Lan-Hong Dai (戴兰宏)
Stake Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics (LNM)
Institute of Mechanics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
No 15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing 100190
P.R. China
中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室,北京 100190,中国
Phone: 86-10-82543958;86-10-82543890
Fax: 86-10-82543977
1992.9-1996.8: 中国科学院力学研究所, 固体力学博士学位
1996.9-1998.9: 北京大学力学系, 博士后
1998.12: 中科院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室 副研究员
1999.2-1999.12: 香港科技大学,访问工作
2001.12: 中科院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室 研究员
2003.6: 中科院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室 研究员、博士生导师
2005.10-2006.10: 哈佛大学,访问工作
2006.10-至今: 中科院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室 研究员、博士生导师
1. 冲击动力学
2. 新型材料力学性能
3. 无序介质非线性力学
4. 高速加工制造力学
Shear banding in bulk metallic glasses (Chapter 8, Author: Lan Hong Dai)
in Adiabatic Shear Localization: Frontiers and Advances (2nd ed, by B. Dodd and Y.L. Bai), Elsevier, 2012.
力学进展 2013,43(3): 265-294.
A universal power law for metallic glasses.
M. Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, J. B. Gao and L. H. Dai
Scr. Mater. 2013, in press.
Collective evolution dynamics of multiple shear bands in bulk metallic glasses.
Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai
International Journal of Plasticity 2013, 50:18-36.
Strain rate dependent shear banding behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite.
J.H. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, Y. Chen, L.H. Dai
Materials Science & Engineering A 2013, 576:134-139.
Cavitation instability in bulk metallic glasses.
X. Huang, Z. Ling, L.H. Dai
International Journal of Solids and Structures 2013, 50: 1364-1372.
Modeling periodic adiabatic shear band evolution during high speed machining Ti-6Al-4V alloy.
G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, M.Q. Jiang, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai
International Journal of Plasticity 2013, 40:39-55.
Relation between ideal and real strengths of metallic glasses.
M. Q. Jiang, F, Jiang, V. Keryvin, J. X. Meng, J. Sun, and L. H. Dai
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2012, 358: 3119-3123.
Saffman-Taylor fingering in nanosecond pulse laser ablating bulk metallic glass in water.
Y. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, G.W. Yang, J.H. Chen, Y.J. Guan, L.H. Dai
Intermetallics 2012, 31: 325-329.
Energy absorption mechanism of open-cell Zr-based bulk metallic glass foam.
X. Wei, J. H. Chen, L. H. Dai
Scripta Mater. 2012, 66:721-724.
Cutting AISI 1045 steel at very high speeds.
G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, W. Ma, M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai
International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 2012, 56: 1-9.
Instability criterion of materials in combined stress states and its application to orthogonal cutting process.
W. Ma, X.W. Li, L.H. Dai, Z. Ling
International Journal of Plasticity 2012, 30-31: 18-40.
Amorphous alloy reinforced Whipple shield structure.
X. Huang, Z. Ling, Z.D. Liu, H.S. Zhang, L.H. Dai
International Journal of Impact Engineering 2012, 42: 1-10.
中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 2012,42: 551-559.
Temperature-dependent yield asymmetry between tension and compression in metallic glasses.
Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai
Acta Phys. Sin. 2012, 61: 036201.
How does spallation microdamage nucleate in bulk amorphous alloys under shock loading?
X. Huang, Z. Ling, H. S. Zhang, J. Ma, L.H. Dai
Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 110: 103519.
Surface rippling on bulk metallic glass under nanosecond pulse laser ablation.
Y. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, G.W. Yang, Y.J. Guan, L.H. Dai
Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 191902.
Influence of cutting conditions on the cutting performance of TiAl6V4.
G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai
Adv. Mater. Res. 2011, 337: 387-391.
Slip-line field modeling of orthogonal machining pressure sensitive materials.
G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai
Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2012, 58: 907-914.
Failure criterion for metallic glasses.
Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, Y.J. Wei, and L.H. Dai
Philos. Mag. 2011,91: 4536-4554
Crack branching instability and directional stability in dynamic fracture of a tough bulk metallic glass
M.Q. Jiang, J.X. Meng, V. Keryvin, and L.H. Dai
Intermetallics 2011, 19, 1775-1779.
How does the initial free volume distribution affect shear band formation in metallic glass?
Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Sci. China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy . 2011, 54: 1488-1494.
Shear-band toughness of bulk metallic glasses.
M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Acta Mater. 2011, 59: 4525-4537.
Metallic glass nanofilms.
M.Q. Jiang, G.H. Duan, and L.H. Dai
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2011, 357: 1621-1627.
Fractal in fracture of bulk metallic glass.
M.Q. Jiang, J.X. Meng, J. B. Gao, X.-L. Wang, T. Rouxel, V. Keryvin, Z. Ling, and L.H. Dai
Intermetallics 2010, 18: 2468-2471.
Intrinsic correlation between dilatation and pressure sensitivity of plastic flow in metallic glasses.
