
北京大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Rainer Spurzem

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-10

Rainer Spurzem 教授
电话 **,传真 **,Email spurzem_at_bao.ac.cn
HomeHome & News
Research ProjectsAccretion discs in AGN: interaction with stars
Multi-phase chemodynamics
Interactions of SMBH binaries with background stars in merging galaxies
Gpu Correlator Desgin
Tidal disruption of stars by SMBHs in galactic nuclei
Triple Black Holes MPA
Visitors Beijing
Visitors Heidelberg
Conferences12th Korea-China-Kazakhstan (KCK) Meeting
Conferences 2020
Conferences 2019
11th Korea-China-Kazakhstan (KCK) Meeting
Miniworkshop Beijing NAOC/KIAA Oct. 2019
Sino-German/Austrian Workshop Dali Sep 2019
10th Korea-China-Kazakhstan (KCK) Meeting
Teeminar Heidelberg
Oberseminar Heidelberg

The Silk Road Project Teamis dedicated to computational studies of the evolution of planetary systems, star clusters, galaxies and galactic nuclei, black holes and gravitational wave emission. Our two main project nodes are Beijing, China (NAOC and KIAA) and Heidelberg, Germany (ZAH-ARI); we collaborate closely with institutions and colleagues from Kiev (Ukraine) and Almaty (Kazakhstan) and several other countries (e.g. Chile, Italy, UK, Pakistan, Austria,...). We are dedicated to teach and promote the use of new supercomputing facilities in China and abroad.

Our project is a bridge between China and Germany, with links to Asia, Europe, Americas ...
...through this bridge we exchange students, knowledge, scientists...
...work together for new technologies, and also for mutual cultural respect and understanding...

Our Main Research Projectsare:
Binary Supermassive Black Holes and Gravitational Waves in Quiet and Active Galactic Nuclei
Dynamical Evolution of Stars and Gas in Galactic Nuclei and Dense Star Clusters
How are planetary systems forming and evolving (in star clusters)?
How can we design supercomputers which are faster and consume less energy?
Education and Workshops in Computational and Theoretical Astrophysics, Parallel Programming and Accelerated Computing
Have a look at ourPublications andCollaborations
(See from where our pages have been looked at... Due to a crash of this service the data have been restarted Oct. 30, 2015)

