
中国科学院力学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-陈 艳

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23

姓名:陈 艳

简历: 2013年12月-至今:副研究员,中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室

2011年7月-2013年12月:助理研究员, 中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室

社会任职:中国科学院大学 副教授
代表论著:2 Z.Pu, Y.Chen*, L.H.Dai*, Strong resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of high-entropy alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2018, 736, 156-166.
2 M.Zhang, Y.Chen, D.Wei, L.H.Dai, Extraodinary creep relaxation time in a La-based metallic glass. J. Mater. Sci. 2018,53, 2956-2964.
2 Z.L.Tian, Y.J.Wang, Y. Chen, L.H.Dai, Strain gradient drives shear banding in metallic glasses. Phy. Rev. B 2017, 96, 094103.
2 X.Liu, Z.X.Lu, Y.Chen, Y.L.Sui, L.H.Dai*,Improved J Estimation by GE/EPRI method for the thin-walled pipes with small constant-depth circumferential surface cracks, J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 2017, 140, 011201.
2 L.Xiang, H.Y.Wang, Y.Chen, Y.J.Guan, L.H.Dai*, Elastic-plastic modeling of metallic strands and wire ropes under axial tension and torsion loads, Int. J. Solids Struct., 2017, 129,103-118.
2 X.F.Liu, Y.Chen, M.Q.Jiang, P.K.Liaw, L.H.Dai*,Tuning plasticity of in-situ dendrite metallic glass composites via the dendrite-volume-fraction-dependent shear banding, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2017, 680, 121-129.
2 M.Zhang, Y.Chen, L.H.Dai*,An index of shear banding susceptibility of metallic glasses. Intermetallics, 2016,71,12-17.
2 Y. Chen, L. H. Dai, Nature of crack-tip plastic zone in metallic glasses. Int. J. Plasticity, 2016, 77, 54-74.
2 J. H. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, X. W. Chen, H. F. Zhang, L. H. Dai, On the compressive failure of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite. Int. J. Solids. Struct. 2015, 69-70, 428-441.
2 L. Xiang, H. Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. J. Guan, Y. L. Wang, L. H. Dai, Modeling of multi-strand wire ropes subjected to axial tension and torsion loads. Int. J. Solids Struct. 2015, 58,233-246.
2 J. H. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, X. W. Chen, H. M. Fu, H. F. Zhang, L. H. Dai, Dynamic shear punch behavior of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites. Inter. J. Impact Eng., 2015, 79,22-31.
2 F. Zeng, Y. Chen, M. Q, Jiang, C. Lu, L. H. Dai, Dynamic fragmentation induced by network-like shear bands in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass. Intermetallics, 2015, 56, 96-100.
2 S. L. Cai, Y. Chen, G. G. Ye, M. Q. Jiang, H. Y. Wang, L. H. Dai, Characterization of the deformation field in large-strain extrusion machining. J. Mater. Proc. Techno. 2015, 216, 48-58.
2 G. G. Ye, Y. Chen, S. F. Xue, L. H. Dai, Critical cutting speed for onset of serrated chip flow in high speed machining. Int. J. Machine Tools & Manu. 2014, 86, 18-33.
2 J. H. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, X. W. Chen, H. M. Fu, H. F. Zhang, L. H. Dai, Direct observation on the evolution of shear banding and buckling in Tungsten fiber reinforce Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2014, 45, 5397-5408.
2 Y. Chen, L. H. Dai, Onset and direction of shear banding instability in metallic glasses. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2014, 30(6), 616-621.
2 Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang , and L. H. Dai, Collective evolution dynamics of multiple shear bands in metallic glasses. Int. J. Plasticity, 2013, 50, 18-36.
2 J. H. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, Y. Chen, and L. H. Dai, Strain rate dependent shear banding behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2013, 576,134-139.
2 N. Li, Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, D. J. Li, J. J. He, Y. Wu, L. Liu, A thermoplastic forming map of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass. Acta Mater. 2013, 61,1921-1931.
2 陈艳(Y. Chen),戴兰宏,非晶合金塑脆断裂转变的控制参数,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学2012, 42(06),551-559.
2 C. F. Guo, V. Nayyar, Z-w. Zhang, Y. Chen, J-j. Miao, R. Huang, Q. Liu, Path-Guided Wrinkling of Nanoscale Metal Films, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24(22), 3010-3014.
2 Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, L. H. Dai, Temperature-dependent yield asymmetry between tension and compression in metallic glasses, Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61(3), 350-355.
2 Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, Y. J. Wei, L. H. Dai, Failure criterion for metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine, 2011, 91(36), 4536-4554.
2 Y. Chen, M. Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, How does the initial free volume distribution affect shear band formation in metallic glass? Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2011,54(8), 1488-1494.
2 H. L. Li, Y. Chen, L. H. Dai, Concentrated-mass cantilever enhances multiple harmonics in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2008,92(15), 151903, 2008.


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