

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10

贺新强 邮  箱:hexq@pku.edu.cn
职  称:教授

教育经历:2003 - 2003 , 博士后 , 德国Fraunhofer 分子生物学及生态学研究所
1999 - 2001, 博士后,北京大学生命科学学院
1996 - 1999 , 理学博士, 中国科学院植物研究所
1990 - 1993 , 理学硕士 , 山东师范大学
1986 - 1990 , 理学学士 , 陕西师范大学
工作经历:2016 至今, 教授 博士生导师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2012 - 2016 , 副教授 博士生导师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2002 - 2012 , 副教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2006 - 2007 , 芬兰赫尔辛基大学, 访问学者
2001 - 2002 , 讲师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1993 - 1996 , 讲师, 山东师范大学
执教课程:植物生物学及实验, 主讲, 本科生, 春季2007至今
生物学野外实习, 主讲, 本科生, 小学期2001至今
植物发育生物学, 主讲, 研究生, 秋季 2008至今
1. Chen J-J, Wang L-Y, Immanen J, Nieminen K, Spicer R, Helariutta Y, Zhang J* and He X-Q*. 2019. Differential regulation of auxin and cytokinin during the secondary vascular tissue regeneration in Populus trees. New Phytologist 224: 188-201.
2.Jin F, Li J, Ding Q, Wang QS, He XQ* 2017. Proteomic analysis provides insights into changes in the central metabolism of the cambium during dormancy release in poplar. Journal of Plant Physiology 208: 26-39.
3. He XQ, Groover A. 2017. The genomics of wood formation in angiosperm trees. In A.T. Groover and Q.C.B. Cronk (eds.), Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics of Angiosperm Trees, Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models. Springer International Publishing AG 2017. DOI 10.1007/7397_2016_17
4. Liu JD, Hou J, Chen HM, Pei KL, Li Y, He XQ*. 2017. Dynamic changes of pectin epitopes in cell walls during the development of the procambium-cambium continuum in poplar. International Journal of Molecular Science 18, 1716; doi:10.3390/ijms**.
5. He XQ, Qu LJ. 2016. Cellular and molecular features of the procambium and cambium in plant vascular tissue development. In Ray J. Rose (ed.), Molecular Cell Biology of the Growth and Differentiation of Plant Cells. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. P236-256.
6. Zeng J, Ding Q, Fukuda H, He XQ*. Fertilization Independent Endosperm genes repress NbGH3.6 and regulate the auxin level during shoot development in Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67:2207-2217
7. Ding Q, Zeng J, He XQ*. MiR169 and its target PagHAP2-6 regulated by ABA are involved in poplar cambium dormancy. Journal of Plant Physiology 2016, 198: 1–9
8. Ding Q, Zeng J, He XQ*. Deep sequencing on a genome-wide scale reveals diverse stage-specific microRNAs incambium during dormancy-release induced by chilling in poplar, BMC Plant Biology , 2014 , 14:267
9. Chen JJ, Zhang J, He XQ*. Tissue regeneration after bark girdling: an ideal research tool to investigate plant vascular development and regeneration , Physiologia Plantarum , 2014 , 151: 147-155
10. Li WF, Ding Q, Cui KM, He XQ*. Cambium reactivation independent of bud unfolding involves de novo IAA biosynthesis in cambium regions in Populus tomentosa Carr, Acta Physiologia Plantarum , 2013 , 35: 1827-1836
11. Lucas WJ, Groover A, Lichtenberger R, Furuta K, Yadav SR, Helariutta Y, He XQ, Fukuda H, Kang J, Brady SM, Patrick JW, Sperry J, Yoshida A, Lopez-Millan AF, Grusak M,Kachroo P. The Plant Vascular System: Evolution, Development and Functions , Journal of Integrative Plant Biology , 2013 , 55: 294–388
12. Han JJ, Lin W, Oda Y, Cui KM, Fukuda H, He XQ*. The proteasome is responsible for caspase-3-like activity during xylem development , The Plant Journal , 2012 , 72, 129–141
13. Zhao L, Ding Q, Zen Jung, Wang FR, Zhang J, Fan SJ*, He XQ*. An improved CTAB– ammonium acetate method for total RNA isolation from cotton , Phytochemical Analysis , 2012 , 23 , 647– 650
14. Chen HM, Pang Y, Zeng J, Ding Q, Yin SY, Liu C, Lu MZ, Cui KM, He XQ*. The Ca2+-dependent DNases are involved in secondary xylem development in Eucommia ulmoides , Journal of Integrative Plant Biology , 2012 , 54 (7), 456–470.
15. Zhang J, Gao G, Chen JJ, Taylor G, Cui KM and He XQ*. Molecular features of secondary vascular tissue regeneration after bark girdling in Populus. , New Phytologist , 2011 , 192: 869-884.
16. Chen HM, Han JJ, Cui KM, He XQ*. Modification of cambial cell wall architecture during cambium periodicity in Populus , Trees , 2010 , 24:533-540
17. Li WF, Cui KM, He XQ*. Regulation of cell cycle regulators by environmental signals during growth-dormancy cycle of trees , Plant Signaling & Behavior , 2009 , 4(10): 959-961
18. Li WF, Ding Q, Chen JJ, Cui KM, He XQ*. Induction of PtoCDKB and PtoCYCB transcription by temperature during cambium reactivation in Populus , Journal of Experimental Botany , 2009 , 60: 2621–2630
19. Pang Y, Zhang J, Cao J, Yin SY, He XQ*, Cui KM*. Phloem Transdifferentiation from Immature Xylem Cells during Bark Regeneration after Girdling in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv , Journal of Experimental Botany , 2008 , 59: 1341-1351

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