
中国科学院动物研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 宣

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姓  名:刘 宣
学  科:生态学
中国科学院动物研究所动物生态与保护生物学院重点实验室多样性与空间生态学研究组 100101

  刘宣,男,博士。2007年在华南师范大学获硕士学位,2011年在中国科学院动物研究所获博士学位,2016年在美国哈佛大学做访问****。主要以外来两栖爬行动物为研究对象,以生物入侵过程为主线,综合运用野外工作、受控实验、地理信息系统和生态学模型技术,围绕入侵成功机理、入侵种生态危害和入侵风险预测框架等入侵生态学和保护生物学重要前沿领域和核心科学问题,开展了连续性、系统性研究工作,相关研究成果在Current Biology, Ecology Letters, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Proceedings B, Journal of Animal Ecology, Conservation Letters, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal of Biogeography等生态学和保护生物学主流期刊发表学术论文28篇,得到Faculty of 1000,美国科学促进会(AAAS),英国生态学会(BES),ScienceDaily,The Scientist等的推荐和点评。 研究领域:
  入侵生态学、宏生态学、保护生物地理学。 社会任职:
Journal of Animal Ecology编委
Diversity and Distributions编委
Science Advances, Global Change Biology, Ecography, Journal of Applied Ecology等20余种学术期刊审稿人
国家自然科学基金面上项目,多个同域分布入侵种对当地无尾两栖类的影响机制 2019/01-2022/12,主持。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,繁殖体压力和景观异质性对外来种自然扩散模式的影响机制 2016/01-2019/12,主持。
2019 Liu, X., Blackburn, T.M., Song, T., Li, X., Huang, C. & Li, Y. (2019) Risks of Biological Invasion on the Belt and Road. Current Biology, 29: 499-505.
Bower, D.S., Lips, K.R., Amepou, Y., Richards, S., Dahl, C., Nagombi, E., Supuma, M., Dabek, L., Alford, R.A., Schwarzkopf, L., Ziembicki, M., Noro, J.N., Hamidy, A., Gillespie, G.R., Berger, L., Eisemberg, C., Li, Y., Liu, X., Jennings, C.K., Tjaturadi, B., Peters, A., Krockenberger, A.K., Nason, D., Kusrini, M.D., Webb, R.J., Skerratt, L.F., Banks, C., Mack, A.L., Georges, A. & Clulow, S. (2019) Island of opportunity: can New Guinea protect amphibians from a globally emerging pathogen? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, doi:10.1002/fee.2057
Wang, S.P., Liu, C.H., Wu, J., Xu, C.X., Zhang, J.Q., Bai, C.M., Gao, X., Liu, X., Li, X.P., Zhu, W. & Li, Y.M. (2019) Propagule pressure and hunting pressure jointly determine genetic evolution in insular populations of a global frog invader. Scientific Reports, 9,448.
2018 Liu, X.#, Wang, S.#, Ke, Z.#, Cheng, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, F., Xu, F., Li, X., Gao, X., Jin, C., Zhu, W., Yan, S. & Li, Y. (2018) More invaders do not result in heavier impacts: the effects of nonnative bullfrogs on native anurans are mitigated by high densities of nonnative crayfish. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87:850-862.
2017 Liu, X.#, Petitpierre, B.#, Broennimann, O., Li, X., Guisan, A. & Li, Y. (2017) Realized climatic niches are conserved along maximum temperatures among herpetofaunal invaders. Journal of Biogeography, 44, 111-121.
Wang, S., Liu, C., Wilson, A.B., Zhao, N., Li, X., Zhu, W., Gao, X., Liu, X. & Li, Y. (2017) Pathogen richness and abundance predict patterns of adaptive major histocompatibility complex variation in insular amphibians. Molecular Ecology, 26, 4671-4685.
2016 Liu, X., Guo, Y., Luo, Y. & Li, Y. (2016) Emergent Vegetation Coverage and Human Activities Influence Oviposition Microhabitat Selection by Invasive Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Southwestern China. Journal of Herpetology, 50, 57-62.
Li, X.#, Liu, X.#, Kraus, F., Tingley, R. & Li, Y. (2016) Risk of biological invasions is concentrated in biodiversity hotspots. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14, 411-417. (co-first author, cover story)
Li, Y., Li, X., Sandel, B., Blank, D., Liu, Z., Liu, X. & Yan, S. (2016) Climate and topography explain range sizes of terrestrial vertebrates. Nature Climate Change, 6, 498-502.
Cohen, J.M., Civitello, D.J., Brace, A.J., Feichtinger, E.M., Ortega, C.N., Richardson, J.C., Sauer, E.L., Liu, X. & Rohr, J.R. (2016) Spatial scale modulates the strength of ecological processes driving disease distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, E3359-E3364.
