Dr. Kong Jiangping
Full Professor
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Center for Chinese Linguistics
Peking University
DirectorLinguistics Lab
Peking University
No. 5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District
Beijing, P.R. China
Mail Code: 100871
Phone: +86-; +86-10-**
Email: jpkong@pku.edu.cn ; kongjp@gmail.com
Education:Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2001
Dissertation: Study on Dynamic Glottis: though High-Speed Digital Imaging
Supervised by Prof. William Shi-Yuan Wang.
MA., Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Dissertation: Acoustic Study on Double Stops and Fricatives in Tibetan
Supervised by Prof. Lin Tao
B.A. Zhenzhou University, China, 1981
Dissertation: A Study on the Rhyme Feet of Soliloquy in Shakespeare
Supervised by Prof. Pugh
Employment Summary:Full professor (professor of phonetics and linguistics)(October 2003 – present)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Peking University
No.5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian district, Beijing, P.R. China
Mobile: (86)**
Email: jpkong@pku.edu.cn
Visiting Professor (March 2009 – April 2010)
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong
Executive Director
The Hong Kong Putonghua Education & Assessment Centre
The University of Hong Kong
LG07, Hui Oi Chow Science Building
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Tel. (852) **
Mobile: **
Fax (852) **
Email: kongjp@hku.hk
Senior Research Fellow(January 2001 – September 2003)
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Research Fellow(August 1988 – August 1997)
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Assistant professor ( teacher of English)(August 1982 – August 1985)
Department of Basic courses
College of Zhenzhou Technology
Research Interests:Phonation types of languages (especially the languages in Sino-Tibetan language family)
Tones in Sino-Tibetan family (especially the origin of Tibetan tones)
Models of speech voice quality both in physiology and acoustics
Laryngeal dynamic and physiological model through high-speed digital imaging
Acoustical and physiological study on speech modality of Mandarin
Static and dynamic vocal tract of Mandarin through MRI and X-ray
Teaching method of Putonghua articulation (especially in developing multi-media system for Putonghua articulation learning)
The phonetic study on traditional oral cultures in China
Speech evolution of human beings
Functional load of Chinese and Tibetan
Research Grants (as chief scientist or principle investigator):2011-2015 National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science:
Chief scientist: "Study on the Digital Methods and Basic Theories for Conservation and Heritage of Languages and Oral Cultures in China", Grant No: 10&ZD125. CNC 1,600,000
2011-2013 The Ministry of Education of the People Republic of China:
Principle investigator: "Study on the Signal Processing Platform of Oral Cultures in China ", CNC 200,000.
2011-2013 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):
Principle investigator:"Study on Physiological Model of Mandarin", CNS 320,000.
2011-2013 Research Grant Foundation of Hong Kong (RGF)
Co-investigator(No.7): "High-speed imaging of vocal fold vibration patterns in vocally fatigued teachers", HKD, **.
2010-14 The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People Republic of China:
Principle investigator: “A multi-media Putonghu Learning System for Tibetan Speakers”, CNS 500,000.
2007-09 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):
Principle investigator: “A Study on Phonation Model of Mandarin” CNS 260,000
2004-07 Peking University 985 Grant, Education Ministry of China:
Principle investigator: “A Study on Multi-Modality of Speech Production in Mandarin”, CNS 1,000,000
2003-05 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):
Principle investigator: “An Acoustic Study on Phonation in Mandarin” CNS 270,000
1997-99 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):
Principle investigator: “A Study on Phonation Types in Languages of China” CNS 90,000
Teaching & Supervision Experiences:Formal Lecturing:Experimental Phonetics, third year student, 2003-present
Phonetic Analysis and MatLab Programming, graduate student, 2003-present
Modern Phonetic Theory and Method, graduate student, 2005-present
Acoustic Analysis on Speech sounds of Languages in Sino-Tibetan Family, graduate student,
Acoustic Analysis on Speech sounds of Languages in the World, graduate student, 2003-presnet
Speeches and Oral Cultures in China, 2012-present
Supervision of students:Ph.D. students: 15
Foreign Ph.D. student: 4
M.A. student: 6
B.A. student: 10
Language Skills:Several Chinese dialects
Fluent in English
Cantonese (common)
Professional Membership: President of Phonetics Society of China, since 2014
Member of Voice Foundation of American, since 2009
Senior Member of Acoustical Society of China (ASC), since 2005
Standing member of Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS), since 2003
Standing member of Society of Chinese Minority Languages (SCML), since 2003
Co-chairman of Speech Information Processing Professional Committee, CIPS, since 2008
Vice editor in chief of Journal of Chinese Phonetics, since 2008
DissertationKong Jiangping, 2001, Study on Dynamic Glottis: though High-Speed Digital Imaging, Ph.D. dissertation, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
孔江平,1988,藏语双塞音和双擦音的声学分析,硕士论文,中国社会科学院研究生院。(Kong Jiangping, 1988,Acoustic Study on Double Stops and Fricatives in Tibetan, MA. dissertation, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Kong Jiangping, 1982, A Study on the Rhyme Feet of Soliloquy in Shakespeare, B.A. dissertation, Zhenzhou University, China
Book or journal edited:孔江平,2015,《实验语音学基础教程》,北京大学出版社,教材。
Jiangping Kong, 2015, Chapter 15: Phonetic Study on Phonations in China, The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, p.445-458, Oxford University Press.
