Neutron star cooling and GW170817 constraint within quark-meson coupling models
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Odilon Louren?o1, , César H. Lenzi1, , Mariana Dutra1, , Tobias Frederico1, , M. Bhuyan2,3,4, , Rodrigo Negreiros5, , César V. Flores6, , Guilherme Grams7,8, , Débora P. Menezes7, , 1.Departamento de Física, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, DCTA, 12228-900, S?o José dos Campos, SP, Brazil 2.Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia 3.Atomic Molecular and Optical Research Group, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 4.Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 5.Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal Fluminense 20420, Niterói, RJ, Brazil 6.Centro de Ciências Exatas, Naturais e Tecnológicas, UEMASUL, Rua Godofredo Viana 1300, Centro CEP: 65901- 480, Imperatriz, Maranh?o, Brazil 7.Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, CP 476, CEP 88.040-900, Brazil 8.Univ. Lyon, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, IP2I Lyon, UMR 5822, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France Received Date:2020-03-20 Accepted Date:2020-09-27 Available Online:2021-02-15 Abstract:In the present work, we used five different versions of the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model to compute astrophysical quantities related to the GW170817 event and the neutron star cooling process. Two of the models are based on the original bag potential structure and three versions consider a harmonic oscillator potential to confine quarks. The bag-like models also incorporate the pasta phase used to describe the inner crust of neutron stars. With a simple method studied in the present work, we show that the pasta phase does not play a significant role. Moreover, the QMC model that satisfies the GW170817 constraints with the lowest slope of the symmetry energy exhibits a cooling profile compatible with observational data.
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II.QMC AND QMC$ \omega\rho $ MODELSIn this section, we present the formalism of the QMC model, its counterpart with the inclusion of the $ \omega\rho $ interaction, and the MQMC model. In the QMC model, the nucleon in a nuclear medium is treated as a collection of non-overlapping static spherical MIT bags. The interactions arise through the coupling of quarks to various meson fields. Here, we have considered the quark-mesons interactions for the scalar ($ \sigma $), vector ($ \omega $), and iso-vector vector ($ \rho $) fields, and they are treated as classical fields in the mean-field approximation (MFA) (Guichon (1988) [36]; Saito & Thomas (1994) [37]; Panda et al. (1997) [38]). The quark field $ \psi_{q_{N}} $ satisfies the equation of motion within the bag, and is given by,
where $ m_q $ stands for the current quark mass, and $ \tau_z $ is the 3$ ^{rd} $ component of the iso-spin. The constants $ g_\sigma^q $, $ g_\omega^q $, and $ g_\rho^q $ are the quark-meson coupling for $ \sigma- $, $ \omega- $, and the $ \rho- $ field, respectively. The normalized ground state for a quark in the bag is given by,
and $ \Omega_{q_{N}}\equiv \sqrt{x_{q_{N}}^2+(R_N\, m_q^*)^2} $, $ m_q^* = m_q-g_\sigma^q\, \sigma $, $ R_N $ is the bag radius of nucleon N. The eigenvalue for the nucleon N ($ x_{q_{N}} $) is determined by
which is the boundary condition at the bag surface. The value of $ x_{q_{N}} $ depends on the flavor through the mass m$ _q $, and satisfies the boundary condition given in Eq. (6) for a converged solution. The energy of a static bag that describes nucleon N, which in turn consists of three quarks in the ground state, is expressed as:
where $ Z_N $, and $ B_N $ are respectively the zero-point motion of the nucleon and the bag constant. The quark density is $ n_q $. Hereafter, we choose the symbol n to denote a generic density, with two exceptions. The first is when it appears as a subscript of a certain quantity. For these cases, the quantity refers to the neutron case, for instance, in $ \mu_n $ (neutron chemical potential). The second case concerns the appearance of n in the definitions of the direct Urca, modified Urca, and Bremssthralung processes (see Sec. IV). For these cases, n refers to the neutron. The set of parameters used in the present work is determined by enforcing the stability of the nucleon (the "bag"), as was the case in (Guichon (1988) [36], and Santos et al. (2009) [39]) for identical proton and neutron masses. The effective mass of a nucleon bag at rest is then given by $ M_N^* = E_N^{\rm bag} $ and the equilibrium condition for the bag is obtained by minimizing the effective mass, $ M_N^* $ , with respect to the bag radius, i.e.,
$ \frac{{\rm d}\, M_N^*}{{\rm d}\, R_N^*} = 0, $
where N denotes the protons or neutrons. The unknown parameters ZN = 4.0050668 and B$ ^{1/4}_N $ = 210.85 MeV are determined by fixing the bag radius RN = 0.6 fm and the bare nucleon mass MN = 939 MeV. The desired values for the binding energy and saturation density shown in Table 1 are obtained for g$ _\sigma^q $ = 5.9810, g$ _{\omega} $ = 3g$ ^q_\omega $ = 8.9817, and g$ _\rho $ = g$ ^q_\rho $. The last one is also given in Table 1. The meson masses are m$ _{\sigma} $ = 550 MeV, m$ _{\omega} $ = 783 MeV and m$ _{\rho} $ = 770 MeV. At this point, it is important to note that the QMC model was developed such that it describes both finite nuclei and nuclear matter properties. An excellent review can be found in Guichon et al. (2018) [40]. In the present work, we used a mean field approximation (RMF), which is the simplest variation of the model. Other parametrizations with larger values of RN are found in the literature and in the aforementioned review, Guichon (1988) [36] and Stone et al. (2007) [41]. In Guichon (1988) [36], a simpler version of the model is used ($ \rho $ mesons are not included) and $ R_N $ is left to vary from 0.6 to 1.0 fm, wherein the lower values (0.6 and 0.7 fm) are the ones that can better reproduce $ \sigma $ and $ \omega $ coupling values fitted using the Bonn potential. Moreover, with these low $ R_N $ values, the fraction of volume occupied by the bags is small, indicating that the overlap between the bags is negligible. However, in Stone et al. (2007) [41], the authors demonstrated that the nucleon magnetic moments cannot be reproduced using values lower than 0.8 fm. Nevertheless, there is a consensus that the equation of state, observed by plotting the binding energy in Guichon (1988) [36] and the pressure as a function of energy density in Stone et al. (2007) [41], is insensitive to the chosen $ R_N $ value.
