Ziyue Wang1, , Shao-Jian Jiang2, , Yin Jiang3, , 1.Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China 3.Physics Department, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China Received Date:2020-12-24 Available Online:2021-04-15 Abstract:In this work, the existence of Borromean states is discussed for bosonic and fermionic cases in both the relativistic and non-relativistic limits from the 3-momentum shell renormalization. With the linear bosonic model, we check the existence of Efimov-like states in the bosonic system. In both limits a geometric series of singularities is found in the 3-boson interaction vertex, while the energy ratio is reduced by around 70% in the relativistic limit because of the anti-particle contribution. Motivated by the quark-diquark model in heavy baryon studies, we have carefully examined the p-wave quark-diquark interaction and found an isolated Borromean pole at finite energy scale. This may indicate a special baryonic state of light quarks in high energy quark matter. In other cases, trivial results are obtained as expected. In the relativistic limit, for both bosonic and fermionic cases, potential Borromean states are independent of the mass, which means the results would also be valid even in the zero-mass limit.
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II.BOSONIC SYSTEMWe adopt a boson-di–boson model to study the three-body problem. It is much easier to deal with than a fermionic model because there is no Dirac structure in the vertices. The Lagrangian density reads
where $ \Delta $ and $ \phi $ are both bosonic fields. Obviously the $ \Delta $ field can be viewed as a two-$ \phi $ composite field because of the field equation $ \Delta = h \phi^2 $ in the static limit. We will focus on poles of the 4-point vertex which represents potential bound states in the $ 3\phi\rightarrow 3\phi $ scattering process. In order to obtain the flow equation of g we follow the procedure in Refs. [33, 34] by computing the perturbative corrections to the 2, 3 and 4-point vertices with the 3-momentum shell renormalization, rather than the usual 4-momentum integration used in high energy physics. In this work we will treat field masses as free parameters and tune them to achieve two energy-scale limits and thus neglect the tadpole diagrams. Because of charge conservation there is no one-loop correction to the 3-point vertex. Hence the flow equation of h is given by the wave function renormalization of $ \Delta $ and $ \phi $ fields in Fig. 1 at leading order, i.e. $ \partial_s h = h \partial_s Z_{\phi}+\dfrac{1}{2}h\partial_s Z_\Delta $. The arrows of the propagators represent the charge direction. In non-relativistic models there is no diagram (b) because of the absence of anti-particles. Here we will see that in the NR limit the contribution of diagram (b) is suppressed by mass. Figure1. 1-loop corrections to propagators of $ \Delta $ (a) and $ \phi $ (b).
The flow equations of wave function renormalization, $ Z_\Delta $ and $ Z_{\phi} $, and vertices in the NR limit, i.e. $ \Lambda \ll m $ and $ E_k\simeq m+k^2/(2m) $, are calculated as follows:
$ \partial_s g = \frac{13}{48\pi^2}\frac{g h^2}{m\Lambda}-\frac{1}{3\pi^2}\frac{h^4}{m\Lambda^3}-\frac{1}{12\pi^2}\frac{g^2\Lambda}{m}, $
where $ \Lambda = \Lambda_0 {\rm e}^{-s} $ is the running 3-momentum cutoff. We consider 1-loop corrections to the 4-point vertex coupling g as presented in Fig. 2. In the NR case, diagram (e) is negligible at leading order. In the computation, the mass of the two-body field $ \Delta $ is chosen as $ M = 2m $. This is justified by the fact that $ h^2 = 16\pi^2 m\Lambda $ approaches zero in the infrared limit $ \Lambda\rightarrow 0 $(large s), which means that in this limit the two-body state is quite loosely bound. Making use of the result of h in this limit, the flow equation of coupling g gives the following solution, Figure2. 1-loop contributions to the renormalization of g.
$ g = \frac{4\pi^2m}{\Lambda}\left[-\sqrt{39}{\rm Tan}\left(\frac{\sqrt{39}}{3}s+c_0\right)+5\right], $
whose poles correspond to the spectra of potential 3-body states. Obviously the ratio between binding energies of two neighboring 3-body Borromean states is given by $ {\rm e}^{2\delta s} $, with the step of singularities $ \delta s \approx 0.48 \pi $ for this simple model. Besides the expected Efimov-like behavior, we find that the dimensionless 4-vertex coupling g behaves as a dimensionful quantity scaling with $ \Lambda^{-1} $ as the unit of mass. The same results can be obtained in an explicit NR model by replacing the propagators with $ (k_0-{\vec{k}}^2/(2m)+{\rm i} \eta)^{-1} $. In the relativistic limit, the diagrammatic representations of 1-loop corrections are the same as those in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The difference is that in the limit $ \Lambda\gg m $, diagram (b) in Fig. 1 and diagram (e) in Fig. 2, due to anti-particles, will be at the same order as the others, and hence contribute equally to the corrections of vertices. Taking this anti-particle contribution and the relativistic dispersion relation $ E_k\simeq k+m^2/(2k) $ into account, the flow equations are:
$ \partial_s g = \frac{9}{16\pi^2}\frac{g h^2}{\Lambda^2}-\frac{5}{4\pi^2}\frac{h^4}{\Lambda^4}-\frac{g^2}{4\pi^2}. $
Again we take $ M = 2m $ in the computation because $ h^2 = \dfrac{32}{5}\pi^2\Lambda^2 $ tends to vanish in the IR limit. Since there is no mass dependence in these equations, their solution would not be changed even in the zero mass limit. As expected, the wave function renormalization $ Z_{\phi} $ is at the same order as $ Z_\Delta $. This antiparticle contribution also appears in the $ g^2 $ term of Eq. (6). In the infrared limit, namely small $ \Lambda $ and large s, solutions read
$ g = -\frac{4\sqrt{239}}{5}\pi^2{\rm Tan}\left(\frac{\sqrt{239}}{5}s+c_0\right)+\frac{36}{5}\pi^2. $
Although the $ \Lambda $ dependence of h and g has changed because of the relativistic dispersion relation, the structure of solution is qualitatively the same. We get the Efimov-like series of poles with the energy step reduced to $ \delta s\simeq 0.323\pi $.
