The WFCTA is composed of 20 telescopes in fluorescent light observation mode. As shown in Fig. 1, the telescopes are located at the three vertices of an isosceles triangle with a base line of 10 km and a height of 5 km. The telescope arrays at the three vertices are named FD1, FD2 and FD3, respectively. At FD1, 16 telescopes are configured as a $ 4\times4 $ array, covering a range of $ 64^{\circ} $ in azimuth and $ 64^{\circ} $ in elevation starting from $ 3^{\circ} $. The FD2 and FD3 sites, having 2 telescopes each, are located at the bottom vertices. They are configured as a $ 1\times2 $ array, covering a range of $ 32^{\circ} $ in azimuth and $ 16^{\circ} $ in elevation starting from $ 3^{\circ} $. Figure1. (color online) Configuration of WFCTA in fluorescence mode. The small solid circles represent fluorescence telescopes; the arrows illustrate the detector FOV along the azimuth; the large circle close to the center of the FOV represents the ground array of LHAASO. Their relative locations in the coordinate system are displayed at the bottom right.
Each telescope has a spherical reflector made of 20 full and 5 half hexagonal mirror segments. A ray tracing procedure, considering the shadowing of the camera and the gaps between the mirror segments, indicates that the geometrical effective area of the mirror is approximately $ 4.7 {\rm m}^{2} $. The imaging camera is constituted of 1024 SiPMs, forming a $ 32\times 32 $ array with a FOV of $ 16^{\circ} \times 16^{\circ} $. Each SiPM in the camera is a square with a side length of 15.0 mm [2]. A Winston-cone, with the upper and lower square surfaces of 25.4 and 15.0 mm in length, respectively, and with an angular aperture of $ 0.5^{\circ} $, is coupled to each SiPM. Each SiPM is read out by a 50 MHz FADC to measure the shower signals, with a typical duration of 20 ns. A peak finding algorithm has been developed in order to provide an individual SiPM trigger using a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Three trigger levels are required for event detection. The first is set by requiring a signal-noise ratio greater than $ 4.0\sigma $ for the FD1 telescopes and $ 3.5\sigma $ for the FD2 (or FD3) telescopes, where $ \sigma $ is a standard deviation describing the background fluctuation within a running window of 320 ns [7]. According to the simulations, there are two main types of pattern for the images of air showers detected by the WFCTA telescopes. Fluorescent light images of air showers seen from several kilometers away tend to make line-shaped patterns on the camera, whereas Cherenkov light images of showers hitting the telescope head-on tend to form round-shaped patterns. Therefore, pattern recognition is performed on patches of $ 6\times6 $ SiPMs running over the whole camera. The 'track-type' pattern requires at least six triggered pixels forming a straight line and the 'circular-type' pattern forms with a triggered SiPM surrounded by another six adjacent SiPMs. Details of the pattern recognition are given in Ref. [7]. It should be noted that the method described in this article does not attempt to reconstruct such Cherenkov events from the EAS shower. A second level trigger decision is based on which of the telescopes in the array has issued a trigger, and is therefore referred to as the telescope trigger. The third level of trigger requires that FD1 is triggered in coincidence with at least one other of the two FDs. 2B.Monte Carlo data -->
B.Monte Carlo data
A complete Monte Carlo simulation was carried out, beginning with EAS generation using CORSIKA (version 75600) [8]. The QGSJET-II-04 and Gheisha models were selected for the high and low energy interactions of particles, respectively. The zenith angle was set in the range of $ 30^{\circ} $ to $ 60^{\circ} $ and the azimuth was from $ -180^{\circ} $ to $ 180^{\circ} $. The energies were fixed at 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 900 and 1100 PeV. The statistics are shown in Table 1. Given the large number of particles in the EAS above 100 PeV, a thinning option was chosen, setting different thinning levels for each energy. For each event, the shower's longitudinal development was recorded in steps of $ 5\; {\rm{g/cm^2}} $. The development curve of charged particles was input into the simulation procedure of the WFCTA fluorescence experiment. Each event was used five times, by sampling the shower core in a range of $ 15\; {\rm{km}} \times 12\; {\rm{km}} $. Reference [9] provides further details of light generation and propagation, as well as the response of the detectors.
