

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-04-11

•工程博士教育中心 主任
•Email: li.ying@pku.edu.cn


Brief Biography


Ying Li is currently a professor of the School of Software and Microelectronics in Peking University, meanwhile, she is a research professor of National Research Center of Software Engineering, and managing the Education Center of Doctor of Engineering (electronics and information area) in Peking University. Before joining PKU in 2012, she worked as a STSM of IBM Research and Senior Manager leading the Department of Distributed Computing and Service Management in IBM China Research Center.

      Dr. Li has 15+ years working experiences in Distributed Computing including distributed machine learning, cloud computing, Internet of Things,  Autonomic Computing, J2EE middleware, Web services, Grid Computing, real-time system, CORBA, etc.. She and her research teams have been focusing on exploring and developing innovative technologies for systematically managing distributed software to achieve quality of services through modeling, analyzing and controlling. She conducted several global collaborative research projects that the technologies have been successfully delivered and transformed to IBM leading-edge products (including Websphere Cloud platform and Application Server, Tivoli Zephyr and Workload Mobility Workbench, etc.) and global service solutions for Cloud Migration and Smart Planet, which made important technology impact and business value, wining "IBM CIO Leadership Award" (in 2007) and "IBM Research Accomplishment Award" twice (in 2008 and 2010).

     Dr. Li worked as the Executive Assistant to IBM China Chairman in 2009. She worked as the member of Software Product Architecture Board to participate several industrial projects with solid contribution to commercial software systems. She also worked as the Strategist for IBM global research strategy, and contributed to IBM Global Technical Outlook (GTO)  in 2008 - 2011.

     Dr. Li applied 30+ US/CN patents wherein 31 US/CN patents were granted, covering cloud computing, distributed data processing, and automatic computing. She served as the Chair of IBM Research Lab Patent Review Board for several years. She was awarded as the "IBM Master Inventor" in 2011.

     Dr. Li published 50+ academic papers on international journals including IEEE Transactions, IBM Journal of R&D, IJWS, CHINA SCIENCE, etc., and top International conferences including PODC, OOPSLA, ICWS, and so on. She served as PC member of several international conferences and reviewer of international journals.


•Fall (01710315) Cloud computing and Big Data Platform (MoE-Tencent cooperative education project)

Cloud computing and big data are fundamentally changing the way software is built and delivered. This is a graduate-level course on the latest research in this field. In the class, the students will learn enough concepts and explore enough examples of cloud software and service (Docker, OpenStack, AWS), big data storage (HDFS, BigTable, MongoDB, Neo4j), distributed computing framework (MapReduce, Spark, TensorFlow), distributed resource management (YARN, Kubernetes), and understand how they work in the real world. The class is open to PhD and advanced master students who have taken courses of "Operating systems" or "Principles of Computer& Algorithm".
•Spring (01700350) Software Engineering seminar

The class is open to Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng) students. It is a seminar course on the latest efforts in software engineering field. In the class, the students will explore important technical challenges in real projects.
•Spring (01711860) Big Data Seminar
 The class is open to master students. It is a seminar course on the latest efforts in big data area. In the class, the students will learn fundamental theory and explore enough examples of big data storage and computing with popular software systems.

Research Area


• Distributed Computing:

data-driven reliability engineering of cloud and big data system, autonomic computing system,  intelligent resource scheduling for hybrid applications.
•Intelligence for Distributed System and Smart Cities:

AIOps (log-based anomaly detection and fault diagnosis, machine generated logs), representation learning for smart city, deep learning based chatbot, data generation for privacy protection.

... more information can be found in selected publications,  and Wechat public account - PKUFineLab...

