国关学院大楼 B217
种族问题、中非关系(特别是中非人文交流、中非合作论坛)、安哥拉国别研究(包括中安关系)、中国发展援助(微观的、个案的视角)、中国海外新移民 (Research expertise: Chinese migrants in eastern and southern Africa, Chinese company history in Africa, African perceptions of China and Chinese migrants, Chinese Aid, China-African relations and African sustainable development studies, Angola country Studies)
Liu Haifang, PhD (History), Peking Uni., is an Associate Professor in School of International Studies, Peking University. She previously worked for the Institute of West Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and a visiting scholar at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague(2007-8). She serves as Deputy Director & Secretary General, the Centre for African Studies, Peking Uni. She is teaching two courses, African Politics & International Relations (for undergraduates), and Comprehensive African Study (for MA students). Dr Liu has authored numerous publications in English and Mandarin, including books (such as the only book on Angola in China) and academic essays, such as “The untold China–Angola story: the evolution of Chinese perceptions of Angola and Sino-Angolan relations”, China-Angola, a Convenient Relationship? ( Fahamu Publishing house, 2012), “RAILWAY TIME: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND THE ROLE OF CHINESE EXPERTS IN THE HISTORY OF TAZARA”(African Engagements,Ton Dietz ed.,Brill Publishing,2011),“China’s development cooperation with Africa: Historical and cultural perspectives”(The Rise of China and India in Africa, Cheru & Obi (eds.),Zed Book, 2010)、“China-Africa Relations through the Prism of Culture– The Dynamics of China’s Culture Diplomacy with Africa”,(China Aktuelle, Vol.3, 2008), etc. , and the Vice President of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies as well. Liu ‘s current research topics are Racial issues in Contemporary International Politics (African continent in particular), China in Africa/ Africa in China, China’s foreign aid (historical & development perspectives and Tan-Zam Railway as a case), Angola and its international relationships, etc.
lndividually teaches three courses, namely,African Politics & International Relations(for undergraduates), Comprehensive African Studies(in Chinese for MA students) and Comprehensive African Studies (in English for International MA programs). Also jointly teaches Theories and Methodologies in Afro-Asian Studies for MA students,International Politics &Area Studies for Ph. D students.
FOCAC Twelve Years Later-Achievements, challenges and the way forward (co-authored with Li Anshan, et al.), Uppsala: Nordic African Institute, 2012.
The Operating Mechanism of FOCAC and its way forward, African Development Report 2012 (ed. by Zhang Hongming), Beijing:Social sciences academic press, 2012.
(Co-author): Evaluating China’s FOCAC commitments to Africa and mapping the way ahead, Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS), Jan. 2010.
“The Chinese companies’ status quo and trend in Africa”,in 50 Years’ of China-African Relationship: Process, Meanings and Outlook (eds. by Liu Hongwu & Yang Jiemian, English version),Yunan: Yunan University Publishing House, 2009.
A survey to the status quo of China-African cultural Relations, report submitted to the Office of the State Council, 2006.
Books & Book Chapters:
A translation of A General History of Africa (by J. Fage), Beijing: China’s Youth Publishing House, 2013.
Book chapter: “Drivers of Changes and Developments: a Research on Angolan Civil Society”,
Book chapter: “From Resource curse to Resource bless: a Research on Post-war Angolan Development”, in African Dream (edited by Li Anshan), Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2013.l
Book chapter: “The untold China–Angola story: the evolution of Chinese perceptions of Angola and Sino-Angolan relations”, in China-Angola, a Convenient Relationship? (eds. by Marcus Power, Ana Alves), Oxford: Fahamu Publishing house, 2012,pp.162.-178.
Book chapter: “Mapping the New Migrants between China & Africa: Theoretical and methodological challenges”, Internal and International Migration of China (eds. by Laurence Roulleau-Berger & Li Peilin, London: Routledge, 2012.
Book chapter: “Railway Time: Technology Transfer & The Role of Chinese Experts in The History of TAZARA, in African Engagements (eds. by Ton Dietz et. Al.) , Leiden: Brill Publishing,2011.”
Book chapter: “China’s development cooperation with Africa: Historical and cultural perspectives”, in The Rise of China and India in Africa (eds. by Cheru & Obi ),Uppsala, Sweden: Zed Book, 2010.
Guide to the World States: Angola, Beijing:Social sciences academic press, 2006.
Journal Articles:
“Africa and BRICS: Expecting another World”, China's Review of International Strategy 2013, Beijing: World Affairs Publishing House.
“From China Mode of Development Aid towards Public Diplomacy in Globalized Era: How to tell story of Chinese Scholarship towards Africa”, Contemporary World, 2013.3, pp.54-7.
“Africa’s Emerging Endogenous Dynamics and New Ideas on Sino-African Cooperation”, China's Review of International Strategy 2012 (English version), Beijing: World Affairs Publishing House, 2012.
“Africa’s Emerging Endogenous Dynamics and New Ideas on Sino-African Cooperation”, China's Review of International Strategy 2012 (Chinese version), Beijing: World Affairs Publishing House, 2012.
“A reflection of China’s African Diplomacy: Overseas Youth Volunteers as a case”, Contemporary World, 2012.3, pp.54-7.
“Reflections on Angolan Post-Conflict Reconstruction & China-Angola Coope-ration”, Foreign Affairs Review, 2011.2, pp. 38-50.
“New trends of China-African Relations after the Financial Crisis”, China's Review of International Strategy 2011 (Chinese version), Beijing: World Affairs Publishing House, 2011.
“Continuities, Readjustments and New Explorations:A Deep Reading of the Fourth FOCAC Action Plan”, Pambazuka News (Available online= http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/africa_china/61089
“Hosting Africans, whether Chinese are ready?” China Monitor(South Africa),March 2009
“China-Africa Relations through the Prism of Culture: The Dynamics of China’s Culture Diplomacy with Africa”, China Aktuelle, Vol.3, 2008, pp.9-44. “Crossing the Divide: Studies of Sino-African Relationship from an Open Perspective of Social Sciences”, World Economics and Politics, 2008. 9, pp.45-51.
“China and Africa: Transcending ‘Threat Or Boon’”, China Monitor(South Africa),March 2006.
“ChineseSong of'Chimurenga'---The first Chinese Female Minister in African History”, Beijing Review, December-30-2006
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-11
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