关键词: 6Li冷原子/
English Abstract
Precise measurement of 6Li transition frequencies and hyperfine splitting
Wu Yue-Long1,Li Rui1,
Rui Yang1,
Jiang Hai-Feng2,
Wu Hai-Bin1
1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
2.National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710600, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0304201), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11734008, 11374101, 91536112, 116214040), Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader, China (Grant No. 17XD1401500), and Shanghai Major Research Projects of Basic Research, China (Grant No. 17JC1400500).Received Date:26 May 2018
Accepted Date:04 July 2018
Published Online:20 August 2019
Abstract:In this paper, we report a precision measurement of hyperfine splitting and absolute frequency of D1 line in cold 6Li atoms. The gray molasses is realized in the experiment and the tempreature is cooled to about 50 μK, which is lower than the Doppler cooling limit, 140 μK. By use of an optical comb, the absolute frequencies and corresponding hyperfine splitting are measured. We obtain frequencies of 446789503.080(35) MHz, 446789529.198(36) MHz, 446789731.316(50) MHz and 446789757.476(29) MHz for the D1 line. The results are in reasonable agreement with the theoretical calculations and consistent with earlier measurements. They could provide an important foundation for future frequency measurement, α constant and nuclear radius.
Keywords: 6Li cold atoms/
gray molasses/
optical comb/
precision measurement