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S Y Lou(楼森岳). Multi-place physics and multi-place nonlocal systems. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2020, 72(5): 057001- doi:10.1088/1572-9494/ab770b
1. Introduction
The first paper on systems with discrete nonlocal places, the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equationEquation (
Notice that the model equation (
In addition to the nonlocal NLS system (
Motivated by the AM’s work, Yan [18] first introduced two parameters $\{{\epsilon }_{x}=\pm 1,{\epsilon }_{t}=\pm 1\}$ in the vector NLS equations such that a new unified two-parameter $({\epsilon }_{x},{\epsilon }_{t})$ vector NLS equations (simply called the ${{ \mathcal Q }}_{{\epsilon }_{x},{\epsilon }_{t}}^{(n)}$ model), containing integrable/non-integrable local/nonlocal vector NLS equations. Particularly, he first established a one-to-one connection between four points (εx, εt)=(1, 1), (−1, 1), (1, −1), (−1, −1) (or complex numbers ${\epsilon }_{x}+i{\epsilon }_{t}$) with $\{{ \mathcal I },{ \mathcal P },{ \mathcal T },{ \mathcal P }{ \mathcal T }\}$ symmetries. The two-parameter idea [19] could also be extended to many other nonlinear wave equations including the nonlocal general vector NLS equations [43] and the mixed local and nonlocal NLS equations [44]. Yan et. al gave the bi- and tri-linear forms of the ${{ \mathcal Q }}_{{\epsilon }_{x},{\epsilon }_{t}}^{(n)}$ model, solitons, double-periodic solutions [19, 20] and rational solitons of the nonlocal NLS equation. The multi-rational and semi-rational solitons and interactions were also found for the nonlocal two-component NLS equations [45]. It is found that the nonlocal NLS equation with ${ \mathcal P }{ \mathcal T }$-symmetric potentials could support the stable solitons. By using a systematical inverse scattering transformation and solving the corresponding matrix Riemann-Hilbert problems for the focusing and defocusing nonlocal mKdV equations with non-zero boundary conditions at infinity, the solitons and breathers of the nonlocal mKdV are obtained [66].
Motivated by the idea of Ablowitz and Musslimani for nonlocal NLS and Yan’s two-parameter idea [18], Ji and Zhu [67] firstly introduced a reverse space-time nonlocal modified KdV (mKdV) equation,
Two-place nonlocal discrete models, especially the discrete version of (
Two-place nonlocal NLS equations have also been extended to some different coupled versions by many authors [25, 39, 45]. The higher order versions of the NLS systems such as the Sasa-Satsuma equation [74, 75], the Hirota system and the full AKNS hierarchy [76] have also been extended to two-place nonlocal ones.
The Davey-Stewartson (DS) equation is a well-known (2+1)-dimensional NLS equation. Two-place nonlocal versions of DS equation are introduced and studied by many authors including Ablowitz and Musslimani [30], Fokas [49], Zhou [77], Rao-Cheng-He [78], Rao-Zhang-Fokas-He [79], Rao-Cheng-Porsezian-Mihalache-He [80], Yang-Yang [81] and Yang-Chen [82, 83]. In [81], Yang and Yang pointed out that the solutions of nonlocal equations including nonlocal NLS, DS, derivative NLS, mKdV, short pulse equations, nonlinear diffusion equations, nonlocal Sasa-Satsuma equations and many others can be converted to local integrable equations through simple variable transformations. In [82, 83], Yang and Chen have studied the interactions among several rogue waves and the dark and anti-dark rational traveling waves for the nonlocal DS systems.
It is known that both the nonlocal NLS equation (
In natural sciences, more than two events occurred at different places may be correlated or entangled. To describe multi-place problems, it is natural and important to establish some possible multi-place nonlocal models [25, 90].