QMC$ \omega\rho $
$ \Lambda_v $
$ g_\rho $
$ M_N^*/M_N $
J /MeV
$ L_0 $ /MeV
$ K_0 $ /MeV
$M_{\max}$ (M$ _{\odot} $)
$R_{M_{\max} }$ /km
$ R_{1.4} $ /km
Table1.Nuclear matter and stellar properties obtained using the QMC and QMC $ \omega\rho $ models. For all characterizations, $ B/A = -16.4 $ MeV, $ n_0 $ = 0.15 fm $ ^{-3} $.
The quantity $ \Lambda_v $ in Table 1, and also in Eqs. (9)-(10), is the nonlinear cross-coupling between the isoscalar-vector and isovector-vector mesons ($ \rho-\omega $). The detailed expressions for this cross-coupling can be found in Dutra et al. (2014) [42] and the references therein. The most important saturation properties of nuclear matter (i.e., compressibility $ K_0 $, symmetry energy J, and the slope of the symmetry energy $ L_0 $), stellar matter observables (i.e., maximum star mass $M_{\max}$, maximum radius $R_{M_{\max}}$, and the star radius corresponding to 1.4 M$ _{\odot} $) for QMC and QMC$ \omega \rho $ are listed in Table 1. It is worth mentioning that the parameter $ \Lambda_v $ that characterizes the strength of the $ \omega-\rho $ interaction plays an important role in the symmetry energy value and its related quantities (see e.g., Dutra et al. (2014) [42]; Oertel et al. (2017) [43]; Providência et al. (2014) [44]; Panda et al. (2012) [45]; Cavagnoli et al. (2011) [46]). In this respect, the larger the value of $ \Lambda_v $, the lower the value of the symmetry energy and vice-versa (Panda et al. (2012) [45]; Cavagnoli et al. (2011) [46]). In the present work, $ \Lambda_v $ = 0.03, as listed in Table 1. We followed the calculations presented in Grams et al. (2017) [47], where a $ \omega-\rho $ interaction strength that results in a symmetry energy equal to 22 MeV at 0.1 fm$ ^{-3} $ was used, with a consequent change in the $ g_\rho $ coupling constant, for which the values are shown in Table 1. The new values of the symmetry energy and its slope at saturation are also given in Table 1. The total energy density of the nuclear matter within the relativistic mean field (RMF) approach is given by,
In stellar matter, the $ \beta $-equilibrium, i.e., $ \mu_p = \mu_n-\mu_e $, $\mu_e = \mu_\mu $, and the charge neutrality $ n_p = n_e + n_\mu $ conditions are enforced. These conditions imply that a free gas of leptons (electrons and muons) must be included in the energy density and pressure of the system. Pasta phases: The pasta phases are constructed within the QMC and QMC$ \omega\rho $ models by using the coexisting phases method (Maruyama et al. (2005) [48]; Avancini et al. (2008) [49]). Although extensively used in quantum hadrodynamical models, it was obtained for the first time for the QMC model in Grams et al. (2017) [47], and the main steps and equations are discussed in the following. For a given total density, $ n_B $, the pasta structures are built with different geometrical forms, usually called sphere (bubble), cylinder (tube), and slab, in three, two, and one dimension, respectively. Following Gibbs conditions, this requires that both phases should have the same pressure and chemical potentials for protons and neutrons. For stellar matter, the following equations must be solved simultaneously,
where I ($ II $) represents the high (low) density region, $ n_p $ is the global proton density and f is the volume fraction of the phase I, that reads
Minimizing $\varepsilon_{\rm surf}+\varepsilon_{\rm Coul}$ with respect to the size of the droplet/bubble, cylinder/tube or slabs, we obtain (Maruyama et al. (2005) [48]) $\varepsilon_{\rm surf} = 2 \varepsilon_{\rm Coul}$ where
where, $\sigma^{\rm surf}$ is the surface tension, which measures the energy per area required to create a planar interface between the two regions. The surface tension is a crucial quantity in the pasta calculation and in this work, we follow the procedure used in Grams et al. (2017) [47], wherein it is calculated by using an adapted geometric approach that relies on the fitting of the energy per unit area that is needed to create a planar interface between two phases. In this approach, the pasta phase obtained for matter in $ \beta $- equilibrium consists of only droplets and at zero temperature is below 0.07 fm$ ^{-3} $ at zero temperature, as seen in Fig. 6 of Grams et al. (2017) [47]. Hence, the pasta phase is only present in the low-density regions of the neutron stars. In this region, muons are not present, although they are present in the EOS that describes the homogeneous region. There are many properties of the pasta phase that need to be investigated more thoroughly for astrophysical scenarios. For example, its transport properties, in terms of the electron conductivity and its consequences on the shear and bulk viscosities related to the instability of rotating compact stars. However, to the best of our knowledge, the present analysis is the first work that considers a pasta-phase structure in the calculation of both tidal deformability and NS cooling. Hence, the phase coexistence method may be considered to be the first step towards more sophisticated treatments. The presented procedure provides only a limited overview of a real system, which has many coexisting geometries, such as the those obtained in Skyrme-Hartree-Fock plus BCS treatment (Pais & Stone (2012) [50]), and in molecular dynamics simulations (Schneider et al. (2016) [51] (2018) [52]). Recently, they have also been reproduced by allowing statistical fluctuations on the pasta composition (Barros et al. (2020) [53]). Other even more exotic structures include the proposed triple periodic minimal surface pasta configurations (Schuetrumpf et al. (2019) [54]). These extremely sophisticated pasta configurations can only be obtained at a high computational cost. Therfore, they are beyond the scope of the present work. The most viable approaches for future investigations that involve high computational cost and cannot currently exploit other heavy codes as inputs are those that consider coexisting pasta shapes based on the equilibrium distribution of the different geometries mentioned in Barros et al. (2020) [53]. 2A.MQMC model
A.MQMC model
In this subsection, we present the improved version of the modified quark-meson coupling (MQMC) model given in Barik et al. (2013) [55], Mishra et al. (2015) [56] and (2016) [57]. The Lagrangian density is given by,
All the quantities/parameters are defined as usual in the literature and some of them were already defined earlier in Sec. II. The field tensors $ F_{\mu\nu} $ and $ \vec{B}_{\mu\nu} $ are given by $ F_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\nu\omega_\mu-\partial_\mu\omega_\nu $ and $ \vec{B}_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\nu\vec{\rho}_\mu-\partial_\mu\vec{\rho}_\nu $. It is worth mentioning that the MQMC model contains the same type of nucleon interactions as in the original QMC model from Guichon (1988) [36]. However, the interaction between quarks inside the nucleon is taken into account via a confining harmonic oscillator potential given by $ U(r) = \frac{1}{2}(1+\gamma^0)V(r) $, with $ V(r) = ar^2+V_0 $, instead of the bag-like treatment. The potential intensity and depth are related to the constants a and $ V_0 $, respectively. Using Euler-Lagrange equations for the Lagrangian density in Eq. (25), the Dirac equation for the quarks can be written as,
where $ \sigma $, $ \omega_0 $ and $ \rho_{03} $ are the classical meson fields in the mean-field limit. By replacing the small component ($ \chi $) of the Dirac field in terms of the larger one ($ \varphi $), the equations can be rewritten as:
by taking into account that $ \dfrac{3}{2}\omega = \dfrac{\varepsilon_q^* - m^*_q - V_0}{2} $ with $\omega = \sqrt{\dfrac{a}{\varepsilon_q^* + m^*_q}}$, in units of $ \hbar = c = 1 $. We next follow the procedure used in Batista et al. (2002) [35] to extract the center of mass corrections from the nucleon observables. The center of mass energy is given by,
The effective nucleon mass in the medium as the center of mass correction energy of the three independent quarks is considered and expressed as in Batista et al. (2002) [35],
The harmonic oscillator parameters a and $ V_0 $ are determined by imposing the vacuum values for $ M_N^* $ and $ \left<r_N^2\right> $. Here, we adopt $ M_N^*(n_B = 0) = 939 $ MeV and $ \left<r_N^2\right>(n_B = 0) = 0.8^2 $ fm$ ^2 $. The equations of state (EoS) and the field equations of the MQMC model are given as in the QMC case, by taking $ \Lambda_v = 0 $. More specifically, the energy density and pressure of the MQMC model are given by Eqs. (9) and (10), respectively. The mean fields $ \omega_0 $, $ \rho_{03} $ and $ \sigma $ are obtained as indicated by Eqs. (11) and (15), with the restriction that the $ \Lambda_v $ parameter is set equal to zero. The free parameters $ G_\sigma^{q2}\equiv (g_\sigma^q/m_\sigma)^2 $ and $ G_\omega^2\equiv (g_\omega/m_\omega)^2 $ are found by imposing the nuclear matter saturation at $ n_B = n_0 = 0.15 $ fm$ ^{-3} $ with a binding energy of $ B/A = -16.4 $ MeV. Finally, $ G_\rho^2\equiv (g_\rho/m_\rho)^2 $ is determined by fixing a value for $ J\equiv{\cal{S}}(n_B = n_0) $, with the symmetry energy given by Mishra et al. (2015) [56] and (2016) [57],
where $ k_F $ is the Fermi momentum. The quark mass $ m_q $ is used to fix the incompressibility at the saturation density $ K_0 = K(n_B = n_0) $, with $ K = 9\partial p/\partial n_B $. In this case, we restrict the MQMC model to present the same J and $ K_0 $ values as those from the QMC models in Sec. II, see Table 1. These parametrizations are called MQMC1 and MQMC2. We also generate a third one called MQMC3 for which $ J = 25 $ MeV. It should be noted that all these parametrizations present J inside the range of $ 25\,\rm{MeV}\leqslant J \leqslant 35\,\rm{MeV} $ (Dutra et al. (2014) [42]). With regard to the incompressibility, all parametrizations present the same value of $ K_0 = 295 $ MeV, obtained by using the quark mass $ m_q = 210.61 $ MeV. Notice that $ K_0 $ is within the limits of $ 250\,\rm{MeV}\leqslant K_0 \leqslant 315\,\rm{MeV} $ (Stone et al. (2014) [58]). For the stellar matter calculations, we proceed as described in Sec. II concerning the $ \beta $-equilibrium conditions on the chemical potentials and densities. In particular, the nucleon chemical potentials for the MQMC model are given by,
with the upper (lower) sign for protons (neutrons). The nuclear matter and stellar properties, along with the free parameters obtained from the parametrizations of the MQMC model, are given in Table 2.
