
Application Information for International Students

中国戏曲学院 /2010-05-02

Application Information for International Students

Undergraduate Program

The Introduction of the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

Dedicated to the training of professionals in the traditional Chinese opera, the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (NACTA), originally named the Academy of Chinese Traditional Opera (ACTO), is the only institute of its kind in China that offers both B.A. and MA degrees. Currently there are 2,500 students taught by 250 highly experienced faculty members. Since the 1950s, its graduates have functioned as backbones in Chinese dramatic troupes, media arts, and filmmaking as well as theatrical education and criticism.

Located in the Southwest of Beijing, NACTA’s 53,000 square-meter campus is equipped with modern theaters, film studios, recording studios, multimedia classrooms, rehearsal halls, research libraries, student dorms, gyms, and cafeterias.

At NACTA there are eleven departments/schools/offices that offer courses: Department of Performing Arts, Department of Directing, Department of Music, Department of Dramatic Writing, Department of Stage Design, Department of New Media Arts, Department of Physical Education, School of General Education, School of Continuing Education, School of Graduate Studies, Department of International Exchange and a middle school affiliated to the Academy.

NACTA attaches great importance to international exchange. In the past decades, it has established friendly relationships with many comprehensive universities and art academies in the US, Canada, the UK, France, Korea and Japan, etc. More than 300 overseas students from different continents have come to this Academy to further their studies in Chinese culture and Xiqu (Chinese traditional theatre) performing arts. Meanwhile, some teachers and students from the Academy are invited to perform and attend international art festivals in other countries as well. NACTA warmly welcomes visitors, exchange scholars and overseas students from all over the world.

Catalog of Programs

Programs for International students in NACTA





Department of Performing Arts

Jingju and Kunqu Performing Arts

Department of Stage Design

Xiqu Stage Design

Xiqu Body Training

Stage Lighting Design

Dance Performing Arts

Makeup and Model Design

Department of Directing

Xiqu Directing

Xiqu Costume Design

Xiqu Film Directing

Department of Dramatic Writing

Xiqu Script Writing

Film Performing Arts

Xiqu Literary Theory

Department of Music

Jingju Instrumental Music

International Culture Communication

Chinese Folk Instrumental Music

Department of New Media Arts

Spatial Design

Xiqu Composition

Network Art Design

MIDI composition

Sound Design


Animation Design

Digital Image Design

Qualifications and Documents Required For Application

Undergraduate Program

¨ The applicant should be a senior high school graduate or with equivalent schooling and they should get the Certificate of HSK Band Six or above.

The applicant also must submit


¨ A copy of his/her passport.

¨ Four pieces of 2-inch recent photos. (With pale blue background)

¨ A copy of his/her highest diploma and transcripts (notarized photocopy)

¨ Physical Examination Record for Foreigners. Please pay attention to the following six items concerning the Physical Examination Record Form for Foreigners.

  1. The original Record form is required;
  2. The Record form is valid for merely six months;
  3. A recent photo is required on the upper right corner of the Record form with the hospital’s stamp;
  4. The hospital’s stamp, signature of the physician and signing date are required on the Record form;
  5. If you can only get the photocopied blank Record form, please have it photocopied on both sides of one page instead of two pages;
  6. Additional reports on blood tests for AIDS and Syphilis and the original Electrocardiogram are required as well.

Enrollment Way and Time

Please submit yours application materials, application fee to the Department of International Exchange NACTA before 15th January. The NACTA will organize examination for you in February if your materials are qualified.

Application Fee

400RMB should be in cash or Yinlian bank card. Foreign currency or check is not acceptable. This fee is not refundable.


Please pay your tuition before the school term begins. The NACTA won’t get back any of the tuition to you and also hasn’t responsibility to transfer it to the other school if the applicants who propose to leave or to study in the other school after the school term begins. You should apply for the deferred payment if some students who can not pay tuition on time for some reasons but will still study in NACTA and there are 2 months time for your deferred payment. But 5% of the amount of tuition will be added for your late payments.


Tuition/Year (RMB)




RMB 30, 000 per Year

Four Years

September enrolment Please check up the detail on the

NACTA Admission Notice

Meals, Lodging

¨ Meals The NACTA provides dining hall special for the students. You can choose your favorite food here use different expense. Approximately 10,000RMB/year

¨ Lodging Single room 80RMB/day Double Room 40RMB/ day/person

With Air-conditioner, shower, closet, TV, Phone (Just receive the call), public kitchen.


In order to optimize the studying and living environment for international students, and to ensure that the international students can complete study here smoothly and with a healthy body, it has been decided by National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts that all the international students who are to study here for more that one semester (one semester included) should buy the comprehensive hospitalization insurance which is bought by National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts as a collective insurance. The insurance rates is : One Academic Year ¥ 600 RMB(once for all upon new student's enrolment) and One Semester ¥ 400 RMB. International students are supposed to pay the insurance along with tuition fees upon enrolment. The university shall not admit those who do not buy the insurance.

Notice for the New International Students of National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

1. Students who plan to study for one Academic year 0r for more than one Academic year should apply for an X visa and need to take a physical examination. Please pay attention to the following six items concerning the Physical Examination Record Form for Foreigners.

If you hold an X visa, you should submit:

a. NACTA Admission Notice with your signature

b. Original form of JW201 or JW202

c. Original form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners issued by Beijing Health Quarantine Bureau. (Do the procedure in No. 3 Registration Window)

d. Three passport photos with light blue background (with your Chinese name and Admission Number on the back)

e. 400 RMB (fee for applying Residence Permit)

f. Proof of your insurance policy for overseas medical treatment and accident injury (original or notarized photocopy one)

g. Tuition

h. Registration Form of Temporary Residence & your telephone number.

Note : According to Chinese law, students with an X visa must apply for a Residence Permit within 30 days of their entry date; otherwise, they will be considered staying illegally and have to pay a costly fine. To avoid it, please register upon your arrival. If your arrival date changes, please contact the ISO and inform us of your new arrival date in advance. In this case, you are urged to register at the ISO when you arrive.

Connect with us

Address : No. 400 Wanquansi Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R. China

Postcode : 100073

Tel : 0086-10-63351063 63339648

Fax : 0086-10-63339648


Email: dwb@nactu. cn


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