III.FERMIONIC SYSTEMAs a reducible 4-dimensional representation, the Dirac spinor can be studied more straightforwardly and self-consistently in relativistic quantum field theory. Although it is well-known that the simplest 3-body Borromean states do not exist in the NR fermionic system because of the Pauli exclusion principle, we will still examine its Dirac structure, i.e. spin-spin interaction, in detail to find whether there is any non-trivial, such as Borromean, 3-body state. Similar to the bosonic case, we introduce a fermion–di-fermion model to study this problem,
where $ \psi_c = C\bar\psi^T = {\rm i}\gamma^2\gamma^0\bar\psi^T $. This model is motivated by the so-call quark-diquark model for studies of quark matter in high energy nuclear physics. Here we choose the one-flavor and one-color quark field for simplicity, since the static isospin and color charge will not change the momentum dependence of the coupling constants which play crucial roles in the structure of the 4-point vertex flow equation. Effectively, $ \psi+\psi_c\rightarrow \Delta $ will generate two kinds of 4-point interaction, the s-wave $ g_1 \Delta^2\bar\psi \psi $ and the p-wave $ g_2 \Delta^2\bar\psi {i {\not{\partial}}}\psi $, because of the Dirac structure. This can easily be checked by straightforward perturbative computation. Although in principle the s-wave part is supposed to vanish in the one-flavor and one-color scenario because of the Pauli exclusion principle, we still keep it for the following two reasons. First, the Pauli exclusion principle could be detoured by introducing more static color or flavor numbers which will bring no changes to the momentum dependence of the coupling constants, up to some symmetric factors. Second, the di-fermion is treated as a fundamental field in this model. As a result this will not technically forbid the s-wave 3-body interaction. It therefore gives us a chance to study its flow equation qualitatively in this simple model. For simplicity we will neglect mixing processes, i.e. $ g_1g_2 $ terms, and calculate corrections to the flow of the two 4-point vertices separately. The contributing diagrams are the same as those in Figs. 1 and 2 if we replace the solid propagators with fermionic ones. In the NR case for the s-wave coupling we get the flow equations as:
Similar to the bosonic case, the $ Z_\psi $ term, due to the anti-fermion, is suppressed by the mass as $ m^{-3} $. By safely neglecting the anti-fermion contribution and taking the small $ \Lambda $ and large m limit, we obtain solutions as
where M has been set as $ 2m $, since the two-body coupling $ h^{2} = 4\pi^2\dfrac{\Lambda}{m} $ approaches zero in the small $ \Lambda $ limit. When the system contains only s-wave coupling, there is no singularity along s for the hyperbolic tangent function, which means no 3-body state appears. This is a well-known result in the NR fermionic system. As a byproduct we also find that the 3-point vertex h is suppressed by m as well, which agrees with the vanishing of the $ \Delta \psi \psi $ term in the NR model because of the fermionic anti-exchange property. In contrast the bosonic result is enhanced by the mass. Although the p-wave vertex has a different momentum dependence, it does not give us any surprises either. The flow equation of $ g_2 $ reads
In the relativistic case, i.e. $ m\ll\Lambda $, the s-wave case is trivial. The $ g_1^2 $ and $ h^4 $ terms are proportional to m, therefore the flow of $ g_1 $ should be governed by the $ g_1 h^2 $ term and results in a trivial solution $ g_1\sim s^{-1} $. In the following we focus on the p-wave interaction, whose flow equations are:
There are no mass dependences, so the solution will not be altered even in the chiral limit $ m = 0 $. In the small $ \Lambda $ limit we find that the two-body coupling goes to zero as $ h^2 = 4\pi^2/(3s) $. Furthermore, $ g_2 $ should satisfy
$ \partial_s G = -2G -\frac{5\pi^2}{18s^2}-\frac{7}{6s}G+\frac{3}{2\pi^2}G^2, $
where $ G = \Lambda^2 g_2 $. The solution goes to $ -{\rm e}^{-2s} $ at large s and converges to $ \pi^2(\sqrt{61}+1)s^{-1}/18 $ at small s. As a typical Riccati equation, it is usually linearized with an auxiliary function $ u(s) $ as $ G(s) = -\dfrac{2\pi^2}{3}\dfrac{\partial_s u}{u} $. The corresponding solution is
where $ \alpha = (13+\sqrt{61})/12 $, $ \beta = \sqrt{61}/6+1 $, $ U_\alpha^\beta $ is the Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function, and $ L_\alpha^\beta $ is the generalized Laguerre polynomial. Obviously the zeros of $ u(s) $ will generate singularities of $ G(s) $. When the integral constant $ c_0>0 $, there is an isolated zero of $ u(s) $ which generates a 1st order pole of $ G(s) $ at finite s, and the corresponding pole increases with c0. When $ c_0<0 $, the pole approaches zero smoothly. The flow of G with different $ c_0 $ is presented in Fig. 3. Figure3. (color online) The flow of G with integral constants $ c_0 = -3, -1, 1, 3 $.
In the UV range (small s) all of the lines converge to the same value $ \pi^2\beta/(3s) $, while in the IR range (large s), different $ c_0 $ correspond to different values at the low energy-scale. However, it is not easy to tune the coupling in the deep IR range to get the 3-body Borromean state, since the value differences are quite small in this range.