个人简介 基本情况姓名:
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教育背景 纪寿文博士,山东招远人,2002-2004年清华大学博士后,从事物流系统规划、物流战略研究。2004年-至今北京交通大学交通运输学院任教,从事智能物流、供应链、综合交通运输领域教学和研究。目前兼任 中国交通运输协会新亚欧大陆桥国际班列服务中心 副主任,科技部现代服务业物流方向专家、交通部多式联运示范工程专家、商务部供应链示范工程专家、新亚欧大陆桥国际协调机制办公室铁路国际联运专家、UNDP中国区专家,商务部对外援助物资项目评审专家、国家电子商务标准化委员会总体组专家。
工作经历 2002.4~2004.4, 清华大学 博士后
2004.5~2012.12, 北京交通大学 系统工程与控制研究所
2013.1~至今, 北京交通大学 物流工程系
研究方向 交通运输规划与管理
招生专业 交通运输规划与管理硕士
科研项目 科研理念:理论与实践结合,传承与创新兼顾,科研与教学互补。
2. 多式联运与中欧班列
——物流领域 无人车(AGVS)、无人机、无人仓、无人堆场技术研究、系统集成与仿真
1. 基于anylogic的动态沙盘智能物流仿真建模研究,北京交通大学;
2. 编制石家庄中欧班列初期运营分析报告,其它部市;
3. 平谷区智能交通专项规划,北京交通大学;
4. 北京城市副中心末端物流配送设施规划,其它部市;
5. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB,科技部“科技支撑”;
6. 首都机场区域经济影响研究咨询,北京交通大学;
7. 中铁铁龙国际集装箱业务箱管和境外物流运营平台搭建、国际化发展战略报告完善技术咨询服务,北京交通大学;
8. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KBB,科技部“科技支撑”;
9. 上海机场区域经济贡献和影响力评估课题项目,北京交通大学;
10. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB,科技部“科技支撑”;
11. 海铁联运冷藏集装箱班列运输操作规范,其它部市;
12. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB,科技部“科技支撑”;
13. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB**,科技部“科技支撑”;
14. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB,科技部“科技支撑”;
15. 纵向预研基金-科技部“科技支撑”-KTB, 科技部“科技支撑”;
16. 连云港港口集团信息化十三五规划,北京交通大学;
17. 纵向预研基金-科技支撑计划-KTB,科技部“科技支撑”;
18. 滨州市高新区综合物流园总体规划,北京交通大学;
19. 环首都1小时鲜活农产品流通圈规划,其它部市;
20. 基于资产全寿命的供应商履约评价与风险预警,北京交通大学;
21. 国家交通运输物流公共信息平台服务模式研究(自筹经费),科技部“科技支撑”;
22. 大连港融入“一带一路”战略,构建中欧国际物流大通道发展规划,北京交通大学;
23. 北京城市食品冷链共同配送关键技术研究及示范应用,北京市科委;
24. 新疆中欧班列集结中心物流园建设项目,北京交通大学;
25. 兰州铁路局现代物流发展规划,北京交通大学;
26. 北京市‘十三五’时期物流业发展规划研究,其它部市;
27. 宁夏回族自治区物流业“十三五”发展规划,其它部市;
28. 交通运输物流信息交换基础网络发展及应用服务模式研究,科技部“科技支撑”;
29. 和硕铁路物流园区项目规划,其它部市;
30. 智慧物流信息服务平台服务模式研究,北京交通大学;
31. 城市公交线网调整优化技术研究--以南宁城市公交为例,基本科研业务费;
32. 建设奎屯国际内陆港规划研究,其它部市;
33. 全球环境基金“缓解大城市拥堵 减少碳排放项目”,“十三五”交通运输发展规划大纲研究 其它部市;
34. 以营口港为桥头堡的中俄欧海铁联运大通道研究,北京交通大学;
35. 北京城市交通协同创新中心技术咨询,北京交通大学;
36. 供应链物流实时监测、跟踪与管理技术研究,科技部“科技支撑”;
37. 广西城市公交线网调整优化技术指南,北京交大创新科技中心;
38. 连云港新丝路国际物流园区规划功能调整研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
39. 广西交通物流公共信息平台建设研究,其它部市;
40. 北京新机场快递园区功能规划研究,其它部市;
41. 交通物流园区绩效动态监测与跟踪评价研究,其它部市;
42. 博大世通国际物流(北京)有限公司定向购销业务可行性研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
43. 首都世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心技术开发,北京市教委;
44. 基于物联网的烟草物流信息协同管理及服务集成关键技术研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
45. 首都城市副中心现代物流业发展规划,其它部市;
46. 依托综合交通运输体系的物流发展战略研究,国家发展改革委;
47. 北京新机场快递园区发展规划,其它部市;
48. 南宁航道数字信息整合,其它部市;
49. 广饶国际物流园区综合发展规划,其它部市;
50. 西部港口物流作业机械状态智能化监控技术研究,其它部市;
51. 《北京物流蓝皮书 2012》报告编写,北京交大创新科技中心;
52. 关于金港湾国际物流园区规划深化研究报告,北京交大创新科技中心;
53. 我国钢铁企业海外发展产业运输链研究之非洲铁路规划的初歩研究,北京交通大学;
54. 福建省交通运输云平台(应用平台服务层)可行性研究报告,北京交大创新科技中心;
55. 福建省交通物流公共信息平台(一期)资金申请报告,北京交大创新科技中心;
56. 首都机场区域经济影响研究,北京交通大学;
57. 纯电动物流车配送运营调度平台企业子系统研发,北京市科委;
58. 福建省交通物流信息服务项目建设方案,北京交大创新科技中心;
59. 大宗物品全程电子商务精准信息服务技术研究开发与示范应用,科技部“科技支撑;”
60. 福建省“十二五”交通物流信息化发展规划及推进方案,北京交通大学;
61. 北京亦庄保税物流中心(B型)信息管理系统规划设计,北京交大科技发展中心;
62. 浙江交通物流公共信息平台服务交换技术研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
63. 列车编组计划技术研究——列车编组计划多方案求解理论及其在区域路网上的运用研究, 铁路总公司(原铁道部);
64. 连云港援建霍尔果斯项目需求及投资分析,北京交大创新科技中心;
65. 北京城市新一代交通管理技术综合应用与规划研究,北京市科委;
66. 大陆桥集装箱过境运输管理办法调研,其它部市;
67. 建设北京国际商贸中心的战略路径研究,北京市科委;
68. 连云港服务中西部地区发展中长期规划-八个专题研究报告,北京交大创新科技中心;
69. 车辆智能识别检测系统信息应用水平与发展研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
70. 铁路运营安全技术研究-现代化危险品发送区铁路运输安全技术与铁路运力资源优化配置研究,铁路总公司(原铁道部);
71. 新疆综合交通运输体系发展规划,北京交大创新科技中心;
72. 奥运交通管理指挥调度系统辅助决策系统社会经济及环境效益评价研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
73. 鄂尔多斯市煤化工物流总体规划,北京交通大学;
74. 神华榆林大保当物流园区项目可研需求分析与业务功能规划编制,北京交大创新科技中心;
75. 华北国际商贸物流城发展战略规划研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
76. 新亚欧大陆桥集装箱国际多式联运畅通与便利化研究,其它部市;