Ongoing Projects


* Intelligent integrated software cooperation platform for smart city (National Key R&D Plan) (2018 - 2020)

* Industrial Internet and Intelligent System (PKU-Delta Joint Research Lab) (2018 - 2022)

* Enterprise-level Big Data Platform/hybrid scheduling system ( PKU-Tencent Joint Innovation Lab) (2018 - 2020)

* Dependability Analysis of Cloud and Big Data Platform (NSF Key Project) (2013-2017)

* Reliable and Secure Big Data Platform (Shenzhen Key Technology Program) (2014 - 2016)

* Linux Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VMware UR) (2014 - 2015)

* Reliable Open Cloud Platform and Dependability Analysis (IBM UR) (2013-2014)

Selected Publications


 【International Journal】

1. Tang Hongyan, Li Ying*, Jia Tong, Yuan Xiaoyong, Wu Zhonghai, Analysis of Frequently Failing Tasks and Rescheduling Strategy in the Cloud System, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (ITDST), 2018, 9(1):16-38

2. Qiang Fu, Yong Luo, Yonggang Wen, Dacheng Tao, Ying Li, Lingyu Duan, Towards Intelligent Product Retrieval for TV-to-Online (T2O) Application: A Transfer Metric Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on multimedia, 2018, Volume:PP, Issue:99, January 2018

3. Yuan Xiaoyong, Tang Hongyan, Li Ying*, Jia Tong, Liu Tiancheng, Wu Zhonghai, A COMPETITIVE PENALTY MODEL FOR AVAILABILITY BASED CLOUD SLA, Services Transactions on Cloud Computing (ISSN 2326-7550) Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March 2016.

4. LI Ying, SUN Kewei, YANG Jie,LIU Tiancheng, ZENG Liangzhao, Model-based system configuration approach for Internetware, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, August 2013, 56: 082102(20) (SCI: 000323665900003)

5.  Jie Yang, Tao Yu, Lirong Jian, Jie Qiu, Ying Li*, An extreme automation framework for scaling cloud applications, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume: 55 Issue:6 page(s): 8:1 - 8:12, Nov.-Dec. 2011. (SCI: 000301501400010 )

6. Jing Luo, Ying Li*, John A Pershing, Lei Xie, Ying Chen, A Methodology for Analyzing Availability Weak Points in SOA Deployment Frameworks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Volume 6 Issue:1 pages:31-44, 2009.

7. Tiancheng Liu, Ying Li*, Andrew Schofield, Kewei Sun, Ying Chen, Partition-based Heap Memory Management in an Application Server, ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, Volume 42, Issue 1, 2008. (EI: 20102012934239)

8. Ying Li, Kewei Sun, Jie Qiu, Ying Chen, Self-Reconfiguration of Service-Based Systems for Service Level Agreements and Resource Optimization, International Journal of Web Services (JWSR), 2006 3(2), pp 81-100. (SCI: 000240951700005)

9. Ying Li, Ying Chen, Fangyan Rao, The Approach for Data Warehouse to Answering Spatial OLAP Queries, LNCS 2690 Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, 2003. (SCI: 000185822400036)

【International Conference】

10. Tong Jia, Ying Li*, Chengbo Zhang, Wensheng Xia, Jie Jiang and Yuhong Liu,Machine Deserves Better Logging: A Log Enhancement Approach for Automatic Fault diagnosis,The 29th IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2018), Memphis, TN, USA. Oct. 15-18, 2018

11. Jing Gu, Long Wang, Yong Yang and Ying Li*,KEREP: Experience in Extracting Knowledge on Distributed System Behavior through Request Execution Path,The 29th IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2018), Memphis, TN, USA. Oct. 15-18, 2018

12. Yong Yang, Long Wang, Jing Gu, Ying Li*,Transparently Capturing Execution Path of Service/Job Request Processing, the 16th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018), Hangzhou, China, Nov. 12-15, 2018

13. Sixing Wu, Dawei Zhang, Ying Li*, Xing Xie, Zhonghai Wu,HL-EncDec: A Hybrid-Level Encoder-Decoder for Neural Response Generation, The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018), Santa Fe, USA,20-26 August, 2018.

14. Tong Jia, Ying Li*, Zhonghai Wu, Brief Announcement: Automatic Log Enhancement for Fault Diagnosis, ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2018),  United Kindom,  July 23-27, 2018.