III.GW170817 CONSTRAINTSThe gravitational Love number depends directly on the detailed structure of the neutron star (NS). Therefore, the calculation of these numbers can offer important information on the NS composition. This concept has triggered intense recent research interest (see e.g., Fattoyev et al. (2013) [59]; Malik et al. (2018) [60]; Hornick et al. (2018) [61]; Kumar et al. (2017) [62]). When one of the neutron stars in a binary system gets close to its companion just before merging, a mass quadrupole develops in response to the tidal field induced by the companion. This is known as tidal polarizability (Damour & Nagar (2009) [63]; Binnington & Poisson (2009) [64]) and can be used to constrain the macroscopic properties of neutron star (Flanagan & Hinderer (2008) [65]), which in turn, are obtained from the appropriate equations of state. In a binary system, the induced quadrupole moment $ Q_{ij} $ in one neutron star due to the external tidal field $ {\cal E}_{ij} $ created by a companion compact object can be written as shown in Flanagan & Hinderer (2008) [65],
$ Q_{ij} = -\lambda {\cal E}_{ij}, $
where, $ \lambda $ is the tidal deformability parameter, which can be expressed in terms of the dimensionless $ l = 2 $ quadrupole tidal Love number $ k_2 $ as
$ \lambda = \frac{2}{3} {k_2}R^{5}. $
To obtain $ k_{2} $, we have to simultaneously solve the TOV equations and find the value of y in the following differential equation,
$ r \frac{{\rm d}y}{{\rm d}r} + y^2 + y F(r) + r^2Q(r) = 0, $
where $ \varepsilon $ and p are the energy density and pressure profiles inside the star, respectively. We can compute the Love number $ k_2 $, which is given by:
where $ y_{R} = y(R) $, and $ C = M/R $ are the compactness of the star of radius R and the mass $ M = m(R) $, respectively. The tidal deformability $ \Lambda $ (i.e., the dimensionless version of $ \lambda $) is related to the compactness parameter C by,
$ \Lambda = \frac{2k_2}{3C^5}. $
One can obtain the values of $ \Lambda_1 $ and $ \Lambda_2 $ using Eq. (46) by using corresponding quantities for each companion neutron star in the binary system. 2A.The inner and outer crust effects on the tidal polarizability
A.The inner and outer crust effects on the tidal polarizability
It is expected that the crust thickness and constitution would affect the second Love number and consequently, the tidal polarizability. The neutron star crust is usually divided into two different parts: the outer crust and the inner crust. Piekarewicz and Fattoyev (2008) [66], investigated the impact of the crust by considering simple expressions. For the outer crust, the region where all neutrons are bound to finite nuclei, a crystal lattice calculation that depends on the masses of different nuclei was performed. For the inner crust, where the pasta phase is expected to exist, the authors used a polytropic EoS that interpolates between the homogeneous core and the outer crust. They concluded that for fixed compactness, the second Love number is sensitive to the inner crust, but given that the tidal polarizability scales as the fifth power of the compactness parameter, the overall impact is minor. In the present work, we use the BPS EoS from Baym et al. (1971) [67] for the outer crust and the pasta phase for the inner crust, and investigate their effects on the deformability of the NS. The difference between the total equations of state (outer crust + inner crust + liquid core) presented here and that used in Piekarewicz & Fattoyev (2008) [66] is evident in Fig. 1. One can see that the outer crusts are coincident and the liquid cores of all the EoS are similar. It should be noted that since the QMC model is not used to calculate the outer crust, we employ EoS found in the literature for this region. A more robust prescription of the outer crust is given in Fantina et al. (2020) [68], and we discuss the difference compared to our work when the results are presented in Section V. Hence, most of the differences observed in Fig. 1 reside in the inner crust and around the crust-core transition region. Notice that the pasta phase is present only in the QMC and QMC$ \omega\rho $ models. An inset showing the details of the inner crust, where the pasta phase lies, and the transition region from the pasta to the homogeneous phase is also included. Specifically, the pasta region is inside the ranges of $ n_B = (0.40-6.2)\times 10^{-2} $ fm$ ^{-3} $ (QMC model), and $ n_B = (0.45-6.6)\times 10^{-2} $ fm$ ^{-3} $ (QMC$ \omega\rho $ model). In the next section, we obtain results for the second Love number and the tidal deformability. These results are subsequently discussed. Figure1. (color online) Stellar matter EoSs described by the QMC and MQMC models in comparison with the FSUGarnet model [66]. The region between the two stars on the orange curve represents the inner crust. Before (after) that region, we have the outer crust (liquid core).
