

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

陈云琳 职称:教授


1999 ~ 2001年:南开大学物理科学学院,博士后研究工作;
2001~ 2008年:南开大学物理科学学院光子学中心,从事光子学与光子学技术的教学和科研工作,先后任副教授、教授及博士生导师;
2006 ~ 2007年:美国阿肯色大学物理系做访问;
2008年3月~ 至今:北京交通大学理学院,担任教授及博士生导师,曾任北京交通大学国家级物理实验教学示范中心主任,现任理学院微纳材料及应用研究所所长。



1. 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 准参量啁啾脉冲放大用非线性光学晶体材料的关键科学问题,2019-01-01--2023-12-31,116.0万元,主持
3. 北京交通大学(横向): 垂直磁各向异性隧道结(p-MTJ)的制备及其在TMR传感器中的性能研究硅基半导体材料与器件界面镀膜研究, 2019-10-01--2022 -10-31,5.0万元,主持
4. 北京交通大学(横向): 硅基半导体材料与器件界面镀膜研究, 2018-11-01--2020-12-31,30.0万元,主持
5. 北京交通大学(横向): 钙钛矿单晶制备与性能测试,2018-05-01—2019-12-31, 4.9万元, 主持
6. 交通大学(横向): 研发用于阿秒高次谐波产生的特殊材料,2017-12-01—2019-,-01-01, 15.0万元,
7. 北京交通大学(横向):Si基钙钛矿薄膜制备,2017-11-15--2018-12-31,4.8万元,主持
8. 教育部博士点基金:基于Talbot效应的亚微米光子晶体位相阵列照明器的研究,2014-01-01--2016-12-31,12.0万元,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:高效净化氯代恶臭废气微粒分子调控制备、性能及应用,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,90.0万元,主持
10. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:电光调制光子晶体位相阵列光分束器的研究,2012-01-01--2015-12-31,76.0万元,主持
11. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:飞秒激光诱变达托霉素高产菌株技术及其机理研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,38.0万元,主持
12. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于Talbot 效应的新型可调掺镁铌酸锂二维光子微结构,2009-01-01--2009-12-30,13.0万元,主持
13. 北京交通大学(横向):生物法小试处理马铃薯废水三级排放的生物菌群活性污泥研究,2012-09-11--2014-09-11,4.0万元,主持
14. 北京交通大学(横向):变组分晶体生长炉,2010-05-10--2011-05-10,3.0万元,主持
15. 校科技基金:外场作用下掺镁铌锂光子学微结构材料的研制,2008-10-07,--2009-12-31,5.0万元,主持
16. 基本科研业务费:光和冷原子相互作用及其在量子信息和量子计量中的应用,2011-07-01--2013-12-31,50.0万元,参加
17. 基本科研业务费:制备二维微结构非线性光子晶体新技术的研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,5.0万元,参加
18. 基本科研业务费:单链DNA分子穿越石墨烯-α溶血素固态生物纳米通道的调控机制研究,2013-01-01--2015-12-31,43.0万元,参加
19. 基本科研业务费:氯代恶臭废气治理的新型材料的研究,2013-01-01--2014,-12-31,7.0万元,参加



1. Yue Zheng, Fuchen Chu, Bing Zhang, Jun Yan, Yunlin Chen*, Ultrahigh adsorptioncapacities of carbon tetrachloride on MIL-101 and MIL- 101/graphene oxidecomposites, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 263: 71-76.

2. Fuchen Chu, Yue Zheng, Boyuan Wen, Lin Zhou,Jun Yan and Yunlin Chen*, Adsorption of toluene with water on zeolitic imidazolateframework-8/graphene oxide hybrid nanocomposites in a humid atmosphere, RSCAdv., 2018, 8,: 2426.

3. Jun Yana, Kewen Shib, Sihao Dengc, Wenjun Zhaob,Huiqing Lub, Ying Sunb, Yunlin Chen*,The influence of combination of the first-order and second-order phase transitions onmagnetocaloric effects in Mn3Cu1-xFexN,Solid State Communications, 2018, 282: 33-37

4. Zhang Ao ,Chen Yun-Lin*,Yan Jun ,Zhang Chun-Xiu, Effects of organic cations on performance of halideperovskite solar cell. Acta Physica Sinica,2018, 67:106701

5.Ji Wang, Ao Zhang, Jun Yan, Dan Li, and Yunlin Chen*, Revealing theproperties of defects formed by CH3NH2 molecules in organic-inorganic hybridperovskite MAPbBr3, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110: **.

