关键词: 阿秒脉冲/
English Abstract
Research progress of the control and measurement of the atomic and molecular ultrafast electron dynamics using two-color field
Liu Can-Dong,Jia Zheng-Mao,
Zheng Ying-Hui,
Ge Xiao-Chun,
Zeng Zhi-Nan,
Li Ru-Xin
1.State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11127901, 61521093, 11227902, 11404356, 11274325, 11574332, 1151101142), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2011CB808103), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality Sailing Project, China (Grant No. 14YF1406000), Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 12QA1403700) the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics Specialized Research Fund, China (Grant No. 1401561J00), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS.Received Date:14 September 2016
Accepted Date:17 October 2016
Published Online:05 November 2016
Abstract:The advent of the ultrafast laser pulse provides the powerful and efficient tool for probing the ultrafast electron dynamics in atoms and molecules. The various nonlinear process induced by the laser-matter interaction allows one to obtain the electron motion information on the sub-femtosecond time scale. A series of the ultrafast spectroscopic technique, such as attosecond streak camera, attosecond transient absorption spectrum, and etc., have been successfully applied to the probe of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids. Using two-color field is one of the significant methods to achieve the coherent control and exploring of the electron motion. This paper summarizes recent research activities in the field of the atomic and molecular ultrafast process investigated in State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, including the detection of the electron dynamics of the multi-bound states, measurement of the carrier envelope phase (CEP) and the phase of the attosecond pulse, and the ultrafast electron control with the THz/UV and MIR/IR field. To measure the dynamics of the multi-bound states, a broadband attosecond pulse can be used to ionize the electrons after it is excited by the pump laser. By changing the delay between the pump laser and the attosecond pulse, the measured electrons ionized by the broadband xuv attosecond pulse can present the multi-bound states dynamics simultaneously. The XUV/IR scheme is popularly used in attosecond dynamics measurement. But usually, the IR field is not very strong. We find that, if the IR field is strong enough to induce the above threshold ionization (ATI), the interference between the ATI electron and the electron from XUV pulse can be used to measure the CEP of the attosecond XUV pulse. Besides, if the electron ionized by attosecond pulse can be pushed back to the nuclei, the emission from the recombination can be used to determine the spectral phase of the attosecond pulse, which is an all-optical measurement. We also investigate the two color scheme of THz/UV and MIR/IR fields. With THz/UV two color scheme, very high electron localization can be achieved duration molecular dissociation when we use the UV pulse to excite the electron and the THz pulse to control the following electron movement. When we use the MIR/IR field to control the electron motion during the high harmonic generation, the recollision can be greatly decreased and the single attosecond pulse can be produced with multi-cycle MIR laser field.
Keywords: attosecond pulses/
two-color field/
ultrafast electron dynamics