

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

闻国光 职称:副教授

闻国光, 理学博士,副教授,2009年获北京交通大学理学硕士学位,2012年10月获法国里尔中央理工大学博士学位;2016.08-2016.09 美国德克萨斯农工大学卡塔尔分校(Texas A&M University at Qatar)访问,2019.01-2019.03美国德克萨斯农工大学卡塔尔分校(Texas A&M University at Qatar)访问,2019.06-2019.07法国里尔中央理工大学(Ecole Centrale de Lille)访问。
课题组主要从事多智能体\多移动机器人系统控制、神经网络计算、大数据分析、机械学习等方面的研究,目前已在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics; IEEE Systems Man Cybernetics: Systems;IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs;Nonlinear Dynamics,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation等国内外杂志和会议接受或发表学术论文60 余篇,其中SCI 检索论文50 余篇。据谷歌学术统计,研究成果被引用1000余次,H指数为17;据Webof Science学术统计,SCI他引800余次,SCI严格他引700余次。H指数16。目前担任中国自动化学会环境感知与保护自动化专业委员会委员,中国工业与应用数学学会会员,美国《数学评论》 评论员,IEEE Member,国家自然科学基金委函评专家。主持和参加国家自然科学基金项目、中法国际实验室合作项目、企业横向项目、中央高校基本业务费、人才基金项目等。
课题组目前毕业学生情况:1. 张云龙, 法国里尔中央理工大学 国家重点实验室(CRIStAL实验室) 攻读博士学位; 2. 陈益文,法国里尔中央理工大学国家重点实验室(CRIStAL实验室) 攻读博士学位; 3. 王春妍, 中国电力科学研究院;

2013.06-2016.12, 讲师,北京交通大学
2012.10–2013.04,研究助理,法国里尔中央理工大学(Ecole Centrale de Lille)





14. 主讲:线性代数与解析几何;英文版线性代数(纳米专业国际班)、高等代数I;英文版微积分(威海校区国际班);复变函数与积分变换;Matlab基础及其应用; 数学建模(交通学院研究生课程);
13. 2016年9月-至今任研究生数研1602班班主任;
12. 2016年指导的本科生参加北京交通大学电子信息工程学院第十一届“微联杯”课外科技创新大赛获自然论文类“一等奖”(于玉洁、张怡晖、黄俊);
11. 2016年度指导的本科生参加第十三届北京交通大学“电气杯”科技创新大赛获“三等奖”(于玉洁、张怡晖、黄俊);
10. 2016年指导的的本科生毕业设计获两项“优秀”(黄俊、陈志);
9. 2015度年指导的的本科生参加北京交通大学大学生创新项目获一项“国家级”(于玉洁、刘吨、黄俊);
8. 2015度年指导的的本科生参加北京交通大学大学生创新项目获一项“市级”(朱子瑾、刘鼎雯、荣蕾);

7. 2015年理学院考核,获“理学院贡献奖”;
6. 2015年度指导的本科生参加全国大学生数学建模比赛,获”北京市一等奖“(翟建旺、连得亨、陈傲);
2. 2014年至今任本科数学1402班班主任;
1. 2014年度理学院考核,被评为“优秀教职工”;