77. 面向ITS应用的北京城市道路交通管理业务流程再造与优化研究,北京市科委;
78. 神华榆林大保当物流园区业务营销策划及流程设计,北京交大创新科技中心;
79. 江苏金港湾国际物流园区发展模式研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
80. 鹤山市物流产业集群发展的可行性研究,北京交通大学;
81. 城市快速路主铺路交通流协同联动控制理论与方法研究, 国家自然科学基金“面上”;
82. 连云港现代化港口功能研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
83. 优化北京商务发展环境研究,北京市科委;
84. 渤海新区现代物流发展总体规划,北京交大创新科技中心;
85. 道路交通与安全杂志稿件审编,北京交大创新科技中心;
86. 宁夏国际空港物流中心可行性研究报告,北京交大科技发展中心;
87. 怀柔物流调研及发展战略研究,北京交大创新科技中心;
88. 基于TPT理论的城市快速路交通状态识别与预测方法研究,博士点基金;
89. 车载信息采集及传输终端研制,北京交大创新科技中心;
90. 苏州市综合物流园后续发展战略咨询与方案策划,北京交大创新科技中心;
91. 亿利资源集团销售物流系统方案规划可行性研究,北京交大科技发展中心;
92. 宁波综合运输信息系统建设方案研究,北京交通大学;
93. 具有多匝道口的城市快速环路交通拥堵形成机理及疏导控制技术研究,科技部“863”;
94. 徐州市道路货运管理信息平台规划,北京交通大学;
95. 连云港中云台区域性国际物流区控制性详细规划前期研究,北京交通大学;
96. 连云港市现代物流发展研究,北京交通大学;
97. 城市环路交通流现状跃迁机理的定性定量研究,教育部“重点;”
98. 奥运大车(T4)运行管理系统研究与设计,校科技基金;
99. JIT模式下物流模态与业务流程重组优化研究,校科技基金;
100. 天津滨海新区物流信息平台技术咨询,北京交通大学;
101. 陆桥区域发展现代物流业合作机制研究,北京交通大学;
102. 徐州市道路货运市场管理与发展研究,北京交通大学;
103. 储运业电子商务与现代物流技术服务体系建设(国家科技攻关子项目), 科技部“科技支撑”;
104. 我国发展无线射频技术战略研究,北京交通大学;
105. 我国电子商务与现代物流应用环境建设及相关政策研究(科技攻关子项目),科技部“科技支撑”;
106. 北京奥运电动汽车智能管理系统研究开发(市科委子项目),北京市科委;
107. 新亚欧陆桥沿线地区现代物流业的合作与发展研究,北京交通大学;
108. 基于国产LINUX的数字物流综合信息处理平台应用推广研究-3,科技部;
109. 中铁快运货物追踪信息系统,北京交通大学;
110. 铁路第三方物流企业流程再造仿真研究,校科技基金;
教学工作 本科课程:物流系统分析、规划与设计(交通运输大类专业),物流系统规划与设计(物流工程专业)、第三方物流(电子商务专业),数据自动采集与识别(电子商务专业),EDI技术及应用(电子商务专业)
论文/期刊 王致远,纪寿文,余博文.Short-Term Traffic Volume Forecasting with Asymmetric Loss Based on Enhanced KNN Method.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2019,None(None)
李聪聪,张喜,纪寿文,王海平,李东风,刘慧勇.An Effective and Secure Key Management Protocol for Message Delivery in Autonomous.Sensors,2018,9(18)
赵文秀,毕建国,纪寿文.SLP-based Layout Planning of Ying Kou Port Trading Logistics Park.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
纪寿文,付琪敏,吴雅霜.Research on the Restrictive Factors of the Integrated Development of Manufacturing Industry and Logistics Industry.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
李方,纪寿文.Demand Forecastof Beijing New Airport Express Park Based on Exponential Smoothing Method.2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议/(The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development(ECED2015)),2016
纪寿文,马歆.Application of Genetic Algorithm in Channel Allocation of OFDMA System.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
纪寿文,田睿琪,张松博.Research on the Service Mode of the “Online Store” Electronic Commerce Platform Based on IDEF0.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
纪寿文,王鸽,雷黎,陶毅.A research into the VMI model of railway fuel stock control.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
纪寿文,王荃菲. Research on the Distribution Mechanism of the Interests of the E-commerce Express Enterprise Strategic Alliance.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
赵悦,纪寿文.A Positive Analysis of the Pedestrian Flow Characteristics Based on Video Processing Technology.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
纪寿文,赵悦,张松博.Promotion Mode Research of Logistics Information Service Platform.《The 2nd 2015 International Conference on E-commerce and Contemporary Economic Development》/2015年第二届电子商务与当代经济发展国际会议,2016
王致远,纪寿文.Research of the Third Party Logistics Service Platform Design of Railway Oil Supply Chain.International Conference on Education, E-learning and Management Technology,2016
张乔禹,纪寿文,张松博.The Pricing Research of Platform Service when the Amount of people in queue is unpredictable.2nd Annual 2016 International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Development,2016