Jiangping Kong (Guest editor), 2015, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 43, Number 1B, (A&HCI).
蔡莲红,孔江平,2014,《现代汉语音典》清华大学出版社,ISBN: 978-7-302-31836-1,1302千字。
Kong Jiaping & Wang Gaowu, 2013, Chapter 15: Contemporary voice research: A China perspective, International Perspectives on Voce Disorders edited by Edwin Yiu, Multilingual Matters,St.Nicholas House, 31-34 High Street, BRISTOL, BS1 2AW, UK
孔江平 于洪志 李永宏 达哇彭措 华侃,《藏语方言调查表》,商务印书馆,2011年
Jiangping Kong and Edwin M.-L.Yiu,2011, Quantitative Analysis of High-Speed Laryngoscopic Images, in Chapter 12 of Handbook of Voice Assessments, edited by Estella P.-M. Ma and Edwin M.-L Yiu. p.147-164, Plural Publishing Inc., San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane.(孔江平,姚文礼,2011,高速喉镜成像的量化分析 (第十二章),《嗓音评价手册》,马XX,姚文礼,第147至164页,Plural出版公司,圣地亚哥,牛津,布里斯班)
孔江平、汪锋, 特聘主编,2010,《王士元语音学论文集》王士元著,世界图书出版公司北京公司。(A Collected Book of Phonetic Study by William S-Y Wang, edited by Kong Jiangping and Wang Feng, special editors in chief, the World Book Publishing Company of China, March 2010)
孔江平,执行主编,2008,《中国语音学报》(创刊号)。(Kong Jiangping, 2008, executive editor in chief, Journal of Chinese Phonetics, Issue N0.1, published by Commercial Press, Beijing).
Kong Jiangping, 2007, Laryngeal Dynamics and Physiological Model, Peking University Press.
江狄 孔江平,2005,中国民族语言工程研究新进展,社会科学文献出版社,论文集. (Jiang Di, Kong Jiangping (edittor), 2005, The New Development of Minority Language Engineering in China (A selected book), Social Sciences Academic Press (China))
孔江平,2001,《论语言发声》,中央民族大学出版社。(Kong Jiangping, 2001, On Language Phonation, Publishing House of Central Minority University,2001.)
Papers of journal, selected works and festschrift孔江平, 林悠然(通讯作者), 2016, “发嗲”的情感语音基频特征分析,《清华大学学报 (自然科学版)》,2016年第56卷第11期,
李英浩,孔江平(通讯作者),2016,焦点重音对普通话音段产出和声学特征的影响,《清华大学学报 (自然科学版)》,2016年第56卷第11期,
曹洪林, 孔江平(通讯作者), 2016,成年人声道参数与身高的相关性,清华大学学报 (自然科学版),2016年第56卷第11期,
杨锋,孔江平(通讯作者),2016,汉语普通话不同文体朗读时的胸腹呼吸特性,清华大学学报 (自然科学版),2016年第56卷第11期,
吴韩娜,孔江平,2016,汉语和韩语近体诗的呼吸节奏特征对比研究, 《中国语音学报》,第6辑,第52-59页,商务印书馆。
孔江平, 2016,语言生态研究笔谈,暨南学报(哲学社会科学版),第38卷,第6期,暨南大学学报编辑部,广州家联印刷有限公司。
孔江平, 2016,中国周边国家语言生态研究的学科范畴和意义,暨南学报(哲学社会科学版),第38卷,第6期,暨南大学学报编辑部,广州家联印刷有限公司。
Jinguang Zhang, Xiyu Wu, Kong Jiangping(通讯作者), 2016, Tongue Shape Variation Model for Simulating Mandarin Chinese Articulation, Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2016 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing(EI)
Jiangping Kong, 2015, A Dynamic Glottal model through High-speed Imaging, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 43, Number 1B, (A&HCI).