In section
2. Generalized aspect to find multi-place nonlocal systems
It is known that most of physically important local integrable nonlinear systems such as the KdV equation, the mKdV equation, the NLS equation and the KP equation are all derived from real physical systems via the multiple scaling approach (MSA). Thus, by means of MSA, we derived the first two-place nonlocal KdV system [26] from a two-vortex model [91] which is a special form of the (2+1)-dimensional rotating fluid model, the Euler equation with rotation effect, or named the nonlinear inviscid dissipative and equivalent barotropic vorticity equation in a β-plane channel [92]. Similarly, two-place nonlocal KdV systems can also be derived from two-layer fluid system [93]. Laterly, some other scientists [28, 51, 52, 94] derived many other nonlocal systems like the nonlocal NLS and generalized NLS equations, the nonlocal mKdV equation and the variable coefficient KdV equation.It is also known that the nonlocal NLS equation (
2.1. Multi-place nonlocal systems from multi-component systems
For the m-component systemHere is a simple special example. It is clear that the following integrable coupling KP system
Using the symmetry group ${ \mathcal G }$, one can directly obtain the following eight discrete symmetry reductions
For $\hat{g}=\{1,\hat{C}\}$, the reductions (
2.2. Multi-place nonlocal systems from single-component systems via CCB
To find multi-place nonlocal systems, we can also use the so-called CCB approach proposed in [95] from lower-component systems, say, single-component systems. There are three basic steps for the CCB approach: (I) banging a single component equation to a multi-component system, (II) making the banged components correlated, and (III) requiring the correlations are consistent.For simplicity, we just take the KP equation
(I) Bang. To bang the single-component KP equation to an m-component coupled KP system, one can make a transformation $u=F({u}_{0},{u}_{1},{u}_{2},\ldots ,\,{u}_{m-1})$, say,
(II) Correlation. To get some nontrivial models, we assume that the banged fields ui are correlated each other, say, we can write the correlation relations as
(III) Consistency. It is natural that the correlation (
It is clear that if take the discrete symmetry group as shown in (
Multi-place nonlocal systems can also be obtained from real physical systems via multiple scaling approximations. The detailed procedures can be found in [25, 26, 28, 51, 52, 93, 94].
3. Two-place and four-place nonlocal integrable systems
In this section, we apply the general theory of the last section to obtain some multi-place nonlocal extensions for several important physical models such as the NLS and KP equations.3.1. Two-place and four-place nonlocal NLS systems
It is known that one of the most famous NLS equationIn fact, the AKNS system (
From the definition (
To get four-place NLS type nonlocal systems, one has to study the discrete symmetry reductions for some higher component AKNS systems. Here are two special four-component AKNS systems
It is clear that the coupled AKNS systems (
It is straightforward to find that the coupled AKNS systems (
In the discrete symmetry group (
Four types of nontrivial and nonequivalent local or nonlocal AKNS systems can be obtained from the reductions of the discrete symmetry group (
The first type of reductions can be written from (
The second type of AKNS systems obtained from (
The third type of discrete symmetry reductions from (
The fourth type of discrete symmetry reductions
The integrability of the coupled AKNS system (
The integrability of the coupled AKNS system (
It is interesting that some known integrable nonlocal NLS (or named ABNLS) systems are just the special reductions of the nonlocal AKNS systems (
It is clear that (
In fact, from the coupled AKNS systems (
For the sixteen reductions (
Similarly, for the sixteen reductions (
In fact, there are many other coupled (and decoupled) integrable AKNS systems, say, the vector and matrix AKNS systems. Starting from every coupled (and decoupled) AKNS systems, one may obtain some possible multi-place integrable discrete symmetry reductions.
Here, we just list another two sets of integrable local and nonlocal NLS type systems
It is clear that when β=0, the models (
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P}\hat{C}}\equiv {{ \mathcal G }}_{1,\hat{P}\hat{C}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P}\hat{T}}\equiv {{ \mathcal G }}_{1,\hat{P}\hat{T}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{T}}\equiv {{ \mathcal G }}_{1,\hat{T}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P},\hat{C}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P}\hat{T}\hat{C},\hat{C}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{T}\hat{C},\hat{C}}$ invariant two-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{T}\hat{C},\hat{P}\hat{C}}$ invariant four-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P}\hat{T}\hat{C},\hat{P}\hat{C}}$ invariant four-place nonlocal NLS system,
${{ \mathcal G }}_{\hat{P},\hat{T}}$ invariant four-place nonlocal NLS system,
All sixteen cases of (
The first four cases are just known results of the discrete symmetry reductions from the usual AKNS system.