L. Sun, M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Scripta Mater. 2010, 63: 943-946.
Stabilizing to disruptive transition of focal adhesion response to mechanical forces.
D. Kong, B.H. Ji, L.H. Dai
J. Biomech. 2010, 43: 2524-2529.
Short-range-order effects on intrinsic plasticity of metallic glasses.
M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Phil. Mag. Lett. 2010, 90: 269-277.
Nanoscale periodic corrugation to dimple transition due to "beat" in a bulk metallic glass.
M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, J.X. Meng, J.B. Gao, and L.H. Dai
Scripta Mater. 2010, 62: 572-575.
Smaller Deborah number inducing more serrated plastic flow of metallic glass.
M.Q. Jiang, S.Y. Jiang, Z. Ling, and L.H. Dai
Comput. Mater. Sci. 2009, 46: 767-771.
On the origin of shear banding instability in metallic glasses.
M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 2009, 57: 1267-1292.
Formation mechanism of lamellar chips during machining of bulk metallic glass.
M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Acta Mater. 2009, 57: 2730-2738.
Prediction of shear-band thickness in metallic glasses.
M.Q. Jiang, W.H. Wang, and L.H. Dai
Scripta Mater. 2009, 60: 1004-1007.
Inherent shear-dilatation coexistence in metallic glass.
M.Q. Jiang, S.Y. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2009, 26: 016103.
Atomistic origin of rate-dependent serrated plastic flow in metallic glasses.
S.Y. Jiang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, and Y.G. Yao
Nanoscale Res.Lett. 2008, 3: 524-529.
Stability of Adhesion Clusters and Cell Reorientation under Lateral Cyclic Tension.
Dong Kong, Baohua Ji and Lanhong Dai
Biophys Journal 2008, 95:4034-4044.
Basic mechanical behaviors and mechanics of shear banding in BMGs.
L.H. Dai and Y.L. Bai
Int. J. Impact Eng. 2008,35:704-716.
Dynamic fracture instability of tough bulk metallic glass.
J.X. Meng, Z. Ling, M.Q. Jiang, H.S. Zhang, L.H. Dai
Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008,92:171909.
Concentrated-mass cantilever enhances multiple harmonics in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy.
Huiling Li, Yan Chen, Lanhong Dai
Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008,92:151903.
Energy dissipation in fracture of bulk metallic glasses via inherent competition between local softening and quasi-cleavage.
M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, J.X. Meng, L.H. Dai
Philos. Mag. 2008, 88:407-426.
Numerical study of pile-up in bulk metallic glass during spherical indentation.
Ai Ke, Dai Lanhong
Sci. China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 2008, 51: 379-386.
A modified free volume model for characterizing of rate effect in bulk metallic glasses.
LIU Long-Fei, DAI Lan-Hong, BAI Yi-Long
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2008, 25: 1052-1055.
On mechanical properties of metallic glass and its liquid vitrification characteristics.
M.Q. Jiang and L.H. Dai
Adv. Mater.Res. 2008, 41-42: 247-252.
Nonlinear mechanical modeling of cell adhension.
Dong Kong, Baohua Ji and Lanhong Dai
Journal Theoretical Biology 2008, 250:75-84.
Intrinic correlation between fragility and bulk modulus in metallic glasses.
M.Q. Jiang, and L.H. Dai
Phys. Rev.B 2007, 76:054204.
力学进展 2007, 37: 346-360.
A new modified expanding cavity model for characterizing the spherical indentation behavior of bulk metallic glass with pile-up.
K. Ai and L.H.Dai.
Scripta Mater. 2007, 56:761-764.
Charaterization of rate-dependent shear behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glass using shear-punch testing.
L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai,Y.L. Bai, B.C. Wei, J. Eckert.
J. Mater. Res. 2006, 1(1):153-160.
Adiabatic shear banding instability in bulk metallic glasses.
L.H.Dai, M.Yan, L.F.Liu, Y.L. Bai.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005,87:141916.
Initiation and propagation of shear bands in Zr-based bulk metallic glass under quasi-static and dynamic loadings.
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2005,351:3259-3270.
Release Behaviour of shock loaded LY12 aluminum alloy.
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2005, 22:2903-2905.
Behavior of multiple shear bands in Zr-based bulk metallic glass.
Mater. Chem. Phys. 2005,93:174-177.
Strain rate-dependent compressive deformation behavior of Nd-based bulk metallic glass.
Intermetallics 2005,13:827-832.
Formation of adiabatic shear band in metal matrix composites.
L.H.Dai, L.F.Liu, Y.L.Bai.
Int. J. Solids & Struct. 2004,41:5979-5993.
Serrated plastic flow in Zr-based bulk metallic glass during nanoindentation.
L.H.Dai, L.F.Liu, M.Yan, B.C. Wei, J.Eckert.
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2004, 21(8):1593-1595.
Characterization of rate-dependent loading/unloading dynamic constitutive behavior of aluminum alloy by Lagrange experiment.