6. Lin Zhou, Xinghua Zhang Yunlin Chen*,Facile synthesis of Al-fumarate metal–organic framework nano-flakes and theirhighly selective adsorption of volatile organic compounds, Materials Letters,2017,197: 224–227

7. LinZhou, Xinghua Zhang , Yunlin Chen*, Modulated synthesis of zirconium metal–organicframework UiO-66 with enhanced dichloromethane adsorption capacity, MaterialsLetters , 2017, 197: 167–170

8. Fengming Tian,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Fabrication and Photoluminescence Property of ZnO Nanoparticle/Metal-OrganicFramework Hybrid Material,ChemistryLetters,2016,45(4):388~390

9. Yang Zhou,Lin Zhou,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Preparation of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 /graphene oxide composites withenhanced VOCs adsorption capacity,Microporous andMesoporous Materials,2016,225:488~493

10. Fengming Tian,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Amino-functionalized metal–organic framework for adsorption andseparation of dichloromethane and trichloromethane,RSC Advances,2016,6:63895~63904

11. Fengming Tian,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Highly selective adsorption and separation of dichloromethane/trichloromethaneon a copper based metal–organic framework,RSC Advances,2016,6:31214~31224

12. Mingyang Wang,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Activated MIL-53(Al) for Efficient Adsorption of Dichloromethane andTrichlormethane,Aerosoland Air Quality Research,2016,16:2003~2010

13. Mingyang Wang,Xinghua Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Estimation of the desorption energy of dichloromethane and water in MIL-53 byDSC and ab-initio calculations,ScienceChina Chemistry,2016,59(4):398~404

14. Jun Yan,Bing Zhang,Yunlin Chen*, AoZhang,XiaohanKe,Improvingthe Photoluminescence Properties of Perovskite CH3NH3PbBr3,Cl-x Films byModulating Organic Cation and Chlorine Concentrations,ACS AppliedMaterials& Interfaces,2016,8(20):12756~12763

15. Mingyang Wang ,Xinghua Zhang,Dan Li, Yunlin Chen*, How Guest Molecules Stabilize the Narrow Pore Phase of SoftPorousCrystal: Structural andMechanical Properties of MIL-53 (Al) ∩ H2O,The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C,2016,120(9):5059~5066

16. Ao Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Jun Yan,Optimal Designand Simulation of High-Performance Organic-Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells,IEEE Journal ofQuantum Electronics,2016,52(6):**

17. Bing Zhang,Jun Yan,Ji Wang,Yunlin Chen* ,Effect of themodulating of organic content on optical properties of single-crystalperovskite,OpticalMaterials,2016,62:273~278

18. 佟曼,范天伟,陈云琳* ,畴腐蚀掺镁铌酸锂可调阵列光分束器的研究,物理学报,2016, 65(1):014215

19. 王铭扬,田凤鸣,周林,张兴华,陈云琳* ,金属有机骨架材料MIL-53对氯代甲烷的吸附,功能材料,2016,(05):5063~5067

20. Xiaohan Ke,Jun Yan,Ao Zhang,Bing Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Optical band gaptransition from direct to indirect induced by organiccontent of CH3NH3PbI3perovskite films,AppliedPhysics Letters,2015,107:091904~091904

21. Jinhong Zhang,Yunlin Chen*,Generation of aphase contrast Talbot array illuminator with electric controlling,Int. J.Nanotechnol.,2015,12(10):917~925

22. Jun Yan,Xiaohan Ke,Yunlin Chen*,Ao Zhang,Bing Zhang,Effect ofmodulating the molar ratio of organic to inorganic content on morphologyoptical absorption and photoluminescence of perovskite CH3NH3PbBr3 films,Applied SurfaceScience,2015,315:1191~1196

23. Yunlin Chen*, Man Tong,Diffractiveself-imaging based on selective etching of a two-dimensional ferroelectric domaininversion grating,ChineseOptics Letters,2015,13(2):020502

