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教育背景 2006/09-2011/06,北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,交通信息工程及控制专业,工学博士,导师:侯忠生2008/08-2009/09,新加坡国立大学,Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment,国家公派联合培养博士生,导师:Jian-Xin Xu2003/09-2006/06,山东大学,数学与系统科学学院,运筹学与控制论专业,理学硕士,导师:吴臻1999/09-2003/06,西安交通大学,理学院,信息与计算科学专业,理学和金融学双学士

工作经历 2011年7月至今在北京交通大学电子信息工程学院任教

研究方向 控制理论与控制工程

招生专业 控制科学与工程硕士

科研项目 国家自然科学基金"青年项目":非严格重复连续时间系统的迭代学习控制方法及应用研究,2015-2017,主持

教学工作 本科:运筹学基础,Matlab基础与应用,自动化专业综合实验研究生:道路交通控制工程,最优化理论与方法

论文/期刊 Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “Iterative learning control design with high-order internal model for nonlinear systems,” in Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009. pp. 434-439
Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “An ILC scheme for a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters subject to second-order internal model,” in Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009. pp. 452-457
Chenkun Yin, and Zhongsheng Hou, “Adaptive iterative learning control for a class of iteration-varying nonlinear systems with known periodicity,” in 2009 International Conference on Test and Measurement, Shenzhen, China, Dec. 2009, pp.433-437
Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “On iterative learning control design for tracking iteration-varying trajectories with high-order internal model,” Journal of Control Theory and Applications, special issue in honor of the 60th Birthday of Professor Frank L. Lewis, Vol.8, no.3, pp.309-316, 2010
殷辰堃, 许建新, 侯忠生, “两种基于二阶内模的迭代学习控制器设计,” 北京交通大学学报, Vol.5, no.34, pp.105-110, 2010
Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “A high-order internal model based iterative learning control scheme for nonlinear systems with time-iteration-varying parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.55, no.11, pp.2665-2670, 2010
Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “Corrections to “A high-order internal model based iterative learning control scheme for nonlinear systems with time-iteration-varying parameters”,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.56, no.1, pp.2350, 2011
Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu and Zhongsheng Hou, “An ILC scheme for a class of nonlinear continuous-time systems with time-iteration-varying parameters subject to second-order internal model,” Asian Journal of Control, special issue on Iterative Learning Control, Vol.13, no.1, pp.126-135, 2011
Zhongsheng Hou, Yi Wang, Chenkun Yin and Tao Tang, “Terminal iterative learning control based station stop control of a train,” International Journal of Control, special issue on Iterative Learning Control, vol.84, no.7, pp.1263-1274, 2011
Wen Yang, Chenkun Yin and Zhongsheng Hou, “A novel energy efficient operation strategy for a train based on model-free adaptive predictive control,” in Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, Heifei, China, July 2012, pp. 7286-7291
Zhenxuan Li, Chenkun Yin, Shangtai Jin and Zhongsheng Hou, “Iterative learning control based automatic train operation with iteration-varying parameter,” in Proceedings of the10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Hangzhou, China, June 2013, pp. 51-56
Shida Liu, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “Data-driven modeling for fixed-bed intermittent gasification processes by enhanced lazy learning incorporating with relevance vector machine,” in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Taichung, Taiwan, June 2014, pp. 1019-1024
Shida Liu, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “Data driven modeling for UGI gasification process via a variable structure genetic BP neural network,” in Proceedings of 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Beijing, China, July 2014, pp. 1071-1078
Zhenxuan Li, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “Iterative learning control for train trajectory tracking under speed constrains with iteration-varying parameter,” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol.37 , no.4, pp.485-493, 2015
王明月, 殷辰堃, “基于合作博弈的道路交叉口信号配时优化策略”, 第27届中国控制与决策会议 (2015 CCDC), Qingdao, China, March 2015, pp.5148-5153
Zhongsheng Hou, Qiongxia Yu, Jian-Xin Xu and Chenkun Yin, “A simultaneous iterative learning control and dynamic modeling approach for a class of nonlinear systems”, in Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2015), Beijing, China, Oct 2015, pp.368-373
Ruikun Zhang, Zhongsheng Hou, Honghai Ji and Chenkun Yin, “Adaptive iterative learning control for a class of nonlinearly parameterized systems with input saturations,” International Journal of Systems Sciences,Vol.47, no.5, pp.1084-1094, 2016
郑璟瑜, 殷辰堃, “基于改进小波阈值去噪的MFAC扰动抑制方法”, 自动化应用, Vol.7 , no.4 , pp.34-37, 2016
Shida Liu, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “Data-driven modeling for UGI gasification processes via an enhanced genetic BP neural network with link switches,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol.27, no.12, pp. 2718-2729, 2016
Zhongsheng Hou, Shida Liu and Chenkun Yin, “Local learning-based model-free adaptive predictive control for adjustment of oxygen concentration in syngas manufacturing industry,” IET Control Theory & Applications, special issue on “Data-driven Control, and Data-Based System Modelling, Monitoring, and Control”, Vol.10, no.12, pp. 1384-1394, 2016
Yanlin Wang and Chenkun Yin, “Study on vehicle fuel consumption and emission characteristics based on floating vehicle data of Beijing”, in Advances in Engineering Research (AER) Vol. 107 - 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Information Technology Applications (MEITA 2016), Qingdao, China, Dec. 24-25, 2016, pp.413-419
Shuo Zhen, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “A novel data-driven predictive control for networked control systems with random packet dropouts”, in Proceedings of 2017 IEEE the 6th Data-Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, Chongqing, China, May 26-27, 2017, pp. 335-340
Xian Yu, Zhongsheng Hou and Chenkun Yin, “Iterative learning control for discrete-time nonlinear systems based on adaptive tuning of 2D learning gain”, in Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, July 26-28, 2017, pp. 3581-3586
Haijun Gong, Chenkun Yin, Fang Zhang, Zhongsheng Hou and Ruikun Zhang, “A path planning algorithm for unmanned vehicles based on target-oriented rapidly-exploring random tree”, in Proceedings of 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 17-20, 2017, pp. 760-765
丁莹, 金尚泰, 殷辰堃, 侯忠生, 城市交通区域的迭代学习边界控制, 控制与决策, vol.33, no.4, pp. 633-638, 2018
Zhongsheng Hou, Xian Yu and Chenkun Yin, “A data-driven iterative learning control framework based on controller dynamic linearization”, in Proceedings of American Control Conference, Milwaukee, USA, June 27-29, 2018, pp. 5588 - 5593


专利 侯忠生, 李振轩, 任天琦, 殷辰堃, 一种列车的隧道附加空气阻力迭代学习辨识方法, 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 9.3, 2018



社会兼职 中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会副秘书长、通讯员;
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、Asian Journal of Control、Neurocomputing、自动化学报、控制与决策等学术期刊和若干控制领域会议的审稿人;

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