Gaowu Wang, Jiangping Kong (通讯作者),2015, An Articulatory Model for Mandarin Chinese, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 43, Number 1B, (A&HCI).
Jiangping Kong, 2015, The Physiological Aspects of Phonetics, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 43, Number 1B, (A&HCI).
Ruifeng Zhang, Jiangping Kong (通讯作者), 2015, Vocal Attack Time of Different Pitch Levels and Vowels in Mandarin, Journal of Voice, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 542-547, (SCI)
潘晓声,孔江平,2014,普通话唇形研究,《语言学论丛》,第五十辑,商务印书馆,CSSCI来源集刊。自然科学基金项目:名 称:汉语普通话语音生理模型研究,批准号:**。
Dong, Li, Johan Sundberg, and Jiangping Kong(通讯作者), "Loudness and pitch of Kunqu Opera." Journal of Voice 28.1 (2014): 14-19.
Dong L, Kong J, Sundberg J., "Long-term-average spectrum characteristics of Kunqu Opera singers' speaking, singing and stage speech". Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 39(2). 7(2014): 72-80
Dong, Li, Johan Sundberg, and Jiangping Kong(通讯作者), "Formant and Voice Source Properties in Two Male Kunqu Opera Roles: A Pilot Study." Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 65.6 (2014): 294-302.
Honglin Cao; Yingli Wang; Jiangping Kong, "Correlations between body heights and formant frequencies in young male speakers: a pilot study," Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2014 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.536-540, 12-14 Sept. 2014,doi: 10.1109/ISCSLP.2014.** (ISBN: 978-1-4799-4220-6)
孔江平,方华平等, 2013国际嗓音研讨会:生理、语言和文化, 《科学中国人》,p29-37,ISSN: 1005-3573,
曹洪林,孔江平. “长时共振峰分布特征在声纹鉴定中的应用”,《中国司法鉴定》, 2013年第1期,第62-67页。
Yiu, E. M. L., Wang, G., Lo, A. C., Chan, K. M. K., Ma, E. P. M., Kong, J., & Barrett, E. A., 2013, Quantitative High-Speed Laryngoscopic: Analysis of Vocal Fold Vibration in Fatigued Voice of Young Karaoke Singers. Journal of Voice
曹洪林,孔江平,王英利, 2013,说话人基频与生理参数关系初探,《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》,清华大学出版社
Kong Jiangping, 2012, A Study on the Origin of Tibetan Tones by Homonym Rate, 《语言学论丛》,第四十五辑,112-127页,商务印书馆,北京。(教育部重大项目,中国语言学研究中心委托,批准号:10JJD740007)
Ikuyo Yoshinaga and Jiangping Kong, 2012, Laryngeal Vibratory Behavior in Traditional Noh Singing, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No.1, 94-103. (EI) (通讯作者)
孔江平等,2012,电子腭位分析系统(简称:EPGAnalyzer),V 1.0,北京大学,软件著作权,证书号:**,中华人民共和国国家版权局。
孔江平等,2012,言语呼吸分析系统(简称:SpeechBreathAnalyzer) 1.0, 北京大学, 软件著作权,证书号:**,中华人民共和国国家版权局。
孔江平等,2012,X光声道提取系统(简称:XRayVocalTractExtractor)1.0,北京大学 软件著作权,证书号:**,中华人民共和国国家版权局。
孔江平等,2012,言语声学分析系统(简称:SpeechLab)1.0,北京大学,软件著作权,证书号:** 中华人民共和国国家版权局。
孔江平等,2012,唇形分析系统(简称:LipAnalyzer)1.0,北京大学,软件著作权,证书号:** 中华人民共和国国家版权局。
孔江平等,2012,三维唇形分析系统(简称:MoCapLipAnalyzer)1.0,北京大学,软件著作权,证书号:** 中华人民共和国国家版权局。
Li Yinghao, Kong Jiangping, 2011,An electropalatographic and acoustic study on anticipatory coarticulation in V1#C2V2 equences in Standard Chinese, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech,p.2845-2848,E-ISSN: **, INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy.
Kong Jiangping, 2011, A Study on Phonation Patterns of Tones in Batang Tibetan, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong
Yang Feng, Kong Jiangping, 2011, A Phonetic Analysis of Chanting of Five-syllable Modern-Style Poems, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong.