IV.NEUTRON STAR COOLINGWe consider the thermal evolution of neutron stars with a composition described by the models discussed in this manuscript. The cooling of neutron stars is governed by the emission of neutrinos from their core, and photons from the surface. All thermal properties of the neutron star from neutrino emission to heat transport depend on their microscopic composition. This is because different compositions lead to different cooling processes, or alter the rate at which certain processes occur. The global properties of stars such as size, mass, and rotation also play an important role in thermal evolution (Franzon et al. (2017) [19]; Negreiros et al. (2012) [29]; (2013) [30]; Yakovlev et al. (2000) [69]; Page et al. (2004) [70]). As such, cooling studies are ideal in terms of bridging the gap between the micro and macroscopic realms of neutron stars. In recent years, there have been significant advances in the observation of the thermal properties of compact objects (see e.g., Beloin et al. (2018) [71]; Safi-Harb & Kumar (2008) [72]; Zavlin (1999) [73], (2007) [74], (2009) [75]; Pavlov et al. (2001) [76], (2002) [77]; Mereghetti et al. (1996) [78]; Gotthelf et al. (2002) [79]; MvGowan et al. (2003) [80], (2004) [81], (2006) [82]; Klochkov et al. (2015) [83]; Possenti et al. (1996) [84]; Halpern et al. (1997) [85]; Pons et al. (2002) [86]; Burwitz et al. (2003) [87]; Kaplan et al. (2003) [88]; Zavlin et al. (2009); Ho et al. (2015) [89]). The equations that describe thermal energy balance and transport inside a spherically symmetric general relativistic star have been reported by Page et al. (2006) [90], Weber (1999) [91] and Schaab et al. (1996) [92], with ($ G = c = 1 $)
In Eqs. (47)-(48) l is the luminosity, $ \phi $ is the metric function, m is the mass as a function of the radial distance r and T is the temperature. In addition to the macroscopic properties obtained from the solution of the Tolman-Opphenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations, it is also necessary to calculate the thermal properties that regulate the cooling process. These are the neutrino emissivity ($ \epsilon_\nu $), specific heat ($ c_v $), and thermal conductivity ($ \kappa $). In this work, we consider all established cooling mechanisms for the thermal evolution of neutron stars, and do not consider any exotic processes such as axion cooling (Sedrakian (2016) [93]) and dark matter decay, for instance (Kouvaris (2008) [94]). We now describe the relevant thermal quantities and also refer the reader to Yakovlev et al. (2000) [69] for a thorough review of the subject. The neutrino emissivities are given by the following processes: ● Direct Urca (DU) Process: $ n \rightarrow p + e^- + \bar{\nu} $, $ p + e^- \rightarrow n + e^- + \nu $. It consists of neutron beta decay and electron capture by the proton. This process is extremely efficient in extracting thermal energy from the neutron star and its emissivity is $ \epsilon_{DU} \sim 10^{27} T_9^6 $ ergs cm$ ^{-3} $ s$ ^{-1} $ (where $ T_9 = T/10^9 $ K) (Prakash et al. (1992) [95]). This can only occur when the three triangle inequalities $ k_{fi} +k_{fj} \geq k_{fk} $ (where i, j, and k are the baryons and leptons, respectively) are satisfied, to guarantee momentum conservation (Prakash et al. (1992) [95]). ● Modified Urca (MU) Process: $ n + n' \rightarrow p + n' + e^- + \bar{\nu} $, $ p+n' + e^- \rightarrow n + n' + \nu $. The MU is similar to the DU, except it contains a bystander particle (denoted by prime) that facilitates momentum conservation. The phase space reduction also limits the efficiency of such a process (compared to the DU). The emissivity of the MU is $ \epsilon_{MU} \sim 10^{21} T_9^8 $ ergs cm$ ^{-3} $ s$ ^{-1} $. We note here that we adopted the MU emissivities as calculated in (Friman & Maxwell (1979) [96]). It should be noted, however, that it has been reported that medium effects due to pions at higher densities may alter such emissivities (Migdal et al. (1990) [97]; Schaab et al. (1997) [98]; Blaschke et al. (2004) [99]; (2013) [100]). ● Bremssthralung (BR) process: $ n + n' \rightarrow n + n' +\nu + \bar{\nu} $, $ n + p' \rightarrow n + p' +\nu + \bar{\nu} $, $ p + p' \rightarrow p + p' +\nu + \bar{\nu} $. These scattering processes have also been calculated in Friman & Maxwell (1979) [96] and have emissivities of $ \epsilon_{nn} \sim 10^{19} T_9^8 $ ergs cm$ ^{-3} $ s$ ^{-1} $, $ \epsilon_{np} \sim 10^{20} T_9^8 $ ergs cm$ ^{-3} $ s$ ^{-1} $ and $ \epsilon_{pp} \sim 10^{20} T_9^8 $ ergs cm$ ^{-3} $ s$ ^{-1} $. ● Pair Breaking and Formation (PBF) process: $ \{ BB \} \rightarrow B + B +\nu + \bar{\nu} $, $ B + B \rightarrow \{ BB \} +\nu + \bar{\nu} $. (B stands for the baryon in question) This process is associated with the breaking and formation of pairs as the temperature approaches the critical temperature for pair formation. This process is transient by definition, and only occurs near the onset of pairing. The emissivity depends on the type of pairing, wherein $\epsilon_{\rm PBF} \sim 10^{21} T_9^7$, $\epsilon_{\rm PBF} \sim 10^{22} T_9^7$, and $\epsilon_{\rm PBF} \sim 10^{21} T_9^7$ for a proton singlet ($ ^1S_0 $), neutron singlet ($ ^1S_0 $), and neutron triplet ($ ^3P_2 $) pairing, respectively (Yakovlev et al. (2000) [69]). It is important to note that these processes are subjected to suppression when the temperature is low enough for pairing to occur. This is due to the presence of an energy gap ($ \Delta $) in the particle energy spectrum. Generally, the emissivities are suppressed by a factor $ \sim e^{-\Delta(T)/T} $ (Levenfish et al. (1994) [25]). For the specific heat, one calculates the contribution of all constituents by employing traditional microscopic calculations, which lead to the specific heat of the species i as,
$ c_{i,v} = \frac{m*_i n_i}{k_{f,i}^2}\pi^2 T, $
where $ m*_i $ is the effective mass of the i-species. It is important to note that the specific heat is also subject to suppression due to pairing, much like neutrino emission processes, albeit with a more complicated mathematical form (Levenfish et al. (1994) [25]). The final aspect is the thermal conductivity of neutron star matter, which has been thoroughly discussed in Flowers & Itoh (1976) [101]; (1979) [102]; (1981) [103], which has a fit for the high density regime that is given by $ \kappa \sim 10^{23} \rho_{14}/T_8 $ ergs cm$ ^{-1} $s$ ^{-1} $K$ ^{-1} $ (where $ \rho_{14} = \rho/10^{14} $ g/cm$ ^3 $). Once we have all the microscopic and macroscopic components, we then solve Eqs. (47)-(48) numerically. To do this, we need two boundary conditions: ● 1. $ l (r = 0) = 0 $ - which is necessary given that there is no heat flow at the star core. ● 2. $ T_e = T_e(T_b(R)) $ which is the dependence of the effective surface temperature at the star envelope as a function of the mantle ($ T_b $) temperature at $ r = R $. This relationship has been thoroughly investigated by Gudmundsson et al. (1982) [104], (1983) [105]. It accounts for the properties of the star envelope, as well as the possibility of accreted matter due to fallback during the neutron star formation process.