Table1.Statistics of the CORSIKA events produced for this work.
A.Noisy SiPM identification
A trajectory can be found within the coordinate system of triggering time versus viewing angle of the SiPM (time-elevation space) for each event. In the simulation, all photons collected by one SiPM form a complete waveform according to their arrival time. Based on the measurement, night sky background (NSB) photons with a flux of 10 photons per microsecond per square meter of the light collector are randomly added to the waveform. The electronic noise, with a mean of 1.2 FADC counts per 20 ns, is also added to every channel. A typical signal pulse detected by a SiPM is shown in Fig. 2. As shown in the top panel of Fig. 3, many isolated SiPMs which are not in the trajectory can be triggered by the night sky background and electronics noise and mimic the weak signal of fluorescence light. For a reliable trajectory reconstruction, the noisy SiPMs are removed in three steps: Figure2. Distribution of the signal pulse for a typical SiPM. The total FADC bins are 900 for each SiPM. Here, to display the signal area clearly, only 300 FADC bins around the signal area are shown.
Figure3. (color online) Triggering time distribution as a function of viewing angle of SiPMs. The dots are SiPMs. The red curves are the results of conic fitting to the data. (top) The distribution of surviving channels after applying the SNR cut. (middle) The distribution after applying a further cut on the SiPM triggering time. (bottom) The distribution applying also the trajectory fitting cuts.
● SNR suppression of triggered SiPM: The SiPMs marked as noisy channels by the signal-noise ratio (SNR) described in Sec. II are removed. ● SiPM triggering time: Once a photon gets into a SiPM, its arrival time is recorded and referred to as $ t_0 $ of the SiPM. An algorithm for finding the pulse area is applied to determine how many photons are detected by each SiPM. The triggering time of the SiPM is calculated by
where N is the number of FADC bins included in the signal pulse area, $ \omega_i = \dfrac{P_i}{\sum P_i} $, with $ P_i $ being the number of counts in the $ i^{\rm th} $ FADC bin after subtracting the pedestal, and $t_i = 20 \;{\rm (ns)} \cdot n_i$, with $ n_i $ the ordinal of FADC bin i. To investigate the time distribution of the SiPMs, a further MC study has been performed based on random shower sampling from the whole data set described in Sec. II.B. As an example, the distribution of time intervals of 500 PeV showers, that is, the time difference between the arrival of the first and last photons, is shown in Fig. 4. The results presented in Table 2 indicate that at all energies, only a few SiPMs ($ N_2 $) in more than 30,000 ($ N_1 $) have photon arrival time intervals greater than 2500 ns. However, most of these SiPMs ($ N_2 $) only receive several photons and after the SNR cut, only a very few ($ N_3 $) can survive. Therefore, all SiPMs with $ t' $ exceeding 2500 ns are marked as noisy. The triggering time distribution versus viewing angle of a shower following this cut is shown in the middle panel of Fig. 3. Figure4. Photon arrival time interval of triggered SiPMs for 500 PeV showers.
Table2.Distribution of SiPMs versus energy. $N_1$ is the total number of SiPMs that received photons from the shower. $N_2$ and $N_3$ are the numbers of SiPMs in which the time interval was greater than 2500 ns. $N_3$ is the number of triggered SiPMs.