M.Yan, L.H.Dai,L.T.Shen, J.L.Shang.
J. Mater. Sci. 2004, 39: 3179-3181.
Effect of particle size on the formation of adiabatic shear band in particle reinforced metal matrix composites.
L.H.Dai, L.F.Liu, Y.L.Bai.
Mater.Lett. 2004, 58: 1773-1776.
Shear strength measurements in LY-12 aluminum alloy during shock loading.
L.H.Dai, M.Yan, L.T.Shen.
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2004,21: 707-708.
Strain gradient effects on deformation strengthening behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix composites.
L.F.Liu, L.H. Dai, G.W. Yang.
Mater. Sci. Eng. 2003,A345: 190-196.
Onset of adiabatic shear instability in strain gradient dependent metal matrix composites.
L.H. Dai, L.F. Liu, Y.L. Bai.
International Journal of Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation. 2002, 3: 685-688.
Size-dependent inelastic behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix composites.
L.H. Dai, Z. Ling and Y. L. Bai.
Composites Science and Technology 2001, 61: 1057-1063.
An incremental micromechanical scheme for nonlinear composites.
L.H. Dai and G.J. Huang .
International Journal of Mechanical Science 2001, 43: 1179-1193.
Effect of reinforcing particle size on the formation of microbands in SiCp/6151 Al matrix composites.
L.F.Liu, L.H.Dai, G.W.Yang.
Journal of Materials Science Letters 2001, 20: 2097-2098.
Strain gradient effect on the initiation of adiabatic shear localization in metal matrix composites.
L.H. Dai , Z. Ling and Y.L., Bai.
Key Engineering Materials 2000, 177-180: 401-406.
A strain gradient strengthening law for particle reinforced metal matrix composites
L.H. Dai, Z. Ling and Y.L., Bai.
Scripta Materialia 1999, 41(3): 245-251.
Explicit expressions of bounds for effective moduli for multiphase composites by the generalized self-consistent method.
L.H., Dai, Z.P., Huang and R. Wang.
Composites Science and Technology 1999 , 59(11): 1691-1699.
A generalized self-consistent Mori-Tanaka scheme for predicyion of the eefctive moduli of hybrid multiphase particulate composites.
L.H., Dai, Z.P., Huang and R. Wang.
Polymer Composites 1998, 19: 506-513.
Experimental investigation on shear strength of unidirectional C/Al composite under dynamic torsional loading.
L.H., Dai, Y.L., Bai and R. S.W., Lee.
Composites Science and Technology 1998, 58: 1667-1673.
Transverse shear strength of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite under static and dynamic loadings.
L.H., Dai and Y.L., Bai.
Journal of Composite Materials 1998, 32(3): 246-257.
中国科学院研究生院: <弹塑性力学>
课题组名称: 冲击动力学与新型材料力学性能
Current members:
Research interests
Zhong Ling
(凌中) 副研究员 材料动力学性能与微结构表征
Yong-jun Guan
(关永军) 副研究员 冲击动力学和材料工艺力学
Min-qiang Jiang
(蒋敏强) 副研究员 非晶态材料的变形与断裂
Yan Chen
(陈艳) 助研 新型材料力学与结构安全
Xiu Wei
(魏秀) 博士后 非晶合金泡沫的制备与性能
Gui-gen Ye
(叶贵根) 博士后 金属高速切削机理
Xin Huang
(黄鑫) 2009级硕博连读生 块体非晶态合金的层裂行为
Yue Lan
Jun-hong Chen
(陈军红) 2009级硕博连读生 非晶合金复合材料的制备与力学性能
Xia Liu
(刘霞) 2009级硕博连读生 动态断裂不稳定行为
Fan Zeng
(曾繁) 2010级硕士生 非晶合金的动态破坏
Songlin Cai
(蔡松林) 2010级硕博连读生
Qi Wang
(王祺) 2011级硕士生 金属高速切削
Wen Qin
(覃文) 2011级硕士生 金属高速切削
Liang Xiang
(向亮) 2012级硕士生 待定
Zhi-li Tian
(田智立) 2012级硕士生 非晶态合金
Wei-Wei Yang
(杨薇薇) 2012级硕士生(联合培养)
Juan Zheng
(郑娟) 2012级硕士生(联合培养)
Former members:
Research interests
Min Yan
(阎敏) 2005.06硕士毕业 冲击荷载下硬铝合金的加卸载响应
Ke Ai
Si-yue Jiang
Ji-xing Meng
the University of Rennes(法国):攻读博士
Min-qiang Jiang
中科院力学所 非线性力学国家重点实验室(北京)
Dong Kong
Liang Sun
Yang Liu
(刘阳) 2011.06博士毕业
Yan Chen
(陈艳) 2011.06博士毕业
中科院力学所 非线性力学国家重点实验室(北京)
Bao-ming Huang
(黄宝明) 2011.06硕士毕业
Jie Yu
(余杰) 2011.06硕士毕业