马中水 教授 教育背景:中山大学博士(1991年)
联系方式:电话 **,Email mazs_at_phy.pku.edu.cn
出生于山东青岛。博士, 1991年, 中山大学;
办公室:北京大学物理学院南楼441室。电话:。Email: mazs@phy.pku.edu.cn
教授, 1995年, 中山大学;
教授, 2002年, 北京大学。
研究兴趣: 凝聚态理论,介观物理, 自旋电子学。
近年发表的工作: Dynamic Hall resistivity of electronic systems in the presence of Rashba coupling at zero field, C. Zhang and Z.S. Ma, Phys. Rev. B71, 121307(R)(2005)
Effect of thermal fluctuations of twist angles on charge transport in DNA: A model calculation, W. Ren, J. Wang, Z.S. Ma, H. Guo, Phys. Rev. B72, 035456(2005)
Conductance fluctuations and higher order moments of a disordered carbon nanotube, W. Ren, J. Wang, and Z.S. Ma, Phys. Rev. B72, 195407(2005)
Quantum interference and Fano resonance in photon-assisted tunneling through a quantum dot, Z.S. Ma, D.B. Lin, and Z.B. Su, pp. 99-116, in Trends in Quantum Dots Research, Editor P.A. Ling, Nova Science Publishers, Inc (2005)
Photon-assisted Fano resonance and corresponding shot noise in a quantum dot, Z.S. Ma, Y. Zhu, .Q. Li, T.H. Lin, and Z.B. Su, Phys. Rev. B69, 045302 (2004)
ac josephson effect in the resonant tunneling through mesoscopic superconducting junctions, Y. Zhu, W. Li, Z.S. Ma, T.H. Lin, and Q.F. Sun, Phys. Rev. B69, 024518 (2004)
Controllable quantum spin precession by Aharonov-Chaser phase in a conducting ring, S.Q. Shen, Z.J. Li, Z.S. Ma, Appl. Phys. Lett.84, 996 (2004)
Quantum measurement of solid-state qubit: A unified quantum master equation approach revisited, X.Q. Li, W.K. Zhang, P. Cui, J.S. Shao, Z.S. Ma, and Y.J. Yan, Phys. Rev. B69, 085315(2004)
Spintronic Faraday rotation spectroscopy and geometrical modulation of spin current in an Aharonov-Casher ring, Z.S. Ma, P. Li, And S.Q. Shen, Phys. Rev. B70, 125318(2004)