基本信息 办公电话:; ** 电子邮件: dalin@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:学生活动中心10层1002-2 邮编:100044
教育背景 张大林,1983年生,籍贯内蒙古,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2014年7月毕业于北京邮电大学,获计算机科学与技术专业工学博士学位,并于同年7月来北京交通大学从事教学科研工作。2016至2017年在普渡大学(美国)电子与计算机工程系从事博士后研究。
研究方向 轨道交通信息技术
招生专业 计算机科学与技术硕士
教学工作 本科课程:
科研项目 北京交通大学: 河北省TOCC张家口分中心公交客流监测与交通感知预报系统研发, 2020-2021
北京交通大学: 国家重点研发计划课题《城市轨道系统安全保障技术》(2016YFB**)综合感知预警系统和综合安全保障平台系统示范工程综合测试, 2019-2019
北京交通大学: 米攀线CTC系统功能规范性测试, 2019-2019
北京交通大学: 城市综合管廊智能运行维护管理系统, 2018-2019
国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 面向系统自动化开发的高铁列控系统建模验证和安全性预测方法研究, 2019-2021
其它部市: 铁路交通事故调查现状分析及方式方法研究, 2016-2017
北京交通大学: 缺陷检测系统DTS中IP聚类功能测试, 2016-2018
北京交通大学: CTS预处理和动态执行等模块功能性测试, 2016-2018
科技部“科技支撑”: 面向高铁列车高效生产的新一代认知型制造执行系统研究与应用示范, 2015-2017
北京交通大学: 基于3S技术的应急指挥应用系统测试, 2015-2016
科技部“863”: 纵向预研基金-863计划-KWB, 2015-2017
铁路总公司(原铁道部): 铁路运营安全关键技术研究-高速铁路列控系统安全风险分析方法及技术研究, 2015-2016
北京交通大学: 服务质量测试仪——缺陷检测系统DTS, 2015-2018
北京交通大学: 服务质量测试仪---代码测试系统CTS, 2016-2018
国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 基于抽象语义切片和后向求精分析的静态分析警报自动确认研究, 2016-2018
北京交通大学: 多媒体会议系统测试, 2015-2018
基本科研业务费: 轨道交通列车控制系统信息安全测试平台研究, 2015-2015
基本科研业务费人才基金: 列车运行控制系统自动化设计、分析和实现技术研究, 2015-2018
北京交通大学: 基于抽象内存模型的复杂类型测试用例生成方法研究---C代码测试系统测试, 2015-2018
北京交通大学: GSM-R基站子系统同步标准研究及测试, 2015-2016
2011计划: 轨道交通安全协同创新中心-王化深团队建设项目, 2015-2016
基本科研业务费人才基金: 面向轨道交通的软件静态缺陷检测系统优化研究, 2014-2016
论文/期刊 [1]. Sun, Y. and D. Zhang, Diagnosis and Analysis ofDiabetic Retinopathy based on Electronic Health Records. IEEE Access, 2019.
[2]. Sun, Y., et al., Hyperparameter Importance Analysisbased on N-RReliefF Algorithm. International Journal of Computers,Communications & Control, 2019. 14(4).
[3]. Sun, Y. and D. Zhang, Machine LearningTechniques for Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetes: a Survey. Tehni?ki vjesnik,2019. 26(3): p. 872-880.
[4]. Wang, Y., et al., Reasoning About RecursiveTree Traversals. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09521, 2019.
[5]. Zhang, D. and X. Qiu. Applying GIS andmultilayered interactive cellular automata to high-speed train control systemmodeling. in 2018 7th International Conference on Computers Communications andControl (ICCCC). 2018: IEEE.
[6]. Zhang, J., Q. Xue and D. Zhang, Mining usageprofile to improve web performance testing. International Journal of ServicesOperations and Informatics, 2018. 9(3): p. 189-206.