15. Wu Sixing, Li Ying*, Zhang Xinyuan, Wu Zhonghai, DLCEncDec: A Fully Character-level Encoder-Decoder Model for Neural Responding Conversation, the 42th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018), Tokyo, Japan, July 23-27, 2018.

16. Yang Yue, Ying Li, Kexin Yi, Zhonghai Wu, SDACR: Synthetic Data Approach for Classification and Regression, The 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors(ASAP 2018),Milan, Italy,  July10-12 2018.

17. Jing Gu, Ying Li*, Hongyan Tang, Zhonghai Wu,  Auto-tuning Spark Configurations Based on Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018), Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.

18. Tong Jia, Pengfei Chen, Lin Yang, Ying Li*, et al, An approach for anomaly diagnosis based on hybrid graph model with logs for distributed services, 14th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2017) research track , June 26-July1,Hawaii,USA

19. Tong Jia, Lin Yang, Pengfei Chen, Ying Li*, et al, LogSed: Anomaly diagnosis through mining time-weighted control flow graph in logs, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2017), June 26-July1,Hawaii,USA

20. Yong Yue, Ying Li*, Tong Jia and Zhonghai Wu, An Iterative Model for Predicting Film Attendence, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 14-18,2017.

21. Sixing Wu, Ying Li* and Zhonghai Wu, Low Frequency Words Compression in Neural Conversation System, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 14-18, 2017.

22. Wang Kangjin , Yang Yong, Ying Li, Luo Hanmei, Ma Lin, FID: A Faster Image Distribution System for Docker Platform, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2017) workshop on Autonomic Management of Large Scale Container-based System (AMLCS 2017), Sept. 18-22, Tucson, ZA, USA.

23. Tang Hongyan, Li Ying*, Wang Long, Gu Jing, Wu Zhonghai, Predicting Misconfiguration-induced Unsuccessful Executions of Jobs in Big Data System,41st International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2017), July 4-8, 2017, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.

24. Tang HongYan, Li Ying*, Jia Tong, Wu Zhonghai, Hunting Killer Tasks for Cloud System Through machine learning: A Google Cluster Case Study, The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS-2016) , August 1-3, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

25. Jiatong, Li Ying*, Tang Hongyan, Wu Zhonghai, An Approach to Pinpointing Bug-induced Failure in Logs for Open Cloud Platforms, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2016) ,June 26-July 2, San Francisco, USA

26. Chang Guo, Ying Li, Zhonghai Wu, SLA-DO: A SLA-Based Data Distribution Strategy on Multiple Cloud Storage Systems, The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed System (ICPADS 2016):599-612

27. Jia Tong, Li Ying*, Tang Hongyan, Wu Zhonghai, Can We use programmer's Knowledge? Fixing Parameter Configuration Errors in Hadoop through Analyzing Q&A sites, IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2016),San Francisco, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2016,

28. Yong Yang, Ying Li*, Yue Yang, Zhonghai Wu, Wenlong Shao, CUT: A Combined Approach for Tag Recommendation in Software Information Sites, the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2016), Passau, Germany, Oct.5-8, 2016.

29.Tang Hongyan, Li Ying*, Jia Tong, Wu Zhonghai, Hunting Killer Tasks for Cloud System Through Behavior Pattern Learning,46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W),June 28 - July 1, 2016, Toulouse, FRANCE.

30. Yang Yong, Li Ying*, Tang Hongyan, Jia Tong, Shao Wenlong, An Approach for Cross-Community Content Recommendation: A Case Study on Docker, the 18th Asia Pacific Web Conference(APWeb 2016), Suzhou, China, 23-25 Sept. 2016.

31. Hongyan Tang, Ying Li*, Tong Jia, Zhonghai Wu, Evaluating Performance of Rescheduling Strategies in Cloud System, The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA-16), Tianjin, China, 23-26 August, 2016

32. Tang Hongyan, Li Ying*, Jia Tong, Yuan Xiaoyong, Wu Zhonghai, Time Series Based Killer Task Online Recognition Service: A Google Cluster Case Study, the International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2016), March 29 – April 1, Oxford, UK.