The integrability of (
It is also interesting to mention that using the $\hat{P}$–$\hat{T}$–$\hat{C}$ symmetry group, one can find more discrete symmetry reductions from all the above reduced model equations. For instance, starting from the well-known Manakov systems (
3.2. Two-place and four-place nonlocal KP systems
To find multi-place nonlocal KP systems, we have to get some multi-component coupled KP equations. To guarantee the integrability, we start from the matrix Lax pairs for matrix KP equationsThe compatibility condition ${\psi }_{{yt}}={\psi }_{{ty}}$ of the Lax pair reads
Here, we just list some special examples and the related $\hat{P}\hat{T}\hat{C}$ symmetry reductions.
For the KPI case, the reduction (
To end this section, we write down a general vector form of a special local and nonlocal KP system
4. Exact solutions of multi-place nonlocal KP systems
4.1. Symmetry-antisymmetry separation approach to solve nonlocal systems
For a second-order operator, $\hat{g}$,Similarly, a four-place nonlocal system
4.2. Exact multiple soliton solutions of a two-place nonlocal KP equation
For concreteness, we study the exact solutions of the special two-place nonlocal KP equationThe multiple soliton solutions of the KP equation (
Though {(
Case 1. $\hat{g}={\hat{P}}^{y}{\hat{P}}^{x}\hat{T}$. In this case, the multi-soliton solutions of the two-place KP equation (
Case 2. $\hat{g}={\hat{P}}^{x}\hat{T}$. In this case, the multiple soliton solution of the two-place nonlocal KP equation (
For n=1 (N=2), the solution (
For n=2 (N=4), the solution (
Case 3. $\hat{g}={\hat{P}}^{y}$. In this case, the multiple soliton solution form (
4.3. Exact multiple soliton solutions of a four-place nonlocal KP equation
In this subsection, we study the possible multiple soliton solutions for the four-place nonlocal KP equation (5. Summary and discussions
In summary, to describe multi-events happened at different places and times, multi-place nonlocal integrable (and nonintegrable) nonlinear models have been systematically derived by means of the discrete symmetry reductions of the coupled local systems. Especially, various two-place and four-place nonlocal integrable models are obtained.Starting from every multi-component AKNS system, one may derive some local and nonlocal multi-place AKNS, NLS and Manakov systems. For instance, from the two-component AKNS system (
In fact, starting from every coupled nonlinear systems, one may also find some types of multi-place nonlocal systems via discrete symmetry reductions. In addition to the NLS equation, the (2+1)-dimensional KP equation is another important physically applicable model. To find some types of multi-place extensions of the KP equation, the matrix KP equations are best candidates. In this paper, some types of multi-place nonlocal KP equations are obtained from the $\hat{P}\hat{T}\hat{C}$ symmetry reductions from some special Abelian and non-Abelian matrix KP equations.
Because many nonlocal nonlinear systems can be derived from the $\hat{P}\hat{T}\hat{C}$ symmetry reductions, the nonlocal systems may be solved via $\hat{P}$–$\hat{T}$–$\hat{C}$ symmetric-antisymmetric separation approach (SASA). Using SASA, the two-place nonlocal KP equation (
Because all the known multi-place nonlocal systems (and their solutions) mentioned in all the references of this paper can be considered as discrete symmetry reductions of multiple component coupled local ones, it is natural to ask the following important question:
What is physically and/or mathematically new for these kinds of nonlocal systems?
To answer this question, by summarizing all the known results, we list some significant novel points to end this paper.
