张永健 职称:讲师
研究方向 金属及其复合材料
招生专业 材料科学与工程硕士
科研项目 北京交通大学: 耐热钢热处理工艺研究, 2019-2022
北京交通大学: 高性能轴承钢接触疲劳性能测试, 2019-2020
北京交通大学: 车轮用贝氏体钢研究与开发, 2014-2020
北京交通大学: 合金钢热处理工艺研究, 2019-2022
北京交通大学: 耐海洋大气腐蚀钢高强度紧固件高周疲劳及氢脆敏感性评估, 2019-2020
北京交通大学: 磨煤机大规格弹簧钢疲劳及耐蚀性能检测分析, 2019-2021
国家重点研发计划-任务: 高铁轴承钢大尺寸非金属夹杂物评估及疲劳性能研究, 2018-2022
北京交通大学: 高强螺栓氢脆敏感性研究, 2019-2019
北京交通大学: 高强螺栓氢致延迟断裂性能研究, 2018-2019
北京交通大学: 铁路桥梁用高强度紧固件用钢氢致延迟断裂性能分析, 2018-2019
北京交通大学: 非调质连杆钢疲劳性能与断口分析研究, 2018-2018
北京交通大学: 石钢非调质钢和调质钢疲劳性能检测分析, 2018-2020
北京交通大学: 10.9级耐火耐候螺栓钢氢致延迟断裂性能检测分析, 2018-2019
北京交通大学: 末端淬透性检验, 2017-2018
北京交通大学: 高温渗碳齿轮钢高温渗碳工艺试验研究, 2018-2019
北京交通大学: 60Si2Mn线材弹簧钢疲劳性能检测分析, 2018-2020
国家重点研发计划: 高端装备典型构件用特殊钢的示范应用研究, 2017-2021
国家重点研发计划: 高铁车轴用钢低温韧化及长疲劳寿命化机理研究, 2017-2021
基本科研业务费人才基金: 中锰钢氢致延迟断裂行为研究, 2017-2020
北京交通大学: NHS2高性能弹簧扁钢的冶金质量和疲劳性能检测分析, 2017-2019
红果园国家级"四总部": 陆军机动平台重载传动齿轮制造基础研究, 2015-2019
国家重点研发计划: 低成本高强韧非调质钢关键技术开发与应用, 2016-2020
北京交通大学: 首钢汽车用冷轧双相钢氢脆敏感性检测分析-2016, 2016-2018
国家重点研发计划: 海水淡化关键设备用新材料开发及应用, 2016-2021
北京交通大学: 首钢汽车用冷轧双相钢氢脆敏感性检测分析, 2016-2018
北京交通大学: 首钢汽车用高强薄板氢脆敏感性检测分析, 2016-2018
北京交通大学: 首钢汽车用薄板钢氢脆敏感性检测分析, 2015-2018
北京交通大学: 铌在紧固件用钢中应用潜力, 2015-2016
铁路总公司(原铁道部): U20Mn2SiCrNiMo贝氏体钢轨及焊接性能优化研究, 2015-2016
北京交通大学: 马钢时速350 km动车组车轴用钢疲劳性能及氢脆敏感性研究, 2015-2017
北京交通大学: 首钢汽车用薄板钢系氢脆敏感性检测分析, 2015-2018
北京交通大学: 高强度螺栓制造过程中吸氢倾向性分析检测, 2015-2017
北京交通大学: 定制锻件用非调质钢组织性能调控技术研究, 2015-2016
科技部“973”: 高性能新型贝氏体轮轨材料原型研究, 2015-2019
北京交通大学: 石钢DSAK20(M)钢疲劳性能检测分析, 2015-2020
其它部市: 轨道交通移动装备用高强高韧紧固件用钢研究与开发, 2013-2017
北京交通大学: 马钢重载车轴用钢疲劳性能检测分析, 2014-2015
北京交通大学: 马钢系泊链用钢腐蚀疲劳性能、氢脆敏感性检测分析, 2014-2015
北京交通大学: 马钢钩尾框用钢高周疲劳性能、焊接性能、无塑性转变温度检测分析, 2014-2015
校科技基金人才基金: 逆转变奥氏体对中锰钢氢致延迟断裂行为的影响, 2014-2017
北京交通大学: 高性能锯片用钢组织性能分析及基础数据库建设, 2014-2016
北京交通大学: 贝氏体钢铸件组织性能的优化研究, 2014-2015
基本科研业务费: 铌在高强度紧固件用钢中应用的基础研究, 2014-2015
论文/期刊 王占花,惠卫军,张永健,郝彦英,戴观文.49MnVS非调质钢锻造过程中硫化物和力学性能变化.热加工工艺,2019,21(48)
惠卫军,张永健,邵成伟,陈思联,赵晓丽,董瀚.Effect of Cooling Rate and Vanadium Content on the Microstructure and Hardness of Medium Carbon Forging Steel.材料科学技术学报:英文版,2016,6(0)
惠卫军,邵成伟,张永健,陈思联,董瀚.Influence of Vanadium on Fracture Splitting Property of Medium Carbon Steel.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2016,5(23)
张永健,惠卫军,王娇娇,邵成伟,赵晓丽.Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Al-Containing Medium Mn Steel Through Warm Rolling and Intercritical Annealing.STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2019,3(90)
张永健,邵成伟,王娇娇,赵晓丽,惠卫军.Intercritical annealing temperature dependence of hydrogen embrittlement behavior of cold-rolled Al-containing medium-Mn steel.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019,39(44)
惠卫军,王占花,徐智宝,张永健,赵晓丽.Hydrogen embrittlement of a microalloyed bainitic forging steel.JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2019,9(26)
肖娜,惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,陈鹰,董瀚.High cycle fatigue behavior of vacuum carburized 20Cr2Ni4 steel with different case depths.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2019,6(28)