● Trajectory fitting: The trajectory of a shower in the time-elevation space can be fitted by a polynomial function,
$ T_{\rm fit}(\chi_i) = A+B\chi_i+C\chi_i^2, $
where $ \chi_i $ is the elevation of the $ i^{\rm th} $ SiPM. A SiPM is marked as noisy if its time residual is more than three standard deviations $ \sigma $, where
Then, three iterations are applied to mark all noisy SiPMs as accurately as possible. The triggering time distribution versus viewing angle of a shower following this cut is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3. 2B.Stereo-angular fitting -->
B.Stereo-angular fitting
To describe the geometry of the SiPMs, a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system has been defined with the Z-axis pointing at the zenith and the X-axis pointing east. Once the pointing position of each telescope is fixed, the direction vector of the SiPMs in the coordinate system can be calculated accordingly. In the reconstruction of stereo-angular fitting, with N signal SiPMs marked by the above procedures, a function can be constructed:
where $ \Delta \theta_i $ is the space angle between the direction vector of the $ i^{\rm th} $ SiPM and the normal vector of the SDP, and $ \omega_i = \dfrac{s_i}{\sum s_i} $, where $ s_i $ is the number of photons received by the $ i^{\rm th} $ SiPM. $ \Delta \theta_{i} $ and therefore $ \Delta \theta_{\rm tol} $ varies with the SDP. By minimizing $ \Delta \theta_{\rm tol} $, one can get the direction of the SDP. 2C.Stereo-timing fitting -->
C.Stereo-timing fitting
Due to its wide FOV, the shower track length of FD1 in the image plane is longer than that of FD2 (or FD3); thus the accuracy of SDP reconstruction of FD1 via the stereo-angular method is superior to that of FD2 (or FD3). To take full advantage of this, another approach, called "stereo-timing fitting", is investigated. In this method, the SDP of FD1 is also reconstructed with stereo-angular fitting. For FD2 (or FD3), firstly, an average vector $ \vec{V_{C}} $, weighted by the SiPM signals, is calculated from all triggered SiPMs in each event:
where $ \vec{V_i} $ is the direction vector of the $ i^{\rm th} $ SiPM. The simulation results shown in Fig. 5 indicate that the space angles between $ \vec{V_C} $ and the SDP of FD2 (or FD3) for events above 300 PeV are less than $ 0.06^{\circ} $. That is, $ \vec{V_C} $ is almost within the SDP. Thus, in the fitting, the SDP of FD2 (or FD3) can be restricted to rotate around $ \vec{V_C} $. Secondly, a $ \chi_t^2 $ is constructed: Figure5. Width of the space angle distribution between the vector $\vec{V_{C}}$ and the SDP of FD2 (or FD3).
where i represents the $ i^{\rm th} $ SiPM of FD1, $ T_i $ is the observed triggering time, and $ \sigma_i $ is the width of the signal pulse. $ T_{\exp}(i) $ is the expected triggering time:
where c is the speed of light, $ T_0 $ is the observed triggering time of a reference SiPM which is selected in the center of the shower track and with a strong signal, and $ \gamma $ equals 1 for $ T_{\exp}(i) > T_0 $ and -1 for $ T_{\exp}(i) < T_0 $. A schematic diagram of its calculation is shown in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 6, $ R_i $ and $ R_0 $ are the lengths of lines DA and DB, which extend from the FD1 site to the shower axis along the direction of the $ i^{\rm th} $ and reference SiPMs, respectively. Their lengths vary with the rotation of the FD2 (or FD3) SDP around a vector along $ \vec{V_{C}} $. Figure6. (color online) Schematic diagram of $T_{\rm exp}$ calculation in stereo-timing fitting. Shaded areas represent the FOV of FD1 and FD2 (or FD3) respectively. DA and DB are lines from the FD1 site to the shower axis along the SiPM directions. FC is the central vector of the image observed by FD2 (or FD3).
