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S. D. Campos , Applied Mathematics Laboratory-CCTS/DFQM, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Sorocaba, S?o Paulo CEP 18052780, Brazil Received Date:2020-04-28 Available Online:2020-10-01 Abstract:This work presents the subtraction procedure and the Regge cut in the logarithmic Regge pole approach. The subtraction mechanism leads to the same asymptotic behavior as previously obtained in the non-subtraction case. The Regge cut, in contrast, introduces a clear role to the non-leading contributions for the asymptotic behavior of the total cross-section. From these results, some simple parameterization is introduced to fit the experimental data for the proton-proton and antiproton-proton total cross-section above some minimum value up to the cosmic-ray. The fit parameters obtained are used to present predictions for the $ \rho(s)$-parameter as well as to the elastic slope $ B(s)$ at high energies.
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3.Logarithmic leading Regge poleIn the Regge theory, the scattering amplitude is written as an analytic function of the angular momentum J. This representation is formulated in the high energy limit $ s\rightarrow\infty $ and associates the asymptotic behavior of the scattering amplitude in the s-channel to the exchange of one-particle or more, represented in the t-channel by the leading Regge poles. The scattering amplitude is written as
$ A(s,t) = {\rm{Re}}A(s,t)+i{\rm{Im}}A(s,t), $
and we also assume that behavior of such a function, at very high energies, is given only by the absorptive part $ A(s,t)\approx{\rm{Im}}A(s,t) $. As is well-known, in the usual Regge pole formalism, the asymptotic scattering amplitude is written as
where $ \eta = \pm 1 $ is the signature related with the crossing symmetry $ s\leftrightarrow t $, $ \sqrt{s_c} $ some critical energy, and $ \beta(t) $ is the residue function of the pole depending only on t. In this formalism, s and t are treated as complex-valued functions. Using (2), we attain the asymptotic form of the differential cross-section
The mathematical disagreement between (4) and the FM bound is given below
$ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\leqslant c\ln^2(s/s_c), $
where c is some real constant, inevitable for $ 1<\alpha(0) $. However, it is important to stress that the Regge theory predicts both a leading pole behaving as $ (s/s_c)^{\alpha(t)} $ as well as sub-leading terms behaving as $ \ln^k (s/s_c) $. If $ \alpha(0) = 1 $ in (4), only the logarithmic terms survive, being controlled by the FM bound, which means $ k\leqslant 2 $. Therefore, the precise knowledge of the leading pole functional form in the Regge approach is subject to experimental evidence. However, the Regge theory and the FM bound can agree with each other if a constraint is imposed on the scattering angle as well as a mathematical approximation on the cosine series [29]. The scattering angle is restricted to the range $ 0\leqslant \cos \theta \leqslant 1 $ for $ |t|<\!\!< s $. In this case, the s-channel has the following approximation, valid near the forward direction, for the cosine of the scattering angle [29]
where physical t is negative, $ s>4m^2 $, and m is the particle mass. Importantly, in the s-channel, fixed t represents the squared momentum transfer, and s is the squared energy. Moreover, $ |\cos\theta|\leqslant 1 $, making it necessary to use the crossing property $ s\leftrightarrow t $ in the high energy limit $ s\rightarrow\infty $. The approximate representation (6) can be obtained by noting that the usual cosine series can be written as
where the sum in the r.h.s enclose the information about the energy and momentum transfer. Observing the following inequalities holds for $ n\in \mathbb{N} $
$ (2n)^{2n+\frac{1}{2}}\geqslant n^{n+\frac{1}{2}}\geqslant n^n\geqslant n. $
Then, the factorial number in (7) can be circumvented using the Stirling's approximation
Naturally, the result (11), when replaced in the convenient series, possibly implies a slower convergence than the original cosine series, near the forward direction. Moreover, the choice of a is not unique. For example, the above inequality holds for $ a = e = 2.71828\cdots $, where e is the Napier's number. Using the results (9) and (11), the series on r.h.s. of (7) can be exchanged by the approximation
$ y = e-\left[1+\sqrt{e}\left(1+\frac{2t}{s}\right)\right], $
where the factor $ \sqrt{e} $ arises from the fact that $ y\geqslant0 $. Observing that, for $ t = 0 $, one has $ \cos\theta = 1 $, and the approximation performed furnish $ \cos\theta\approx 0.97 $. Using the asymptotic properties of the Legendre polynomial, taking into account the approximation (6), and the crossing $ s\leftrightarrow t $, one writes $ (s\rightarrow\infty $ and fixed t)
$ P_l(s)\rightarrow \ln^{l} (s/s_c). $
Indeed, the above result can be used to write the asymptotic scattering amplitude as a logarithmic leading Regge pole
$ A(s,t)\rightarrow \ln^{\alpha(t)}(s/s_c), $