33. Yuan Xiaoyong, Tang Hong Yan, Li Ying*, Liu Tiancheng, Wu Zhonghai, A Competitive Penalty Model for Availability Based Cloud SLA, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2015) , June 27-July 2, New York, USA

34. Jia Tong, Li Ying* ,Yuan Xiaoyong, Tang Hongyan, Wu Zhonghai, Characterizing and Predicting Bug Assignment in OpenStack, International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and their Applications (IEEE TSA 2015), July 8-9, Hualien, Taiwan.

35.Yuan Xiaoyong, Li Ying*, Wu Zhonghai, Liu Tiancheng, An Analysis on Availability Commitment and Penalty in Cloud SLA,The 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2015), July 1-5,2015

36. Yuan Xiaoyong, Li Ying*, Liu Tiancheng, Dependability Analysis on OpenStack IaaS Cloud:Bug Anaysis and Fault Injection, The IEEE international Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), Singapore, December 15-18, 2014

37. Yuan Xiaoyong, Li Ying*, Wang Yanqi, Sun Kewei, Scheduling Cloud Platform Managed Live-Migration Operations to Minimize the Makespan, The 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Sept. 18-20, 2014

38. Kewei Sun, Ying Li*, Effort Estimation for Cloud Migration Process, IEEE International Conference on service-oriented system engineering (IEEE SOSE 2013) , San Francisco Bay, USA, May 25-28, 2013 .

39. Kewei Sun, Ying Li*, Jing Luo, Network traffic can optimize consolidation during transformation to virtualization, 29th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (ACM PODC 2010), Zurich, 2010

40. Xinhui Li, Ying Li*, Tiancheng Liu, Jie Qiu, Fengchun Wang, The Method and Tool of Cost Analysis for Cloud Computing, IEEE international conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2009), Sept. 2009.

41. Kewei Sun, Ying Li, Jing Luo, Network Traffic-based Automatic optimized Migration from Physical to Virtualized Cloud Environment with UCM Tool. IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology,2009. Best Paper Award.

42. Yang, Jie; Qiu, Jie; Li, Ying, A profile-based approach to just-in-time scalability for cloud applications, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2009), p 9-16.

43. Jing Luo, Ying Li, Anchor semantics enabled ranking method for service discovery and integration, The IEEE International Conference on Web Services(IEEE ICWS 2008), p 732-739, 2008.

44. Liu Liang, Li Ying, Ma Qian, Sun Kewei, Chen Ying, Wang Hao, Automatic model-based service hosting environment migration, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), p 682-685, 2008

45. Li Xinhui, Liu Tiancheng, Ying Li, Chen Ying, SPIN: Service performance isolation infrastructure in multi-tenancy environment, LNCS 5364 International Conference on Service-oriented Computing (ICSOC 2008), p 649-663, 2008.

46. Ma Qian, Wang Hao, Li Ying, Xie guotong, Liu Feng, A Semantic QoS-aware Discovery Framework for Web Services, The IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2008), p129-36

47. Sun Kewei, Qiu Jie, Li Ying, Chen Ying, Ji Weixing, A State Machine Approach for Problem Detection in Large-scale Distributed System, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008).

48. Jing Luo, Ying Li, Jie Qiu, Ying Chen, Declarative constraint framework for SOA deployment and configuration, The IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2008).

49. Qiming Teng, Xiao Zong, Ying Li, Chen Ying, Performance implications of next-generation multi-processing platforms on e-Business server applications, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (IEEE ICEBE 2008)

50. Xie Lei, Luo Jing, Qiu Jie, Pershing A. John, Li Ying, Chen Ying, availability weak point analysis over an SOA deployment framework, IEEE network operations and management symposium (NOMS 2008).

