关键词: 等离激元/
English Abstract
Nonlinear excitation of localized plasmon in one-dimensional atomic chain
Yin Hai-Feng1,2,Mao Li2
1.College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Kaili University, Kaili 556011, China;
2.College of Physical Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11464023), the Innovative Talent Team of Colleges of Guizhou Province, China (Grant No. [2012]06), and the Atomic and Molecular Physics Key Discipline of Kaili University, China.Received Date:02 November 2015
Accepted Date:31 January 2016
Published Online:05 April 2016
Abstract:At different frequencies of light pulse field, the coupling between plasmon resonance and electron transport of one-dimensional sodium atomic chain is investigated by using time-dependent density functional theory. Light pulse field, whose frequency is in about 0.8 eV range around the plasmon resonance point, can stimulate plasmon resonance of the system. Plasmon resonance intensity magnitude which is stimulated by these different frequency light pulse fields are in the same order of magnitude. The more closely the external field frequency approaches to plasmon resonance frequency, the larger plasmon resonance amplitude stimulated by the external field fields will be. With regard to the nonlinear excitation phenomenon of linear atomic chain plasmon, using a classical harmonic oscillator model, we gives a qualitative explanation.
Keywords: plasmon/
one-dimensional atomic chains/
time-dependent density functional theory