丁大川,赵文秀,纪寿文.Modeling and Simulation of Railway Fuel Supply System under the Integration Pattern Based on Petri Net.The 2nd 2016 Annual International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Development,2016
张露阳,于朝朝,纪寿文.Research on Multi-link Task Assignment in Dynamic Logistics Alliance based on Improved Genetic Algorithm.The 2nd Annual International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Development,2016
孔令勤,田睿琪,纪寿文.Research on Inventory and Transportation Integrated Optimization for Train Fuel Supply under VMI Model.2016 International Conference on Service Science, Technology and Engineering,2016
田甜,付琪敏,纪寿文.Research on the Benefit Distribution of Dairy-product Supply Chain Members Based on Game Theory.The International Conference on Service Science, Technology and Engineering,2016
高瑞萍,纪寿文,张海涛.Study on Service Pricing of Third Party Logistics Service Platform of Railway Oil Supply Chain.The International Conference on Education, E-learning and Management Technology,2016
王妍子,霍慧,于朝朝,纪寿文.Research on the Partner Selection Comprehensive Evaluation of Dynamic Logistics Alliance.International Conference on Service Science, Technology and Engineering,2016
刘玉萍,纪寿文,孙晓媛.Research on Trust Mechanism of Dairy-product Supply Chain Members Based on Game Theory. The International Conference on Economics and Trade (ICET2016),2016
王致远,纪寿文.基于演化博弈的铁路燃油一体化供应模式实施研究 .物流科技,2016,2016年09期(第39卷)
张露阳,纪寿文.VMI模式下铁路燃油库存管理研究.物流科技,2016,2016第9期( 第39卷 )
刘玉萍,纪寿文.铁路燃油传统供应模式与一体化供应模式分析研究.物流科技,2016,2016第8期(第三十九卷 )
纪寿文,李聪聪,陈佳娟.Study on manufacturing engineering with supply chain profit model of fast moving consumer goods based on TOC operation mode.2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering, MEIME 2013,2013
纪寿文,李聪聪.Railway passenger trains information inquiry system based on short message modem.2013 3rd International Conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering, IISME 2013,2013
张朝栋,纪寿文. Chinese High-speed Railway (HSR) Construction and Management Model based on the Cooperation of the Government and Enterprises.(2014 International Workshop on Urban Planning and Management),2015
纪寿文,滕挥云.The Application and Development of the Internet of Things in Intelligent Buildings.The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology (MPMT 2013),2013
纪寿文,黄婷婷.Study on Manufacturing Enterprises Distribution Center Location.3rd International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology, MPMT 2013,2013
纪寿文,孙晓媛.Research on core competitiveness of Chinese retail industry based on O2O.The 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 3rd,2013
纪寿文,李慧.Research on the Selection of Logistics Service Innovation Mode Based on Industrial Clusters.The 3rd International?Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology? (MPMT 2013),2013
纪寿文,李玲利.Game analysis on bulit-in outsourcing alliance of logistics.The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology(MPMT 2013),2013
纪寿文,张娜.Studies on Small Pieces of Cargo Distribution by Intercity Passenger Bus.The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology (MPMT 2013),2013
于朝朝,纪寿文.The Two-Step Pricing Strategy Research of Regional Logistics Information Platform based on Game Theory.2012 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2012,2013
纪寿文,冯倩,王钰铮,王雪松.The Research on Pricing Customizing Services of Logistics Information Platform.2013 International Forum on Mechanical and Material Engineering, IFMME 2013,2013
纪寿文,李亚丹.The Building Research of Dairy Products Logistics Service Quality Evaluation Index System.2nd Global Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering?, GCCSEE 2013,2013
田英,纪寿文.Modeling of logistics information service system for display industry based on ARIS.3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, CEAM 2013,2013
