姓名: 范学军 ID: 311007-000897
学历: 博士 部门: 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室
职称: 研究员 身份: 在职人员
职务: 超声速燃烧课题组组长 Blog:
联系电话: 82544052 Email: xfan@imech.ac.cn
邮编: 100190 传真:
联系地址: 北京海淀区中关村北四环西路15号
□ 吸热碳氢燃料的热物理性质
□ 超声速燃烧特性
□ 燃烧室性能优化
□ 燃烧室热环境分析与再生冷却系统研究
期刊论文 会议论文 专著 文集 研究报告 成果 专利 其他
[1] 李龙,王晶,范学军. Development of integrated high temperature sensor for simultaneous measurement of wall heat flux and temperature[J].REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,2012,83(7):074901.
[2] 仲峰泉,范学军,王晶,et al. Characteristics of compressible flow of supercritical kerosene[J].ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,2012,28(1):8-13.
[3] 仲峰泉,范学军,俞刚,et al. Thermal Cracking and Heat Sink Capacity of Aviation Kerosene Under Supercritical Conditions[J].JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER,2011,25(3):450-456.
[4] Li XF,Huai XL,Cai J,et al. Convective heat transfer characteristics of China RP-3 aviation kerosene at supercritical pressure[J].APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2011,31(14-15):2360-2366.
[5] 仲峰泉,范学军,俞刚,et al. Performance of supersonic model combustors with staged injections of supercritical aviation kerosene[J].ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,2010,26(5):661-668.
[6] Li XF,仲峰泉,范学军,et al. Study of turbulent heat transfer of aviation kerosene flows in a curved pipe at supercritical pressure[J].APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2010,30(13):1845-1851.
[7] 仲峰泉,范学军,俞刚,et al. Thermal cracking of aviation kerosene for scramjet applications[J].Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences,2009,52(9):2644-2652.
[8] 范学军,仲峰泉,俞刚,et al. Catalytic Cracking and Heat Sink Capacity of Aviation Kerosene Under Supercritical Conditions[J].Journal Of Propulsion And Power,2009,25(6):1226-1232.
[9] 仲峰泉,范学军,俞刚,et al. Heat Transfer of Aviation Kerosene at Supercritical Conditions[J].Journal Of Thermophysics And Heat Transfer,2009,23(3):543-550.
[10] 范学军,俞刚,李建国,et al. Effects of entry conditions on cracked kerosene-fueled supersonic combustor performance[J].Combustion Science and Technology,2007,179(10):2199-2217.
[11] 范学军,Brown GL. Probe for Measurements of Density/Conductivity in Flows of Conducting Fluids[J],2006.
[12] 范学军,俞刚. Analysis of Thermophysical Properties of Daqing RP-3 Aviation Kerosene[J],2006.
[13] 范学军,俞刚,李建国,et al. Investigation of Vaporized Kerosene Injection and Combustion in a Supersonic Model Combustor[J],2006.
[14] 俞刚,范学军. 超声速燃烧与高超声速推进[J].力学进展,2013,43(5):449-471.
[15] 李晓鹏,张泰昌,齐力,等. 超声速燃烧中的特征尺度及影响因素[J].航空动力学报,2013,28(7):1458-1466.
[16] 袁越明,杨猛,张泰昌,等. 脉冲纹影技术及其在超声速燃烧室流场显示中的应用[J].推进技术/JOURNAL OF PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY,2013,34(1):42-46.
[17] 李龙,范学军,王晶. 高温壁面热流与温度一体化测量传感器研究[J].实验流体力学/JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTS IN FLUID MECHANICS,2012,26(1):93-99.
[18] 李勋锋,仲峰泉,范学军,等. 超临界压力下航空煤油水平管内对流换热特性数值研究[J].航空动力学报,2010,25(08):1690-1697.
[19] 李勋锋,仲峰泉,范学军,等. 超临界压力下航空煤油圆管流动和传热的数值研究[J].推进技术,2010(04):467-472.
[20] 江晨曦,仲峰泉,范学军,等. 超临界压力下航空煤油流动与传热特性试验[J].推进技术,2010(02):230-234.
[21] 纪科星,宋宏伟,范学军. 高温MEMS剪应力传感器残余应力分析[J].力学与实践,2010,32(01):60-63.
[22] 仲峰泉,范学军,俞刚. 带主动冷却的超声速燃烧室传热分析[J].推进技术,2009(5):513-517+532.
[23] 孙小波,范学军,陆夕云. 可压缩双组分混合层的直接数值模拟研究[J].中国科学技术大学学报,2007,37(10):1273-1279.
[24] 范学军,俞刚. 超临界煤油超声速燃烧特性实验[J],2006.
[25] 范学军,俞刚. 超临界煤油超声速燃烧特性实验 Experiments on Supersonic Combustion of Supercritical Kerosene[J].推进技术,2006,27(1):79-82.
[26] 范学军,俞刚. 大庆RP-3航空煤油热物性分析[J],2006.