51. Qian Ma, Ying Li, Kewei Sun, Ying Chen, Model-Based Dependency Management for Migrating Service Hosting Environment, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2007)

52. Luo, Jing, Li, Ying; Qiu, Jie, Pattern based Declarative Constraint Solution for Model-Driven Service Deployment, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2007)

53. Kewei Sun, Ying Li, Matt Hogstrom, Ying Chen, Sizing Multi-Space in Heap for Application Isolation, the 21th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2006), October 22-26, 2006,

54. Ying Li, Jie Qiu, Kewei Sun, Ying Chen, Modeling and Verifying Configuration in Service Deployment, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2006), September 18-22, 2006, Chieago, U.S.A

55.Ying Li, Kewei Sun, Jie Qiu, Ying Chen, Self-Reconfiguration of Service-Based Systems: A Case Study for Service Level Agreements and Resource Optimization, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2005), July 11-15, 2005.

56. Ying Li, Fangyan Rao, Ying Chen, Dong Liu, Thomas Li, Services Ecosystem: towards a resilient infrastructure for on demand services provisioning in grid, IEEE International Conference of Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2004).

57. Ying Li, Xiaocheng Ding, Ying Chen, Dong Liu, Thomas Li, The Framework Supporting QoS-enabled Web Services, The International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2003)

58. Long Zhang, Ying Li, Fangyan Rao, Xiulan Yu, Ying Chen, Dong Liu, An Approach to Enabling Spatial OLAP by Aggregating on Spatial Hierarchy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2737 Data Warehousing and knowledge Discovery, 2003.

59. Gang Wang, Cheng Xu, Ying Li, Ying Chen, Analyzing XML Parser Memory Characteristics: Experiments towards Improving Web Services Performance, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2006).

60. Xiulan Yu, Long Zhang, Ying Li, Ying Chen, WSCE: A flexible web service composition environment, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2004).

61. Dong Bo, Qiu Jie, Zheng, Qinghua, Zhong Xiao, Li Jingwei, Li Ying, A novel approach to improving the efficiency of storing and accessing small files on hadoop: A case study by PowerPoint files, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2010)

62. Liu, Tiancheng, Katsuno, Yasuharu, Sun, Kewei, Li, Ying, Kushida, Takayuki, Chen,Ying, Itakura, Mayumi, Multi cloud management for unified cloud services across cloud sites, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems, p 164-169, 2011

63. Ying Chen, Xiaoyan Chen, Fangyan Rao, Xiulan Yu, Ying Li, Dong Liu, LORE: An Infrastructure Supporting Location-aware Service, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol.48, No. 5/6, 2004, pp601-616.

64. Wang Feng, Qiu Jie, Jie Yang, Bo Dong, Xinhui Li, Ying Li, Hadoop High Availability through Metadata Replication, ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM) International Workshop on Cloud Data Management (CloudDB), 2009.

65. Fang Yan Rao, Long Zhang, Xiu Lan Yu, Ying Li, Ying Chen, Spatial Hierarchy and OLAP-Favored Search in Spatial Data Warehouse, ACM Fifth International Workshop on DATA WAREHOUSING AND OLAP (DOLAP), 2003.

66. Chen Xiaoyan, Ding Xiaocheng, Chen Ying, Li Ying, Liu Dong, ULS: An infrastructure supporting location-based services, 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics ORLANDO, 2003



 ( 34 patent applications wherein 31 Patents were granted )

1. US9055419, Li Ying, Luo Jing, Su Zhong, Zhang Xiaoxun, Mobile terminal to recommend a short message recipient (Granted in 2015 )
2. US9158465 , Li Xinhui, Li Ying, Luo Jing, Luo Lin, Performing authorization control in a cloud storage system ( Granted in 2015 )

3. US8775769 ,Li Ying, Long Quan, Liu Tiancheng, Qiu Jie, partitionbased method and apparatus fordiagnosing memory leak in systems (Granted in 2014 )

4. US8661291, Li Xinhui, Li Ying, Liu Tiancheng, Liu Ying, Diagnosing a fault incident in a data center (Granted in 2014)

5. PCT102222037, Wang Haichuan, Zhong Xiao, Teng Qiming, Li Ying, Method and equipment for positioning bottleneck of JAVA program (Granted in 2014 )