纪寿文,于朝朝,章志华,高扬华.The double-closed-loop quality model of fast moving consumer goods supply chain based on quality house.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2013,2013
陈佳娟,张松博,纪寿文,郭宇飞,苏增蓉.Study on regional logistics information platform pricing strategy based on bilateral market theory.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2013,2013
纪寿文,田英,张志华,陆海良.Research on the FMCG supply chain quality control tower system and operation mechanism.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2013,2013
纪寿文,苏增蓉,章志华.The Causal Tracing Method of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Logistics Quality based on Extended Spanning Tree.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2013,2013
纪寿文,陶毅,陈佳娟,郭英.Research on Inventory and Transportation Integrated Optimization for Railway Fuel Supply.4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2013,2013
纪寿文,赵伶珊.Key Factors Analysis of Port Logistics Development Based On Principal Component Analysis.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, ICCET 2012,2013
纪寿文,张舜,林枫.Reseach on the optimization of chemical logistics park internal areas layout.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, ICCET 2012,2013
纪寿文,王侃,颜骙.Logistics Reorganization of Supermarket Chains Based on Agriculture Super Docking.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, ICCET 2012,2013
纪寿文,李玲利.Revenue allocation research on bulit-in outsourcing alliance of logistics based on game theory.Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences ,2013,15(5)
纪寿文,吴雅霜.Risk Evaluation of the Cross-border Network Purchasing through Agents Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process.Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,2013,15(5)
纪寿文,田英.Study on Supply Chain Information Control Tower System.Information Technology Journal,2013,24(13)
纪寿文,李晓亭,王勇.The research of order picking optimization based on Jointown pharmaceutical logistics center.2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology ( ICMIT 2014),2014
纪寿文,冯秋星.Study on the Transformation of the Development Mode of the National Public Information Sharing Platform for Transportation & Logistics.4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation,2014
纪寿文,金石,吕凯.Research on Multimodal Transport Shortest Path Based on the Genetic Algorithm.第四届土木工程与交通运输国际学术会议组委会(2014 ICCET),2014
黄颖,陆正业,纪寿文.Study of Railway Passenger Flow Forecasting Based on Season Index.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering,2014
余博文,纪寿文,张光辉.Data Processing in Beijing Capital International Airport regional economic impact assessment and overall analysis.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering,2014
黄颖,姚凤金,纪寿文./Queuing Theory Based Simulation and Optimization of Ticket Office.2014第二届电气与电子工程与计算机科学国际会议(ICEEECS 2014),2014
李晓亭,钟琳,纪寿文. Applied-information Technology in willingness of Online Group Buying for college students.2014 4rd International conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering,2014
纪寿文,冯秋星.Study on the causal feedback Relationship of regional logistics information platform service innovation factors based on system dynamics.2014第二届电气与电子工程与计算机科学国际会议(ICEEECS 2014),2014
胡杰,杨雄,纪寿文. Data Processing in Performance Evaluation of Logistics Park Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering( MEIME 2014),2014
纪寿文,胡杰,李纯芳.Research on the Coordinating relations between capital airport and the economic development of Beijing.2014 2th International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology( ICMIT 2014),2014