By minimizing $ \chi_t^2 $ by changing the normal vector of SDP of FD2 (or FD3), one can obtain the true SDP. -->
A.Event selection
To have good resolution, events with poor reconstruction accuracy are cut with the following selections: ● Cut (i): Events falling in the edge of the FOV of the telescope array cannot be precisely reconstructed. To avoid such edge effects, an average vector for each event, weighted by the signals of the triggered SiPMs, i.e. the center of the image, is calculated. The minimal angular distances between the vector and the four FOV edges of the telescope array, called $ \Delta \theta_t $, $ \Delta \theta_b $, $ \Delta \theta_l $ and $ \Delta \theta_r $, are calculated. A parameter $ \Delta \theta $ which represents the minimal value of $ \Delta \theta_t $, $ \Delta \theta_b $, $ \Delta \theta_l $ and $ \Delta \theta_r $, is applied. Events with $ \Delta \theta < 2^{\circ} $ (FD1) or $ \Delta\theta < 3^{\circ} $ (FD2 (or FD3)) are treated as marginal events and will be cut. ● Cut (ii): For SDP reconstruction with the stereo-angular method, its resolution is significantly affected by the track length of the event. Thus, only events with track lengths greater than $ 16^{\circ} $ in FD1 and greater than $ 14^{\circ} $ in FD2 (or FD3) are chosen for stereo-angular fitting. The resolution of the SDP of FD2 (or FD3) does not depend on the track length in stereo-timing fitting, and thus, it has no cut on the track length of FD2 (or FD3). ● Cut (iii): Due to the fact that the shower trajectory is obtained by the intersection of two SDPs of FD1 and FD2 (or FD3), the trajectory cannot be reconstructed accurately if the opening angle of the two SDPs is either too small or too large; hence, a parameter $ \Delta \phi $ is defined to describe this opening angle and events with $ \Delta \phi <10 ^{\circ} $ or $ \Delta \phi >170 ^{\circ} $ are rejected. The above event cuts are optimized considering both the improvement of reconstructed accuracy and the event survival rate. Figure 7 shows the event survival rate after each cut, which indicates that after all cuts, more than 48% of events remain in the stereo-angular method, and 57% of events in the stereo-timing method. Figure7. (color online) Event retention rate after Cut (i) (solid circles), Cut (i) + Cut (ii) (solid squares) and all cuts (solid triangles) at each energy for stereo-angular fitting (left) and stereo-timing fitting (right).
2B.Reconstruction results -->
B.Reconstruction results
From the medians of the SDP reconstruction errors displayed in Table 3, it can be seen that FD1 has the best SDP resolution. For FD2 (or FD3), the SDP resolution with the stereo-timing method is better than that with the stereo-angular method. Taking the energy of 500 PeV as an example, their medians are $ 0.064^{\circ} $ for FD1, and $ 0.366^{\circ}$ for FD2 (or FD3) with angular fitting (FD2_A), and $ 0.209^{\circ} $ for FD2 (or FD3) with timing fitting (FD2_T).
Table3.Medians of the distributions of the SDP reconstruction errors. FD2_A and FD2_T represent the errors obtained by the stereo-angular and stereo-timing method, respectively. For 100 PeV showers, the fluorescent light signal is too small, leading to a large error on the SiPM triggering times, so the SDP resolution of FD2 (or FD3) is too bad at this energy and is not recorded in the table.
Once the SDPs are obtained, reconstruction of the shower's primary direction is straightforward. By intersecting two SDPs from FD1 and FD2 (or FD3), the shower trajectory, and therefore its primary direction, can be obtained:
where $ \overrightarrow{V_1}(m_1,n_1,l_1) $ and $ \overrightarrow{V_2}(m_2,n_2,l_2) $ are the SDP normal vectors of FD1 and FD2 (or FD3) respectively. As an example, the distribution of the space angle between the reconstructed and the real shower directions at 500 PeV is shown in Fig. 8. They have quasi-two-dimensional Gaussian distributions and the medians of the distributions are taken to present the reconstruction accuracy. The medians as a function of energy after each cut are shown in Fig. 9 for the two reconstruction methods, and the final reconstruction accuracies after all cuts are shown in Fig. 10 and Table 4. The results indicate that at all energies, the stereo-timing method has better reconstruction ability than the stereo-angular method. Taking 500 PeV showers as an example, the angular resolutions are $ 0.44^{\circ} $ and $ 0.23^{\circ} $ for the stereo-angular and stereo-timing methods, respectively. Figure 11 shows the event retention rates after all cuts. In stereo-timing fitting, the track length of the image of FD2 (or FD3) is not required to be greater than $ 14^{\circ}$ in the event selection. Therefore, its event retention rates are slightly higher than those in stereo-angular fitting. Figure8. (color online) Distribution of space angle between reconstructed and simulated shower trajectories at 500 PeV for stereo-angular fitting (black curve) and stereo-timing fitting (red curve), respectively.