A.GW170817 constraint results
The results of the tidal deformability $ \Lambda $ and the Love number $ k_2 $ obtained from the QMC/QMC$ \omega\rho $ models, with and without pasta phases, and the three versions of the MQMC are shown in Fig. 2, with the range for $ \Lambda_{1.4} $ [106] also displayed. In the top and bottom panels of Fig. 2, we display the Love number $ k_2 $ as a function of the compactness of the neutron star, and the variation of $ \Lambda $ with the mass of the star, respectively. As already indicated by Piekarewicz & Fattoyev (2019) [66], the curves do not collapse into a single curve because of their different dependences on y. When the same models are used to compute the tidal polarizability, their differences are enhanced and only two models, namely, QMC$ \omega\rho $ and MQMC3, give results that are consistent with LIGO results for the canonical star. The pasta phase plays a very modest role and its influence is practically unnoticed, which is evident if one compares the curves obtained from QMC with and without pasta and QMC$ \omega\rho $ with and without pasta. Considering the outer crust, all prescriptions, namely, BPS, crystal lattice calculations presented in Piekarewicz & Fattoyev (2019) [66] and the state-of-the-art calculations in Fantina et al. (2020) [68] (tested, but not shown in this work) result in practically the same tidal deformabilities. Figure2. (color online) (top) $k_2$ as a function of the neutron star compactness, and (bottom) $\Lambda$ as a function of M. Full circle: recent result of $\Lambda_{1.4}=190_{-120}^{+390}$ obtained by LIGO and Virgo Collaboration [106].
In recent literature, significant effort has been directed towards constraining the radius of the canonical neutron star, see for instance, Malik et al. (2008) [60], Most et al. (2018) [107], Raithel et al. (2018) [108] and Annala et al. (2018) [109] for studies in which the outcomes of the GW170817 event are used to infer the radius. In Malik et al. (2008) [60], the authors discussed this constraint in the context of the Skyrme and RMF models, and their calculations suggest a range of $ 11.82\; \rm{km} \leqslant R_{1.4}\leqslant 13.72\; \rm{km} $. In Most et al. (2018) [107], the constraint on $ R_{1.4} $ was established based on a large number of EoS with pure hadronic matter, without any phase transition. The authors determined that the value of $ R_{1.4} $ was in the range of $ 12.00\; \rm{km} \leqslant R_{1.4} \leqslant 13.45\; \rm{km} $, with the most likely value being $ R_{1.4} = 12.39\; \rm{km} $. The upper limit of this range is compatible with the findings of Raithel et al. (2018) [108], namely, the radius of a neutron star cannot be larger than approximately $ 13 $ km. A similar result was obtained in Annala et al. (2018) [109], in which the authors conclude that the maximal radius of a canonical neutron star is $ 13.6 $ km. Concerning the parametrizations that satisfy the constraint for $ \Lambda_{1.4} $ shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 2, namely, QMC$ \omega\rho $ and MQMC3, it was determined that they predict $ R_{1.4} = 12.83 $ km and $ 12.94 $ km, respectively (see Tables 1 and 2). These values are compatible with the aforementioned results.
J /MeV
$L_0$ /MeV
a /fm$^{-3}$
$V_0$ /MeV
$M_{\max}$ (M$_{\odot}$)
$R_{M_{\max} }$ /km
$R_{1.4}$ /km
Table2.Nuclear matter and stellar properties obtained from the parametrizations of the MQMC model. The free parameters are also given. $G_\sigma^{q2}$, $G_\omega^2$ and $G_\rho^2$ are given in $10^{-5}$MeV$^{-2}$. For all parametrizations, $B/A=-16.4$ MeV, $n_0=0.15$ fm$^{-3}$, $m_q = 210.61$ MeV, $K_0 = 295$ MeV, and $M^*_N/M_N = 0.84$.