陈保亚,孔江平,张猛,杨海潮,汪锋,2011,超越极限:茶马古道大环绕--茶马古道首次徒步行走和命名20周年纪念考察,《科学中国人》,第75-71页,第10期(总第202期),ISSN 1005-3573
汪锋,孔江平, 2011,水语(三洞)声调的声学研究,《民族语文》, 第5期,37-44,北京。(Wang Feng and Kong Jiangping, 2011, An acoustical study on the tones of Shui language (Sandong), Minority Languages of China, No. 5, 37-44, Commercial Press, Beijing.)
Li, Yinghao, Kong, Jiangping, An electropalatographic and acoustic study on anticipatory coarticulation in V1#C2V2 sequences in Standard Chinese, Interspeech, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2011. (EI)
Ikuyo Yoshinaga and Jiangping Kong, 2011, Some Phonatory Characteristics of Tibetan Buddhist Chants, Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Vol5, No.2, p.83-90, the phonetic society of Japan (吉永郁代,孔江平,2011,藏传佛教诵经的一些发声特性,《音声研究》(日本语音学会杂志),第15卷,第2号,日本语音学会)
孔江平,于洪志,李永宏,达哇鹏错,华侃,2011,《藏语方音调查表》,商务印书馆,北京。(Kong Jiangping, Yu Hongzhi, Li Yonghong, Dawapengco and Hua Kan, 2011, Comparative Word List for Historical Study of Tibetan Dialects, the Commercial Press, Beijing
李英浩,孔江平,2011,汉语普通话V1#C2V2音节间逆向协同发音,《清华大学学报》自然科学版,No.9, Vol.51, p.1220-1225 (Li Yinghao, Kong Jiangping, 2011, Anticipatory coarticulation in V1#C2V2 sequences in standard Chinese, Journal of Tsinghua University, version of Science and Technology,No.9, Vol. 51, p.1220-1225.)
潘晓声,孔江平,2011,武鸣壮语双音节声调空间分布研究,《民族语文》,第2期,商务印书馆,北京。(Pan Xiaosheng, Kong Jiangping, 2011, The distribution of diationes in Wuming Zhuang Language, Minzu Yuwen, the Commercial Press, Beijing)
Li Yonghong, Kong Jiangping, Wang Gaowu, Ding Lijuan. Based on X-ray Mandarin Speech Physiological-Learning System. 2011 International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering. 2011.4.ISBN:978-0-615-42292-3/pp.412-415
Gang Peng, Jong-Ying Zheeng, Tao Gong, Ruo-Xiao, Jiang-ping Kong, William S.-Y. Wang, 2010, the influence of language experience on categorical perception of pitch contours, Journal of Phonetics, 38 (2010) 616-624.
陈保亚,孔江平,张猛,杨海潮,汪锋,2010,超越极限:茶马古道大环绕,《科学中国人》,第50-59页,第12期(总第192期),ISSN 1005-3573
孔江平,2010,普通话语音多模态研究与多媒体教学,第四届全国普通话培训测试学术研讨会论文集,国家语言文字工作委员会培训中心编,2010年12月,语文出版社。(Kong Jiangping, 2010, Research of speech multi modality and multi-media teaching system in Mandarin, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Putonghua Teaching and Assessment, edited by the Training Center of State Language commission, Language and Literature Press)
Gang Peng, Jong-Ying Zheeng, Tao Gong, Ruo-Xiao, Jiang-ping Kong, William S.-Y. Wang, 2010, the influence of language experience on categorical perception of pitch contours, Journal of Phonetics, 38 (2010) 616-624. (SSCI)
Edwin M.-L Yiu, Jiangping Kong, Raymond Fong, & Karen M.K. Chen, 2010, A preliminary study of a quantitative analysis method for high speed laryngoscopic images, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2010; 12(6):520-528dd
孔江平,2010, 古藏语音位系统的结构和分布,《研究之乐:庆祝王士元先生七十五寿辰学术论文》,潘悟云,沈钟伟主编,上海教育出版社。(Kong Jiangping, 2010, The structure and phoneme distribution of sound system in ancient Tibetan, Pleasure in Research: A Festschrift for the 75th Birthday of Professor William S-Y Wang edited by Pan Wuyun, Shen Zhongwei, Shanghai education publishing house, April 2010)
汪峰,孔江平,2010,香港普通话近况,《中国语言生活状况报告》,商务印书馆。(Wang Feng, Kong Jiangping, Putonghua in Hong Kong, Zhongguo Yuyan Shenghuo Zhuangkuang Baogao, 2010)
Yinghao Li, Jiangping Kong, 2010, Effect of speech rate on inter-segmental co-articulation in standard Chinese, Proceedings of 2010 7th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing,(EI) .
