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所属系 :经济系

        Howard Arthur DAVIES Professor 1.Academic Background Ph.D., University of Lancaster, UK, Strategic Management, 2004 M.Sc., (by research, with Distinction) University of Lancaster, UK, Economics, 1976 B.A. (Hons) Upper Second, University of Lancaster, UK, Economics, 1970 2.Research:China Business, Strategic Management, Transition Economies 3.Teaching China Business, Design Thinking and Perspectives, Strategic Management, Managerial Economics, Research Methods, Managerial Thinking and Skills, Management Decision-making


1970,Economics,University of Lancaster,


1976,Economics,University of Lancaster,


2004,Strategic Management,University of Lancaster,

1.China Business,Strategic Management,Transition Economies

序号 论文名称 第一作者 合作者 期刊名称 发表年月 期号
1 Managerial Orientations and the Commercial Performance of Chinese Enterprises DAVIES, H Advances in International Management , 2012-01 263-312期
2 Export Intensity and Marketing in Transition Economies: Evidence from China ELLIS, P. DAVIES, H., and WONG A Industrial Marketing Management 2011-01 593-602期
3 Global Strategy in the International Advertising Industry: Evidence from Major British Agencies WALTERS, P., WHITLA, P. DAVIES, H. A. International Business Review 2008-01 235-249期
4 The Use of Global Strategies in the International Hotel Industry WHITLA, P. WALTERS, P. , & DAVIES, H International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2007-01 26,4期
5 The Use of Global Strategies by British Construction Firms WHITLA, P. WALTERS, P. G., & DAVIES, H. A. Construction Management and Economics 2006-01 24,9期
6 Up-Grading and Performance: The Role of Design, Technology and Business Strategy in Hong Kongs Electronics Industry DAVIES, H. KO, D. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 2006-01 july期
7 ntry Mode, State Influence and Performance in a Transitional Economy: A Framework for Foreign-invested Enterprises in China DAVIES, H. HAN, J. , KIM, N. , & PAE, J. The Chazen Web-based Journal (Columbia University, New York) 2004-01 -期
8 Emergent Patterns of Strategy, Environment and Performance in a Transition Economy DAVIES, H. WALTERS, P. Strategic Management Journal, 2004-01 25期
9 Strategic Choice and the Nature of the Chinese Family Business DAVIES, H. MA, C. (2003). Organization Studies, 2003-01 24 (9)期
10 The Performance of Cross-Border Units in China: A Test of Natural Selection, Strategic Choice and Contingency Theories CHILD, J. CHEUNG, L. , & DAVIES, H. Journal of International Business Studies 2003-01 34期
11 The Legal Framework for Technology Development and Technology Import in China DAVIES, H. LEUNG, S., TSE J. , WILLIAMS, M. , ZHONG, J. (2001). International Journal of Technology Management 2001-01 42-60期
12 The Influence of the Environment and Enterprise Reform on Commitment to Technology Development in China: An Empirical Analysis DAVIES, H International Journal of Technology Management 2001-01 21 (1|2)期
13 Porters Competitive Advantage of Nations: Time for a Final Judgement? DAVIES, H. ELLIS, P. Journal of Management Studies 2000-01 37 (8)期
14 From Entrepot to Entrepot via Merchant Manufacturing: Organizational Capabilities and the Structure of Hong Kong Industry CARNEY, M DAVIES, H. Asia Pacific Business Review 1999-01 -期
15 Estimating the Value of Output Associated with Alternative Modes of Technology Transfer to China (in Chinese) DAVIES, H. WHITLA, P. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (Zhejiang) 1997-01 11期
16 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Educational Innovations: Using the Study Process Questionnaire to Show that Meaningful Learning Occurs DAVIES, H. KEMBER, D., CHARLESWORTH M. , McKAY, J. , & STOTT, V. Studies in Educational Evaluation 1997-01 23 (2)期
17 High IQ and Low Technology: Hong Kong’s Key to Success, Long Range Planning DAVIES, H. Long Range Planning 1996-01 29,5期
18 Intra-firm versus License Transfers of Machine Tool Technology DAVIES, H. International Journal of Technology Management 1995-01 10 (7|8)期
19 The Analysis of East Asian Competitiveness: Some Lessons from Hong Kong DAVIES, H. WHITLA, P. , & KWOK, P. Journal of Far Eastern Business 1995-01 -期
20 The Benefits of Guanxi: An Exploration of the Value of Relationships in Developing the Chinese Market DAVIES, H. LEUNG, T. , LUK, S. , & WONG, Y. Industrial Marketing Management 1995-01 24 (3)期
21 An Analysis of the Learning Process of Business Students at Hong Kong Polytechnic KEMBER, D. SIVAN, A. , & DAVIES, H. Journal of Business Education 1995-01 70 (3)期
22 Helping Hong Kong Business Students to Appreciate How They Learn: An Evaluation of an Action Learning Project DAVIES, H. SIVAN, A. , & KEMBER, D. Higher Education 1994-01 27期
23 Some Differences Between Licensed and Internalised Transfers of Machine Tool Technology DAVIES, H. Managerial and Decision Economics 1993-01 13 (6)期
24 The Impact of Competitive Structure and Technological Environment on Design Management: A Case Study of the UK Touring Caravan Industry. DAVIES, H. Design Studies 1993-01 14 (4)期
25 The Designers Perspective: Managing Design in the UK DAVIES, H. Journal of General Management 1989-01 14 (4)期
26 The Role of Academia in the Provision of Training for Industry DAVIES, H. RISPIN, M. Journal of Further and Higher Education 1987-01 11 (1)期
27 An Evaluation of Local Authority Financial Assistance to Small Firms DAVIES, H. BARNES, I. , & CAMPBELL, J. Local Government Studies 1986-01 -期
28 Fiscal Migration in the London Boroughs DAVIES, H Urban Studies, 1982-01 19期
29 State Aid and Industrial Characteristics DAVIES, H. DORWARD, N. , DRIVER, C. , & TOPPLE, M. Applied Economics 1980-01 12期
30 Technology Transfer Through the Multinational Enterprise DAVIES, H. Management Bibliographies and Reviews 1979-01 5 (3)期
31 Technology Transfer through Commercial Transactions DAVIES, H. Journal of Industrial Economics 1977-01 26期

序号 第一作者 合著者 专著名称 出版社 出版年月 1 DAVIES, H RASKOVIC, M. Understanding a Changing China: Key Issues for Business Routledge, 2017-01


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