纪寿文,吴席,王云飞,苏刚.Study on optimization of cargo space allocation based on Jointown pharmaceutical logistics center.2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology ( ICMIT 2014),2014
吴席,纪寿文,南岚.Data Processing in Optimization and Design of Regional Layout Based on Pharmaceutical Logistics Distribution Center.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering( MEIME 2014),2014
纪寿文,张振勇,高丽佳.Impact analysis of Beijing Capital Airport on import-export trade.2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology ( ICMIT 2014),2014
纪寿文,刘弟,苏增容.Analysis of Current Correlation of the Capital Airport and the Airport Economic Zone.2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology ( ICMIT 2014),2014
张振勇,陆正业,纪寿文.Data Processing in the indirect benefits of Logistics Park—Taking Beijing Airport Logistics Park as example.2014 2nd International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEME2014),2014
纪寿文,李堂奎,陈光平,苏刚,张秦川.ANN Forecast Algorithmic Model for Port Logistic Demand Research.4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation,2014
张朝栋,纪寿文,党舒平.Design and Implementation of Smart Electricity with Monitor Integrating Forecasting and Status Estimation Functions and the Relevant Simulation based on MATLAB.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering,Industry and Manufacturing Engineering( MEIME 2014),2014
孙凯迪,纪寿文.Analysis of LOGINK Service Innovation with Information Technology Based on the Theory of Product Hierarchy.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering( MEIME 2014),2014
张娜,纪寿文,袁哲.Research on the value of traceable information sharing.2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2014),2014
吴雅霜,纪寿文,游永海.Research on the Coordination Mechanism of the Dairy Products Double Channel Supply Chain.2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2014),2014
李玲利,纪寿文,王林帅.Study on dynamitic mechanism of LOGINK service innovation based on system dynamitic.2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology, ICPMIMT 2014,2014
王慧婷,纪寿文,钟林.IDEF-based Procedure Analysis and Restructuring Design of the Online Overseas Purchasing Agent Business.2014 4rd International conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering,2014
金石,纪寿文.Research on information sharing value of dairy producers and retailers.2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering,Industry and Manufacturing Engineering( MEIME 2014),2014
黄婷婷,纪寿文,王林帅. Research on dynamic relation model of LOGINK service innovation.2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology,2014
纪寿文,孙凯迪,吕凯.The research on transportation modes combinatorial optimization model in Multimodal transportation system.2014 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2014),2014
纪寿文,游永海.Research on Port Freight Traffic Assignment Model (PFTA).ICETCE 2012,2012
纪寿文,张舜.Design Research on Link Performance Function in Port Freight Traffic Flow Assignment .2012 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering,2012
纪寿文,夏玉中,王雪冰.The Research on Business Progress Reengineering of EC Retailer Facing VMI.The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2012
纪寿文,赵伶珊,吴煜博,田雅.The Process Optimization and Simulation of Petrochemical Logistics based on the Petri Net.The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2012
纪寿文,袁哲,吴煜博,田雅.Research on the Design of the Petrochemical Trade Electronic Commerce Logistics Information Platform.The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2012
纪寿文,王林帅,丁凯.Study on freight traffic flow of port.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials,2012