张永健,邵成伟,王娇娇,赵晓丽,惠卫军.Intercritical annealing temperature dependence of hydrogen embrittlement behavior of cold-rolled Alcontaining medium-Mn steel.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,2019(44(2019))
张永健,惠卫军,王娇娇,雷鸣,赵晓丽.Enhancing the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of Al-containing medium-Mn steel through heavy warm rolling.Scripta Materialia,2019,165 (2019)(165 (2019))
张永健,惠卫军,赵晓丽,王存宇,曹文全,董瀚.Effect of reverted austenite fraction on hydrogen embrittlement of TRIP-aided medium Mn steel (0.1C-5Mn).ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS,2019,None(97)
邵成伟,惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,翁宇庆.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Cold Rolled Medium-Mn Steel with Superior Strength and Ductility.ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA,2019,2(55)
张永健,徐智宝,赵晓丽,高古辉,惠卫军,翁宇庆.Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of high strength bainitic rail steel: Effect of tempering treatment.ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS,2018,None(93)
惠卫军,张永健,邵成伟,陈思联,赵晓丽,董瀚.Microstructural effects on high-cycle fatigue properties of microalloyed medium carbon steel 38MnVS.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING,2015,None(640)
邵成伟,惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,翁宇庆.Effect of intercritical annealing time on hydrogen embrittlement of warm-rolled medium Mn steel.MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING,2018,None(726)
张永健,惠卫军,赵晓丽,王存宇,董瀚.Effects of Hot Stamping and Tempering on Hydrogen Embrittlement of a Low-Carbon Boron-Alloyed Steel.Materials,2018,12(11)
张永健,徐智宝,赵晓丽,高古辉,惠卫军,翁宇庆.Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of high strength bainitic rail steel: Effect of tempering treatment.Engineering Failure Analysis,2018,93 (2018)(93 (2018))
徐智宝,惠卫军,王占花,张永健,赵晓丽,赵秀明.Mechanical properties of a microalloyed bainitic steel after hot forging and tempering.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2017,11(24)
赵晓丽,张永健,邵成伟,惠卫军.Thermal Stability of Retained Austenite and Mechanical Properties of Medium-Mn Steel during Tempering Treatment.Journal of Iron and Steel Research,Internationa,2017,6(24)
惠卫军,徐智宝,张永健,赵晓丽,邵成伟,翁宇庆.Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of high strength rail steels: A comparison between pearlitic and bainitic microstructures.Materials Science & Engineering A,2017,8(704)
惠卫军,肖娜,赵晓丽,张永健,巫宇峰.Effect of vanadium on dynamic continuous cooling transformation behavior of medium-carbon forging steels.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2017,6(24)
惠卫军,邵成伟,张永健,赵晓丽,翁宇庆.Microstructure and mechanical properties of medium Mn steel containing 3%Al processed by warm rolling.Materials Science & Engineering A,2017,11(707)