In Fig. 3 we show the tidal deformabilities of each neutron star in the binary system. $ \Lambda_1 $ is associated with the neutron star with mass $ m_1 $, which corresponds to the integration of every EoS in the range $ 1.37 \leqslant m/M_{\odot} \leqslant1.60 $, obtained from GW170817. The mass $ m_2 $ of the companion star is determined by solving ${\cal{M}}_c = 1.188 M_{\odot} = $$ \dfrac{(m_1 m_2)^{3/5}}{(m_1+m_2)^{1/5}}$ (Abbott et al. (2017) [111]). We notice that only the QMC$ \omega\rho $ model (with and without pasta phases), and the MQMC3 parametrization yield values between the confidence lines. These specific models satisfy the predictions from the LIGO and Virgo collaboration due to the $ R_{1.4} $ dependence of $ \Lambda_{1.4} $. The results of several different studies indicate that $ \Lambda_{1.4}\propto R_{1.4}^\alpha $, but with $ \alpha\ne 5 $, as implied by Eq. (46). In Louren?o et al. (2019) [110], for instance, in which an analysis of 35 relativistic mean-field models was performed, the authors found $ \alpha = 6.58 $. Therefore, parametrizations that present lower values of $ R_{1.4} $, in general, lead to a decrease of $ \Lambda_{1.4} $. In the case of the QMC/MQMC models, such a decrease favors parametrization to satisfy the constraint shown in Fig. 2 (this is the case for the QMC$ \omega\rho $ and MQMC3 models). Regarding Fig. 3, we identify the points (circles and squares) for which one of the companion stars of the binary system has the value $ m_1 = 1.4M_\odot $. Therefore, for these points, we have $ \Lambda_1 = \Lambda_{1.4} $. We can also see from this figure that lower values of $ \Lambda_{1.4} $, due to the smaller values of $ R_{1.4} $, also lead to consistency of the curves with the LIGO and Virgo band constraint. Figure3. (color online) Tidal deformabilities obtained from the QMC, QMC$\omega\rho$ and MQMC models for both components of the binary system related to the GW170817 event. The confidence lines (50% and 90%) are the recent results of LIGO and Virgo collaboration taken from Abbott et al. (2018) [106]. The shaded region represents the obtained results with the consistent relativistic mean field models in Louren?o et al. (2019) [110]. Circles (QMC model) and squares (MQMC model): points for which $m_1=1.4M_\odot$ and, consequently, $\Lambda_1=\Lambda_{1.4}$.
2B.Cooling results -->
B.Cooling results
We now present the results of our thermal evolution studies, obtained based on numerical solutions of Eqs. (47) and (48). We begin by showing the cooling of a set of stars, covering a wide range of masses for the QMC model. They are shown in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4, all stars exhibit fast cooling, characterized by a sharp drop in their surface temperature at the age of $ \sim 100 $ years. Such fast cooling is the manifestation of a prominent presence of the direct Urca process (DU) in the stellar core, which is indeed the case for these stars. The DU process is extremely efficient in exhausting the star's thermal energy, leading to fast cooling (Prakash et al. (1992) [95]). In turn, this indicates that such thermal evolution is mostly incompatible with observed data (unless the DU process is suppressed), as we discuss in the following. Figure4. (color online) Thermal evolution of neutron stars described by the QMC model. The y-axis represents the red-shifted surface temperature and x-axis represents the age. Each curve represents the thermal evolution of a neutron star with a different mass. All objects exhibit fast cooling due to prominent DU processes in their core.
In Fig. 5, we show the thermal evolution of QMC neutron stars with the inner crust described by the pasta phase. It is evdent that the pasta phase has little effect on the overall cooling behavior of the star. This is expected because the pasta phase occupies only a small region. Careful analysis leads to the conclusion that the pasta phase had the minor effect of aiding in core-crust thermalization, leading to a core-crust thermal relaxation that is $ \sim 3.5 $ years faster on average. This seems reasonable, given that the pasta phase smooths the core-crust transition. Thus, it is expected that this will also smooth out heat propagation between these regions. However, we note that these are rough estimates and a more detailed calculation is warranted, in which the thermal and conductivity properties of the pasta phase are explored in more detail. Figure5. (color online) Same as in Fig. 4 but for stars with pasta phase in the inner crust.
We now repeat the preceeding calculations, but for the QMC$ \omega \rho $ model without pasta (Fig. 6) and with pasta (Fig. 7). Figure6. (color online) Surface temperature as a function of the age of stars in the QMC$\omega \rho$ model. Each curve represents the cooling of stars with the indicated mass.
Figure7. (color online) Same as Fig. 6 but for stars with a pasta phase.
Similar to the previous case (QMC), the pasta phase has little effect on the overall cooling, but instead only delays thermalization by a few years. However, unlike the previous model, all stars exhibit slow cooling in this case, which indicates that there is no sharp drop in temperature when the core and crust are thermally coupled. This is because in this particular model, the proton fraction at the core of the star is low enough to prevent the DU process from occurring, even at the larger densities of heavier stars, thus leading to a substantially slower thermal evolution. Figure9. (color online) Same as Fig. 8 but for the MQMC2 model.
We now investigate the cooling of the neutron stars described by the MQMC model to determine if the different prescriptions used in the EoS calculations play a role in this process. In Figs. 8 - 10 , we show the cooling of neutron stars of different masses for the different MQMC models. Figure8. (color online) Thermal evolution of different neutron stars under the MQMC1 model.
Figure10. (color online) Same as Fig. 8 but for the MQMC3 model.
