

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23


简历:2018/12—— 2019/03 伯明翰大学,访问****
2011/07 ——今 中国科学院力学研究所 助理研究员、副研究员
2006/09 —— 2011/07北京大学工学院 力学与工程科学系理学博士,师从陈耀松教授、陈国谦教授
2002/09 —— 2006/07 北京大学 力学与工程科学系工学学士
代表论著:1. YAO Y F, SUN Z X*, YANG G W, LIU W, and PRAPAMONTHON P. Analysis of Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics of High-Speed Train Pantograph with Different Installation Bases. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(11), 2332
2. SUN Z X, ZHANG Y, YANG G W, Surrogate Based Optimization of Aerodynamic Noise for Streamlined Shape of High Speed Trains, Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(2)196
3. YAO S B, GUO D L, SUN Z X*, CHEN D W, YANG G W, Parametric design and optimization of high speed train nose. Optimization and Engineering. 2016, 17(3): 605-630
4. YAO S B, GUO D L, SUN Z X*, YANG G W, A modified multi-objective sorting particle swarm optimization and its application to the design of the nose shape of a high-speed train. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2015, 9(1):513-527
5. SUN Z X, YANG G W, ZHU L, Study on the critical diameter of the subway tunnel based on the pressure variation . SCIENCE CHINA: Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(10):2037-2043
6. YAO S B, GUO D L, SUN Z X*, YANG G W, CHEN D W, Optimization Design for Aerodynamic Elements of High Speed TrainsComputers and Fluids. 2014,95:56-73
7. SUN Z X, GUO D L, YAO S B, YANG G W, LI M G. Identification and Suppression of Noise Sources Around High Speed Trains. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2013, 7(1): 131-143.
8. SUN Z X, ZHANG Y Y, Guo D L, YANG G W, Liu Y B, Research on Running Stability of the CRH3 High Speed Trains Passing by Each Other, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2014,8(1):140-157
9. SUN Z X, SONG J J, AN Y R. Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Noise Generated By High Speed Trains. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2012, 6(2):173-185
10. YAO S B, GUO D L, SUN Z X*, YANG G W, CHEN D W, Multi-objective optimization of the streamlined head of high-speed trains based on the Kriging model. SCIENCE CHINA: Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(12):3495-3509.
11. ZHAO X L, SUN Z X*, TANG L S, ZHENG G T. Coupled Flow-Thermal-Structural Analysis of Hypersonic Aerodynamically Heated Cylindrical Leading Edge. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2011,5(2):170-179.
12. SUN Z X, SONG J J, AN Y R. Optimization of the head shape of the CRH3 high speed train. SCIENCE CHINA: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(12):3356-3364.
13. ZHAO X L, SUN Z X*. A new Method for Numerical Simulation of Two Trains Passing by Each Other at the Same Speed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, ser. B. 2010, 22(5):697-702.
14. SUN Z X, ZHAO X L, SONG J J, DU T Z. Numerical Investigation on a Transition Prediction Model. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 30(12):1559-1568.
15. SUN Z X, YANG G W, GUO D L, Characteristics of train noise in crosswind conditions, Civil-Comp Proceedings, v 104, 2014 (EI)
16. SUN Z X, YANG G W, GUO D L, An investigation of the aerodynamic noise of long-grouped high speed trains , Civil-Comp Proceedings, v 110, 2016 (EI)
17. SUN Z X, ZHANG Y, YANG G W, parametrization of high-speed train streamline shape, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME FLUIDS ENGINEERING DIVISION SUMMER MEETING, 2017, VOL 1A (EI)
18. SUN Z X, YANG G W, ZHAO G L. Aerodynamic noise optimization of streamlined shape of high speed trains. Proceedings of International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems 2015, November 10-12, 2015, Chiba, Japan
19. Yao SB, Sun ZX, Guo DL, Chen DW, Yang GW. Numerical study on wake characteristics of high-speed trains. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2013, 29(6),811-822.
20. Guo DL, Shang KM, Zhang Y, Yang GW, Sun ZX. Influences of affiliated components and train length on the train wind. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2016, 32(2),191-205.
21. Zhang Y, SUN Z X, GUO D L, YANG G W, Effects of accessory parts topology on the aerodynamics of high-speed trains
22. 孙振旭, 王一伟, 安亦然. 高速列车气动噪声的计算研究. 水动力学研究与进展: A, 2010, 25(5):660-668.(EI)
23. 孙振旭,宋婧婧,安亦然. CRH3型高速列车气动噪声数值模拟研究,北大学报,2012,48(5):701-711.(EI)
24. 孙振旭,郭迪龙,姚远,杨国伟.高速列车地面效应数值模拟研究. 计算物理,2013,30(1):61-69. (EI)
25. 宋婧婧,孙振旭,卢雷,原中晋,王强. 流固耦合技术在某雕塑结构设计中的应用,水动力学研究与进展A,2014,29(2):245-253 (通讯作者,EI)
26. 尚克明,杜健,孙振旭. 长大编组高速列车横风气动特性研究, 北大学报, 2016, 52(6):977-984(通讯作者,EI)
27. 张业,孙振旭,郭迪龙,杨国伟,尚克明.风挡缝宽对高速列车气动性能的影响。铁道学报, 201739(3): 19-24。(通讯作者,EI
28. 张业,孙振旭,姚永芳,刘雯,杨国伟,郭迪龙.典型路基结构对高速列车横风气动特性影响分析。机械工程学报, 201854(4): 186-195。(通讯作者,EI
29. 孙振旭,姚永芳,杨焱,杨国伟,郭迪龙. 国内高速列车气动噪声研究进展综述,空气动力学报,2018, 36(3): 385-397.
30. 孙振旭,姚拴宝,郭迪龙,杨国伟.高速列车横风气动力数值计算研究.科学技术与工程,2012,12(32):8486-8497.
31. 赵晓利, 孙振旭, 安亦然, 郑钢铁. 高超声速气动热的耦合计算方法研究. 科学技术与工程, 2010, 10(22):5450-5455.
32. 赵晓利, 孙振旭, 安亦然, 郑钢铁. 一种基于CFD的飞行模拟方法. 科学技术与工程, 2010, 10(24): 5923-5928.
33. 姚拴宝, 郭迪龙, 孙振旭, 杨国伟,陈大伟. 基于kriging代理模型的高速列车头型多目标优化设计[J].中国科学:技术科学,2013,43(2):186-200.
34. 赖姜,曾晓辉,孙振旭.高速列车过隧道、明线会车及隧道会车工况下的动力响应研究[C].21届全国结构工程学术会议论文集第ii.2012:222-225.
35. 祝岚,张东,孙振旭,王奕然,杨国伟. 基于乘客舒适性的快速地铁隧道压力波分析。都市快轨交通, 2015,28(1):85-91.
36. 孙振旭, 姚远,姚拴宝, 郭迪龙,高速列车受电弓涡致振动流固耦合研究,第七届全国流体力学学术会议,2012,桂林
承担科研项目情况:1.十三五国家重点研发计划先进轨道交通专项,空气动力学及外形优化,2016-2020, 负责人。

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