Email: zhiheng.wang@pku.edu.cn
Tel: +86
2007.10~2008.05,美国新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico),访问学生;导师:James H. Brown院士
1998.09~2002.07, 北京大学中国经济研究中心,经济学学士;
2013.11~今, 北京大学城市与环境学院研究员
2012.11~2013.10, 丹麦哥本哈根大学(University of Copenhagen)助理教授
2011.05~2013.04, 丹麦哥本哈根大学, 玛丽?居里博士后(Marie Curie Fellow)
2010.05~2011.04, 丹麦哥本哈根大学, 博士后
2009.04~2010.04, 瑞士苏黎世大学(University of Zurich), 博士后
2009.01~2009.04, 北京大学城环学院生态学系, 博士后
1.Fang, Jingyun, Zhiheng Wang & Zhiyao Tang (2011). Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate. Springer & Higher Education Press, Berlin & Beijing. p. 1-1999 (This book won the Chinese Government Award for Publishing in 2011)
2011-今, Journal of Plant Ecology (Oxford University Press, 5Yr IF= 2.9), associate editor
2013-今, Ecography (The Nordic Society Oikos, 5Yr IF = 5.6), subject editor
2013-今, 《生物多样性》,编委
2014-今, 《植物生态学报》,编委
2016-今, 《应用生态学报》,编委
2015-今, 担任《中国大百科全书 生态学卷》编委、《生物多样性科学》分支副主编;
2013-今, 国际生物地理学学会(International Biogeography Society, IBS), 亚洲区协调人
2013-今, 中国植物学会植物生态学会专业委员会委员
2015-今, 国务院学位办生态学科评议组秘书
2011年,博士论文获“全国优秀博士论文”提名奖 (论文题目:中国木本植物物种多样性的地理格局、影响因子及尺度效应)
2011年,欧盟Marie Curie 博士后奖金
2011年,中国出版政府奖-图书奖(Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate),新闻出版总署,第二完成人
方精云,王志恒,唐志尧(2011)中国木本植物分布图集(Atlas of Chinese Woody Plants: Distribution and Climate)(中英文).北京:高等教育出版社(获中国出版最高奖—“中国出版政府奖图书奖”)
王志恒(2006)长江中游典型地区的生物多样性变化. In:方精云,赵淑清,唐志尧等著.长江中游湿地生物多样性保护的生态学基础.北京:高等教育出版社. P138-152
已发表英文期刊论文(*corresponding author;?co-first author)
1.Miraldo A., Li S., Borregaard M.K., Flórez-Rodríguez A., Gopalakrishnan S., Rizvanovic M., Wang Z., Rahbek C., Marske K.A. & Nogués-Bravo D. (2016). An Anthropocene map of genetic diversity.Science, 353, 1532-1535.
2.Li Y., Wang Z., Xu X., Han W., Wang Q. & Zou D. (2016). Leaf margin analysis of Chinese woody plants and the constraints on its application to palaeoclimatic reconstruction.Global Ecol. Biogeogr., 10.1111/geb.12498.
3.Wang Q., Punchi-Manage R., Lu Z., Franklin S.B., Wang Z., Li Y., Chi X., Bao D., Guo Y., Lu J., Xu Y., Qiao X. & Jiang M. (2016). Effects of topography on structuring species assemblages in a subtropical forest.J Plant Ecol.
4.Tao S., Guo Q., Li C., Wang Z. & Fang J. (2016). Global patterns and determinants of forest canopy height.Ecology, n/a-n/a.
5.Shrestha N., Shrestha S., Koju L., Shrestha K.K. & Wang Z. (2016). Medicinal plant diversity and traditional healing practices in eastern Nepal.J. Ethnopharmacol., 192, 292-301.
6.Song G., Zhang R., Qu Y.,Wang Z., Dong L., Kristin A., Alstr?m P., Ericson P.G.P., Lambert D.M., Fjelds? J. & Lei F. (2016). A zoogeographical boundary between the Palaearctic and Sino-Japanese realms documented by consistent north/south phylogeographical divergences in three woodland birds in eastern China.Journal of Biogeography.doi:10.1111/jbi.12758.
7.Sonne J., Martín González A.M., Maruyama P.K., Sandel B., Vizentin-Bugoni J., Schleuning M., Abrahamczyk S., Alarcón R., Araujo A.C., Araújo F.P., Mendes de Azevedo S., Baquero A.C., Cotton P.A., Ingversen T.T., Kohler G., Lara C., Guedes Las-Casas F.M., Machado A.O., Machado C.G., Maglianesi M.A., Moura A.C., Nogués-Bravo D., Oliveira G.M., Oliveira P.E., Ornelas J.F., Rodrigues L.d.C., Rosero-Lasprilla L., Rui A.M., Sazima M., Timmermann A., Varassin I.G.,Wang Z., Watts S., Fjelds? J., Svenning J.-C., Rahbek C. & Dalsgaard B. (2016). High proportion of smaller ranged hummingbird species coincides with ecological specialization across the Americas.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences,283, doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.2512.
