

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23

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通讯地址北京北四环西路15号, 中国科学院力学研究所

简历:陈启生:力学所研究员,博士生导师.1989年北京大学力学系流体力学专业毕业,1992年北京大学力学系流体力学专业获硕士学位,1997年在中科院力学所获得博士学位。博士期间工作是关于微重力流体物理研究。1997-2001年在纽约州立大学石溪分校作博士后(Advisor: Prof. V. Prasad)及研究科学家,从事晶体生长模拟工作。2001-2004年在迈阿密佛罗里达国际大学机械工程系担任教师(Faculty Administrator and Coordinator),讲授机械工程有限元法,并从事氮化物生长模拟工作。2002年作为中科院****回力学所工作,从事微重力流体物理及晶体生长模型化研究。利用数值模拟及三维小扰动线性稳定性理论分析的方法,研究了微重力环境下半浮区液桥的热毛细对流的临界振荡现象,并且确定了液桥体积及细长比对出现振荡对流的临界Marangoni数的影响。从理论上证实了在大Prandtl数情况下,半浮区液桥的热毛细对流的临界振荡Marangoni数对体积曲线有明显的两支。利用流体力学和传热传质的概念,提出了关于碳化硅生长界面的流动-动理学理论模型,即质量输运包括扩散及Stefan对流两种机制,而晶体生长速率与蒸汽的过饱和度成正比。发表SCI收录论文33篇,所发表论文SCI引用280次。
联系电话:**,E-mail: qschen@imech.ac.cn
社会任职:《Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials(影响因子3.5)》副主编(投稿请发送稿件至qschen@imech.ac.cn),
“Committee on Space Research” COSPAR Associate,

代表论著: J.-Y. Yan, Q.-S. Chen*, Y.-N. Jiang, H. Zhang, Improvement of the thermal design in the SiC PVT Growth Process, Journal of Crystal Growth (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2013.02.031

Qi-Sheng Chen, Yan-Ni Jiang, Instabilities of vortex rings generated by surface-tension gradients between co-axial disks, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1542-1545.

Wei Li, Qi-Sheng Chen, Simulation of thermoacoustic waves by a pressure-based algorithm for compressible flows, Acta Mechanica Sinica 28(3),819-824,2012.

Qi-Sheng Chen, Jun-Yi Yan, Yan-Ni Jiang,Wei Li, Modeling on Ammonothermal Growth of GaN semiconductor crystals, Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 58, 61-73, 2012 (中科院SCI-I区论文)

Qi-Sheng Chen*, Yan-Ni Jiang, Jun-Yi Yan, Wei Li, V. Prasad, Modeling of ammonothermal growth processes of GaN crystal in large-size pressure systems, Research on Chemical Intermediates 37, 467-477, 2011. ( SCI)

Yan-Ni Jiang, Qi-Sheng Chen*, V. Prasad, Numerical simulation of ammonothermal growth processes of GaN crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 318, 411-414, 2011. (SCI)

Qisheng Chen, Yanni Jiang, Junyi Yan, Ming Qin, Progress in modeling of fluid flows in crystal growth processes, Progress in Natural Science 18 (12): 1465-1473, 2008.

Qi-Sheng Chen and Ya-Chao Liu, Hydrothermal Instability of Thermocapillary Convection in a Large-Prandtl-Number Liquid Bridge under Microgravity, Advances in Space Research, 41: 2126-2130, 2008.

Qisheng Chen, Guyu Deng, A. Ebadian, V. Prasad, Numerical study on flow field and temperature distribution in growth process of 200 mm Czochralski silicon crystals, Journal of Rare Earths 25 S2, pp. 345-348, 2007.

Q.-S. Chen, J.-Y. Yan, V. Prasad, Application of flow-kinetics model to the PVT growth of SiC crystals, J. of Crystal Growth 303, pp. 357-361, 2007.

Jing Lu, Zi-Bing Zhang and Qi-Sheng Chen, Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and Concentration Distribution in the Bulk Growth of Silicon Carbide Crystals, J. of Crystal Growth 292, pp. 519-522, 2006.

Qi-Sheng Chen, Jing Lu, Zi-Bing Zhang, Guo-Dan Wei and Vish Prasad, Growth of Silicon Carbide Bulk Crystals by Physical Vapor Transport Method and Modeling Efforts in the Process Optimization, J. of Crystal Growth 292, pp. 197-200, 2006.

Z.B. Zhang, J. Lu, Q.S. Chen, V. Prasad, Thermoelastic Stresses in SiC Single Crystals Grown by the Physical Vapor Transport Method, Acta Mechanica Sinica 22 (1): 40-45 FEB 2006.

