关键词: 气泡/
English Abstract
Coupled oscillation and shape instability of bubbles in acoustic field
Ma Yan1,2,Lin Shu-Yu1,
Xu Jie1
1.Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Ultrasonics, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China;
2.Engineering Research Center of Nanostructure and Functional Materials, College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan 756000, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11374200, 11674206), the Natural Science Foundation of Ningxia, China (Grant No. NZ17254), and the Top Discipline Construction (Pedagogy) Foundation of Colleges and Universities of Ning Xia, China (Grant No. NXYLXK2017B11).Received Date:08 July 2017
Accepted Date:05 November 2017
Published Online:05 February 2018
Abstract:Based on the Lagrange's equation, the dynamic equations and shape mode equations of two bubbles with nonspherical distortion are obtained. The radial oscillations and shape instabilities of two bubbles with nonspherical distortion in an acoustic field are numerically investigated. The numerical results show that there are two coupled modes between two nonspherical bubbles: shape coupled mode and radial coupled mode. The coupled modes between two nonspherical bubbles depend on the shape modes of two bubbles. When the shape mode of the first bubble is equal to that of the second bubble (n=m), the shape coupled mode and radial coupled mode both exist. The interaction force between bubbles is caused by these two coupled modes. If the two bubbles have different shape mode orders (n m), there is a radially coupled mode between two bubbles. The interaction force between two bubbles is caused by radially coupled mode. The interaction caused by the radial coupling and shape coupling has an influence on the instability of gas bubble. The influencing factors depend on the shape mode, the equilibrium radius of neighboring bubble, and the driving acoustic field. The results demonstrate that the shape coupling can change the severity of the collapse of a gas bubble, and increase the ability of a gas bubble to resist distortion under a certain condition. The nonspherical disturbance of a real bubble in an acoustic field is not a single shape mode, but the coupling of different shape modes, so the shape coupling has an obvious influence on the shape instability of a real bubble. These may be the reason why bubbles can form some stable structures and keep stable oscillations in an acoustic field.
Keywords: bubbles/
nonspherical disturbances/
shape coupled mode/
Lagrange's equation