电话 **(办)**(宅),Email
一. 简历1978.2 - 1982.1 北京大学物理系,获学士学位
1989.8 获清华大学硕士学位
1992.12 获得电子科技大学物理学与光电子学博士学位
1993.1 - 1995.7 清华大学博士后流动站
1995.8 - 2005.8 北京大学物理系副教授
1998.7 - 2000.7 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校,Research Fellow
2000.7 - 2001.4 美国堪萨斯州立大学 Associate Researcher
2005.8 - 教授, 博士生导师,北京大学物理学院, 北京大学宽禁带半导体研究中心
二. 研究领域光电子物理和器件研究。近期工作主要是GaN基短波长激光器的研制和相应的物理研究。
三. 教学本科生《基础物理》主讲。
四. 目前承担的科研项目InGaN 调制量子阱结构和性质,国家自然科学基金项目
III 族氮化物的异质外延生长, 国家自然科学基金项目
五. 近期发表部分论文及讲演:《永远保持一双明亮而清澈的眼睛》----在物理学院2012年开学典礼上的致辞
Wei Yang, Yongfa He, Lei Liu, and Xiaodong Hu, Practicable alleviation of efficiency droop effect using surface plasmon coupling in GaN-based light emitting diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 241111 (2013)
Lei Li, Ding Li, Qiyuan Wei, Weihua Chen, Zhijian Yang, Jiejun Wu, Guoyi Zhang, and Xiaodong Hu*, Inclined Dislocation Generation in Compressive-Strain-Enhanced Mg-Doped GaN/Al0:15Ga0:85N Superlattice with AlN Interlayer, Applied Physics Express, 6 (2013) 061002
Cimang Lu, Lei Wang, Jianing Lu, Rui Li, Lei Liu, Ding Li, Ningyang Liu, Lei Li, Wenyu Cao, Wei Yang, Weihua Chen, Weimin Du, Ching-Ting Lee, Xiaodong Hu*, Investigation of the electroluminescence spectrum shift of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well light-emitting diodes under direct and pulsed currents, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 013102 (2013)
Ding Li, Wei Yang, Liefeng Feng, Peter W. Roth, Juan He, Weimin Du, Zhijian Yang, Cunda Wang, Guoyi Zhang, and Xiaodong Hu* , Stimulated emission related anomalous change of electrical parameters at threshold in GaN-based laser diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 123501 (2013)
Wei Yang, Ding Li, Ningyang Liu, Zhao Chen, Lei Wang, Lei Liu, Lei Li, Chenghao Wan, Weihua Chen, Xiaodong Hu*, and Weimin Du, Improvement of hole injection and electron overflow by a tapered AlGaN electron blocking layer in InGaN-based blue laser diodes, Applied Physics Letters,100, 031105 (2012).
Lei Li, Justin P. C. Liu, Lei Liu, Ding Li, Lei Wang, Chenghao Wan, Weihua Chen, Zhijian Yang, Yahong Xie, Xiaodong Hu*, and Guoyi Zhang, Defect Reduction via Selective Lateral Epitaxy of GaN on an Innovative Masked Structure with Serpentine Channels, Applied Physics Express, 5 (2012) 051001
Lei Liu, Ningyang Liu, Lei Wang, Ding Li, Weihua Chen, Zhe Chuan Feng, Yueh-Chien Lee, Ian Ferguson, and Xiaodong Hu*, Investigation of the light emission properties and carrier dynamics in dual-wavelength InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum well light emitting diodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 083101 (2012)
Wei Yang and Xiaodong Hu,Comment on ‘‘Plasmon-Enhanced Ultraviolet Photoluminescence from Hybrid Structures of Graphene/ZnO Films’’, 107, 159701 (2011) , Physical Review Letters
Lei Wang, Cimang Lu, Jianing Lu, Lei Liu, Ningyang Liu, Yujie Chen, Yanfeng Zhang, Erdan Gu, and Xiaodong Hu*, Influence of carrier screening and band filling effects on efficiency droop of InGaN light emitting diodes,18 July 2011,Vol. 19, No. 15 / Optics Express 14182
Lei Liu, Lei Wang, Ding Li, Ningyang Liu, Weihua Chen, ZheChuan Feng, Weimin Du and Xiaodong Hu*, Influence of Indium Composition in the Prestrained InGaN Interlayer on the Strain Relaxation of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells in Laser Diode Structures,Journal of Applied Physics, 109 073106 (2011)
Wang Yu-Zhou, Li Ding, Li Lei, Liu Ningyang, Liu Lei, Cao Wen-Yu, Chen Wei-Hua, and Xiaodong Hu*, Intersubband transitions in Al0.82In0.18N/GaN single quantum well,, Chin. Phys. B, Vol.20, No. 9 (2011) 094207
Lei Wang, Rui Li, Ding Li, Ningyang Liu, Lei Liu, Weihua Chen, Cunda Wang, Zhijian Yang, and Xiaodong Hu, Strain modulation-enhanced Mg acceptor activation efficiency of Al0.14Ga0.86N/GaN superlattices with AlN interlayer, Applied Physics Letters, 96(06)061110, 2010
Ziwen Yang, Rui Li, Tao Yu, Yanzhao Zhang, Weihua Chen, Xiaodong Hu*, Analysis of optical gain property in the InGaN/GaN triangular shaped quantum well under the piezoelectric field, Applied Physics Letters, 94(6), 061120 (2009)
Li, R; Zhang, JM; Chen, L; Zhao, HB; Yang, ZW; Yu, T; Li, D; Liu, ZC; Chen, WH; Yang, ZJ; Zhang, GY; Gan, ZZ; Hu, XD*; Wei, QY; Li, T; Ponce, FA, Donor-related cathodoluminescence of p-AlGaN electron blocking layer embedded in ultraviolet laser diode structure, Applied Physics Letters, 94(21)211103, 2009
Lei Wang, Rui Li, Ziwen Yang, Ding Li, Tao Yu, Ningyang Liu, Lei Liu, Weihua Chen, and Xiaodong Hu*, High spontaneous emission rate asymmetrically graded 480 nm InGaN/GaN quantum well light-emitting diodes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95 (21), 211104, 2009
D Zhang, Z C Liu and X D Hu* Improved Multi-layer Stopper in the GaN-based Laser Diode, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24 (2009) 045003 (5pp)
W. H. Chen, X. D. Hu,X. D. Shan, X. N. Kang, X. R. Zhou, X. M. Zhang, T. J. Yu, K. Xu, Z. J. Yang, G. Y. Zhang , Shock-assisted superficial hexagonal-to-cubic phase transition in GaN/sapphire interface induced by ultra-violet laser lift-off, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 26, 016203 (2009)
六. 获奖及荣誉北京大学优秀教学奖, 2012
北京大学正大教师奖, 2006
北京大学青年教师奖, 1996
清华大学青年教师奖, 1994
七. 联系方法 办公室在物理大楼北442;电话:**(O), **(H) email: