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宋伟 SONG, Wei is vice dean of International School, associate professor in the School of Information Science and Technology, North China University of Technology in China, and PhD Supervisor in Department of Multimedia Engineering at Dongguk University. His research interests include 3D Reconstruction, LiDAR, Parallel Computation, Environment Perception, Artificial Intelligence, and multimedia applications. He received his B.S. degree in software engineering from Northeast University in China, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in multimedia engineering from Dongguk University, Korea in 2005, 2008, and 2013, respectively. In current years, he published more than 100 papers (SCI cited 29) and finished 10 projects as PI. Since 2013, he has been a researcher in NUI/NUX ITRC of Dongguk University. He is a guest editor of Remote Sensing (JCR Q1) Special Issue on 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Dynamic Objects/Scenes using Data Fusion, an editor of Journal of Multimedia Information System, a committee member of the international conferences of MITA2014, MUE2016, IAIT2016, BDIOT2018, ICIOT2020.


3D Game Programming, Object Oriented Programming


1.Yifei Tian, Wei Song*, Long Chen, Yunsick Sung, Jeonghoon Kwak, Su Sun, Fast Planar Detection System Using a GPU-Based 3D Hough Transform for LiDAR Point Clouds, Applied Science (SCI, Q2), Vol.10, No.5, 2020.3.
2.Yifei Tian, Wei Song, Su Sun, Simon Fong, Zou Shuanghui, 3D object recognition method with multiple feature extraction from LiDAR point clouds, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI: 025, EI: 20**3, Q2), Vol.75, No.8, pp. 4430–4442, 2019.8.
3.Wei Song*, Shuanghui Zou, Yifei Tian, Simon Fong, Kyungeun Cho, Classifying 3D objects in LiDAR point clouds with a back-propagation neural network, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (SCI: 001, IF: 1.967, Q2), Vol.8, No.29, 2018.10.12
4.Simon Fong, Jiaxue Li, Wei Song*, Yifei Tian, Raymond K. Wong, Nilanjan Dey, Predicting unusual energy consumption events from smart home sensor network by data stream mining with misclassified recall, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCI: 025, EI: 20**5, IF: 1.423, Q3), Vol.9, No.4, pp.1197–1221, 2018.8
5.Kairong Duan, Simon Fong, Yan Zhuang, Wei Song, Artificial Neural Networks in Coordinated Control of Multiple Hovercrafts with Unmodeled Terms, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL (SCI: 021, IF: 1.689, Q3), Vol.8, No.6, Jun 2018.
6.Kairong Duan, Simon Fong, Shirley W. I. Siu, Wei Song, Steven Sheng-Uei Guan, Adaptive Incremental Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Cloud Environments, SYMMETRY-BASEL (SCI: 041, IF: 1.256, Q2), Vol.10, No.5, 2018.5
7.Kairong Duan, Simon Fong, Yan Zhuang, Wei Song, Carbon Oxides Gases for Occupancy Counting and Emergency Control in Fog Environment, SYMMETRY-BASEL (SCI: 015), Vol.10, No.3, 2018.3
8.Wei Song*, Liying Liu, Yifei Tian, Guodong Sun, Simon Fong and Kyungeun Cho, A 3D localisation method in indoor environments for virtual reality applications, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (SCI: 001, IF: 1.967, Q2), Vol.7, No.39, 2017.10.
9.Kun Lan, Simon Fong, Wei Song, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Richard C. Millham, Self-Adaptive Pre-Processing Methodology for Big Data Stream Mining in Internet of Things Environmental Sensor Monitoring, SYMMETRY-BASEL(SCI: 0004**), Vol.9, No.10, 2017.10.
10.Kairong Duan, Simon Fong, Wei Song, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, and Raymond Wong, Energy-Aware Cluster Reconfiguration Algorithm for the Big Data Analytics Platform Spark, Sustainability (SCI: 0004**), Vol.9, No.12 (2357) 2017.12.18.
11.Chen Li*, Shuai Zhao, Wei Song*, Ke Xiao, Yanjie Wang, Ubiquitous single?sample face recognition under occlusion based on sparse representation with dual features, J Ambient Intell Human Comput, 2017.
12.Fong, Simon; Song, Wei; Cho, Kyungeun; Wong, Raymond; Wong, Kelvin K. L. Training classifiers with shadow features for sensor-based human activity recognition, Sensors (SCI: 049, EI: 20**1), Vol.17, No.3, March 2017.
13.Wei Song*, Yifei Tian, Simon Fong, Kyungeun Cho, Wei Wang, Weiqiang Zhang, GPU-accelerated Foreground Segmentation and Labeling for Real-time Video Surveillance, Sustainability (SCI: 001, Environment Q1, IF: 2.075), Vol.8, No.10, pp.916-936, 2016.9.