Gaowu Wang, Jiangping Kong, 2010, The Relation between larynx height and F0 during the four tones of Mandarin in X-ray movie, Proceedings of 2010 7th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing
孔江平,2009,语言发声研究的基本方法,《现代语音学前沿文集》,G.Font, H.Fujisaki & J. Shen (沈家煊)主编,商务印书馆. (Kong Jiangping, 2009, The basic methods in the study of phonations, Frontiers in Phonetics and Speech Science, edited by G. Font, H. Fujisaki & J. Shen, the Commercial Press)
汪锋,孔江平,2009,武定彝语松紧音研究,《中国语言学》,第2期,山东教育出版社. (Wang Feng, Kong Jiangping, 2009, A study on tense and lax vowels in Wuding Yi language, Cinese Linguistics, No.2.(33-48), Shandong Education Press)
Gaowu WANG, Tatsuya KITAMURA, Xugang LU, Jianwu DANG, Jiangping KONG, 2008, MRI-based study on morphological and acoustic properties of Mandarin sustained vowels , Journal of Signal processing, (EI) .
Xiaosheng Pan, Jiangping Kong, 2008, Lip contour extraction based on support vector machine, Proceedings of the 2008 International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2008), Sanya, China (EI)
Kong Jiangping, 2008, A study on jitter, shimmer and F0 of Mandarin infant voice by developing an applied method of voice signal processing, Proceedings of the 2008 International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2008), Sanya, China (EI)
孔江平,2008,中国语音学研究的历史与现状,《创新与和谐:中国声学进展》,科学出版社,程建春等主编,北京. (Kong Jiangping, 2008, The history and present situation of Chinese phonetics:"Innovation and harmonics: The Development of Chinese Acoustics" )
谭晶晶, 李永宏,孔江平,2008,不同文体朗读时的呼吸重置特点,《清华大学学报》,清华大学出版社, (EI). (Tan Jingjing, Li Yonghong, Kong Jiangping, 2008, A study on breathy resets in reading aloud different styles, Journal of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University Press)
李永宏,孔江平,于洪志,2008,藏语文-音自动规则转换及其实现,《清华大学学报》,清华大学出版社, (EI). (Li Yonghong, Kong Jiangping, Yu Hongzhi, 2008, An automatic rule transformation from Tibetan text to speech, Journal of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University Press)
孔江平,2008,语音多模态研究和多元化语音学研究,《中国语音学报》第一辑,商务印书馆,北京. (Kong Jiangping, 2008, A speech multi modality research and diversity research in phonetics, Journal of Chinese Phonetics, No.1, (55-63), the Commercial Press, Beijing)
汪高武,鲍怀翘,孔江平,2008,从声道截面积推导普通话元音共振峰,《中国语音学报》,第一辑,商务印书馆,北京. (Wang Gaowu, Bao Huaiqiao, 2008, Calculating vowel formants from the area of vocal tract, Journal of Chinese Phonetics, No.1, (164-170), the Commercial Press, Beijing)
李洪彦,黎明,孔江平,2008,植入人工耳蜗和佩戴助听器儿童普通话声调获得比较研究,《中国语音学报》,第一辑,商务印书馆,北京. (Li Hongyan, Li Ming, Kong Jiangping, A comparative study on the tone acquisitions of Chinese hearing disable infants who wear artificial cochlear or hearing aids, Journal of Chinese Phonetics, No.1, (261-267), the Commercial Press, Beijing)
孔江平,2007,语音学田野调查的一些基础理论问题,语言学论丛. (Kong Jiangping, 2007, Some basic theoretical problems in the phonetic field investigation, Yuyanxue Luncong (Journal of Linguistics), the commercial Press)
谭晶晶 孔江平,2006,标话声调的音系学研究,语言学论丛,第34期,商务印书馆,北京.(Tan Jingjing, Kong Jiangping, 2006, A phonological study on the tones in Biao Language, Yuyanxue Luncong (Journal of Linguistics), No. 34, the Commercial Press. Beijing)
李洪彦 孔江平,2006,龙州壮语声调的声学研究,民族语文,第6期,商务印书馆,北京. (Li Hongyan, Kong Jiangping, 2006, An acoustical study on the tones in Longzhou Zhuang language, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics), No. 6, the Commercial Press, Beijing)
孔江平,2006,现代语音学研究与历史语言学,北京大学学报·哲社版,第2期 34-38.(Kong Jiangping, 2006, Modern phonetic research and historical linguistics, Journal of Peking University, Peking University Press)
孔江平,2005,论景颇语的松紧元音及发声类型的声学研究方法,汉藏语系语言研究,云南民族出版社. (Kong Jiangping, 2005, A study on tense and lax vowels in Jingpo language and the acoustical research methods of phonation types, A Research on the Sino-Tibetan Languages, Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe (Yunnan Minority Press))
Kong Jiangping, 2004, Phonation patterns of tone and diatone in Mandarin, From Traditional Phonology to Modern Speech Processing, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, edited by G. Fant et al, ISBN 7-5600-4075-6. (EI) .