42. Xing Chu, Zhaoxia Peng, GuoguangWen, Ahmed Rahmani, DistributedFormation Tracking of Multi-Robot Systems with Nonholonomic Constraint viaEvent-Triggered Approach, Neurocomputing, Doiμ10.1016/j.neucom.2017.05.007, 2017
41. Xing Chu, Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani, DecentralizedConsensus-Based Formation Tracking of Multiple Differential Drive Robots , InternationalJournal of Control,2016, Doi:10.1080/**.2016.**,
40. Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen*, YongguangYu, Consensus problem with a reference state for fractional-order multi-agentsystems, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 1–10,2017.
39. Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen*, AhmedRahmani, Yongguang Yu, Consenus Tracking of Fractional-Order Multi-AgentSystems Based on Sliding Mode Estimator, The 35th Chinese Control Conference(CCC2016), July 27-29, 2016 , Chendu, China, PP.7944-7949. (EI)
38. Zhaoxia Peng, GuoguangWen*, Shichun Yang, Ahmed Rahmani, Distributed Consensus-BasedFormation Control for Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Adaptive NeuralNetwork,NonlinearDynamics,86(1), 605-622,2016,(SCI)
36. JingBai, Guoguang Wen*, AhmedRahmani, Yongguang Yu, Distributed Formation Control of Fractional-OrderMulti-Agent Systems with Relative Damping and Communication Delay,International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 15,(1), 85–94, 2017. (SCI)
35. ShuoZhang, Yongguang Yu,Guoguang Wen,andAhmed Rahmani, Lag-generalized synchronization of time-delay chaoticsystems with stochastic perturbation, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 30, **, 19 pages,DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S02**632, 2016 (SCI)
34. Shichun Yang,Yaoguang Cao,ZhaoxiaPeng,Guoguang Wen,Konghui Guo, Distributed formation control of nonholonomic autonomous vehiclevia RBF neural network, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.04.015, 2016 (SCI)
33. Guoguang Wen,JunHuang, Zhaoxia Peng and Yujie Yu, On pinning group consensus forheterogeneous multi-agent system with input saturation, Neurocomputing,207,623-629 ,2016 (SCI)
32. Guoguang Wen,Yongguang Yu, Zhaoxia Peng & Ahmed Rahmani , Consensus Tracking forSecond-Order Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Switching Topologies and ATime-Varying Reference State, International Journal of Control,89(10),2096-2106,(SCI)
31. Guoguang Wen,Yongguang Yu, Zhaoxia Peng, Hu Wang, Dynamical Group Consensus of HeterogenousMulti-Agent Systems with Input Time Delays, Neurocomputing, 175, 278-286, 2016.(SCI)
30. Guoguang Wen,Jun Huang, Chunyan Wang, Zhi Chen & Zhaoxia Peng (2015): Group consensuscontrol for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with fixed and switchingtopologies, International Journal of Control, 89(2), 259-269, 2016. (SCI)
29. Guoguang Wen,Yongguang Yu, Zhaoxia Peng & Ahmed Rahmani, Distributed finite-timeconsensus tracking for nonlinear multi-agent systems with a time-varyingreference state, International Journal of Systems Science, 47(8),1856-1867, 2016(SCI)
28. JingBai, Guoguang Wen*, AhmedRahmani & Yongguang Yu (2015) Distributed formation control offractional-order multi-agent systems with absolute damping and communicationdelay, International Journal of Systems Science, 46:13, 2380-2392,2015. (SCI)
27. Peng,Zhaoxia; Yang, Shichun;GuoguangWen , Adaptive distributedformation control for multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots,NEUROCOMPUTING, 173, 1485-1494, 2016.
26.JunHuang, Guoguang Wen,Chunyan Wang, Zhi Chen,Distributed group consensus for heterogeneousmulti-agent systems, In27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,Qingdao, China, pp.181–186, 2015. (EI)
25. JingBai, Guoguang Wen,Ahmed Rahmani, Xing Chu and Yongguang Yu (2015): Consensus with a referencestate for fractional-order multi-agent systems, International Journal ofSystems Science, 47 (1):222-234 2016.(SCI)
24. JingBai, Guoguang Wen,Ahmed Rahmani, Formation Tracking of Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems Basedon Error Predictor,27th Chinese Control and DecisionConference(CCDC), MAY 23-25, Qingdao, CHINA, 2015, PP.279-284.
23. HuWang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen,Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay,NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 42(2), 479-500,2015.
22.HuWang,Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen Shuo Zhang, Junzhi Yu, 2015, Global stability analysis of fractional-orderHopfield neural networks with time delay, Neurocomputing, 154, pp 15-23. (SCI)
21.Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani, Yongguang Yu, 2015, Distributed Consensus-Based FormationControl for Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with A Specified ReferenceTrajectory,International Journal of Systems Science, 46(8), pp 1447-1457(SCI)
20. HuWang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen,2014, Stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with timedelays,Neural Networks, 55, pp 98-109 (SCI)
19. 王虎,于永光,闻国光,低阶大气环流模型的稳定性与分岔分析,北京交通大学学报, (03),pp 125-127, 2014.
18. ShaWang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen,Hybrid projective synchronization oftime-delayed fractional order chaotic systems,Nonlinear Analysis: HybridSystems, 11, pp 129-138,2014. (SCI)
