王 勇
教授、博士生导师 北京大学国际政治经济研究中心主任
国关学院大楼 B201
yowang@pku.edu.cn, yowangpku@gmail.com
1966年10月生于安徽霍邱。北京大学法学学士(1987 年)、法学硕士(1990)、法学博士(1996)。 1988-1989 年在美国霍普金斯大学-南京大学中美文化研究中心学习;1994 -1995 年美国加州大学圣迭戈分校访问学者;1999年美国太平洋国际政策委员会(PCIP)-南加州大学联合客座研究员;2002年7-8月台湾政治大学国际关系研究中心访问学者;2011年7-8美国印第安纳州立大学访问学者;2011年8月加拿大国际治理创新中心(CIGI)访问学者;2014年6-7月英国谢菲尔德大学政治经济学研究所访问学者;2014年8-9月加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)访问教授。
曾应邀在哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、美中贸易全国委员会、法国国际关系研究所、日本早稻田大学、东京大学、庆应大学、日本防务研究所、德国工商产业协会、世界贸易组织(WTO)等机构演讲。曾接受《纽约时报》( New York Times )、《洛杉矶时报》 (Los Angeles Times) 、《远东经济评论》 (Far East Economic Review) 、美国《商业周刊》 (Business Week) 、 CNN 、BBC、美国全国公共电台 (NPR)、日本《每日新闻》、首尔电视台、巴西《圣保罗页报》( Folha de S.Paulo )、 中央电视台 (CCTV) 、凤凰卫视等中外媒体采访。
Professor WANG Yongs Vitae
WANG Yong is Professor at School of International Studies, and the Director of the Center for International Political Economy, Peking University. He is also Professor at Party School of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Appointed Lecture Professor for the HKSAR Senior Civil Servants Training Program on Chinese Affairs at Peking University, Lecture Professor of Ministry of Commerce African Diplomat Training Program at Peking University and Consultant for Asia Development Bank(ADB). Member of International Institute for Strategic Studies(IISS), and World Economic Forum (WEF)Global Agenda Council (GAC) on the Global Trade System.
He has published papers and book chapters in Chinese, English, Japanese and Spanish, on the topics of Chinese political economy, Chinese foreign relations, China-US relations, regional cooperation, international political economy, World Trade Organization (WTO) and global governance.
Wang Yong was invited to speak before or attend conferences organized by some international institutions, including Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California Los Angeles, Tokyo University, Waseda University and Keio University in Japan, ISEAD(France), US-China Business Council, French Institute of International Relations (Ifri), German Association of Industry and Commerce, Japan Self-Defense Agency, Korea Ministry of Justice,Korean Academy of Korean Studies, Salzburg Seminar in Austria and the Marcelino Botin Foundation of Spain.
His opinion or comments has appeared in medias such as CNN, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Far East Economic Review, National Public Radio(NPR), BBC, Radio France, China Central Television Station(CCTV), Phenomix TV, Seoul BS, China Radio International, Lianhe Zaobao, Maiichi Shinmun, China Daily, Folha de S.Paulo, Mainichi Shimbun, Chosun Ilbo and so on.
Chna-US Relations, China-US Economic and Trade Relations, International Political Economy, China and Global Economy, International Trade Political Economy.
5.《知识经济对策:运作与案例》,北京: 中国城市出版社1998年版(主编)。
Authored Books(in Chinese):
1.The Political Economy of International Trade (2008)
2.The Political Economy of China-U.S. Trade Relations (2007)
3.The Rounds of Most Favored Nations: the Politics of US-China Trade Relations, 1989-1997(1998)
4.Knowledge Economy: Cases and Prospects (editor,1998)
5.American Politics and Foreign Policy Making(coauthored with Xiong, Li and Fan, 2007)
1.《新全球经济与发展中国家》(Dani Rodrik),北京:世界知识出版社2005年版(独译)。
2.《全球化世界的治理》(Joseph S.Nye等编),北京:世界知识出版社2003年版(主译)。
Translation books:
1.Governance in the Globalizing World (ed. by Joseph Nye,2003)
2.Making Openness Work: Developing Countries and New Global Economy (authored by Dani Drodrik, 2005).