6. US8479162, Li Ying, Liu Tiancheng, Long Quan, Luo Jing, Wang Chengwei, Method and apparatus for locating memory leak in a program (Granted in 2013 )

7. PCT101393535, Li Xinhui, Liu Tiancheng, Li Ying, Qiu Jie, Teng Qiming, et al., Method and system for associating event and assembly while working ( Granted in 2013)

8. US8429645, Patrick J. Draper, Kevin D. Galloway, Jim Hyde, Li Ying, Liu Liang, Ma Qian, Krishna C. Ratakonda, Sun Kewei, Method for optimizing migration of software applications to address needs ( Granted in 2013 )

9. US8527624, Chen Ying, Evelyn Duesterwald, Li Ying, Teng Qiming, Mechanism for adaptive profiling for performance analysis ( Granted in 2013 )

10. US8438417, Li Ying, Luo Jing, John Arthur Pershing, Method and apparatus to simplify HA solution configuration in deployment model. ( Granted in 2013 )

11. US8407694, Chen Ying, Li Ying, Qiu Jie, Sun Kewei, System and method for facilitating installing software (Granted in 2013 )

12. US8429620, Chen Ying, Teng Qiming, Li Xinhui, Li Ying, Liu Tiancheng, Memory leak diagnosis ( Granted in 2013 )

13. US8489626, Li Ying,Luo Jing,Su Zhong,ZhangXiaoxun, Method and apparatus for recommending ashort message recipient (Granted in 2013 )

14. US8347306, Li Xinhui, Li Ying, Liu Tiancheng, method and system for determining resource usage of tenant in multi-tenant architecture (Granted in 2013 )

15. US8566783, Li Ying, Luo Jing, Mao Jiaying, Qiu Jie,navigation path for a constraint language editor (Granted in 2013 )

16. PCT101339533, Liu Tiancheng, Li Ying, Qiu Jie, Long Quan, Method and device for diagnosing Java system EMS memory leakage based on partition (Granted in 2013)

17. US8108456, Chen Ying,Li Ying,Liu Liang, et.al., Method and apparatus for migrating the system environment on which the applications depend ( Granted in 2013)

18. US8151143,Li Ying, Qiu Jie,Teng Qiming, Method and apparatus of partial memory dump for lightweight memory usage analysis and problem determination(Granted in 2012 )

19. US8180726, Li Ying, Liu Tiancheng, Luo Jing, Qiu Jie, Constraint failure analysis using constraint evaluation tree of constraint patterns (Granted in 2012)

20. US8195979,Li Ying, Qiu Jie, Yang Jie, Zhong Xiao, Method and apparatus for realizing application high availability (Granted in 2012)

21. US7870169, Patrick J. Draper, Kevin D. Galloway, Jim Hyde, Li Ying, Liu Liang, Ma Qian, Krishna C. Ratakonda, Sun Kewei, Method for enabling traceability and recovery from errors during migration of software applications. (Granted in 2011)

22. US7949756, Li Ying, Chen Ying, Qiu Jie, Method and Apparatus for monitoring Web services resource utilization (Granted in 2011)

23. US7949608,Li Ying,Chen Ying,Tian Zhong, Enabling a software service provider to automatically obtain software service (Granted in 2011)

24. US7844720, Li Ying, Chen Ying, Qiu Jie, Xu Cheng, Managing database connections (Granted in 2010)

25. CN100416449, Li Ying, Tian Zhong, Chen Ying, Method and Apparatus for online purchasing services enabling a novel software supply/customer chain model in the era of software as a service (Granted in 2008)

26. US20110078681, Ying Li, Qiu Jie, Yang Jie, Zhong Xiao, Method and System for running virtual machine image (Granted in 2008)

27. EP1738308, Method and apparatus for platform independent self-healing web services process.

28. ZL201410219412.4, Li Ying, Jia Tong, Zhang Qixun, Wu Zhonghai, Method and Apparatus for multi-cloud based high available mobile device data storage method and apparatus (Granted in 2016)