Zhu, W., Fan, L., Soto-Azat, C., Yan, S., Gao, X., Liu, X., Wang, S., Liu, C., Yang, X. & Li, Y. (2016) Filling a gap in the distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: evidence in amphibians from northern China. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 118, 259-266.
2015 Liu, X., Luo, Y., Chen, J., Guo, Y., Bai, C. & Li, Y. (2015) Diet and Prey Selection of the Invasive American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Southwestern China. Asian herpetological research, 6, 34-44.
2014 Liu, X.#, Li, X.#, Liu, Z.#, Tingley, R., Kraus, F., Guo, Z. & Li, Y. (2014) Congener diversity, topographic heterogeneity and human-assisted dispersal predict spread rates of alien herpetofauna at a global scale. Ecology Letters 17:821-829.
Li, Y.#, Liu, X.#, Li, X.#, Petitpierre, B. & Guisan, A. (2014) Residence time, expansion toward the equator in the invaded range and native range size matter to climatic niche shifts in non-native species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 1094-1104. (co-first author)
Wang, S., Zhu, W., Gao, X., Li, X., Yan, S., Liu, X., Yang, J., Gao, Z. & Li, Y. (2014) Population size and time since island isolation determine genetic diversity loss in insular frog populations. Molecular Ecology, 23, 637-648.
Zhu, W., Bai, C., Wang, S., Soto-Azat, C., Li, X., Liu, X. & Li, Y. (2014) Retrospective Survey of Museum Specimens Reveals Historically Widespread Presence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in China. EcoHealth, 11, 241-250.
Zhu, W., Xu, F., Bai, C., Liu, X., Wang, S., Gao, X., Yan, S., Li, X., Liu, Z. & Li, Y. (2014) A survey for Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Chinese amphibians. Current Zoology, 60, 729-735.
2013 Liu, X., Rohr, J.R. & Li, Y. (2013) Climate, vegetation, introduced hosts and trade shape a global wildlife pandemic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, **. (double star recommendation by Faculty of 1000, https://f1000.com/prime/)
Liu, X., McGarrity, M.E., Bai, C., Ke, Z. & Li, Y. (2013) Ecological knowledge reduces religious release of invasive species. Ecosphere, 4, art21. Venesky, M.D., Liu, X., Sauer, E.L. & Rohr, J.R. (2013) Linking manipulative experiments to field data to test the dilution effect. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83, 557-565.
2012 Liu, X., McGarrity, M.E. & Li, Y. (2012) The influence of traditional Buddhist wildlife release on biological invasions. Conservation Letters, 5, 107-114.
Bai, C., Liu, X., Fisher, M.C., Garner, T.W.J. & Li, Y. (2012) Global and endemic Asian lineages of the emerging pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis widely infect amphibians in China. Diversity and Distributions, 18, 307-318.
Bai, C., Ke, Z., Consuegra, S., Liu, X. & Li, Y. (2012) The role of founder effects on the genetic structure of the invasive bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianaus) in China. Biological Invasions, 14, 1785-1796.
2011 Liu, X., Guo, Z., Ke, Z., Wang, S. & Li, Y. (2011) Increasing Potential Risk of a Global Aquatic Invader in Europe in Contrast to Other Continents under Future Climate Change. PLoS ONE, 6, e18429.
Li, Y., Xu, F., Guo, Z., Liu, X., Jin, C., Wang, Y. & Wang, S. (2011) Reduced predator species richness drives the body gigantism of a frog species on the Zhoushan Archipelago in China. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 171-182.
Li, Y. , Ke, Z., Wang, S., Smith, G.R. & Liu, X. (2011) An Exotic Species Is the Favorite Prey of a Native Enemy. PLoS ONE, 6, e24299.
2010 Liu, X., Li, Y. & Mcgarrity, M. (2010) Geographical variation in body size and sexual size dimorphism of introduced American bullfrogs in southwestern China. Biological Invasions, 12, 2037-2047.
2009 Liu, X. and Li, Y. 2009. Aquaculture Enclosures Relate to the Establishment of Feral Populations of Introduced Species. PLoS ONE, 4: e6199.

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