(一)学术期刊论文(部分, Journal Articles):
Mark Beeson and Yong Wang, "Australia, China, and the US in an Era of Interdependence: Irreconcilable Interests, Inadequate Institutions?" Asian Survey 54 (3), 2015: 565-583.
Gregory Chin, Margaret Pearson and Wang Yong, “Introduction – IPE with China's characteristics”, in Special Issue on International Political Economy in China: The Global Conversation, Review of International Political Economy, Vo.20, No.6, 2013: 1145-1164.
Wang Yong and Lou Pauly, "Chinese IPE debates on (American) hegemony," Review of International Political Economy, Vo.20, No.6, 2013: 1165-1188.
Yong Wang,"Seeking a balanced approach on the global economic rebalancing: China’s answers to international policy cooperation,"Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2012) 28(3): 569-586;
Wang Yong,"South Africa’s Role in the BRICS and the G20:China’s View," SAIIA Occational Papers No.127, Nov.,2012:1-21;
Wang Yong,"The Politics of the TPP Are Plain: Target China," Global Asia,Vol.8, No.1, 2013:54-56;
Wang Yong, "Prospects for Chinas transition," FRIDE Policy Brief, No.14, March 2013(欧盟外交智库);
Wang Yong and Lou Pauly,"Chinese IPE debates on (American) hegemony," Review of International Political Economy(2013.3,online),Fall Issue, 2013(forthcoming) (SSCI).
MARK BEESON, MILLS SOKO AND WANG YONG, “The new resource politics: Can Australia and South Africa accommodate China?” International Affairs 87:6 (2011) 1365–1384.
“WTO Accession, Globalization, and a Changing China,” in China Business Review, October-November, 2011.
"Evolving Asian Power Balances and Alternate Conceptions for Building Regional Institutions," No. 68, ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration, Asia Development Bank, December 2010.
"Debating the International Currency System", Journal of China Security, Vol.6, No.1,2010 (with Greg Chin).
"Domestic Demand and Continued Reform:Chinas Search for A New Model," Journal of Global Asia, Vol.3,No.4,2008,pp.24-28.
《深化相互依赖 促进战略理解——2006年4月胡布峰会展望》,香港《中国评论》2006年第4期。
“Seek a Harmonious World: Philosophy of Chinese Foreign Policy and East Asia-Europe-US Relations,”Journal of Renmin University of China, Vol.2, No.2,Autumn 2007.
“China in WTO:A Chinese View,” China Business Review, September-October 2006.
“Post-WTO Politics of China: A Cautiously Optimistic View,” The Study of Business and Industry (Nihon University), No.20, 2004.
“The Impact of China’s WTO Accession on Foreign Trade Regime,” Asia Pacific Study Journal (Kyunghee University, Seoul), Spring 2003.
“Chinas Domestic WTO Debate,” China Business Review, January-February 2000.
“Why China Went For WTO,”China Business Review, July-August 1999.
“How WTO Accession Has Changed China and the Road Forward,” Special to Center for International Governance Innovation(CIGI),May 19, 2011,see www.cigionline.org/publications/2011/5/how-wto-accession-has-changed-china-and-road-forward.(二)国内外论文集论文(部分, Book Chapters):
1. “导读:美国贸易政治逻辑的经典探索”,载(美)I.M.戴斯勒著《美国贸易政治》中译本,中国市场出版社,2006年版,第1-6页。
7.《中国加入世界贸易组织:经济自由主义与经济民族主义的争论与影响》, 载赵梅、陶美心主编:《中美长期对话,1986-2001》,中国社会科学出版社2001年版。
9. “China’s WTO Accession and Making of Trade Policy”, in Mitsuo Matsushita and Dukgeun Ahn, eds. WTO and East Asia: New Perspectives, London: Cameron May, 2004.