Next Teeminars
Time Plan 2019/2018/20172020
Time and Place: Friday; 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., NAOC (unless noted otherwise); tbc = to be confirmed
January 3: Shu Qi: Comets in star clusters, their origin and dynamical evolution (preparation for annual thesis report)
Time and Place: Friday; 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., NAOC (unless noted otherwise); tbc = to be confirmed
December 27 - March 1: Break, no tea seminar
December 25 (Wednesday): tbc (afterwards Silk Road New Year party 18-21)
December 20: Discussion Meeting Rainer's office
November 22 - December 13: Break, no tea seminar
November 15: N-body lecture (no tea seminar)
November 8: Peter Berczik (NAOC/Heidelberg/Kiev): Simulation of the loss-cone instability in spherical systems II. Dominating Keplerian potential
November 1: Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev (Nursultan City, Kazakhstan): Star Clusters in the Galactic tidal field: birth, death and everything in between.
October 18 and 25: no tea seminar, due to miniworkshop Oct. 14-17
October 11: Jarrod Hurley (Swinburne, Australia) at KIAA (follow link for abstract): Modelling Stellar Populations of Star Clusters
Sep. 20 - Oct. 4: Break, no tea seminar
September 13: KIAA Forum Gas in Galaxies, no tea seminar
September 6: Dali Workshop, no tea seminar
August 30: Yohai Meiron (U Toronto, Canada):Simulations of globular clusters in tidal fields / Matthias Kühtreiber (U Vienna, Austria): The Impact of Numerical Parameters and Star-Formation Recipes on Dwarf Galaxy Modeling
August 23: Achamveedu Gopakumar (TIFR, Mumbai, India): Blazar OJ287 and its nano-Hertz GW emitting massive BH binary central engine (to be held at AMSS/CAS, room 205, south building of the maths academy, see separate announcement)
March 19: (KIAA, 2nd floor meeting room, note unusual Tuesday!): Pau Amaro-Seoane (ICE, KIAA): X-MRIs: Extremely large mass-ratio inspirals;Tai Zhou (KIAA): Binary Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral Numerical Simulation
March 12: (note unusual Tuesday!): Arkadiusz (Arek) Hypki (A. Mickiewicz U, Poznan, Poland): On BEANS and simulation data
March 8: Mohammed Mardini (NAOC): Decoding the history of our universe using carbon-enhanced metal-poor star; Bhusan Kayastha (NAOC)/Albrecht Kamlah (NAOC/U G?ttingen, Germany): progress report
Time and Place: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., NAOC (unless noted otherwise); tbc = to be confirmed
Dec. 25: (note unusual Tuesday!): Sambaran Banerjee (Argelander Inst., Univ. Bonn, Germany): Stellar-mass black holes in open clusters: implications for gravitational-wave generation
Dec. 21: no tea seminar, MIDAS meeting
Dec. 11 (note unusual Tuesday!): Kohei Inayoshi (KIAA): Black hole accretion in the present-day and early universe; and general discussion on supercomputing in China
Dec. 7: no tea seminar, KCK10 at Suzhou
Nov. 30: no tea seminar
Nov. 23: Agostino Leveque (CAMK, Poland): The C MOCCA version: a step toward AMUSE
Nov. 16: Discussion with Mirek Giersz (CAMK, Poland)
Nov. 9: Sergey Khoperskov (Moscow/Garching)
Oct. 19/Nov. 2: no tea seminar
Oct. 12:
Oct. 5: vacation?
Sep. 28:Jongsuk Hong (KIAA): Stellar Evolution in Star Clusters: Applications
Sep. 21: Rainer Spurzem (NAOC): Discussion Meeting on Status of Stellar Evolution in NBODY simulations
Sep. 14: Planning Session and Reports
May 18: Shuo Li (NAOC): Multi-mass galaxy merger simulations
Dec. 15: note location and changed speaker: at KIAA Room 208: Shu Qi: Dynamic evolution of free-floating comets in star cluster / Taras Panamarev: N-body model of galactic center
Dec. 8: Li Shuo: Tidal disruption in galaxy mergers with Multi-mass and stellar evolution model.
Nov. 17: Verónica Vázquez: The merger of two quarks stars. A SPH Newtonian simulation
Oct. 27: Mirek Giersz (CAMK Warsaw, Poland): MOCCA - Survey Data Base - Projects (Black Holes and Gravitational Waves from Star Clusters)
Oct. 25 Lunch Seminar at KIAA (12:00 p.m.): Holger Baumgardt (Queensland Univ., Australia): The formation of the smallest galaxies
Oct. 20: Bohdan Novosyadlyj & Valerii Shulga (Ivan Franko Natl. Univ. of Lviv, Ukraine and Jilin Univ. China): Dark matter and dark energy probes: from Dark Ages to Giant Voids
Sep. 15: Xiaoying Pang: Open clusters from SDSS DR 14 | Bai Jing: Short Report on Galev Work | Rainer Spurzem: Short Status Report and Discussion of DRAGON Data Project
Sep. 7: Yohai Meiron (E?tv?s University, Budapest, Hungary): Relaxation and mixing of constants of motion in globular clusters
Sep. 1: Planning Meeting (Tea Seminar, Conferences, Travel)Next Seminars:
Dec. 22: No tea seminar (KCK9)
Dec. 29:?
———Summer Break——————————————————
May 5: no tea seminar (Lazenby KIAA colloquium overlaps)
May 12: Alexandr Zhuk (Odessa National University, Ukraine and Jilin University, China): Cosmic screening of the gravitational interaction in the Universe (Abstract)
May 19: Xian Chen (DoA, PKU): Retrieving the rest mass of GW150914 and Rainer Spurzem (Silk Road NAOC): News on NBODY6++GPU and Galactic Center DRAGON
Oct. 28: no tea seminar (EANAM7)
Nov. 4: no tea seminar (CAS2016 Wuhan)
Nov. 11: no tea seminar (KIAA Astro Forum)
Nov. 14: DoA/PKU Lunch Talk: Abbas Askar: Monte Carlo Models
Nov. 18: Li Shuo: Binary Black Holes in Merging Galaxies
Nov. 25/Dec. 2: no tea seminar (China/South Africa workshop)
Dec. 9: Matthias Kühtreiber: Galaxy Evolution Models
Dec. 16: Shu Qi: Comets and Planets in Star Clusters/Taras Panamarev: N-Body models of Galactic Center
Dec. 23: Jongsuk Hong: Multiple Populations in star clusters
Dec. 28: Shuo Li: postponed to next year
Past Seminars in this period:
Sep. 16 Discussion Meeting with Guests
1.) Thijs Kouwenhoven, Xian Jiaotong/Liverpool Univ. at Suzhou:
Disk fragmentation and brown dwarfs in the Galactic field
2.) Xiaoying Pang, Shanghai Inst. of Technology, on open clusters
3.) Yohai Meiron, Eoetvoes Univ. Budapest, Hungary, on stellar disks in AGN
Sep. 23 at Room 410, Morningside Center of Mathematics near AMSS/CAS (location see link), 4:00 p.m.: Yohai Meiron, E?tv?s University (Budapest, Hungary):Triple companion in gravitational wave signals (Abstract) (notice: postponed: Fabian Klein on Initial Models for AGN Disks using pluto)