纪寿文,马慧娟,武文玲.The Research on Electronic Commerce Logistics Integration Mode of the Automobile Manufacturing Enterprises.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials,2012
纪寿文,谢清霞,房圆晨.System Dynamics Based Research on Performance of Supply Chain.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials,2012
纪寿文,游永海,才笑琦.Research on selecting distribution mode of B2C business based on the GAHP and gray correlation method.2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials,2012
纪寿文,邓婷,董延涛.Research on Green Supply Chain Operating Model of Electronic Manufacture Industry.3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,2012
纪寿文,谢清霞,董延涛.Green Supply Chain Comprehensive Performance Evaluation in Electronics Manufacturers.3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,2012
纪寿文,王薇,董延涛.ILP Model Research of Electronic Manufacturing Enterprise Green Supply Chain Inventory & Transportation Decision-Making.3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,2012
纪寿文,林枫,王雪冰.BP neural network prediction research of the home appliance VMI order quantity in the environment of the electronic commerce.The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2012
纪寿文,王侃,武文玲.The Technology Structure Study on E-commerce and Logistics System Integration of Household Appliance Manufacturers.The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology,2012
纪寿文,陈诚,武文玲.Optimization of E-Commerce Logistics Process of Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise Based on ARIS.The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology,2012
纪寿文,夏恒良,孟嘉铭,韩向宇.An Empirical Study on the Coordinated development of Chinese Manufacturing and Logistics Industry.2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2011,2011
纪寿文,孟嘉铭,王钰铮,韩向雨.Study on Game Design-making for Manufacturing and Logistics Joint Development.ICMSE2011,2011
纪寿文,王钰铮,夏恒良.Research on Integrated Development Model of Wholesale Market's Electronic Commerce Logistics.第二届IEEE电子商务与电子政务国际会议(ICEE2011),2011
纪寿文,李冉.物联港规划与建设.物流技术,2011,No.01 2011(Vol.30)
赵文鹏,纪寿文.Stochastic(s,S)Inventory System Simulation and Optimization Based on BP Neural Network.Third Internatiional Conference o Information and Computing,2010
纪寿文,李冉,孟嘉铭.The Comparative Study of“Analysis and Design of Logistics System” of Beijing Jiao tong University and the related courses of MIT.2010 Third International Conference on Education Technology and Training,2010
纪寿文,黄婷婷,李冉.Research on "Transportation and Logistics" Integrated Experiment System Design for Traffic adn Transportation Experiment Center.2010 Third International Conference on Education Technology and Training,2010
纪寿文,刘刚,李兆生.Influence Factors Research of Traffic Flow Caused by Constructing New Container Logistics Park in Port.2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science,2010
纪寿文,李兆生.Researching on Forecasting the Freight Traffic Volume of Pork New Container Logistics Park.2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation,2010
黄静云,纪寿文.Study on Association Relation Between Urban Economy Growth and Logistics Development.2008 International Conference on Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain,2008
黄静云,纪寿文,刘洋,王晓华.Study on Coupling Relationship between Beijing Logistics Development and Urban Competitiveness Upgrade.The 4th International conference on intelligent logistics systems,2008
谢海垚,纪寿文,申金升,韩向雨.Research on Traffic Volume Forecast and Assignment of Logistics Park.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008
黄静云,纪寿文,王晓华,王伟.Study on Logistics Demand Prediction of Beijing Exurbs Based on Improved Grey Prediction Model.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008
