

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-11

2008.6-今 北京大学新闻与传播学院,讲师、副教授
2005.8-2008.5美国锡拉丘兹大学(Syracuse University),大众传播学博士

Xiuli Wang, Pamela J. Shoemaker,“What Shapes Americans’ opinion of China? Country Characteristics, Public Relations and Mass Media”,Chinese Journal of Communication, March 2011。

Xiuli Wang,Pamela J. Shoemaker,Gang Han,& E. Jordan Storm. (2008). Images of Nations in the Eyes of American Educational Elites. American Journal of Media Psychology,1(1),36-60.




Shoemaker, P. J., Seo, H., Johnson, P. R., & Wang, X., (2008, October). Audience gatekeeping: A study of The New York Times most-emailed news items. Paper presented at the “Convergence and Society: The Participatory Web” conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Wang, X. (2008, May). Winning American hearts and minds: Country characteristics, public relations, and mass media. Paper presented at the Public Relations Division, the 58th Annual Conference of ICA, Montreal, Canada.

Shoemaker, P. J., Wang, X., Seo, H., Johnson, P. R. (2008, May). What Shapes the U.S. image in the world? Deviance, Personal Experience and Mass Media. Paper presented at the Political Communication Division, the 58th Annual Conference of ICA, Montreal, Canada.

Wang, X. (2007, November). Investigative journalism and democracy in China. Paper presented at the Political Communication Division, the 93rd Annual Conference of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Wang, X. (2007, November). Online public spheres: How internet discussion forums promote political participation in China. Paper presented at the Student Section, the 93rd Annual Conference of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Shoemaker, P.J., Wang, X., Han, G., & Storm, E. J. (2007, August). Foreign countries in American Eyes: Deviance, personal experience, mass media and national image. (Top faculty paper first place). Paper presented at the International Communication Division, the Annual Conference of AEJMC, Washington, DC.

Wang, K., & Wang, X. (2007, August). National image and Olympic coverage. Paper presented at the Public Relations Division, the Annual Conference of AEJMC, Washington, DC.

Wang, X., Wortman, L. D., Jeong, J.Y., Ting, H.Y., & Han, G. (2007, August). The reality behind reality television advertising: Influence of product placements on viewer recall, recognition and purchase intentions. Paper presented at the Advertising Division, the Annual Conference of AEJMC, Washington, DC.

Wang, X., Zhang, D., & Northup, C. T. (2007, August). What shapes Americans’ opinions about other countries? News, entertainment, & personal contact. Paper presented at the Mass Communication and Society Division, the Annual Conference of AEJMC, Washington, DC.

Han, G., Wang, X., & Shoemaker, P.J. (2007, May). News Probe: News frames and investigative journalism in transitional China, 1996-2005. Paper presented at the Journalism Studies Division, the 57th Annual Conference of ICA, San Francisco, CA.

Shoemaker, P.J., Han, G., Wang, X., & Wang, W. (2007, May). International terrorism and news coverage: A comparative study between the US and China. Paper presented at International & Development Communication Division, the 57th Annual Conference of ICA, San Francisco, CA.

Shoemaker, P.J., Wang, X., Han, G., & Storm, E. J. (2007, March). Communication research in the age of global communication. Paper presented at the Portugal conference “50 Years of the Portuguese Public Service Broadcast,” Lisbon, Portugal.

Wang, X., & Hong, S. (2006, November). Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina and presidential approval: News coverage and second-level agenda setting. Paper presented at the Mass Communication Division, the 92nd Annual Conference of National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Hong, S., & Wang, X. (2006, August). Predicting media coverage of corporate performance. Paper presented at the Public Relations Division, the Annual Conference of AEJMC, San Francisco, CA.


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