14.Chen Li*, Wei Wei, Jiaxue Li, Wei Song*, A cloud-based monitoring system via face recognition using Gabor and CS-LBP features, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI: 012,EI: 20**4, CCF推荐期刊), Doi:10.1007/s11227-016-1840-6, 2016.8.
15.Xingquan Cai*, Yufeng Gao, Mengxuan Li, Wei Song*, Infrared Human Posture Recognition Method for Monitoring in Smart Homes Based on Hidden Markov Model, Sustainability (SCI:064), Vol.8, No.9 (892), 2016.9.
16.Sohyun Sim, Seoungjae Cho, Wei Song et al., Development of simulator for invoked reality environmental design, Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: 017, EI: 20**5, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.76, No.9, pp.11407-11428, 2017.5.
17.Yunji Jung, Yulong Xi, Seoungjae Cho, Wei Song et al., Design and implementation of a same-user identification system in invoked reality space, Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: 018, EI: 20**5, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.76, No.9, pp. 11429-11447, 2017.5.
18.Wonsik Lee, Seoungjae Cho, Phuong Chu, Hoang Vu, Sumi Helal, Wei Song, Young-Sik Jeong, Kyungeun Cho, Automatic agent generation for IoT-based smart house simulator, Neurocomputing (SCI: 003, EI: 20**5, Q1, IF: 3.241), Vol. 209, No.12, pp. 14–24, October 2016.
19.Wei Song, Mingyun Wen, Yulong Xi, Phuong Minh Chu, Hoang Vu, Shokh-Jakhon Kayumiy, Kyungeun Cho*, A collaborative client participant fusion system for realistic remote conferences, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI:WOS:018, EI: 20**8, Q2, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.72, No.7, pp.2720-2733, 2015.11.
20.Wei Song, Dong Wu, Yulong Xi, Yong Woon Park, Kyungeun Cho*, Motion-based skin region of interest detection with a real-time connected component labeling algorithm, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (SCI: 004, EI: 20**8, Q2, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.76, No.9, pp.11199-11214, 2017.5.
21.Ricardo Brito, Simon Fong, Kyungeun Cho, Wei Song, GPU-enabled back-propagation artificial neural network for digit recognition in parallel, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI:011, EI: 20**5, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.72, No.10, 2016.2, pp. 3868-3886.
22.Brito Ricardo, Fong Simon, Cho Kyungeun, Wei Song, et al., Towards implementation of residual-feedback GMDH neural network on parallel GPU memory guided by a regression curve, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI:016, EI: 20**4, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.72, No.10, 2016.5, pp. 3993-4020.
23.Wei Song, Kyungeun Cho*, Real-time terrain reconstruction using 3D flag map for point clouds, Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: 015, EI: IP**, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.74, No.10, pp.3459-3475, 2015.
24.Wei Song, Xingquan Cai, Yulong Xi et al., Real-time Single Camera Natural User Interface Engine Development, Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI: 002, EI: 20**5, CCF推荐期刊), Vol.76, No.9, pp.11159-11175, 2017.5.
25.Wei Song, Seoungjae Cho, Kyungeun Cho et al., Traversable Ground Surface Segmentation and Modeling for Real-time Mobile Mapping, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCI: WOS:001), Vol.10, No.4, DOI: 10.1155/2014/795851, 2014.
26.Wei Song, Seoungjae Cho, Yulong Xi et al., Real-time Terrain Storage Generation from Multiple Sensors towards Mobile Robot Operation Interface, The Scientific World Journal (SCI: WOS:001), DOI: 10.1155/2014/769149, 2014.
27.Wei Song, Kyungeun Cho, Kyhyun Um et al., Intuitive Terrain Reconstruction Using Height Observation-Based Ground Segmentation and 3D Object Boundary Estimation, Sensors (SCI: 067, EI, 二区), Vol.12, No.12, pp.17186-17207, 2012.
28.Wei Song, Kyungeun Cho, Kyhyun Um et al., Complete Scene Recovery and Terrain Classification in Textured Terrain Meshes, Sensors (SCI: 073, 二区), Vol.12, No.8, pp. 11221-11237, 2012.


2.《三维编程原理及Direct 3D实践》,西安电子科技大学出版社,978-7-5606-5409-6/TP,241千字,
3.Yifei Tian, Tengyue Li, Wei Song*, Simon Fong, Liangliang Song, Jinkun Han, Smart Power Management Internet of Things System with 5G and LoRa Hybrid Wireless Network, 5G-Enabled Internet of Things, Chapter 18, 2019.06.13.




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