24. 柯笑晗,陈云琳*,朱亚彬,范天伟,铌酸锂衬底上磁控溅射ITO薄膜及其光电性质研究,人工晶体学报,2015,44(2):368~373

25. 佟曼,范天伟,陈云琳*,柯笑晗,掺镁铌酸锂电光调制位相阵列光栅,中国科技论文,2015,10(22):2678~2680

26. 张伊,顾奕奕,陈云琳* ,王铭扬,张兴华,掺杂金属离子对MOF-5吸附甲烷分子的影响,化工新型材料,2015,(02):93~96

27. 周璐,钱宇欣,姚达,陈云琳* ,金属有机骨架材料吸附氯代烷烃的理论研究,计算机与应用化学,2015,32(8):955~958

28. 张进宏,陈云琳* ,基于周期极化掺镁铌酸锂晶体的六角可调相位阵列光栅,光学学报,2014,34(02):**/1~**/5

29. 范天伟,陈云琳* ,畴腐蚀掺镁铌酸锂光分束器的泰伯效应研究,光学学报,2014,34(9):**/1~**/6

30. 顾奕奕,张伊,王铭扬,陈云琳* ,张兴华,官能团及金属修饰对IRMOF-9的甲烷分子吸附影响,计算机与应用化学,2014,31(9):1101~1104

31. 张进宏,陈云琳* ,基于Talbot效应的电光调制位相阵列器,红外与激光工程,2014,(11):3724~3728

32. Lin Zhou, Yun-Lin Chen*,Xing-Hua Zhang, Feng-Ming Tian, Zhi-Nan Zu,” Zeolitesdeveloped frommixed alkalimodified coal fly ash for dsorption of volatile organic compounds”, MaterialsLetters, 2014,119:140–142

33. Xinghua Zhang, Ying Jiang,Bing Miao, Yunlin Chen, Dadong Yan,and Jeff Z. Y. hen,The structurefactor of a wormlike chain and the random-phase-approximation solution for thespinodal line of a diblock copolymer melt, Soft Matter, 2014, 10: 5405

34. Jinhong Zhang and Yunlin Chen*, “Optimal Design of HexagonalMultiphase Talbot Array Illuminator Based on PPLN ”, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUMELECTRONICS, 2013, 49(5):471-476.

35. Lin Wei, Yunlin Chen*,Baoping Zhang, Zhinan Zu,” Synthesis of highly selective zeolite topologymolecular sieve for adsorption of benzene gas”, Solid State Sciences, 2013,16 :39-44.

36.Yunlin Chen*, Jinhong Zhang, and Haiwei Li,“Investigation of domain walls in periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 by secondharmonic imaging “, Chinese Optics Letters, 2013, 11(3):031601/1-3.

37.Fan Tian-Wei, Chen Yun-Lin*, Zhang Jin-Hong,“A study of two-dimensional hexagonal phase array grating in MgO:LN based onthe Talbot effect”, Acta Phys. Sin. 2013, 62(9): 094216.

38. Xinghua Zhang, Yunlin Chen, Lijian Qu, and Dadong Yan,Effects of attractive colloids on the phase separation behaviors of binarypolymer blends, J. Chem. Phys. 2013,139: 074902

39. Baoping Zhang, Yunlin Chen* , Lin Wei,Zhinan Zu, “Preparation of molecular sieve X from coal fly ash for theadsorption of volatile organic compounds”, Microporous and MesoporousMaterials, 2012,156:36-39.

40. Li Jian-Guang, Chen Yun-Lin*, ZhangJin-Hong,“A study of two--dimensional hexagonal phase array optical beamsplitter modulated by external electric fiield”, Acta Phys. Sin.,2012,61(12):124210.

41. Yu Souzhi, Huang Di, Wen Jianping, Li Shuang,Chen Yunlin,Jia Xiaoqiang. Metabolic profiling analysis for fumaric acid productionimprovement in Rhizopus oryzae by femtosecond laser irradiation”, BioresourceTechnology,2012,114:610-615.(

42. Di Huang, Jianping Wen, GuoyingWang, Guanghai Yu, Xiaoqiang Jia,Yunlin Chen,Insilico aided metabolic engineering of Streptomyces roseosporus fordaptomycin yield improvement”, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012,94(3):637-649.

43. Haishan Qi, Xin Xing, Shanshan Li, Jianping Wen, Yunlin Chen,Xiaoqiang Jia “Intrinsic kinetics model of higher ascomycin production by Streptomyceshygroscopicus var. ascomyceticus mutantedby femtosecond laser”,Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering,2012,17:770-779.