8.Xu X.,Wang Z.*, Rahbek C., Sanders N. & Fang J. (2016) Geographical variation in the importance of water and energy for oak diversity.Journal of Biogeography.43, 279-288.
9.González A.M.M.*, Dalsgaard B., Nogués-Bravo D., Graham C.H., Schleuning M., Maruyama P.K., Abrahamczyk S., Alarcón R., Araujo A.C., Araújo F.P., Jr S.M.d.A., Baquero A.C., Cotton P.A., Ingversen T.T., Kohler G., Lara C., Las-Casas F.M.G., Machado A.O., Machado C.G., Maglianesi M.A., McGuire J.A., Moura A.C., Oliveira G.M., Oliveira P.E., Ornelas J.F., Rodrigues L.d.C., Rosero-Lasprilla L., Rui A.M., Sazima M., Timmermann A., Varasin I.G., Vizentin-Bugoni J.,Wang Z., Watts S., Rahbek C. & Martinez N.D. (2015) The macroecology of phylogenetically structured hummingbird-plant networks.Global Ecology and Biogeography24: 1212-1224
10.Xu X., Dimitrov D., Rahbek C. &Wang Z.*(2015). NCBIminer: Sequences harvest from Genbank.Ecography, 38, 426-430.
11.Tao S., Fang J.*, Zhao X., Zhao S., Shen H., Hu H., Tang Z.,Wang Z.& Guo Q. (2015). Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 10.1073/pnas..
12.Dalsgaard B.*, Carstensen D.W., Fjelds? J., Maruyama P.K., Rahbek C., Sandel B., Sonne J., Svenning J.-C.,Wang Z.& Sutherland W.J. (2014). Determinants of bird species richness, endemism, and island network roles in Wallacea and the West Indies: is geography sufficient or does current and historical climate matter?Ecology and Evolution, 4, 4019-4031.
13.Kennedy J.D.*,Wang Z., Weir J.T., Rahbek C., Fjelds? J. & Price T.D. (2014). Into and out of the tropics: the generation of the latitudinal gradient among New World passerine birds.Journal ofBiogeography,41, 1746–1757.
14.Li L.?*,Wang Z.?, Zerbe S., Abdusalih N., Tang Z., Ma M., Yin L., Mohammat A., Han W. & Fang J. (2013) Species richness patterns and water-energy dynamics in the drylands of Northwest China.PloS One, 8, e66450. (?co-first author)
15.Xu X.,Wang Z.*, Rahbek C., Lessard J.-P., Fang J.*(2013)Evolutionary history influences the effects of water-energy dynamics on oak diversity in Asia.Journal of Biogeography. 40, 2146–2155.
16.Feng X.*, Vonk J.E., van Dongen B.E., Gustafsson ?., Semiletov I.P., Dudarev O.V.,Wang Z., Montlu?on D.B., Wacker L. & Eglinton T.I. (2013) Differential mobilization of terrestrial carbon pools in Eurasian Arctic river basins.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of U.S.A.110, 14168-14173.
17.Kang J., Zhang H., Sun T., Shi Y., Wang J., Zhang B.,Wang Z., Zhou Y. & Gu H.*(2013) Natural variation of C-repeat-binding factor (CBFs) genes is a major cause of divergence in freezing tolerance among a group ofArabidopsis thalianapopulations along the Yangtze River in China.New Phytologist, 199, 1069-1080.
18.Dalsgaard B*., Tr?jelsgaard K., González A.M., Nogués-Bravo D., Ollerton J., Petanidou T., Sandel B., Schleuning M.,Wang Z., Rahbek C., Sutherland W.J., Svenning J.-C. and Olesen J.M. (2013) Historical climate-change influences modularity and nestedness of pollination networks.Ecography. 36, 1331-1340.
19.Holt B.G.*, Lessard J.-P., Borregaard M.K., Fritz S.A., Araújo M.B., Dimitrov D., Fabre P.-H., Graham C.H., Graves G.R., J?nsson K.A., Nogués-Bravo D.,Wang Z., Whittaker R.J., Fjelds? J. & Rahbek C. (2013). Response to Comment on “An Update of Wallace’s Zoogeographic Regions of the World”.Science, 341, 343.