Q.-S. Chen, S. Pendurti and V. Prasad, Modeling of Ammonothermal Growth of Gallium Nitride Single Crystals, J. of Materials Science 41, pp. 1409-1414, 2006.

Q.-S. Chen, P. Gao and W.R. Hu, Effects of Induction Heating on Temperature Distribution and Growth Rate in Large-Size SiC Growth System, J. of Crystal Growth 266/1-3, pp. 320-326, 2004.

Q.-S. Chen, S. Pendurti and V. Prasad, Effects of Baffle Design on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Ammonothermal Growth System of Nitrides, J. of Crystal Growth 266/1-3, pp. 271-277, 2004.

Q.-S. Chen, J. Wegrzyn and V. Prasad, Analysis of temperature and pressure changes in liquefied natural gas (LNG) cryogenic tanks, Cryogenics 44 (10), pp. 701-709, 2004.

Q.-S. Chen, V. Prasad and W.R. Hu, Modeling of Ammonothermal Growth of Nitrides, J. of Crystal Growth 258/1-2, pp.181-187, 2003.

Q.-S. Chen, H. Zhang and V. Prasad , Heat Transfer and Kinetics of Bulk Growth of Silicon Carbide, J. of Crystal Growth 230/1-2, pp. 239-246, 2001.

Q.-S. Chen, H. Zhang, R.-H. Ma, V. Prasad, C.M. Balkas and N.K. Yushin, Modeling of transport processes and kinetics of silicon carbide bulk growth, J. of Crystal Growth 225/2-4, pp. 299-306, 2001.

Q.-S. Chen, H. Zhang, V. Prasad, C.M. Balkas, N.K. Yushin and S. Wang, Kinetics and modeling of sublimation growth of silicon carbide bulk crystal, J. of Crystal Growth 224/1-2, pp. 101-110, 2001.

Q.-S. Chen, H. Zhang, V. Prasad, C.M. Balkas and N.K. Yushin, Modeling of heat transfer and kinetics of physical vapor transport growth of silicon carbide crystals, J. of Heat Transfer –Transactions of ASME 123, pp. 1098-1109, 2001.

Q.S. Chen, V. Prasad, A. Chatterjee and J. Larkin, A porous media-based transport model for hydrothermal growth, J. of Crystal Growth 198/199, pp. 710-715, 1999.

Q.-S. Chen, V. Prasad and A. Chatterjee, Modeling of fluid flow and heat transfer in a hydrothermal crystal growth system: use of fluid-superposed porous layer theory, J. of Heat Transfer –Transactions of ASME 121, pp. 1049-1058, 1999.

Q.-S. Chen, W.-R. Hu, and V. Prasad, Effect of liquid bridge volume on the instability in small-Prandtl-number half zones, J. Crystal Growth 203, pp. 261-268, 1999.

Q.S. Chen and W.R. Hu, Instability from steady and axisymmetric to steady and asymmetric floating half zone convection in a fat liquid bridge of larger Prandtl number, Chinese Physics Letters 16, pp. 822-823, 1999.

Q.S. Chen and W.R. Hu, Influence of liquid bridge volume on instability of floating half-zone convection, International J. Heat Mass Transfer 41, pp. 825-837, 1998.

Q.S. Chen and W.R. Hu, Numerical investigation on a simulation model of floating zone convection, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40, pp. 757-763, 1997.

卢靖,硕士,碳化硅晶体生长中的流场和浓度场的数值模拟 (已毕业)
邓谷雨,硕士, 单晶硅生长过程的数值模拟(已毕业去中物院)
刘亚超,博士, 旋转浮区液桥热毛细对流的数值模拟及稳定性分析(已毕业去学而思)

承担科研项目情况:基金委员会面上项目(**) “微重力界面流动环状流结构及流体波研究”,2013-2016,负责人。
基金委员会面上项目(**) “微重力静态变形界面流动及稳定性研究”,2010-2012,负责人。
“十一五”国家科技支撑计划, 高速列车气动噪声预测及评估研究,2009-2012,负责二级子课题。
国家自然科学基金重大项目(**)子课题 “大振幅、高频率可压缩交变流动低温传热机理研究”, 2009.1 - 2012.12, 负责三级子课题。
基金面上项目(**), “碳化硅晶体生长过程中的流场及应力场模拟”, 2005-2007。
基金面上项目(**),“氨热法晶体生长中传热传质及动力学研究”,2008 - 2010。

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