Lv Shinan, Kong Jiangping, Deng Dan and Chen Ming, 2004, A study on pitch models of Chinese disyllable, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, edited by G. Fant et al, ISBN 7-5600-4075
吴西愉,孔江平,2004,基于小波变换的汉语耳语分析,现代语音学与音系学研究,论文集,天津社会科学院出版社. (Wu Xiyu, Kong Jiangping, 2004, A wavelet analysis on whisper in Mandarin, Modern Phonetics and Phonology (A collected works), Tianjin Social Science Academic Press.)
孔江平,2004,嗓音发声类型的声学性质和参数合成,现代语音学与音系学研究,论文集,第六届全国现代语音学学术会议,天津社会科学院出版社. (Kong Jiangping, 2004, A study on the acoustic properties of phonation types and parameter synthesis, Modern Phonetics and Phonology (A collected works), Tianjin Social Science Academic Press.)
沈米遐 韩晓云 孔江平,2003,汉语普通话共鸣特征的数理统计分析,《语言与法律》,论文集,法律出版社. (Sheeng Mixia, Han Xiaoyun, Kong Jiangping, 2003, A statistic analysis on the resonance of vocal tract of Mandarin, Language and Law (a collected works), Law Press·China)
孔江平,2003,利用逆滤波技术提取嗓音,《语言与法律》,论文集,法律出版社. (Kong Jiangping, 2003, Extracting voice source though inverse-filtering, Language and Law (a collected works), Law Press ·China)
Kong Jiangping,2001,A correlation and classification study on EGG parameters of Mandarin,Modern Phonetics in New Century, Tsinghua University Press. (孔江平,2001,汉语EGG参数的相关及聚类分析,新世纪的现代语音学,论文集,清华大学出版社)
Shen Mixia, Caodao Bater, Chen Jiayou, Kong Jiangping,2001,A EGG signal study of 100 Mandarin speakers,Modern Phonetics in New Century, Tsinghua University Press. (沈米遐,槽道巴特尔, 陈嘉猷,孔江平,2001,一百汉语者的EGG信号研究,新世纪的现代语音学(论文集),清华大学出版社)
孔江平,2001,语言发声研究及相关领域,新世纪的现代语音学,清华大学出版社。(Kongjiangping, 2001, Phonation research and relevant fields, Modern Phonetics in New Century, Tsinghua University Press.)
Kong Jiangping and Lu Shinan,2000,A VQ study on diatone in Mandarin,Chinese Journal of Acoustics (English version).
孔江平 吕士楠,2000,汉语双音节调位的矢量量化(VQ)研究,声学学报(中文版) (Kong Jiangping and Lu Shinan,2000,A VQ study on diatone in Mandarin (in Chinese),Chinese Journal of Acoustics.)
黄行 孔江平 徐昂,2000,语素的计量分析与识别方法--以苗语语素分析识别为例,民族语文. (Huang Xin, Kong Jiangping, Xu Ang, 2000, A statistic analysis on morphemes in Miao Language and a research method for language identification, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of MinorityKong Jiangping,1999, A correlation and classification study on EGG parameters of Mongolian,A Collected Works of Modern Phonetics, Jincheng Press. (现代语音学论文集,金城出版社)
Shen Mixia, Kong Jiangping,1999,A correlation and classification study on EGG parameters of Yi language, A Collected Works of Modern Phonetics, Jincheng Press. (现代语音学论文集,金城出版社)
Chen Jiayou, Kong Jiangping,1999,A EGG signal study of 92 Yi language speakers, A Collected Works of Modern Phonetics, Jincheng Press. (现代语音学论文集,金城出版社)
Caodao Bater, Kong Jiangping,1999,A EGG study of 84 Mongolian speakers, A Collected Works of Modern Phonetics, Jincheng Press. (现代语Kong Jiangping,1999,A study on vibration of vocal folds through high-speed digital image processing, A Collected Works of Modern Phonetics, Jincheng Press. (现代语音学论文集,金城出版社)
胡炜,周彦恒,傅民魁,孔江平,1998,成人骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)治疗后语音功能变化的研究,现代口腔医学杂志. (Hu Wei, Zhou Yanheng, Fu Mingkui, Kong Jiangping, 1998, The speech rehabilitation in adult skeletal class III malocclusion after medical treatment, Xiandai Kouqiang Yixue Zazhi, (Journal of Modern Stomatology), No. 4, 290-291)
孔江平,1998,中国民族语言嗓音发声类型研究(1996-1997卷),中国民族研究年鉴,(Kong Jiangping, 1998, A study on the phonation types of minority language in China, Zhongguo Minzu Nianjian (A Yearbook of Chinese Minority Study) vol. 1996-1997)
