简 历:教育背景:
1999.9-2003.6 武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,学士
2003.9-2008.6 中国科学院遥感应用研究所,理学博士
2008.7-2011.7 香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所,博士后研究员
2011.8-2012.12 香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所,副研究员
2012.9—至今 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,研究员
研究生培养: 硕士在读3人,博士联合培养在读2人(毕业1人)
1.陈富龙,林珲,程世来.星载雷达干涉测量及时间序列分析的原理、方法与应用,科学出版社, 2013.
2.Chen F.L., Gabellone F., Lasaponara R. et al., Along the Silk Road, Volume 1, Remote sensing and ICT for cultural Heritage from European and Chinese perspectives, CNR & CAS, ISBN 30, 2014
1.Chen F. L., Guo H., Ma P., Lin H., Wang C., Ishwaran N. and Hang P. Radar interferometry offers new insights into threats to the Angkor site. Science Advances, 3, e**, 2017.
2.Chen F.L., Lasaponara R. and Masini N. An Overview of Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing in Archaeology: from site detection to monitoring. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017, 23: 5-11, DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.05.003
3.Lu P., Yang R., Chen P., Guo Y., Chen F.L., Masini N. and Lasaponara R., On the use of historical archive of aerial photographs for detecting ancient hidden linear cultural relics in the alluvial plain, China. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017, 23: 20-27.
4.Chen F.L., Jiang A., Tang P., Yang R., Zhou W., Wang H., Lu X. and Balz T. Multi-scale synthetic aperture radar remote sensing for archaeological prospection in Han Hangu Pass, Xin’an China. Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 8:38-47, DOI: 10.1080/**X.2016.**.
5.Jiang A., Chen F.L.*, Masini N., Capozzoli L., Romano G., Sileo M., Yang R., Tang P., Chen P., Lasaponara R., Liu G., Archaeological crop marks identified from Cosmo-SkyMed time series: the case of Han-Wei capital city,Luoyang, China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2016.**
6.Chen F.L., Masini N., Liu J., You J., Lasaponara R. Multi-frequency satellite radar imaging of cultural heritage: the case studies of the Yumen Frontier Pass and Niya ruins in the Western Regions of the Silk Road Corridor. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2016.**
7.Tang P., Chen F.L.*, Zhu X., Zhou W. Monitoring cultural heritage sites with advanced multi-temporal InSAR technique: The case study of the Summer Palace, Remote Sensing, 8: 432, 2016, DOI:10.3390/rs**.
8.Xie L., Zhang H., Wang C., Chen F.L. Water-Body types identification in urban areas from Radarsat-2 fully polarimetric SAR data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 50:10-25, 2016.
9.Chen F.L., Masini N., Yang R., Milillo P., Feng D. and Lasaponara R., A space view of radar archaeological marks: first applications of COSMO-SkyMed X-band data. Remote Sensing, 7: 24-50, 2015.
10.Tang P., Chen F.L.*, Guo H., Tian B., Wang X., Ishwaran N. Large-area landslides monitoring using advanced multi-temporal InSAR technique over the giant panda habitat, Sichuan, China, Remote Sensing 7: 8925-8949, 2015.
11.Zhou W., Chen F.L.*, Guo H.D., Differential Radar Interferometry for Structural and Ground Deformation Monitoring: A New Tool for the Conservation and Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Sites, Sustainability, 7: 1712-1729, 2015.
12.Li H., Jing L., Sun Z., Li J., Xu R., Tang Y., Chen F.L., A novel image fusion method based on the un-mixing of mixed MS sub-pixels regarding high resolution DSM, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**.
13.Ma P., Lin H., Lan H. and Chen F.L.,On the performance of reweighted L-1 minimization for tomographic SAR imaging, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(4):895-899, 2015.
14.Ma P., Lin H., Lan H. and Chen F.L., Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings, ISPRSJournal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 106: 118-128, 2015.
15.Chen F.L., Guo H.D., Ishwaran N., Zhou W., Yang R.X., Jing L. H., Chen F. and Zeng H. C., Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Interferometry for assessing Wenchuan earthquake (2008) deforestation in the Sichuan giant panda site. Remote Sensing, 6:6283-6299, 2014.
16.Chen F.L., Lin H., Hu X.Z., Slope superficial displacement monitoring by small baseline SAR interferometry using data from L-band ALOS PALSAR and X-band TerraSAR: a case study of Hong Kong, Remote Sensing, 6:1564-1586, 2014.
17.Chen F. L., Lin H., Zhou W., Hong T.H., Wang G., Surface deformation detected by ALOS PALSAR small baseline SAR interferometry over permafrost environment of Beiluhe section, Tibet Plateau, China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 138: 10-18, 2013.
18.Chen F. L., Lin H., Li Z., Chen Q. and Zhou J.M., Interaction between permafrost and infrastructure along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway detected via jointly analysis of C- and L-band small baseline SAR interferometry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 123: 532-540, 2012.
19.Chen F. L., Lin H., Zhang Y., Lu Z., Ground subsidence geo-hazards induced by rapid urbanization: implications from InSAR observation and geological analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12:935-942, 2012.
20.Wang H., Lin H., Chen J. and Chen F.L., Study on the relationship between sub-pixel percentage cover and multi-temporal NDVI, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(17): 5615-5628, 2012.
21.Cheng S., Perissin D., Lin H., and Chen F.L., Atmospheric Delay analysis from GPS meteorology and InSAR APS, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 86: 71-82, 2012.
22.Chen F.L. and Lin H., Multi-baseline differential SAR interferometry analysis of Lantau Highway, Hong Kong, using ENVISAT ASAR data, Remote Sensing Letters, 2(2): 167-173, 2011.
23.Lin H., Chen F.L.*, Zhao Q., Land deformation monitoring using coherent target-neighborhood networking method combined with polarimetric information: a case study of Shanghai, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(9):2395-2407, 2011.
24.Chen F. L, Lin H., Yeung K. and Cheng S., Detection of slope instability in Hong Kong based on multi-baseline differential SAR interferometry using ALOS PALSAR data, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 47(2): 208-220, 2010.
25.Zhao Q., Lin H., Jiang L., Chen F. L., & Cheng S., A Study of Ground Deformation in the Guangzhou Urban Area with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Sensors, 9, 503-518, 2009.
26.Chen F.L., Zhang H., Wang C., Automatic Matching of High-resolution SAR Images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(16): 3665-3678, 2007.
专利:高分辨率SAR影像配准处理方法及系统(ZL 0.3)
1.CAESAR雷达图像配准镶嵌平台V1.0 (2005SR12601)
获奖及荣誉:2011 亚洲遥感协会Shunji Murai奖
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-30
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