

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-26

[1]反应堆系统与设备(Reactor systems and components);
[2]核反应堆热工水力学(Reactor thermal-hydraulics);
[3]核反应堆结构力学(Reactor structural analysis)
陆道纲 男 教授、博士生导师、“非能动核能安全技术”北京市重点实验室主任;西安交通大学核反应堆工程学士学位、中国原子能科学研究院核反应堆物理硕士学位、东京大学核工程博士学位;国家核安全专家委员会委员、中国核学会理事、《原子能科学技术》编辑委员会委员;国防科技工业有突出贡献中青年专家、国务院政府特殊津贴获得者;曾任中国实验快堆工程副总工程师。
[1]参与完成“某项目”,获国家科学技术进步奖 特等奖;
[2]主持完成“大型先进压水堆非能动冷却水箱关键传热模型及其应用”,获中国能源研究会能源创新奖 一等奖;
[3]主持完成“事故工况下乏燃料贮存水池冷却技术研究及应用”,获中国核能行业协会科学技术奖 二等奖;
[4]主持完成“秦山核电厂Ⅰ期吊篮下部防断支承组件流致振动分析”,获国防科学技术 三等奖。
[1] Daogang Lu, Shang Gao, Yuhang Zhong, Han Wang, Qiong Cao, Zhenqin Xiong.Experiment investigation on pool boiling of the modelled spent fuel tubebundle under partial dry-out conditions. Annals of Nuclear Energy 121 (2018) 461–467.
[2] Daogang Lu, Tingru Yin, Hongda Liu. Experimental and numerical investigation of sloshing behavior in annularregion separated by several cylinders related to fast reactor design. Nuclear Engineering and Design 339 (2018) 235–243.
[3] Daogang Lu, Yu Wang, Bo Yuan, Danting Sui, Fan Zhang, Chao Guo, Cong Wang, Shuming Zhang. Development of three-dimensional thermal-hydraulic analysis code forsteam generator with two-fluid model and porous media approach. Applied Thermal Engineering 116 (2017) 663–676.
[4] Yuhao Zhang, Daogang Lu, Zhongyi Wang, Xiaoliang Fu, Qiong Cao, Yanhua Yang. Experimental investigation on pool-boiling of C-shape heat exchangerbundle used in PRHR HX. Applied Thermal Engineering 114 (2017) 186–195.
[5] Daogang Lu, Chao Guo, Danting Sui. A three-dimensional nodal neutron kinetics code with a higher-accuracyalgorithm for reactor core in hexagonal-z geometry. Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 250–261.
[6] Yuhao Zhang , Daogang Lu, Zhongyi Wang, Xiaoliang Fu, Qiong Cao, Yanhua Yang, Guanghao Wu. Experimental research on the thermal stratification criteria and heat transfer model for the multi-holes steam ejection in IRWST of AP1000plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 107 (2016) 1046–1056.
[7] Daogang Lu,Yu Liu, Xiaojia Zeng. Experimental and numerical study of dynamic response of elevated water tank of AP1000 PCCWST considering FSI effect. Annals of Nuclear Energy 81 (2015) 73–83.
[8] Yu Liu, Daogang Lu, Junjie Dang, Shu Wang, Xiaojia Zen. Equivalent mechanical model for structural dynamic analysis of elevated tank like AP1000 PCCWST. Annals of Nuclear Energy 85 (2015) 1175–1183.
[9] Chao Guo, Daogang Lu, Xun Zhang, Danting Sui. Development and application of a safety analysis code for small Lead cooled Fast Reactor SVBR 75/100. Annals of Nuclear Energy 81 (2015) 62–72.
[10] Daogang Lu, Bo Yuan, Licun Wu, Zhongying Ma, Yixue Chen. Research on the deposition model of particle-like corrosion productin SG tubes of PWR. Annals of Nuclear Energy 81 (2015) 98–105.

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