29. ZL 201410598622.9, Li Ying, Jia Tong, Yuan Xiaoyong, Tang Hongyan, Zhang Qixun, Wu Zhonghai, Method and Apparatus for availability prediction of cloud applications based on mobile users' temporal-spatial behavior pattern (Granted in 2017)

30. ZL 201510977321.1, Li Ying, Jia Tong, Wu Zhonghai, Method and Apparatus for software bug-induced failure detection through mining software logs in web (Granted in 2017)

31. ZL 201510649451.2, Li Ying, Tang Hongyan, Jiatong, Wu Zhonghai, Zhang Qixun,Method and Apparatus for online recognition of frequently and continuously failing tasks in cloud datacenters (granted in 2017)

32. 201610202074.2 Li Ying, Jia Tong, Yue Yang, Wu Zhonghai, Method and apparatus for auto-recovery from software misconfiguration based on Q&A knowledge

33. 201610450944.8 Li Ying, Yue Yang, Jia Tong, Wu Zhonghai, Method and Apparatus for prediction of movie attendance rate

34. 201711156094.1 Li Ying, Yue Yang, Yi Kexin, Wu Zhonghai, method and apparatus for privacy-preserving synthetic data generation for big data analysis

Community Service


1 、Senior member of CCF software engineering.

2、Program Committee member of International Conferences including Middleware 2013, CLOUD 2009, SCC 2006-2011, ICWS 2005, etc.

3、Paper Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetic,International Journal of Web Services


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  • 北京大学软件与微电子学院导师简介-翟起滨
    翟起滨 教授 博士生导师 办公电话: Email: qibinzhai@ss.pku.edu.cn 个人简介 现为北京大学软件与微电子学院教授,博士生导师。在密码理论和技术领域工作近四十年,在实际工作中多次立功受奖,获政府特殊津贴。1987年1月被评为副教授,1993年5月被评为教授。2012年为科技部973密码技术相关课题评审专家 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2020-04-11
  • 北京大学软件与微电子学院导师简介-王立福
    王立福 博士 教授个人简介 北京大学计算机软件博士、北京大学软件工程国家工程研究中心副主任、信息科学技术学院计算机系教授、博士生导师,公安部信息安全标准委员会成员。曾参加国家重点科技攻关课题:软件工程环境标准化与实用化,软件工程环境工业化生产技术与系统的研究开发。发 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2020-04-11
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-陈峰
    陈峰高级工程师研究领域:图形图像计算机处理,数码印刷电子邮件:chen_feng@pku.edu.cn ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-冯岩松
    冯岩松副教授研究领域:自然语言处理,信息抽取以及机器学习与模式识别在自然语言处理中的应用教育背景:博士学位(英国爱丁堡大学信息学院,2011年)办公电话:(86)电子邮件:fengyansong(at)pku.edu.cn个人主页:English ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-陈晓鸥
    陈晓鸥研究员研究领域:多媒体情感识别,音乐挖掘与检索,广播及自媒体内容分析,音视频事件检测教育背景:学士学位(国防科技大学,1982年)办公电话:(86)电子邮件:chenxiaoou(at)pku.edu.cn研究组主页:数字音频信息处理实验室 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-郭宗明
    郭宗明研究员研究领域:网络视频编码优化、传输,移动多媒体,数字图像处理教育背景:北京大学博士学位(1994年),硕士学位(1990年),学士学位(1987年)办公电话:(86)电子邮件:guozongmingatpku.edu.cn研究室主页:数字视频信息处理实验室个人主页:中文 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-高良才
    高良才副教授研究领域:数字出版、版面分析与理解教育背景:博士学位(北京大学,2010年)办公电话:(86)电子邮件:glc@pku.edu.cn研究组主页:数字文档处理研究室个人主页:中文 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10
  • 北京大学王选计算机研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-胡玮
    胡玮助理教授研究领域:3D图像处理,图信号处理,深度学习网络教育背景:博士学位(香港科技大学,2015年),学士学位(中国科学技术大学,2010年)办公电话:(86)电子邮件:forhuweiatpku.edu.cn研究小组主页:建设中个人主页:English ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10