
Global Recruitment at NIBS

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-21

National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing ( http://www.nibs.ac.cn ), an HHMI-style biomedical research institute funded by Chinese government, is seeking multiple outstanding Principal Investigators (PI), and independent Fellows to conduct cut-edge research in life sciences.
The newly established NIBS Fellow program is to empower exceptional young scientists on a fast-track to conduct independent research at the early stage of their career.

Qualified candidates should have a Ph.D./M.D. degree and several years of postdoctoral training or industrial experience for PIs;or, within two years of postdoctoral training for Fellows, with a strong track record in the mechanism-based biological research, disease-related research, or chemistry/drug discovery. Successful candidates are selected solely based on scientific merits, regardless of gender, nationality, and race.
Internationally competitive salaries, generous start-up and funding support (no need for grant application), and highly stimulating research environment;
Thirteen state-of-the-art core facilities covering chemistry, imaging, and single cell RNA-Seq to CRISPR mice and forward genetics screening;
Local access to TITAN EM microscope for breakthrough structural research;
New campus with total 68,000 m2 space including 10,000 m2 vivarium to expand strong basic and translational research;
Three outstanding graduate programs cooperated with top universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University, strong administrative support, and open communication with international scientific community.

The Coming New Campus
The spirit of NIBS is to allow scientists maximal freedom and focus to conduct highly creative research and make breakthrough discoveries at his/her own will.
All NIBS PIs/Fellows will become members of Tsinghua Institute of Multidisciplinary Biomedical Research (TIMBR), established jointly by NIBS and Tsinghua University, and enjoy full benefits of Tsinghua faculty, including tenure-track, housing and children’s access to Tsinghua affiliated schools.

NIBS & Tsinghua
The initial appointment for PIs will be 5 years and renewal is conditional upon passing reviews by an international committee. Prospective applicants should send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and future plan, and have three letters of recommendation sent to facultyrecruit@nibs.ac.cn by September 30, 2020.
NIBS Fellows will receive 400,000 CNY annual salary, 4 million CNY start-up fund, and 1.5 million CNY annual budget. Fellows will be evaluated by advisory committee after 3 yearsand those with outstanding performance will be granted early promotion to PIs. Prospective applicants should send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and future plan, and have three letters of recommendation sent to nibsfellow@nibs.ac.cn by September 30, 2020.

Enjoy the Spring of NIBS



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