(i). Multi-place correlations. As pointed out in the title and the introduction section, the multi-place systems describes the correlations and or entanglements among multiple events happened at different space-times [25, 26]. Some of two-place nonlocal systems can be used to approximately solve the real physical problems [26, 28, 51, 52, 93, 94].
(ii). Classical prohibitions. It is well known in the quantum case, there are some kinds of quantum prohibitions which have not yet found in classical physics. For partially reversal multi-place systems, one can find that there are classical prohibitions as mentioned in the last section for the four-place nonlocal KP equations. For the usual local Boussinesq system, there are N solitons for arbitrary positive integer numbers and the soliton interactions may be both pursuit interactions and head on interactions with arbitrary wave numbers and velocities. However, for the two-place nonlocal Boussinesq equation, the odd numbers of solitons are prohibited, the pursuit interactions are not allowed and only the head-on interactions with the same velocities are permitted [93, 100, 101].
(iii). Transitions caused by nonlocality. In nonlinear optics, it is well known that there are two different types of materials, normal and abnormal dispersion materials. The bright solitons can only be found in abnormal dispersion material while the dark solitons can only be found in normal dispersion materials. However, for the multi-place nonlocal systems, one can find that there are possible transformations such that the bright solitons can be changed to dark solitons under the soliton interactions [27, 32]. Similar transitions can also be caused by other types of nonlocalities [102, 103].
(iv). Structure modifications. Rogue waves/instantons and lumps (more generally rational solutions) are recent important topics [104–107]. It is known that the usual lowest order rogue waves (lumps) possess four-leaf structure. However, because of the introduce of the multi-place nonlocalities in the model, the structure of the rogue waves and lumps may be changed from four leaves to five leaves and six leaves as parameter or time changes [93, 100, 101].
(v). Nonlinear excitations with special reversal symmetries of initial and/or boundary conditions. In [99], a nonlocal NLS equation is obtained from a special reduction of the Manakov system which governs wave propagation in a wide variety of physical systems. Thus, this kind of nonlocal systems possess clear physical meanings. In fact, the general coupled local NLS system (
(vi). Weaken the Hirota’s integrable sense. Usually, if a model possesses n-soliton solutions with arbitrary n, one may call it Hirota integrable. Almost all the integrable systems in other senses, say, Lax integrable, are also Hirota integrable. However, there are some special Hirota integrable examples are not integrable under other senses. After introducing the multi-place nonlocalities, one can find that there are infinitely many nonintegrable systems possess n-solitons [26].
(vii). Integrable systems without n-solitons for arbitrary n. Because of the classical prohibition property for the multi-place nonlocal systems [93, 100, 101], we known that an integrable (in any sense) nonlocal system may not possess n-solitons for arbitrary n.
(viii) Mixing of linear and nonlinear waves. It is known that the linear superposition theorem is not valid for nonlinear systems. It is also interesting that some types of linear waves and nonlinear waves may be linearly mixed if some kinds of nonlocalities are introduced [93].
(ix) Existences of many first and second order integrable systems. It is known that in local case, there are very few integrable systems for the first- and second-order nonlinear partial differential equations. However, if the multiple place non-localities are considered, one can find various first- and second-order integrable systems.
(x) New methods to solve nonlinear systems. In the study of nonlinear multi-place nonlocal systems, in addition to the well-known traditional powerful approaches, some new types of methods to solve nonlinear systems have been established. For instance, the symmetric-antisymmetric separation approach with respect to the discrete symmetry operators can be successfully applied to solve nonlocal systems. The full reversal invariance method [25, 26, 108, 109] can be used to find invariant solutions for numerous types of multi-place nonlocal systems.
The author is grateful to thank Professors W L Yang, Z N Zhu, Z Y Yan, D J Zhang, X Y Tang, T Xu, Q P Liu, X B Hu, Y Q Li, J S He and Y Chen for their helpful discussions. The work was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (No. 11 975 131, 11 435 005) and K C Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University.Reference By original order
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