

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-08

基本信息 办公电话:** 电子邮件: yxchang@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学数学系 邮编:100044

教育背景 1985年毕业于河北师范大学
工作经历 1988年7月至1995年12月任河北师范大学数学系助教、讲师、副教授
研究方向 组合设计与编码理论
招生专业 运筹学与控制论硕士
科研项目 国家自然科学基金“重点”:面向信息的组合学理论和方法,2015-01-01--2019-12-31,280.0万元,主持
教学工作 主讲本科生《组合数学》等课程
论文/期刊 [1]Y. Gao, Y. Chang, and T. Feng, Group divisible (K_4-e)-packings with any minimumleave, J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 26, Issue 7(2018), 315-343.
[2]J. Zhou and Y. Chang, Further results on 3-spontaneous emission error designs, DiscreteMath., 341 (2018), 3057-3074.
[3]Y. Chang, F. Cheng, and J. Zhou, Partial geometric difference sets and partialgeometric difference families, Discrete Math., 341 (2018), 2490-2498.

[4]X. Zhang and Y. Chang, p-th Kazdan-Warner equation on graph in the negativecase, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 466(2018) 400-407.

[5]H. Zheng, Y. Chang, and J. Zhou, Existence of LS^{+}(2^n4^1)s, J. CombinatorialDesigns, Vol. 26, No. 8(2018), 387-400.

[6]L. Lan and Y. Chang, Optimal cyclic quaternary constant-weight codes of weightthree, J. Combinatorial Designs, 26(2018), 174-192.

[7]L. Lan, Y. Chang, and L. Wang, Constructions of cyclic quaternary constant-weightcodes of weight three and distance four, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 86(2018),1063-183.

[8]L. Lan and Y. Chang, Constructions for optimal cyclic ternary constant-weight codesof weight four and distance six, Discrete Math., 341 (2018), 1010-1020.

[9]H. Zheng, Y. Chang, and J. Zhou, Large sets of Kirkman triple systems of primepower sizes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 85(2017), 411-423.

[10]L.Wang and Y. Chang, Determination of sizes of optimal three-dimensional opticalorthogonal codes of weight three with the AM-OPP restriction, J. CombinatorialDesigns, Vol. 25, Issue 7(2017), 310-334.

[11]J.Zhou and Y. Chang, Bounds and constructions of t-spontaneous emission errordesigns, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 85(2017), 249-271.

[12]Y.Chang, B. Fan, T. Feng, D. F. Holt, and P. R. J. \"Osterg{\aa}rd, Classificationof cyclic Steiner quadruple systems}, J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 25, Issue3(2017), 103-121.

[13]Y.Chang, L. Ji, and H. Zheng, A completion of LS(2^n4^1), Discrete Math.,340(2017), 1080-1085.

[14]S.Dai, Y. Chang, and L. Wang, w-cyclic holey group divisible designs and theirapplications to three-dimensional optical orthogonal codes, Discrete Math.,340(2017), 1738-1748.

[15]H.Zheng, Y. Chang, and J. Zhou, Direct constructions of large sets of Kirkmantriple systems, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 83, Issue 1(2017), 23-32.

[16]L.Lan, Y. Chang, and L. Wang, Cyclic constant-weight codes: upper bounds and newoptimal constructions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 62, Issue 11(2016),6328-6341.

[17]J.Zhou and Y. Chang, Bounds on the dimensions of 2-spontaneous emission errordesigns, J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 24, No. 10(2016), 439-460.

[18]J.Zhou and Y. Chang, 3-spontaneous emission error designs from PSL(2,q) or PGL(2,q),J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 24, No. 5(2016), 234-245.

[19]R.Pan and Y. Chang, A note on difference matrices over non-cyclic finite abeliangroups, Discrete Math., Vol. 339, Issue 2(2016), 822-830.
[20]T.Feng, X. Wang, and Y. Chang, Semi-cyclic holey group divisible designs withblock size three, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 74, Issue 2(2015),301-324.

[21]R.Pan and Y. Chang, (m,n,3,1) optical orthogonal signature pattern codes withmaximum possible size, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 61, Issue 2(2015), 1139-1148.

[22]L.Wang and Y. Chang, Combinatorial constructions of optimal three-dimensional opticalorthogonal codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 61, Issue 1(2015), 671-687.

[23]J.Fang and Y. Chang, Mutually disjoint 5-designs and 5-spontaneous emission errordesigns from extremal ternary self-dual codes, J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol.23, Issue 2(2015), 78-89.

[24]L.Wang and Y. Chang, Bounds and constructions on (v,4,3,2)-optical orthogonalcodes, J. Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 22, Issue 11(2014), 453-472.

[25]J.Fang and Y. Chang, Mutually disjoint t-designs and t-SEEDs from extremaldoubly-even self-dual codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 73, Issue3(2014), 769-780.

[26]J.Zhou and Y. Chang, A new result on Sylvester's problem, Discrete Math., Vol.331(2014), 15-19.

[27]J.Zhou and Y. Chang, New large sets of resolvable Mendelsohn triple systems,Discrete Math., Vol. 328, No. 1(2014), 27-35.

[28]J.Zhou, Y. Chang, and Y. Zhang, On the exact size of maximum impulse radiosequences with parameters (m,k,\lambda,k-1), Discrete Applied Math., 171(2014),122-136.

[29]J.Fang, J. Zhou, and Y. Chang, Nonexistence of some quantum jump codes withspecified parameters, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 73, Issue 1(2014), 223-235.

[30]G.Zhang, Y. Chang, and T. Feng, The flower intersection problem on S(2,4,v)'s,Discrete Math., 315-316(2014), 75-82.

[31]Y.Chang and J. Zhou, Large sets of Kirkman triple systems and related designs, J.Combin. Theory, Series A Vol. 120, No. 3(2013) 649-670.

[32]X.Wang, Y. Chang, and T. Feng, Optimal 2-D (n\times m, 3, 2, 1)-opticalorthogonal codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 59, No. 1(2013), 710-725.

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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-08
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    基本信息办公电话:电子邮件:jlzhou@bjtu.edu.cn通讯地址:北京交通大学数学系邮编:100044教育背景20022006,北京交通大学运筹学与控制论专业,理学博士1994.91997.6,北京工业大学应用数学系,硕士1990.91994.6,河北师范大学数学系,学士工作经历2011.62011.7,意大利墨西拿大学数学系,学术访问2009.92010.3,美国亚利桑那州立大学计算机系 ...
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    基本信息办公电话:**电子邮件:zhnchen@bjtu.edu.cn通讯地址:北京海淀区上园村3号北京交通大学理学院生科院邮编:100044教育背景陈志南,中国工程院院士,博士,博士生导师。北京交通大学生命科学与生物工程研究院院长,第四军医大学细胞工程研究中心、细胞生物学教研室主任、教授,细胞生物学国家重点学科主任,肿瘤生物学国家重点实验室主任研究员,兼任中国细胞生物学会常务理事、细胞工程与转基 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-08
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    基本信息办公电话:18电子邮件:ylchen@bjtu.edu.cn通讯地址:北京交通大学理学院邮编:100044教育背景1987年毕业于兰州大学物理系,获理学学士学位;1996年毕业于天津大学物理系,获理学硕士学位;1999年毕业于天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,获工学博士学位。工作经历1999~2001年:南开大学物理科学学院,博士后研究工作;2001~2008年:南开大学物理科学学院光子学 ...
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