44.魏 琳,陈云琳*,张宝平,祖志楠,“三次致孔法制备类沸石分子筛的研究”,硅酸盐通报,2012,31(2):231~236

45.张宝平 陈云琳* 魏琳 祖志楠“粉煤灰的改性及其吸附性能的研究”,硅酸盐通报,2012, 31(3):675~678

46. Di Huang, Xiaoqiang Jia ,Jianping Wen, Guoying Wang, Guanghai Yu, Qinggele Caiyin, Yunlin Chen,“Metabolicflux analysis and principal nodes identification for daptomycin productionimprovement by Streptomyces roseosporuApplied biochemistry andbiotechnology,2011,165(7-8):1725-1739

47. Guanghai Yu,Xiaoqiang Jia, Jianping Wen,Guoying Wang,Yunlin Chen,“Enhancement ofdaptomycin production in Streptomyces roseosporus LC-51 by manipulation ofcofactors concentration in the fermentation culture”,World JMicrobiol Biotechnol ,2011,27:1859–1868

48. 陈云琳*,祖志楠,魏琳,张宝平,“介孔分子筛在挥发性有机化合物吸附中的研究进展”, 现代化工,2011, 31(2)13~16

49. 李海伟,陈云琳*,黄笛,闻建平,“飞秒激光诱变微生物技术及其机理的研究进展”化工进展,2011,30(4):824~829

50. 周波,陈云琳*,黎远安,李海伟,“基于Talbot效应的可调位相差二维六角位相阵列器的理论研究和数值模拟“,物理学报,2010,59(3):1816-1822

51. 周波,詹鹤,刘刚,陈云琳*,“铁电体新畴成核经典模型的改进”,物理学报, 2009, 58(04) 2762-2767

52. Yunlin Chen*, Gang Liu, Yanqing Zheng, Fan Geng, “Periodically poled Ti-diffused near-stoichiometric MgO:LiNbO3 waveguide nonlinear-optic wavelengthconverter”, Opt. Express , 2009, 17(6): 4834-4841.

53. Yunlin Chen*, ZhengLu, and Min Xiao, “Observation of light writing localized domain inversionpatterns formation in KNbO3”, J. Appl. Crys. 2009,42:265-267

54. Yanqing Zheng, Haikuan Kong,Hui Chen, Xiaoniu Tu, Erwei Shi, Yunlin Chen, He Zhan , Gang Liu, FanGeng, Yan Zhang, Jianxuan Pan, “Single crystal growth of MgO-dopednear-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals and fabrication of Ti:PPLNdevices”, J. Crystal Growth, 2009,311(3):892-894

55. Y. L. Chen*, G. Liu,B. B. Zhou, Z. Y. Wei, Y. Q. Zheng, “Wavelength conversion in aTi:PPSMgLN channel waveguide”, Opt. Commun. 2009, 282:2524-2526

56. Yunlin Chen*, He Zhan,Bo Zhou, “Refractive index modulation in periodically poled MgO-doped congruentLiNbO3 crystal”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93: 222902

57. Yunlin Chen*, Weiguo Yan, Dongdong Wang, Guangyin Zhang,“Submicron domain inversion inMg-doped LiNbO3 using backswitched poling with short voltagepulses”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90:062908

58. Y. L. Chen*, J.W. Yuan, C. F. Yan, J. J. Xu, G. Y. Zhang,“Low-pump-threshold tunable optical parametric oscillator using periodicallypoled MgO:LiNbO3”,Opt.Commun. 2007,273(2):560-563

59.YunlinChen* , S. W. Liu, Dongdong Wang, Tianlin Chen,and Min Xiao, Measurement of laser-induced refractiveindex change of inverted ferroelectric domain LiNbO3”, AppliedOptics, 2007, 46: 7693-7696

60. Chen Yunlin* ,Guo Juan, Lou Cibo, Huang Ziheng,Chen Shaolin, Zhang Guangyin,“Low externalelectric field periodic poling of thick LiTaO3”, Journal of RareEarths,2006, 24:128-130

61. Yunlin Chen*, Weiguo Yan, Juan Guo, Guangyin Zhang,“Effectof Mg concentration on the domain reversal of Mg-doped LiNbO3”, Appl.Phys. Lett. 2005, 87 (21):2904.

62. Yunlin Chen*, Juan Guo, Xiaojuan Liu, Cibo Lou, Jianwei Yuan,Jingjun Xu, Shaolin Chen, “Highly efficient blue light femtosecond pulses bysecond-harmonic generation in periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3”, Opt.Commun.. 2004 (238)(1-3):201-204

63. Y.L.Chen*, J.Guo, C.B.Lou, J.W.Yuan, S.L.Chen, G.Y.Zhang, “Crystalgrowth and characteristics of 6.5mol% MgO-doped LiNbO3”, J.CrystalGrowth, 2004(263):427-430

64.CiboLou, Jingjun Xu, Haijun Qiao, Xinzheng Zhang, Yunlin Chen, “Enhancedsecond-harmonic generation by means of high-power confinement in a photovoltaicsoliton-induced waveguide”, Opt. Lett., 2004, 29(9):953-955