孔江平,1997,阿细彝语嗓音声学研究,中国民族语言论丛(二),云南民族出版社。(Kong Jiangping, 1997, An acoustical study on phonation types in Yi language, Zhongguo Minzu Yuyan Luncong (Journal of Chinese Minority Languages), No. 2, the Nationalities Publishing House of Yunnan)
初敏,唐涤飞,司宏岩,孔江平,田旭青,吕士楠,1997,汉语音节音联感知特性研究,声学学报(中文版), (Chu Min, Tang Difei, Si Hongyan, Kong Jiangping, Tian Xuqing, Lv Shinan, 1997, A perceptive study on the boundary characteristics of syllable, Journal of Acoustics (China), Chinese Version)
孔江平,1997,凉山彝语松紧元音的声学研究,彝缅语研究,论文集 四川人民出版社. (Kong Jiangping, 1997, An acoustic study on the tense and lax vowels in Liangshang Yi language, A Study on Yi-Burma Languages, Shichuan People's Publshing House)
孔江平,1996,哈尼语发声类型声学研究及音质概念的讨论,民族语文. (Kong Jiangping, 1996, A acoustical study on phonation types in Hani language and discussions for definitions of vowel quality, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
孔江平,1995,藏语(拉萨话)声调感知研究,民族语文. (Kong Jiangping, 1995, A perceptive study on Tibetan (Lasa speech) tones, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
孔江平,1994,第二届现代语音学研讨会在京召开(综述),民族语文. (Kong Jiangping, 1994, A review on the second conference of modern phonetics, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
孔江平,1993,苗语浊送气的声学研究,民族语文. (Kong Jiangping, 1993, An acoustical study on voiced aspirated vowels in Miao language, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
谭克让,孔江平,1991,藏语拉萨话元音、韵母的长短及其与声调的关系,民族语文. (Tan Kerang, Kong Jiangping, 1991, The duration of Tibetan vowels and finals and their relationship with tones, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
孔江平,1991,道孚藏语双擦音声母的声学分析,民族语文. (Kong Jiangping, 1991, An acoustical study on the double fricatives in Daofu Tibetan, Minzu Yuwen (Journal of Minority Linguistics))
Conference Papers:
Jin Yang, Jiangping Kong (通讯作者),2013,A Signal Processing Perspective of Chinese Learners’ Phonation in English Narrow Focus Syllable“-/a//C_(C)”, The Proceedings of 13 Ninth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC),p.1255-1262
Ikuyo Yoshinaga, Jiangping Kong, Voice Production Mechanisms of Vibrato in Noh. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2012. (EI) This study was supported by China Social Sciences Funds of the Ministry of Education (Grant No: 10JJD740007).
Jiangping Kong, 2012, A study on multi-speech models of Mandarin and multi-media learning system, the 7th International Conference & Workshops on Technology & Chinese Language Teachinbg, Hawaii, USA
Jin Yang, Jiangping Kong, 2012, English Learners’ Phonation in Chinese Narrow Focus Syllable “-/a/ / C_”,Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech, INTERSPEECH 2012,USA.
Ikuyo Yoshinaga, Jiangping Kong, 2012, Voice Production Mechanisms of Vibrato in Noh, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech, INTERSPEECH 2012, USA.
Jin Yang,Jiangping Kong, 2012, L1 and L2 Respiratory Patterns of Chinese and English Bilinguals’ Read Speech,Yantai, China
Ikuyo Yoshinaga, Kong Jiangping, 2012,The Supraglottal Constriction in Tibetan Chants Electroglottographic Evidences, Yantai, China
Yinghao Li, Jinghua Zhang and jiangping Kong, 2012, the Coarticulation resistance of consonants in standard Chinese a an electropalatographic and acoustic study, proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2012), Hong Kong
Yinghao Li, Jiangping Kong, An Electropalatographic and Acoustic Study on Anticipatory Coarticulation in V1#C2V2 Sequences in Standard Chinese, Interspeech 2011.
Yinghao Li P1, 2P, Jiangping KongKong Jiangping, 2011, A STUDY ON PHONATION PATTERNS OF TONES IN BATANG TIBETAN, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee, p.1130-1133, 7-21 August 2011, Hong Kong.