17. ShuoZhang, Yongguang Yu, GuoguangWen, 2014, Hybrid protectivesynchronization of time-delayed fractional order chaoticsystems,Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 11, pp 129-138 (SCI)
16.Zhaoxia Peng, Shichun Yang, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani, 2014, DistributedConsensus-Based Robust Adaptive Formation Control for Nonholonomic MobileRobots with Partial Known Dynamics,Mathematical Problems inEngineering, (SCI)
15. Guoguang Wen,Yongguang Yu, Zhaoxia Peng, Ahmed Rahmani, 2014, Distributed ConsensusTracking for Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with a SpecifiedReference State,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (SCI)
14.Guoguang Wen,Zhaoxia Peng; Ahmed Rahmani; Yongguang Yu, 2014,Distributed leader-following consensus forsecond-order multi-agent systems withnonlinear inherent dynamics,International Journal of Systems Science,45(9), pp 1892-1901 (SCI)
13. YaWang, Yongguang Yu,Guoguang Wen,Hu Wang, 2014, Parameter Estimation for Chaotic System Based on ImprovedAdaptive Particle Swarm Optimization,Journal of Information andComputational Science, 11(3), pp 953-962 (EI)
12.HuWang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen 2014, Dynamical Analysis of the Lorenz-84 Atmospheric CirculationModel,Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, (SCI)
11.Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen,Ahmed Rahmani; Yongguang Yu, 2013, Leader–follower formationcontrol of nonholonomic mobile robots based on a bioinspired neurodynamic basedapproach,Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(9), pp 988-996 (SCI)
10. Guoguang Wen,Zhaoxia Peng; Yongguang Yu; Ahmed Rahmani, 2013,Planning and control of three-dimensional multi-agent formations,IMAJournal of Mathematical Control and Information, 30(2), pp 265-284 (SCI)
9.Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen Ahmed Rahmani, 2013, Leader-Follower Formation Control of Multiple NonholonomicRobots based on Backstepping,Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACMSymposium on Applied Computing, 2013/03/18-2013/03/22, pp 211-216, Portugal
8.Guoguang Wen,Ahmed Rahmani; Yongguang Yu, 2011, Consensus Tracking forMulti-Agent Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics under Fixed CommunicationTopologies,The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science,2011/10/19-2011/10/21, pp 300-305, USASan Francisco (EI)
7. RanZhao, Yongguang Yu,Guoguang Wen, 2010, Decentralized Cohesive Motion Control of Multi-Agent Formation in 3-DimensionalSpace,International Conference of Artificial Intelligence andComputational Intelligence 2010, 2010/10/23-2010/10/24, pp 339-348, ChinaSanya(EI)
6. Guoguang Wen,Ahmed Rahmani; Yongguang Yu, 2010, Decentralized Closing Ranks in2-Dimensional Rigid Multi-Agent Formations,2010 International Conferenceon Intelligent Control and Information Processing, 2010/08/12-2010/08/15, pp310-315, China Dalian (EI)
5.Yongguang Yu; Guoguang Wen,Hanxiong Li; Miao Diao, 2009, The Synchronization of ThreeFractional-Order Lorenz Chaotic Systems,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFNONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, 10(3), pp 379-386 (SCI)
4. Guoguang Wen, YongguangYu, Zhaoxia Peng, We Hu, 2009, TravelingWave Solutions in a One-Dimension Theta-Neuron Model,Advances in NeuralNetworks, 2009/5/26-2009/5/29, pp 909-918, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA (EI)
3.Yongguang Yu, Hanxiong Li,GuoguangWen, 2008, Control of a Formationwith One Cyclic Relation in 3-dimensional Space,IEEE International Conferenceson Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems (CIS) and Robotics, Automation &Mechatronics (RAM),, 2008/9/21-2008/9/24, pp 799-804, China Chengdu (EI)
2. XiaMeng; Yongguang Yu; Guoguang Wen,2008,< span>Chaos Synchronization </span><span>of Unified ChaoticSystem Using Fuzzy Logic Controller</span>,2008 IEEE InternationalConference on Fuzzy Systems, 2008/6/1-2008/6/6, pp 544-547,中国香港(EI)
1. Yongguang,Yu, Han-Xiong, Li, Guoguang Wen,Control of A Formation with One CyclicRelation in 3-dimensional Space,IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation,and Mechatronics, 2008/9/21-2008/9/24, pp 799-804, Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA ,2008(EI)




4) 2015年年度考核,获理学院“贡献奖”;
3) 2014年北京交通大学理学院青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖;


9. 中国自动化学会环境感知与保护自动化专业委员会会员

5. 全国研究生数学建模比赛评审专家
4. 数据驱动控制学习与优化专业委员会会员
3. 中国人工智能学会机器智慧与数据学习专业委员会会员
1. 国际期刊InternationalJournal of Systems Science; IMA Journal of Mathematical Control andInformation;Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis; Neurocomputing;Plos One; Neural Processing Letter; Robotics and Autonomous Systems; IEEETransaction on Robotics; Asian Journal of Control,Journal of The FranklinInstitute,Advances in Engineering Software;IEEE Access;International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems; ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control;Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control等的审稿人;国际会议ICSI-CCI'2015;ISNN2014; CCC2014; CCC2015;CCC2016;ICRA2016; CCDC2015;CCDC2016;YAC2016等审稿人;

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