10.“China’s Stakes in WTO Accession-The Internal Decision-Making Process,” in Robert Ash and Heike Holbig (eds.), China’s WTO Accession: National and International Perspectives, UK: RoutledgeCurzon Press, 2002.
11. “China’s WTO Accession: Debates between Economic Liberals and Economic Nationalists and Impact,” in the Kettering Foundation and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of American Studies (eds.): United States-China Sustained Dialogue, U.S.A.: Kettering Foundation, October 2001. 12.Wang Jisi & Wang Yong, “A Chinese Account: The Interaction of Policies,” in David Shambaugh, Michel Oksentberg and Ramon Myers (eds.), Making China Policy: Lessons from the Bush and Clinton Administrations, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2001.
15.论文“寻求和谐世界:中国对外政策哲学与东亚-美国-欧洲关系”(西班牙文),载西班牙Bacelina Botin 基金会中国论坛论文集,2007年5月出版。
16. “Truth, Justice and Reconciliation: Some Thoughts on How to Handle the Issue of History in East Asia,” collected in the proceedings of the Global Forum on Civilization and Peace, the Academy of Korean Studies, ROK, June 2009.
17. “China–US Economic Relations: Cooperative Competition,” in John Wong & Zhiyue Bo(eds.), CHINAS REFORM IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, World Scientific Publishing Co., Aug 2010.
18. "China Debates: The Dollar System and Beyond" in P. Subacchi and J. Drifill (eds.), Beyond the Dollar: Rethinking the International Monetary System, Chatham House Policy Report, March 2010 (with Greg Chin).
19. 《新兴经济体的崛起与全球经济治理》(与刘玮合著),载北京大学国际战略研究中心(王缉思主编)《国际战略评论2011》,世界知识出版社,2011年6月。
20.“Consolidating the Security Foundation of Regional Economic Prosperity: Evolving Power Balances in East Asia and Alternate Conceptions for Building Regional Institutions, ” in The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All—Commitments and Responsibilities for a Better World”(Selected Papers of Beijing Forum 2010), Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011 pp.183-219.
21.“Being in the WTO for Ten Years: China’s Experience of Learning and Growing Confidence in Global Governance: Institutional Transformation and Interdependence,” RCCPB Working Paper #13, IndianaUniversity, October 2011.
22.“Chinas 10th year in the WTO: A driving force that is changing China,” Views on EU: EU in the Emerging Global Order, Newsletter, Sept.2011, see http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/csgr/green/viewsontheeu/thebigview/september2.
最新评论 (Recent Commentaries):
1.Wang Yong, “Compromise Promotes Cooperation,”Beijing Review, NO. 9 (MARCH 3), 2011.
2.Wang Yong, “How WTO Accession Has Changed China and the Road Forward,” CICI website, seehttp://www.cigionline.org/publications/2011/5/how-wto-accession-has-changed-china-and-road-forward;
3.WANG YONG, “China moves slowly to internationalise the renminbi,” CIGI website, see http://www.cigionline.org/articles/2011/10/china-moves-slowly-internationalise-renminbi.
4.Wang Yong, “China’s development since WTO accession,” October 6th, 2011, the East Asia Forum, see http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/10/06/chinas-development-since-wto-accension/.
5.Wang Yong, “China moves slowly to internationalise the renminbi,” in the East Asia Forum, Oct. 13th, 2011, see http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/10/13/china-moves-slowly-to-internationalise-the-renminbi/.
6.Wang Yong, “China in the G20: a Balancer and a Responsible Contributor”, the East Asia Forum, Oct. 31, 2011, see http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/10/31/china-in-the-g20-a-balancer-and-a-responsible-contributor/.
7.Wang Yong, “China in the G20: a Balancer and a Responsible Contributor”, PacNet #61 Tuesday, November 1, 2011.
WANG Yongs authored book--the Political Economy of China-US Trade Relations--was awarded the First Prize for excellent Social Sciences Works, by the Beijing Municipal Government and the Beijing Confederation of Social Scientists, 2008;Selected Member, Ministry of Education New Century Outstanding Talents Support Program, 2008.
北京大学国际关系学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王 勇
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-11
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