Yinghao Li & Jiangping Kong, 2011, PROSODIC BOUNDARY EFFECTS ON SEGMENT ARTICULATION AND V-TO-V COARTICULATION IN STANDARD CHINESE, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee, p.1218-1221, 7-21 August 2011, Hong Kong.
Yonghong Li & Jiangping Kong, 2011, RHYTHM ANALYSIS AND LINEAR MODELING OF METRICAL POETRY RESPIRATORY SIGNAL, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee, p.1222-1225, 7-21 August 2011, Hong Kong.
Xiaosheng Pan & Jiangping Kong, 2011, AUDIO-VISUAL PERCEPTION OF CV SYLLABLE OF THE STANDARD CHINESE, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee, p.1558-1561, 7-21 August 2011, Hong Kong.
Feng Yang & Jiangping Kong, 2011, A PHONETIC STUDY ON CHANTING OF CHINESE FIVE SYLLABLE MODERN-STYLE POEMS, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee, p.2193-2195, 7-21 August 2011, Hong Kong.
孔江平,2006,语音学与言语文化研究,第七届中国语音学会议暨语音学国际前沿论坛论文集。(Kong Jiangping, 2008, Phonetics and oral cultures (keynote speech), Proceedings of the 7th conference of Chinese phonetics and the international forum on phonetic frontiers, Peking University)
Edwin Yiu (PhD), Kong Jiangping2 (PhD), Raymond Fong1, Vivian Ip1, Gary Pang1,2005, High speed imaging of vocal fold vibration in modal, creaky and falsetto registers (poster), Mirroring the Voice,150 years of the voice care, 6th PAN EUROPEAN VOICE CONFERENCE
Kong Jiangping, 2004, Acoustical Study on sub-harmonic of glottal source in Mandarin tones, ISCSLP-2004, Hong Kong.
Jiangping Kong,2004,Acoustical study on sub-harmonic of glottal source in Mandarin tones Tibetan and Yi Language, Proceedings of 15th ICPhS Barcelona
Kong Jiangping,2004,Phonation Models of Tone and Diatone in Mandarin, International symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language with Emphasis on Tone Language.
Chen Jiayou, Shen Mixia, Wu Xiyu, Kong Jiangping,2003,Study on Phonation Features of Mongolian,Tibetan and Yi Language, Proceedings of 15th ICPhS Barcelona
Kong Jiangping,2003,Study on Phonation Features of Tones in Mandarin,Proceedings of 15th ICPhS,Barcelona,,Spain
Caodao Bater, Kong Jiangping,1998,Acoustic study of phonation types of tense and lax vowels of Zaiwa language and spectrum method used in phonation analysis,Proceedings of Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China, Hong Kong
Kong Jiangping,1998,Acoustic study on phonation types of one speaker through EGG (electroglottography),Proceedings of Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China, Hong Kong
Chen Jiayou, Kong Jiangping 1998 Acoustic Study on Relationships among Pitch, Open Quotient and Speed Quotient Extracted from EGG (electroglottograhpy) of Mandarin Speakers, Proceedings of Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China, Hong Kong
Kong Jiangping, 1998 EGG model of ditoneme in Mandarin, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Sydney, Australia
Shen Mixia, Kong Jiangping, 1998, MDVP (multi-dimensional voice processing) study on sustained vowels of Mandarin through EGG signal, Proceedings of Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China, Hong Kong
Kong Jiangping & Alan Liew, 1998, Wavelet analysis of speech phonations of Chinese speakers, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Chinese Spoken Language Processing,Singapore.
孔江平,吕士楠,1998,汉语双音节词声调组合模型研究,第五届全国人机语音通讯学术会议. (Kong Jiangping, Lv Shinan, 1998, A study on model of diatones in Mandarin, Proceedings of national conference on man-machine speech communication)
孔江平,曹道巴特尔,陈嘉猷,沈米遐,1997,汉语普通话嗓音抖动及波动的声学研究,信号处理的理论与应用论文选,第八届全国语音、图像、通讯信号处理学会议. (Kong Jiangping, Caodao Bater, Cheng Jiayou, Shen Mixia, 1997, An acoustical study on jitter and shimmer of Mandrin, A collected book of signal processing and applications)
孔江平,1995,汉语普通话嗓音特征相关分析,中国声学学会1995年青年学术会议论文集,西北工业大学出版社. (Kong Jiangping, 1995, A correlation analysis on vocal characteristics in Mandarin, Proceedings of 1995 conference on acoustics of young researchers, held by the Acoustical Society of China)
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