1.Center for Theoretical Physics, College of Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China 2.Physics Teaching and Research Section, College of Medical Technology, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China Received Date:2020-01-28 Available Online:2021-06-15 Abstract:Super-entropic black holes possess finite-area but noncompact event horizons and violate the reverse isoperimetric inequality. It has been conjectured that such black holes always have negative specific heat at constant volume $ C_{V} $ or negative specific heat at constant pressure $ C_{P} $ whenever $ C_{V}>0 $, making them unstable in extended thermodynamics. In this paper, we describe a test of this instability conjecture with a family of nonlinear electrodynamic black holes, namely 3D Einstein-Born-Infeld (EBI) AdS black holes. Our results show that when nonlinear electrodynamics effects are weak, the instability conjecture is valid. However, the conjecture can be violated in some parameter region when nonlinear electrodynamics effects are strong enough. This observation thus provides a counter example to the instability conjecture, which suggests that super-entropic black holes may be thermodynamically stable.
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II.THERMODYNAMICS OF 3D EBI AdS BLACK HOLESIn this section, thermodynamics of 3D EBI AdS black holes are discussed. The actions of 3D-Einstein gravity being coupled with Born-Infeld electrodynamics are
$ I = \int {\rm d}^{3}x\sqrt{-g}\left[ \frac{R-2\varLambda} {16\pi}+L(F)\right] , $
Here, constant b is the Born-Infeld parameter, g is the determinant of the metric tensor, $ \Lambda = -1/l^{2} $ is the cosmological constant, l is the AdS radius, and $ L(F) $ is the Lagrangian of Born-Infeld electrodynamics. The metric and gauge potential are [40,41]
where Q and M stand for the charge and mass of EBI black holes, respectively. In the limit of $ b\rightarrow\infty $, this is reduced to the charged BTZ black hole solution [23],
In extended thermodynamics, one identifies enthalpy H [6] with the mass of the black hole, and the pressure is $ P = -\Lambda/8\pi = 1/8\pi l^{2} $. Moreover, entropy S is
$ S = \frac{A}{4} = \frac{1}{2}\pi r_+. $
The first law of thermodynamics, ${\rm d}M = T{\rm d}S+ V{\rm d}P+ $$ \Phi {\rm d}Q$, gives the temperature and the thermodynamic volume of 3D EBI AdS black holes
respectively. It is observed that the thermodynamic volume is different from the geometric volume $ \pi r_{+}^{2} $.
III.INSTABILITY CONJECTURE OF 3D EBI AdS BLACK HOLESFor an asymptotically AdS black hole in extended phase space, it was conjectured in Ref. [9] that a reverse isoperimetric inequality holds,
where the isoperimetric ratio R is defined. Here, V is the thermodynamic volume, A is the horizon area, $ \omega_{d} $ stands for a d-dimensional unit sphere,
where $ \omega_{1} = 2\pi $ and $ \omega_{2} = 4\pi $. The reverse isoperimetric inequality is saturated for a Schwarzschild AdS black hole, as its thermodynamic volume is simply equal to its naive geometric volume. For some more complicated black holes, e.g., Kerr [9], STU [58] and Taub-NUT/Bolt black holes [59], thermodynamic volumes are larger than naive geometric volumes, hence resulting in $ R>1 $. Moreover, unlike a Schwarzschild AdS black hole, these black holes have nonzero $ C_{V} $. However, several black hole solutions were later found to violate the reverse isoperimetric inequality [11-14,60,61]. A black hole that violates the inequality is dubbed "super-entropic black hole" as its entropy is larger than the maximum entropy allowed by the reverse isoperimetric inequality. As argued in Ref. [11], this violation can be attributed to be a result of the finite-area but noncompact event horizon. It was further presented in Refs. [23,24] that a large family of super-entropic black holes has $ C_{V}<0 $ or $ C_{P}<0 $ whenever $ C_{V}>0 $, showing that they are unstable in extended thermodynamics. In this section, we first show that 3D EBI AdS black holes are super-entropic, which means that they violate the reverse isoperimetric inequality $ \left( 9\right) $. In fact, according to Eqs. $ \left( 6\right) $, $ \left( 7\right) $, and $ \left( 9\right) $, the isoperimetric ratio R for 3D EBI AdS black holes can be readily computed to be
$ R = \sqrt{1-\frac{l^{2}Q^{2}}{2r_+^{2}}\left( 1+\sqrt{1+\frac{Q^{2}}{4l^{2}b^{2}}}\right) ^{-1}}. $
It is obvious from Eq. $ \left( 11\right) $ that $ R<1 $, which means that 3D EBI AdS black holes violate the reverse isoperimetric inequality as long as $ Q\neq0 $. Note that for $ Q = 0 $, EBI AdS black holes are reduced to Schwarzschild AdS black holes, which have $ R = 1 $. Consequently, 3D EBI AdS black holes are super-entropic. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the behavior of $ C_{V} $ and $ C_{P} $ of 3D EBI AdS black holes and provide further investigation results of the instability conjecture. Using Eq. $ \left( 6\right) $, we can write thermodynamic quantities in terms of S and P,
$ T = \frac{8PS}{\pi}+\frac{2Sb^{2}}{\pi^{2}}\left( 1-\sqrt{1+\frac{\pi ^{2}Q^{2}}{16b^{2}S^{2}}}\right) , $
$ V = \frac{4S^{2}}{\pi}+\frac{b^{2}}{32\pi P^{2}}\left( 1-\sqrt {1+\frac{2\pi PQ^{2}}{b^{2}}}\right) . $
