 38-48.
Zhang, Ying and Szu-chi Huang (2010) “How Endowed versus Earned Progress Impacts Consumer Goal Commitment and Motivation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37, 641-654.
Fishbach, Ayelet, Ying Zhang and Yaacov Trope (2010) “Counteractive Evaluation: Asymmetric Shifts in the Implicit Value of Conflicting Motivations,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 29-38.
Zhang, Ying, Szu-chi Huang and Susan M. Broniarczyk (2010) “Counteractive Construal in Consumer Goal Pursuit,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37, 129-142.
Zhang, Ying and Ayelet Fishbach (2010) “Counteracting Obstacles with Optimistic Predictions,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139, 16-31.
Fishbach, Ayelet and Ying Zhang (2009) "The Dynamics of Self-Regulation: When Goals Commit Versus Liberate," In M. Wänke (Ed.), The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, 365-386, NY: Psychology Press.
Fishbach, Ayelet, Ying Zhang and Minjung Koo (2009) "They Dynamics of Self-Regulation," European Review of Social Psychology, 20, 315-44.
Fishbach, Ayelet and Ying Zhang (2008) “Together or Apart: What Makes Choice Alternatives Compete versus Complement,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94,547-559.
Zhang, Ying, Ayelet Fishbach and Ravi Dhar (2007) “When Thinking Beats Doing: The Role of Optimistic Expectations on Goal-Based Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34, 567-578.
Zhang, Ying, Ayelet Fishbach and Arie W. Kruglanski (2007) “The Dilution Model: How Additional Goals Undermine the Perceived Instrumentality of a Shared Path,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 389-401.
Fishbach, Ayelet, Ravi Dhar and Ying Zhang (2006) “Subgoals as Substitutes or Complements: A Matter of Goal Accessibility,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 232–242.
Zhang, Ying and Ayelet Fishbach (2005) "The Role of Anticipated Emotion in the Endowment Effect,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15, 316–324.