20.Holt B.G.*, Lessard J.-P., Borregaard M.K., Fritz S.A., Araújo M.B., Dimitrov D., Fabre P.-H., Graham C.H., Graves G.R., J?nsson K.A., Nogués-Bravo D.,Wang Z., Whittaker R.J., Fjelds? J. & Rahbek C. (2013) An Update of Wallace’s Zoogeographic Regions of the World.Science, 339, 74-78.
21.Fang J.*, Shen Z., Tang Z., Wang X.,Wang Z., Feng J., Liu Y., Qiao X., Wu X. & Zheng C. (2012). Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China.Ecography, 35, 1059-1071.
22.Tang Z.*, Fang J., Chi X., Feng J., Liu Y., Shen Z., Wang X.,Wang Z., Wu X., Zheng C. & Gaston K.J. (2012). Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China.Ecography, 35, 1083-1091.
23.Wang Z.*, Rahbek C., Fang J. (2012) Effects of geographical extent on the determinants of woody plant diversity.Ecography.35: 1160–1167
24.Wang Z.*, Fang J., Tang Z. & Shi L. (2012) Geographical patterns in the beta diversity of China`s woody plants: The influence of space, environment, and range size.Ecography. 35: 1092–1102
25.Fei S.*, Liang L., Paillet F.L., Steiner K.C., Fang J., Shen Z.,Wang Z.& Hebard F.V. (2012) Modelling chestnut biogeography for American chestnut restoration.Diversity and Distributions. 18, 754-768.
26.Wang Z.*, Fang J., Tang Z. & Lin X. (2012) Relative role of contemporary environment versus history in shaping diversity patterns of China`s woody plants.Ecography, 35: 1124–1133
27.Fang J.*,Wang Z., Tang Z. & Brown J.H. (2012) Large-scale patterns of tree species richness and the metabolic theory of ecology.Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 508-512.
28.Geng Y.,Wang Z., Liang C., Fang J., Baumann F., Kühn P., Scholten T. & He J.-S*. (2012) Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits and the relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands.Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 416 - 427.
29.Han W.X., Fang J.*, Reich P.B., Woodward I.F. &Wang Z.(2011) Biogeography and variability of eleven mineral elements in plant leaves across gradients of climate, soil and plant functional type in China.Ecology Letters, 14, 788-796.
30.Wang Z.*, Fang J., Tang Z. & Lin X. (2011) Patterns, determinants and models of woody plant diversity in China.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278, 2122-2132.
31.Wang S.,Wang Z., Piao S. & Fang J. (2010) Regional differences in the timing of recent air warming during the past four decades in China.Chinese Science Bulletin, 55, 1968-1973.
32.Ma W., Liu Z.,Wang Z., Wang W., Liang C., Tang Y., He J.-S. & Fang J. (2010) Climate change alters interannual variation of grassland aboveground productivity: evidence from a 22-year measurement series in the Inner Mongolian grassland.Journal of Plant Research, 123, 509-517.
33.Schuldt A.,Wang Z., Zhou H. & Assmann T. (2009) Integrating highly diverse invertebrates into broad-scale analyses of cross-taxon congruence across the Palaearctic.Ecography, 32, 1019-1030
34.Wang Z., Brown J.H., Tang Z. & Fang J. (2009) Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 13388-13392.
35.Wang Z., Tang Z. & Fang J. (2007) Altitudinal patterns of seed plant richness in the Gaoligong Mountains, south-east Tibet, China.Diversity and Distributions, 13, 845-854.
36.Fang J.,Wang Z., Zhao S., Li Y., Tang Z., Yu D., Ni L., Liu H., Xie P., Da L., Li Z. & Zheng C. (2006) Biodiversity changes in the lakes of the Central Yangtze.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4, 369-377.
37.Tang Z.,Wang Z., Zheng C. & Fang J. (2006) Biodiversity in China`s mountains.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4, 347-352.
38.He J.-S.,Wang Z., Wang X., Schmid B., Zuo W., Zhou M., Zheng C., Wang M. & Fang J. (2006) A test of the generality of leaf trait relationships on the Tibetan Plateau.New Phytologist, 170, 835-848.
39.He J.-S., Fang J.,Wang Z., Guo D., Flynn D.F.B. & Geng Z. (2006) Stoichiometry and large-scale patterns of leaf carbon and nitrogen in the grassland biomes of China.Oecologia, 149, 115-122.
40.Fang J., Oikawa T., Kato T., Mo W. &Wang Z.(2005) Biomass carbon accumulation by Japan`s forests from 1947 to 1995.Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19, GB2004.
41.徐晓婷,王志恒*, Dimitrov D. & Rahbek C. (2015)批量下载GenBank基因序列数据的新工具——NCBIminer.生物多样性23 (4): 550–555
42.李利平,努尔巴依阿布都沙力克,王少鹏,王志恒,唐志尧(2011)新疆野生维管束植物物种丰富度分布格局的水热解释.干旱区研究. 28: 25-30.