邵成伟,惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,翁宇庆.Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled medium-Mn steel containing 3% aluminum.Materials Science & Engineering A,2017,2017年第1期(682)
邵成伟,惠卫军,赵晓丽,张永健,翁宇庆.Effect of Aluminum on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Hot-rolled Medium Manganese Steels.The 1st International Conference on Automobile Steel & The 3rd International Conference on High Manganese Steels,2016
惠卫军,张海旭,张永健,赵晓丽,邵成伟.Effect of nickel on hydrogen embrittlement behavior of medium-carbon high strength steels.Materials Science & Engineering A,2016,0921-5093(674)
惠卫军,周超,张永健,赵晓丽,董瀚.Very high cycle fatigue properties of high strength spring steel 60SiCrV7.Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures,2016,9(39)
惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,肖娜,胡芳忠.High cycle fatigue behavior of V-microalloyed medium carbon steels: a comparison between bainitic and ferritic-pearlitic microstructures.International Journal of Fatigue,2016,0142-1123(91)
惠卫军,张永健,邵成伟,陈思联,赵晓丽,董瀚.Enhancing the mechanical properties of vanadium-microalloyed medium carbon steel by optimizing post-forging cooling conditions.Materials and Manufacturing Processes,2016,1042-6914(31)
惠卫军,张永健,邵成伟,陈思联,赵晓丽,董瀚.Effect of cooling rate and vanadium content on the microstructure and hardness of medium carbon forging steel.Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2016,1005-0302(32)
惠卫军,邵成伟,张永健,陈思联,董瀚.Influence of vanadium on fracture splitting property of medium carbon steel.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2016,1006-706X(23)
惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,周超,汪开忠,孙维,董瀚.Very high cycle fatigue properties of Cr-Mo low alloy steel containing V-rich MC type carbides.Materials Science & Engineering A,2016,0921-5093(651)
惠卫军,张永健,赵晓丽,邵成伟,汪开忠,孙维,于同仁.Influence of cold deformation and annealing on hydrogen embrittlement of cold hardening bainitic steel for high strength bolts.Materials Science & Engineering A,2016,0921-5093(662)
惠卫军,陈思联,张永健,邵成伟,董瀚.Effect of Vanadium on the High-cycle Fatigue Fracture Properties of Medium-carbon Microalloyed Steel for Fracture Splitting Connecting Rod.Materials and Design,2015,2(66)
惠卫军,张永健,邵成伟,陈思联,赵晓丽,董瀚.Microstructural effects on high-cycle fatigue properties of microalloyed steel 38MnVS.Materials Science & Engineering A,2015,7(640)
惠卫军,陈思联,邵成伟,张永健,董瀚.Hot Deformation Behavior of Vanadium-microalloyed Medium-carbon Steel for Fracture Splitting Connecting Rod.journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2015,7(22)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09
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李琦 职称:高聘副教授 学历: 学位:博士 电话: 邮箱:liqi@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘小龙
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