65.YunlinChen*,Jianwei Yuan,Juan Guo,Xiaojuan Liu,Cibo Lou,Jingjun XuHighlyefficient blue light based on periodically poled 6.5mol% MgO-doped LiNbO3”,SPIE,2004,11(7-12),Beijing

66. Yunlin Chen*, Yongfa Kong, WanlinZhang, “Determination of the Li/Nb ratio in LiNbO3crystals preparedby vapor transport equilibration method”, Optical Materials, 2003,23:295-298

67. Yunlin Chen*, CiboLou, Jingjun Xu, “Domain switching characteristics of the nearstoichiometric LiNbO3 doped MgO”, J. Appl. Phys., 2003, 94(5):3350-3352

68. CHEN Yun-Lin*, LOU Ci-Bo,HUANG Zi-Heng, CHEN Shao-lin, “Green light generation instoichiometric Mg:LiNbO3 periodically poled by lower electric field”Chinese journal of luminescence, 2003, 24(3):253-256

69. Yunlin Chen*, Jingjun Xu, Yongfa Kong, “Effect of Lidiffusion on the domain inversion of LiNbO3 prepared by vapor transportequilibration”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2002, 81(4):700-712.

70. Y.L.Chen*, J.P.Wen, Y.F.Kong, “Effect of Li diffusionon the composition of LiNbO3at high temperature”, J. Crystal Growth,2002, 242:400-404.

71. Yun-Lin Chen*, Jing-Jun Xu, Yong-Fa Kong, “Ferroelectric domain inversion in nearstoichiometric lithium niobate for high efficiency blue light generation”,Appl. Phys. A74, 2002, 187-190.

72. Yongfa Kong, Bing Li, YunlinChen*, “Congruent, nearly stoichiometric, and nearly perfect lithiumniobate crystals”, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on ElectronicMaterials, June 10-14, 2002, 260-261

73. Yun-Lin Chen*, Jing-Jun Xu, Yong-Fa Kong, Guang-Yin Zhang,“Domain reversion process in near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 Crystals”,Opt. Commun. 2001,188:359-364

74. Chen Yunlin*, Xu Jingjun, Song Feng, Zhang Guangyin, “Domaininversion characteristics of congruent and stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal”,Chin. J. Lasers, B10(2), 2001, 114-116

75.WenJianping, Huang Lin, Zhu Yong, Li Chao, Chen Yunlin, “Solid-liquid mass transfer in a gas-liquid-solid three-phase reversed flow jetloop reactor”, The Chemical Engineering Journal, 2000, 78:231-235.

76. Wen Jianping, Na Ping, Huang Lin, Chen Yunlin, “Localoverall volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients in gas-liquid-solidreversed flow jet loop bioreactor with a non-Newtonian fluid”, BiochemicalEngineering Journal, 2000, 5:225-229.

77. Wen Jianping, Zhou Huai and ChenYunlin, “Local gas phase flow characteristics of a gas-liquid-solid threephase reversed flow jet loop reactor”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2002, 10(1):119-122

78. YongfenRuan, Yunlin Chen*, Xiaoming Wang, The phase compensation effectof the domain-inverted grating formed in LiNbO3waveguide, Opt. Commun.,1996, 122(1):135-140.

79. 闫卫国,陈云琳*,王栋栋,郭娟,张光寅,“掺镁铌酸锂亚微米结构畴反转的研究”,物理学报,2006,55(11): 5855-5858

80.王栋栋, 陈云琳*, 李兵, 颜彩繁, 许京军, 张光寅, "利用光栅衍射效应探测周期极化微结构晶体", 物理学报 ,2007,56(12):。

81.周斌斌, 陈云琳*, 袁建伟, 陈绍林, 颜彩繁, 许京军, 张光寅,“准相位匹配光参量振荡器理论研究与优化设计”,红外与毫米波学报,2007,27(8):。

82.陈云琳* 袁建伟 周斌斌 颜采繁 许京军 张光寅, ”掺镁铌酸锂微结构多周期调谐光学参量振荡器”, 红外与激光工程,2007,36(4):515-517。

83.王淑香,陈云琳*,颜彩繁,詹鹤,张光寅,“微片激光器的最新研究进展”,《量子电子学报》,2007, 24(4):401-406。

84. 陈云琳*,刘晓娟,吴朝晖,宋峰,罗勇锋,楼慈波,张万林,陈绍林,许京军,“准相位匹配周期极化掺镁铌酸锂490nm倍频连续输出”,光子学报,2005,34(1):29-31

