简历:2019/06-至今 中国科学院力学研究所,项目研究员
2018/11-2019/05 RadiaSoft LLC,Associate Research Scientist
2013/08-2018/08 University of Southern California,Astronautical Engineering,Ph.D.
2016/01-2018/05 University of Southern California,Computer Science,M.S.
2012/08-2013/05 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,Aerospace Engineering
2009/09-2012/07 中国科学院力学研究所,流体力学,硕士
2005/09-2009/06 华中科技大学,热能与动力工程,学士
获奖及荣誉:2019/05University of Southern California, Viterbi Best Dissertation Nomination (4/162)
2018/05 University of Southern California, Best Research Assistant Award
2013/08~2017/08 University of Southern California, Viterbi Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship
代表论著:1.Joseph Wang# and Yuan Hu#, On the limitations of hybrid particle-in-cell for ion thruster plume simulations,Physics of Plasmas 26, 103502 (2019) [#authors contributed equally]
2.Yuan Hu and Joseph Wang, Plasma wake simulation for charged space platforms: Fully kinetic PIC versus hybrid PIC, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 47, No. 8, pp: 3731-3738, Sep. 2019
3.Yuan Hu and JosephWang, Assessment of electron thermodynamic and fluid approximations in modeling collisionless plasma wakes, Physics of Plasmas26, 023515 (2019)
4.JosephWang# andYuan Hu#, The breakdown of fluid approximation for modeling electrons in collisionless plasma wakes, Journal of Geophysical Research:Space Physics123, 8797–8805(2018) [#authors contributed equally]
5.Yuan Hu and Joesph Wang, Expansion of a collisionless hypersonic plasma plume into a vacuum, Physical Review E 98, 023204 (2018)
6.Yuan Hu and Joseph Wang, Fully kinetic simulations of collisionless, mesothermal plasma emission: Macroscopic plume structure and microscopic electron characteristics, Physics of Plasmas 24,033510 (2017)
7.Yuan Hu, Aiichiro Nakano and Joseph Wang, Directional melting of alumina via polarized icrowave heating, Applied Physics Letters110, 044102 (2017)
8.Yuan Hu and Joseph Wang, Electron properties in collisionless, mesothermal plasma expansion: Fully kinetic simulations, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43, No. 9, pp: 2832-2838, Sep. 2015
9.Joseph Wang, Daoru Han and Yuan Hu, Kinetic simulations of plasma plume potential in a vacuum chamber, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43, No. 9, pp: 3047-3053, Sep. 2015
10.Yuan Hu, Song Chen and Quanhua Sun, Hypersonic aerodynamics of a flat plate: bridging formula and wall temper-ature effects, AIP Conference Proceedings 1501 1493(2012)
11.Yuan Hu, Quanhua Sun and Jing Fan, Simulation of gas flow over a micro cylinder, ASME 2009 2nd International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 1, pp: 119-127
4.“Simulation of nanoscale high-efficiency thermionic converters”,U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),主要参与,2018-2019
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23
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