We can see that from the results shown in Figs. 8 - 10, it is apparent that the overall cooling behavior associated with each model is, qualitatively, the same. For MQMC models 1 and 2, we observe that all stars exhibit fast cooling, with MQMC 3 displaying slow cooling (except for high mass stars). It should be noted that we observe a clear correlation between the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy ($ L_0 $) and a fast/slow cooling behavior, whereby stars with higher $ L_0 $ values exhibit faster cooling (QMC, MQMC1, and MQMC2), and lower$ L_0 $ values lead to a slower cooling scenario (QMC$ \omega \rho $ and MQMC3). So far, in our thermal investigation, we have completely ignored the effects of pairing because we are interested in investigating possible differences in the thermal behavior of the different models, and the inclusion of pairing could potentially obfuscate the results. However, it was observed that all the models behaved similarly, with major differences associated with the different values of the symmetry energy slope rather than specific minutia related to the models. We now need to verify that our model is in agreement with observed data, or at the very least, is comparable to other results in recent literature (Negreiros et al. (2018) [15]; Beloin et al. (2018) [71]; Carvalho et al. (2018) [112]; Dexheimer et al. (2015) [113]; Raduta et al. (2017) [114]). In this regard, we need to include pairing. Pairing in neutron stars may potentially occur in three different ways, neutron-neutron singlets ($ ^1S_0 $), neutron-neutron triplets ($ ^3P_2 $), and proton-proton singlets ($ ^1S_0 $). Neutron-neutron singlets are formed mainly in the neutron-free region of the crust, whereas their triplet counterparts are mainly formed in the lower density regions of the core. In the case of proton-proton pairs, there is still great uncertainty regarding the depth at which they occur in stars. For a review of pairing in neutron stars, we refer the reader to Yakovlev et al. (2000) [69]. Our implementation of pairing follows the same principles used in Beloin et al. (2018) [71], i.e., given the current uncertainties associated with pairing in high-density neutron star matter, we use thermal observation data of neutron stars to constrain neutron and proton pairing at the neutron star core. This allows us to calculate the pairing effects in neutron star cooling processes [suppression of the DU process, the appearance of Pair-Breaking-Formation (PBF) process near $ T_c $, and the modification of the specific heat of paired particles (Yakovlev et al. (2000) [69])]. For completeness, we have shown the cooling of all the investigated models. For our final cooling (with the inclusion of pairing), and the comparison with observed data, we next focus solely on the models that have satisfied the observational constraints discussed so far, namely, the observed mass and tidal deformability, which are QMC-$ \omega \rho $ and MQMC3. As shown in Figs. 7 and 10, these models exhibit very different thermal evolution, with QMC$ \omega \rho $ displaying an absence of DU, and thus, very slow cooling. However, MQMC3 exhibits a more balanced behavior, wherein low mass stars display slow cooling while heavier objects cool down faster. Figure 11 shows the thermal evolution of the 1.4 and 2.0 $ M_\odot $ stars for the model MQMC3, with nucleon pairing considered. Intermediate mass stars have thermal evolutions between these curves. Also shown are the most prominent observed data regarding cooling of neutron stars (Beloin et al. (2018) [71]; Safi-Harb & Kumar (2008) [72]; Zavlin (1999) [73], (2007) [74], (2009) [75]; Pavlov et al. (2001) [76], (2002) [77]; Mereghetti et al. (1996) [78]; Gotthelf et al. (2002) [79]; MvGowan et al. (2003) [80], (2004) [81], (2006) [82]; Klochkov et al. (2015) [83]; Possenti et al. (1996) [84]; Halpern et al. (1997) [85]; Pons et al. (2002) [86]; Burwitz et al. (2003) [87]; Kaplan et al. (2003) [88]; Zavlin et al. (2009); Ho et al. (2015) [89]). As expected, nucleon pairing leads to slower cooling rates (associated with the suppression of neutrino emissivities, as previously discussed). Thus, when compared to stars without pairing (see Fig. 10) a warmer object at the same age is obtained. From Fig. 11 we note that to explain most of the observed data, within the confines of the cooling description adopted in this work that makes use of the neutrino emissivities as described by Friman and Maxwell [96], the mass of the stars must be within the interval 1.4-1.8 $ M_\odot $ (the latter represented by the cyan curve in Fig. 12). However, it is also apparent that there are a few stars below this curve, in which case their mass would be slightly above 1.8 $ M_\odot $. This indicates a group of observed stars within a small mass window, which may be unlikely. Thus, this poses a challenge in terms of describing the data based on the Friman and Maxwell description for the Urca process.The objects that fall above the expected range can be explained by considering fallback in the early stages of neutron star evolution (Gudmundsson et al. (1983) [105]). Such fall back alters the composition of the atmosphere from pure iron to other elements, which affect the thermal evolution, which keeps the star warmer for longer. Figure11. (color online) Thermal evolution of a set of stars with different masses for the MQMC3 model, under the effect of nucleon pairing, as well as the observed thermal data of thecooling neutron stars.
Figure12. (color online) Thermal evolution of a set of stars with different masses for the MQMC3 model with pairing, and taking into account different atmosphere compositions (represented by the amount of accreted matter $\Delta M/M$). The blue hashed region represents the different possible thermal evolutions that encompass different masses and different atmospheric compositions.
Figure 12 shows the thermal evolution of stars for the MQMC3 model with pairing, as well as the different possibilities of fallback accretion ($ \Delta M/M = 10^{-9} $ and $ 10^{-11} $). The hashed band represents the different possible thermal evolutions that encompass different masses and different possible atmospheres. Based on the results of Figs. 11 and 12 , we can now conclude that the MQCM3 model not only complies with the constraints set by neutron star mass measurements, and those extracted from tidal deformability, but it is also in agreement with the thermal data of neutron stars. We now consider the QMC$ \omega \rho $ (pasta) model, for which the cooling of 1.4 and 2.0 $ M_\odot $ stars under the effect of pairing is shown in Fig. 13. As was the case for stars without pairing (Fig. 6), stars in this model exhibit slow cooling. The occurrence of pairing broadens the cooling "spectrum" (which indicates the different cooling tracks associated with stars of different masses), but it still excludes a large portion of observed data. Figure13. (color online) Thermal evolution of the 1.4 and 2.0 $M_\odot$ stars of model QMC$\omega \rho$ (pasta), under the effect of nucleon pairing, as well as observed thermal data of cooling neutron stars.
For completeness, we also investigate the effect of different atmospheric compositions of the stars of the QMC$ \omega \rho $ (pasta) model under the effect of pairing, which is shown in Fig. 14. As was the case for the pure iron atmosphere, the thermal evolution of stars in this model is too slow to satisfactorily explain all the data, and fails to describe the observed temperature of colder stars. Figure14. (color online) Thermal evolution of stars under QMC$\omega \rho$ (pasta) model with pairing, and considering different atmospheric compositions (represented by the amount of accreted matter $\Delta M/M$). The blue hashed region represents the different possible thermal evolutions that encompass different masses and different atmospheric compositions.