9th KCK WorkshopThe 9th Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK) workshop on stellar dynamics and related fields (star clusters, stellar evolution, gravitational waves, black holes in galaxies, planetary systems) took place Dec 20-22, 2017, in Seoul, Rep. of Korea (hosted by Seoul National University, Dept. of Astronomy, and KASI, co-organized by Hyung Mok Lee (SNU), Rainer Spurzem (NAOC/KIAA), and Chingis Omarov (NCSRT). For links to the program and conference picture see 9th KCK Workshop . The Korea-China-Kazakhstan workshop takes place every year since 2009, it started as a Korea-China workshop to foster regular exchange between the teams of Hyung Mok Lee (SNU) and Rainer Spurzem (NAOC).
8th KCK Workshop
The 8th Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK) workshop on stellar dynamics and related fields (star clusters, stellar evolution, gravitational waves, black holes in galaxies) took place Dec 19-21, 2016, in Kunming, Yunnan (hosted by YNAO, and co-organized by Jinming Bai (YNAO), Hyung Mok Lee (SNU), Rainer Spurzem (NAOC/KIAA), and Chingis Omarov (NCSRT). For links to the program and conference picture see 8th KCK Workshop . The Korea-China-Kazakhstan workshop takes place every year since 2009, it started as a Korea-China workshop to foster regular exchange between the teams of Hyung Mok Lee (SNU) and Rainer Spurzem (NAOC).
China South Africa Bilateral WorkshopThe First South Africa-China Bilateral Astronomy Conference “Cosmology with Large Surveys” was held in Durban, South Africa, Dec. 19-26, 2016; see NAOC link here . It was hosted by Prof. Ma Yinzhe of UKZN (University of KwaZulu-Natal), see their conference home page here. The detailed program and many talk slides can be direcly downloaded , including the talk of Rainer Spurzem presenting the Silk Road Project and "Black Holes and gravitational waves from dense star clusters" (3.2 MB).
New Chinese Supercomputer Nr. 1The current list of 500 fastest supercomputers in the world shows for the first time two Chinese supercomputers on the two top spots - number 2 is the already well known Tianhe-2 Supercomputer using Intel processors and accelerator. But the new number 1 system is the Taihu Supercomputer, which solely uses Chinese processor technology, reaches 125 Pflop/s with more than ten million cores, and puts a considerable distance in performance to the still fastest US supercomputer. See this link for the news on Taihu, and this link on the top 500 list.
7th KCK WorkshopThe 7th Korea-China-Kazakhstan Workshop (organized by Hyung Mok Lee, Rainer Spurzem, Chingis Omarov) took place at NAOC Dec. 14-16. For conference picture (low res) (high res), links to talks, program see http://silkroad.bao.ac.cn/web/index.php/conferences/7th-korean-chinese-meeting (Pictures Riko Schadow)

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