85. 陈云琳*,罗勇锋,袁建伟,张万林,陈绍林,黄自恒,许京军,张光寅,“准相位匹配周期极化高掺镁铌酸锂532nm倍频准连续输出研究”,光学学报,2005,25(1):63-66

86. 陈云琳*,袁建伟,罗勇锋,郭娟,张万林,许京军,“准相位匹配PPLN倍频理论研究与优化设计”,物理学报,2005,54(5):119-123

87. 罗勇锋,陈云琳*,袁建伟,闫卫国,周斌斌,张万林,郭娟,陈绍林,“准相位匹配级联二阶非线性全光波长转换研究”,光学学报, 2005,25(4):651-654


89. 陈云琳*,罗勇锋,张万林,刘晓娟,许京军,张光寅,“准相位匹配LiNbO3波导全光波长变换的理论研究”,红外与毫米波学报,2004,23(5):367-370

90. 陈云琳*,刘晓娟,郭娟,楼慈波,陈绍林,许京军,张光寅,“级联二阶非线性铌酸锂全光开关的研制”,光学学报,2004,24(12):1667-1671


92. 孔勇发, 陈云琳*, 李兵, “优良全息光折变存储材料-双掺铌酸锂晶体”, 人工晶体学报,2002, 31(3):310-313.

93. 陈云琳*, 许京军, 张光寅,“外加电场极化法制备LiNbO3周期性畴反转的工艺研究”, 光学学报, 2001,21(5):616-620

94. 宋峰,丁新,张超波,陈云琳*,“LD抽运Nd:YVO4平行平面腔激光器中的激光功率凹陷”,中国激光,2001,28(11)974-976

95. 于建,陈云琳*, 李世忱,“准相位匹配LiNbO3蓝光倍频器的研究”, 光学学报, 2000, 20(3):410-413

96.于建,陈云琳*, 李世忱,“铁电畴反转机理的研究”,人工晶体学报,2000,29(2):122-125

97. 陈云琳*,倪文俊,李世忱,“外加电场极化法制备LiNbO3铁电畴反转光栅”, 中国激光, 1999,A26(10):889-892

98. 陈云琳*,倪文俊,李世忱, “准相位匹配LN倍频波导铁电畴光栅的研究”,中国激光, 1998, A25(5):445-448

99. 陈云琳*,倪文俊,李世忱, “质子交换光波导生长机理的研究”,光学学报, 1998,18(9):1261-1264

100. 陈云琳*,阮永丰,李世忱, “制备LiNbO3周期性畴反转的一种新方法”,人工晶体学报, 1997, 26(1):20-23

101. 姚诽, 陈云琳*,阮永丰,“扫描电镜加工LiNbO3晶体电畴反转光栅的研究”, 电子显微学报, 1997, 16(2):148-151

102. 陈云琳*,李世忱, “不同质子源的Z切LiNbO3质子交换光波导的研究”, 光电子?激光, 1997, 20(5):337-343

103. 陈云琳*,阮永丰, “退火在质子交换光波导中的作用”, 激光技术, 1996, 20(1):32-33

104. 陈云琳*,阮永丰, 姚诽,“电子束扫描LiNbO3制备畴反转光栅”,中国激光, 1996, A23(6):505-508


主编 <<近代物理实验>> 教材


1. 云琳,刘刚,差频混频级联掺镁近化学比铌酸锂全光波长转换器,授权专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.6

2. 陈云琳,周波,一种可调二维光子微结构位相阵列器的制作方法,授权专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.8

3. 陈云琳,孔勇发,许京军,张光寅,掺镁化学比铌酸锂周期极化微结构晶体的制备工艺,授权专利号为:ZL 02 1 00623.7。

4. 陈云琳,刘晓娟,楼慈波,张光寅,周期极化掺镁铌酸锂全光开关及其制备工艺,授权专利号为:ZL 03 1 02423.8。

5. 陈云琳,周林,一种制备P1型沸石的方法,授权专利号:ZL 2012 1 **.X。

6. 陈云琳,王佶,闫君,太阳能光伏发电系统和制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 2016 1 **.1。

7. 闫君,陈云琳,柯笑晗,张冰,一种具有梯度能带结构的有机-无机杂化钙钛矿钾胺材料及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 2.1。

陈云琳 《近代物理实验》,主编, 2019年6月出版, 北京交通大学出版社



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