43.王志恒,唐志尧,方精云(2009)物种多样性地理格局的能量假说.生物多样性, 17, 613-624
44.王志恒,唐志尧,方精云(2009)生态学代谢理论:基于个体新陈代谢过程解释物种多样性的地理格局.生物多样性, 17, 625-634 (in Chinese with English abstract)
45.林鑫,王志恒,唐志尧,赵淑清,方精云(2009),中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局及其与环境因子的关系.生物多样性, 17, 652-663
46.唐志尧,王志恒,方精云(2009)生物多样性分布格局的地史成因假说.生物多样性, 17, 635-643
47.方精云,王襄平,沈泽昊,唐志尧,贺金生,于丹,江源,王志恒,郑成洋,朱江玲,郭兆迪(2009)植物群落清查的主要内容、方法和技术规范,生物多样性, 17, 533-548
48.李永科,王志恒,方精云. 2008.中域效应模型中物种分布幅度梯度的影响.中国科学(C辑). 38(6): 495-590 (IF: 0.7)
49.胡会峰,王志恒,刘国华,傅伯杰. 2006.中国主要灌丛植被碳储量.植物生态学报30(4): 539-544.
50.马文红,韩梅,林鑫,任艳林,王志恒,方精云. 2006.内蒙古温带草地植被的碳储量.干旱区资源与环境, 20: 192-195.
51.王志恒,陈安平,方精云. 2004.湖南省种子植物物种丰富度及其与地形的关系.地理学报, 59: 889-894.
52.王志恒,陈安平,朴世龙,方精云. 2004.高黎贡山种子植物物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的变化.生物多样性, , 12 (1): 81-88.
53.方精云,沈泽昊,唐志尧,王志恒. 2004. “中国山地植物物种多样性调查计划”及若干技术规范.生物多样性, 12 (1): 5-9.
54.杨元合,饶胜,胡会峰,陈安平,吉成均,朱彪,左闻韵,李轩然,沈海花,王志恒,唐艳鸿,方精云. 2004.青藏高原高寒草地植物物种丰富度及其与环境因子和生物量的关系.生物多样性, 12: 200-205.
55.吴晓莆,王志恒,崔海亭,方精云. 2004.北京山区栎林的群落结构与物种组成.生物多样性, 12 (1): 155-163.
56.王襄平,王志恒,方精云. 2004.中国的主要山脉和山峰.生物多样性, 12 (1): 206-212.
WANG Qinggang
SHRESTHA Nawal (2015-present)
Research Interest: Plant systematics and evolution; Phylogenetics and historical
biogeography; Ethnopharmacology
LIU Nana (2016-present)
Research Interest: Soil and microbial ecology, diversity of species.
LI Yaoqi
Research Interest: Leaf morphological traits; Biodiversity and climate change
SU Xiangyan (2015-present)
Research Interest:
CAI Hongyu
WANG Siyang
Research Interest: vegetation dynamics, species distribution models and climate change
ZOU Dongting (2015 -
LYU Lisha (2015-present)
Research Interest: Molecular Ecology and Evolution
LIU Yunpeng (2016-present)
ZHANG Xiaoling
Research Interest: Species Distribution Model, Climate change
MENG Jiahui
LI Yichao
XIONG Xingshuo
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10
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杨小柳职称:教授研究方向:水资源和水环境管理的规划和研究所属系别:自然地理与自然资源系Email:xlyang@urban.pku.edu.cn ...北京大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10北京大学城市与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张家富
张家富职称:教授研究方向:(1)释光测年技术、方法和基本理论;(2)第四纪环境和地貌过程;(3)环境考古所属系别:自然地理与自然资源系Tel:Email:jfzhang@pku.edu.cn教育经历1984、1990和2000年分别在原华东地质学院、核工业北京地质研究院和香港大学获学士、硕士和博士学位工作经历从1984.8起,分别在核工业北京地质研究院任技术员、助理工程师、工程师和高级工程师,北京 ...北京大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10北京大学城市与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曾辉
曾辉职称:教授研究方向:景观生态学、城市化地区人为活动的生态环境效应、城市与区域生态保护规划、区域开发及建设项目的生态影响评估、土地利用及土地覆被变化研究、大型工程项目的生态可行性论证所属系别:生态学系Email:zenghui001@vip.sina.com教育经历1995年9月~1999年7月,在北京大学城市与环境学系自然地理专业完成在职博士研究生学习,获博士学位。学位论文题目:深圳市快速城市 ...北京大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-10