刘洋,纪寿文,谢海垚,旷绚.Research on the Evaluation of Development of Commercial Service Industry in Beijing Based on Gray Correlation Analysis and BP Neural Network.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008
谢芳,纪寿文,佟路,马金锋.Research of Working-areas Layout Study Method in Logistics Park Based on Genetic Algorithm.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008
黄爱玲,纪寿文,申金升.Strategic Cooperation & Development of Modern Logistic Industry in Area along NELB1.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics,2008
王传涛,纪寿文,申金升,魏炜.Supply Chain Model in Vendor Managed Inventory.2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics,2008
谢芳,纪寿文,刘洋.Research of coupling relation between city logistics and economy based on artificial neural network.The 5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2008
黄静云,纪寿文,谢海垚,王晓华.Research on Cross-selling in the Express Delivery Enterprises Based on Data Mining.5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'08),2008
纪寿文.The Research of Customer Loss Question of Logistics Enterprise Based on the Data Mining.2005 International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management,2005
专著/译著 纪寿文,房圆晨。《过程管理—供应链的增值》,物资出版社,2010-09
软件著作权 铁路燃油库存运输联合优化系统 V1.0
基于VMI模式的铁路燃油库存决策支持系统 V1.0
获奖与荣誉 浙江省科技进步二等奖 (2014)
社会兼职 中国交通运输协会新亚欧大陆桥国际班列服务中心 副主任
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09
相关话题/北京交通大学 交通运输
个人简介基本情况姓名:陈佳娟职务:职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:邮编:办公电话:电子邮箱:jjchen@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景个人简历:陈佳娟博士,辽宁锦州人,19992005年吉林大学博士、博士后,从事载运工具运用工程研究。2005年至今北京交通大学运输学院任教,从事电子商务、物流领域教学和研究。工作经历研究方向交通运输工程(专业学位)交通运输规划与管理电子商务技术与应用招 ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学交通运输学院导师教师师资介绍简介-许红
个人简介基本情况姓名:许红职务:职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:北京交通大学交通运输学院邮编:100044办公电话:**电子邮箱:hxu@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景本科铁路运输专业毕业,在铁路现场工作多年,后考入北京交通大学交通运输学院,交通运输规划与管理专业攻读硕士、博士,毕业留校任教至今。工作经历齐齐哈尔铁路车站研究方向交通运输规划与管理交通运输工程(专业学位)招生专业交通运输 ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学交通运输学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马敏书
个人简介基本情况姓名:马敏书职务:职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:北京交通大学交通运输学院邮编:100044办公电话:**电子邮箱:mshma@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景1989年9月-1993年7月,北方交通大学,本科1998年9月-2000年8月,北京交通大学,硕士2000年9月-2005年9月,北京交通大学,博士工作经历1993年7月-1998年9月,北方交通大学,运输模拟中 ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学交通运输学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张兴强
个人简介基本情况姓名:张兴强职务:职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:北京西直门外上园村3号北京交通大学交通运输学院邮编:100044办公电话:电子邮箱:zhangxq@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景2003至今:北京交通大学交通运输学院,副教授20012003:北京交通大学,博士后;19952001,天津大学,硕士,博士;工作经历研究方向交通运输工程(专业学位)交通运输规划与管理交通控制 ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学交通运输学院导师教师师资介绍简介-冯超
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个人简介基本情况姓名:秦璐职务:物流工程系副主任职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:北京交通大学交通运输学院邮编:100044办公电话:电子邮箱:lqin@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景1教育背景:19911998长安大学本科及研究生学习20032011北京交通大学博士研究生2工作经历1998至今北京交通大学交通运输学院工作经历现任北京交通大学硕士研究生导师、物流工程系副主任,中物协(北京 ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学交通运输学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张琦
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个人简介基本情况姓名:丁勇职务:职称:副教授学历:研究生学位:博士通信地址:北京交通大学交通运输学院邮编:100044办公电话:**电子邮箱:yding@bjtu.edu.cn教育背景1、1998.9~2001.7.中南大学.交通运输规划与管理专业,硕士;2、2001.9~2005.4.北京交通大学.交通运输规划与管理专业,博士;3、2002.1~2002.7.香港理工大学.电机工程系,研究助理; ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09