From Eq. $ \left( 6\right) $, we observe that the entropy S is geometrical and only depends on the horizon radius $ r_{+} $. Hence the entropy S and the thermodynamic volume V are independent functions, which consequently gives a nonzero $ C_{V} $. To obtain the specific heat at constant volume $ C_{V} $, it is easier to start with $ C_{P} $. Using Eq. $ \left( 12\right) $, we can express S in terms of T and P,
which is manifestly positive. For large T, one has $ C_{P}(T) = \dfrac{\pi T}{8P}+\cdots $. When $ b\rightarrow\infty $, Eq. $ \left( 15\right) $ reduces to $ C_{P}^{\text{BTZ}} $ of charged BTZ black holes (see Eq. $ \left( 7\right) $ in Ref. [23]),
where $ \kappa_{T}\equiv-V\partial P/\left. \partial V\right\vert _{T} $ is the isothermal bulk modulus, and $ \beta_{S}\equiv-V^{-1}\partial V/\left. \partial P\right\vert _{S} $ is the adiabatic compressibility. To be self-contained, a derivation of Eq. $ \left( 17\right) $ is given in the appendix. Substituting Eq. $ \left( 14\right) $ in Eq. $ \left( 13\right) $ yields
With the above results for $ \kappa_{T} $, $ \beta_{S} $, and $ C_{P}(T) $, one can use Eq. $ \left( 17\right) $ to obtain the specific heat at constant volume $ C_{V} $. As a check, in the limit of $ b\rightarrow\infty $, we find that $ C_{V}(T) $ becomes $ C_{V}^{\text{BTZ}}(T) $ of charged BTZ black holes (see Eq. $ \left( 10\right) $ in Ref. [23]), where
In Fig. 1, we plot the specific heat at constant volume $ C_{V} $, the specific heat at constant pressure $ C_{P} $, the black hole mass M and the black hole temperature T as functions of the black hole horizon radius $ r_{+} $ for 3D EBI AdS black holes with fixed pressure $ l = 1.0 $, fixed charge $ Q = 1.0 $ and various $ b = 0.1,0.5,1.69,100 $. For $ b = 100 $, non-linear electrodynamics effects are negligible, and hence, the behavior of 3D EBI AdS black holes closely resembles that of charged BTZ black holes. As shown in Fig. 1(a), $ C_{P} $ is always positive, whereas $ C_{V} $ is always negative, which recovers the results of BTZ black holes [23]. As b decreases to $ b\simeq1.69 $, Fig. 1(b) shows that $ C_{V} $ stays negative and becomes highly negative as T goes to zero. Interestingly, for small enough values of b (i.e., $ b\lesssim 1.69 $), our numerical results show that $ C_{V} $ and $ C_{P} $ can both be positive in some parameter region. In fact, when $ b = 0.5 $ and $ 0.1 $, the regions in which $ C_{V}>0 $ and $ C_{P}>0 $ are represented by yellow in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d). Note that the black hole temperature T and mass M are both positive in the yellow regions of Figs. 1(c) and 1(d), which means that the 3D EBI AdS black hole solutions with $ C_{V}>0 $ and $ C_{P}>0 $ are physical. Moreover, Figs. 1(c) & 1(d) suggest that the conjecture violation region increases in size with decreasing parameter b. In short, we find that 3D EBI AdS black holes can violate the instability conjecture. Figure1. (color online) Plots of heat capacity at constant volume $ C_{V} $, heat capacity at constant pressure $ C_{P} $, the black hole mass M, and the black hole temperature T against the black hole horizon radius $ r_{+} $ for 3D EBI AdS black holes with $ Q = 1 = l $ and various values of b. Yellow regions denote the regions of interest, where $ C_{V} $ and $ C_{P} $ are both positive, and hence, black holes can be free of thermodynamic instability.
Interestingly, Fig. 1 shows that $ C_{V} $ has a discontinuity for a small enough b. To investigate the nature of the discontinuity in $ C_{V} $, we plotted the horizon radius $ r_{+} $ and the Helmholtz free energy F as functions of the black hole temperature T with fixed volume V in Fig. 2, where $ Q = 1 $ and $ b = 0.1 $. The left panel in Fig. 2 shows that, for a given T, there are two black hole solutions of different sizes, namely Large BH (red line) and Small BH (blue line). Moreover, the black hole temperature T has a maximum $ T_{\max} $, which corresponds to $ \left. \partial r_{+}/\partial T\right\vert _{V} = 0 $. Note that $ C_{V} $ can be rewritten as Figure2. (color online) Plots of the horizon radius $ r_{+} $ and the Helmholtz free energy F against the black hole temperature T for 3D EBI AdS black holes with fixed volume V. Here, we take $ Q = 1 $ and $ b = 0.1 $. The blue and red lines represent Small BH and Large BH, respectively. The specific heat at constant volume $ C_{V} $ of Small/Large BH is positive/negative. As a result, $ C_{V} $ is discontinuous at the maximum value of T.
where we use Eq. $ \left( 6\right) $ for the entropy S. Therefore, Large/Small BH has a negative/positive $ C_{V} $, which goes to negative/positive infinity as T approaches $ T_{\max} $. In short, the discontinuity in $ C_{V} $ corresponds to the maximum value of the black hole temperature, at which the two black hole phases (i.e., Large BH and Small BH) merge. The right panel of Fig. 2 displays that the free energy of Small BH is always smaller than that of Large BH, which indicates that there is no phase transition. Our results suggest that, at a constant volume, 3D EBI AdS black holes with positive $ C_{V} $ are globally stable.
APPENDIX A: Derivation of Eq. (17)In this appendix, we present a derivation of Eq. $ \left( 17\right) $, which starts from the definition of the adiabatic compressibility and the isothermal bulk modulus. In fact, the adiabatic compressibility $ \beta_{S} $ and the isothermal bulk modulus $ \kappa_{T} $ are defined by