Figure9. Distribution of space angle between reconstructed and actual shower trajectories after each cut at all energies for stereo-angular (left) and stereo-timing (right) methods, respectively.
Figure10. (color online) Distribution of space angle between reconstructed and actual shower trajectories after event selection at all energies for stereo-angular fitting (solid circles) and stereo-timing fitting (solid triangles), respectively. The 0-95% ranges of the distribution are also plotted (vertical lines).
Table4.Medians of the distributions of the shower direction reconstructed error for stereo-angular and stereo-timing techniques.
Figure11. Event retention rates at each energy for stereo-angular fitting (solid triangles) and stereo-timing fitting (solid circles), respectively.
Once the trajectory is fixed, the impact parameter (Rp), which is the minimum distance from the site FD1 to the shower axis, can be calculated. Its reconstructed accuracy represented by both the relative and the absolute resolutions are shown in Tables 5 and 6 and Fig. 12. They indicate that the WFCTA also has good reconstruction ability in Rp and the resolution with stereo-timing fitting is also better than with stereo-angular fitting. For example, at 500 PeV, the relative resolutions are 0.41% for stereo-angular fitting and 0.25% for stereo-timing fitting. The absolute resolutions are 25.5 m for stereo-angular fitting and 14.3 m for stereo-timing fitting.
angular (%)
timing (%)
Table5.Relative resolution of Rp (%) described by the standard deviation for stereo-angular and stereo-timing techniques.
Table6.Absolute resolution of Rp (m) described by the standard deviation for stereo-angular and stereo-timing techniques.
Figure12. Relative resolution (left) and absolute resolution (right) of Rp for stereo-angular fitting (solid circles), and stereo-timing fitting (solid triangles), respectively.
2C.Contribution to the shower energy and $ { X}_{\bf{\max}} $ measurements -->
C.Contribution to the shower energy and $ { X}_{\bf{\max}} $ measurements
Errors in the geometry determination will contribute to errors in the reconstruction of shower energy and $ X_{\max} $. However, there are other uncertainty sources which are as important or more important. Measuring the energy and $ X_{\max} $ requires accurate determination of a shower's longitudinal development profile. Uncertainties in the profile are mainly from atmosphere attenuation uncertainty related to aerosol attenuation, calibration uncertainty, fluorescent light generation efficiency, and so on. These uncertainties will be discussed in detail in a future publication on energy and $ X_{\max} $ measurements. The uncertainty in shower geometry determination will introduce an error in the light attenuation from the shower to the detector in the energy measurement. For a distance error $ \vartriangle r $, the fractional change in the light attenuation is approximately $ {\rm e}^{\vartriangle r/\lambda} $, where $ \lambda $ is the attenuation length of light. The average attenuation length is about 12 km at 350 nm [10]. Even with a distance error of 0.1 km, which is larger than the core error discussed in this paper, the resulting attenuation correction change is only about 1%. This is very small compared with the uncertainty in attenuation length itself (leading to an energy uncertainty of order 10%), and uncertainty in the detector calibration, which is also of the order of 10% [11]. An error in the zenith angle of the shower axis can lead to an uncertainty in the position of $ X_{\max} $. Taking a typical shower with zenith angle of $ 45^{\circ} $ and $ X_{\max} $ of $ 750 \;{\rm{g/cm^2}} $, an error of $ 1.5^{\circ} $ in this angle will lead to an error in $ X_{\max} $ of approximately $ 14 \;{\rm{g/cm^2}} $. This is an extreme case because: 1) we consider the largest zenith angle error discussed in this paper; and 2) we derive all the zenith angle error from the error in $ \Psi $, which is the angle of the shower axis in the SDP. In real measurements, the uncertainty of $ X_{\max} $ will be smaller than this estimation.