[7]. Li, H., et al., Research on building softwareusage model based on UML model. International Journal of System AssuranceEngineering and Management, 2018. 9(3): p. 675-683.
[8]. Zhang, Y., et al. Survey of Directed FuzzyTechnology. in 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Software Engineeringand Service Science (ICSESS). 2018: IEEE.
[9]. Zhang, Y. and D. Zhang, An AttitudeDetermination Method for Comprehensive Inspection Vehicle Based on TrackProfile Registration. Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 2017.45(4): p. 181-185.
[10]. Zhang, D., High-speed Train Control SystemBig Data Analysis Based on Fuzzy RDF Model and Uncertain Reasoning.International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 2017. 12(4).
[11]. Zhang, D., J. Sui and Y. Gong, Large scalesoftware test data generation based on collective constraint and weightedcombination method. Tehniki vjesnik, 2017. 24(4): p. 1041-1049.
[12]. Zhang, D., et al. A hybrid static analysisrefinement approach within internetware environment. in Proceedings of the 7thAsia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware. 2015: ACM.
[13]. Xiao, Y., D. Jin and D. Zhang. A Method ofTainted Data Detection Based on Static Code Analysis. in 2015 4th InternationalConference on Mechatronics, Materials, Chemistry and Computer Engineering.2015: Atlantis Press.
[14]. Liu, Y., et al. Design and implementationof a data-oriented business process management system. in 2015 4thInternational Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT).2015: IEEE.
[15]. Liu, Y., et al. Heterogeneous sensorsaccess middleware platform based on OSGI. in 2015 4th International Conferenceon Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT). 2015: IEEE.
[16]. Liu, Y., D. Jin and D. Zhang. Log SystemBased on Software Testing System Design And Implementation. in 2015 4thInternational Conference on Mechatronics, Materials, Chemistry and ComputerEngineering. 2015: Atlantis Press.
[17]. Zhang, D., et al., Research of alarm correlationsbased on static defect detection. Tehni?ki vjesnik, 2015. 22(2): p. 311-318.
[18]. Wu, T., et al. Static Analysis Refinementon Defect Path Segment. in 13th National Conference on Embedded SystemTechnology. 2015: Springer, Singapore.
[19]. Chen, Y., et al. The design of warehousesecurity monitoring system based on collaborative linkage of multi-sensor. in2015 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology(ICCSNT). 2015: IEEE.
[20]. ZHANG, D., et al., The method of automaticdefect warnings classi cation based on trace mining. SCIENTIA SINICAInformationis, 2014. 44(1): p. 91-107.
[21]. 张大林等, 基于缺陷关联的静态分析优化. 软件学报, 2014. 25(2): 第386-399页.
[22]. Zhang, H., et al. Automatically MiningHigh Level Patterns of Software Faults within Methods. in 2013 13thInternational Conference on Quality Software. 2013: IEEE.
[23]. Zhang, D., et al. Automatically miningsimilar warnings and warning combinations. in 2013 10th InternationalConference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD). 2013: IEEE.
[24]. Zhang, D., et al. Diagnosis-oriented alarmcorrelations. in 2013 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference(APSEC). 2013: IEEE.
[25]. Zhang, D., et al. Improving the accuracyof static analysis based on state partition. in 2013 IEEE InternationalSymposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). 2013: IEEE.
[26]. 张大林等, 基于踪迹挖掘的自动缺陷警报分类方法. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2011. 54(54): 第1561页.
专著/译著 源代码分析,2017,科学出版社
获奖与荣誉 2016年 北京交通大学优秀教学成果二等奖
社会兼职 1、Guest Editor:
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking(SCI)
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (EI)
Journal International Journal of Computers and Applications(EI)
Journal of Cybernetics and Information Technologies
软件学报、计算机学报、中国科学:信息科学、Technical Gazette、Future Generation ComputerSystems、IEEE ACCESS、International Journal of Modelling and Simulation、International Journal for RF Technologies: Research and Applications等期刊。