respecting the FM bound. The very successful model of Donnachie and Landshoff [4], earlier proposed by Badatya and Patnaik [28], describes the hadronic exchanges remarkably well, assuming a simple Regge pole
$ A(s,t) = C(t)s^{1.08+0.25t}, $
where $ C(t) $ is a constant depending only on t. The corresponding $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $ of such parameterization is written using the optical theorem as
$ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) = C(0)s^{0.08}, $
saturating the FM bound. This Regge pole corresponds to the one-pole exchange, while the double-pole exchange leads to $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\sim \ln(s/s_c) $. The intercept of the Regge pole in this model is defined as a linear function
$ \alpha(t) = \alpha(0)+\alpha' t, $
where the intercept takes the value $ \alpha(0) = \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} = 1.08 $ and the slope $ \alpha' = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. In the language of physics, this intercept corresponds to a soft pomeron - low momentum transfer - $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\approx 1.05 \sim 1.08 $. In contrast, the hard pomeron, predicted to mediate diffractive processes - large momentum transfer - has a value $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\approx1.4\sim1.5 $. This hard pomeron emerges due to the use of the Regge formalism as an analogy to explain the structure-function $ F_2(x,Q^2) $ in terms of the Bjorken scale x and the photon virtuality $ Q^2 $. Note that both, the one-pomeron exchange in the Donnachie and Landshoff model or the double-pomeron exchange in the logarithmic Regge pole, lead to intercepts $ \gtrsim 1 $ [4, 29]. However, the one-pomeron exchange with an intercept slightly above 1 violates the FM bound, while for the double-pomeron exchange, this violation only occurs for an intercept above 2. If the intercept is equal 2, then the triple-pomeron exchange is favorable, $ \sigma_{\rm tot}\approx \ln^2(s/s_c) $. Neither the soft nor the hard pomeron has been discovered to date. 23.1.Non-subtraction case
3.1.Non-subtraction case
In [29], one considers only the non-subtraction case. Then, using the optical theorem one has a simple relation for the asymptotic total cross-section
In the specified range for $ \cos(\theta) $, it respects the FM bound if $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\leqslant 2 $, providing a physical relation between the pomeron intercept, $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $, and the saturation of this bound. The soft pomeron, if it exists, is the particle allowing the maximum growth of the total cross-section, obeying the FM bound. As shall be seen, the phenomenology associated with the $ \rho $-parameter is crucial to obtain the correct pomeron intercept. Using a simple parameterization for the total cross-section
where $ \beta $ and $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $ are free fitting parameters, we can attain the pomeron intercept. Using the SET 1, we obtain the values for the fitting parameters shown in the first line of the Table 1. Fig. 2(a) shows the curve obtained from the fitting procedure using (21). The intercept agrees with a double-pole pomeron exchange. The fitting results using the SET 2 are shown in the second line of the Table 1. From the statistical point of view, the absence of the cosmic-ray data in the SET 2 practically does not alter the results.
$ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $
$ \beta $/mb
$ \chi^2/ndf $
1.05$ \pm $0.05
7.54$ \pm $0.92
1.04$ \pm $0.05
7.72$ \pm $0.98
Table1.Parameters obtained using (21) in fitting procedures for SET 1 and 2, taking $ \sqrt{s_c} = 25.0 $ GeV.
Figure2. In both panels, the solid line depicts SET 1, and the dashed line depicts SET 2. In panel (a), we use the parameterization (21). In panel (b), the parameterization used is given by (24). Experimental data are adopted from [30, 31].
23.2.Subtraction case -->
3.2.Subtraction case
The total cross-section with one subtraction can be written using the following normalization of the optical theorem
$ s\sigma_{\rm tot}(s) = {\rm{Im}}A(s). $
This normalization implies in the logarithmic leading Regge pole
First of all, we note that to tame the fast decrease of the total cross-section entailed by the subtraction, it is necessary to have a $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $ far above from the expected saturation of the FM bound, $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\rightarrow 2 $. Indeed, to give some physical meaning for $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $ is now a difficult task. The effect of using s in the above result can be observed by adopting the parameterization given below
The fitting results obtained using the parameterization (24) to the SET 1 and 2 are shown in Table 2. Naturally, the subtracted case cannot be used as a realistic parameterization to describe the $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $. Fig. 2(b) shows the curve obtained from the fitting procedure using (24).
$ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $
$ \beta $/mb
$ \chi^2/ndf $
11.02$ \pm $0.09
1.99$ \times 10^{-5}\pm 4.9\times 10^{-6} $
10.99$ \pm $0.10
2.15$ \times 10^{-5}\pm 5.7\times 10^{-6} $
Table2.Fitting parameters obtained using (24) in fitting procedure to SET 1 and 2, taking $ \sqrt{s_c} = 25.0 $ GeV.
However, if we release the subtraction mechanism by introducing the $ \delta $- index as a measurement of the deviation of the non-subtraction to the subtraction case, then one writes the parameterization
Using the SET 1 and 2, we obtain very small values for the $ \delta $-index (near zero). In Table 3 displays the fitting parameters. The $ \delta $-index introduces an error in the fitting parameters higher than the non-subtraction case. However, the central value of each parameter is practically the same. The fitting result is shown in Fig. 3(a).
$ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $
$ \beta $/mb
$ \delta $
$ \chi^2/ndf $
1.05$ \pm $0.82
7.55$ \pm $8.07
0.00$ \pm $0.08
1.04$ \pm $1.07
7.72$ \pm $10.70
0.00$ \pm $0.11
Table3.Fitting parameters obtained using (25) in fitting procedure to SET 1 and 2, taking $ \sqrt{s_c} = 25.0 $ GeV.
Figure3. In both panels, the solid line depicts SET 1, and the dashed line depicts SET 2. In panel (a), we use the parameterization (25). In panel (b), the parameterization used is given by (39). Experimental data are adopted from [30, 31].
To circumvent the need for the use of the $ \delta $-index, we introduce the approximation [29]
which is a consequence of the fact that the inequality given below holds for $ 0<s_c\leqslant s $ and $ 0\leqslant\epsilon\leqslant\delta\in \mathbb{R} $
where $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}' = \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}-\epsilon $ and $ \beta' = c/a $. The choice of a is not unique, and in general, its value depends on the energy range, where the experimental data are being analyzed. However, in the fitting procedure, it is absorbed by $ \beta' $. Therefore, the expression (28) corresponds to the subtraction case, and it is exactly equal to the non-subtraction case given by (21). 23.3.The cut case -->
3.3.The cut case
As is well-known, the singularities play a fundamental role in the determination of the divergences of the partial-wave amplitude. Neglecting the signature of the partial-wave amplitude, one may express the singularities as
where $ Q_l({\textit{z}}') $ is the Legendre function of the second kind, and $ {\rm{disc}}A(s,t) $ is the discontinuity across the l-plane cut. The easy way to obtain singularities from (29) is to associate the $ {\rm{disc}}A(s,t) $ with the Legendre function of the first kind, $ P_{\alpha_c(t)}({\textit{z}}) $, where $ \alpha_c(t) $ is the cut. Then, in the simplest case,
revealing a pole for $ l = \alpha_c(t) $ ($ l\in\mathbb{R} $). The Watson-Sommerfeld representation for the partial-wave expansion in the complex angular plane can be written as
where $ R_p(s,t) $ and $ R_c(s,t) $ denote the Regge pole and the Regge cut contributions for the scattering amplitude, respectively. The logarithmic Regge pole introduced in [29] yields the first term in the r.h.s. of (32)
If a branch point with a cut is encountered during the deformation of the contour in the complex momentum angular plane, then it contributes to the asymptotic behavior of the scattering amplitude. Then, one should take into account the cut contribution. We write
As stated above, the functional form of the discontinuity is not known a priori, and there is no phenomenological approach for it. Therefore, the only way to go through this point is using an ansatz, as performed in Ref. [34]. Using the property $ {\rm{Im}}P_l({\textit{z}}) = -P_l(-{\textit{z}})\sin\pi l $, $ {\textit{z}}<-1 $, in the logarithmic Regge approach, one adopts $ {\rm{disc}}A (l,t) = (\alpha_c(t)-l)^{1+\beta(t)} $, obtaining the approximation
Naturally, the above result is strongly dependent on the form of $ {\rm{disc}}A(l,t) $ and there is no information about $ \beta(t) $. The Regge cut $ \alpha_c(t) $ is also an unknown function of t. We suppose here that $ \alpha_c(t) $ and $ \beta(t) $ are real-valued functions, and they assume finite values at $ t = 0 $. It is important to stress that $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $, independently of the functional form of $ {\rm{disc}}A(l,t) $, must obey the FM bound. Then, the rise of (36) is controlled by $ \ln^2(s/s_c) $. It is not difficult to see that (hereafter, $ \alpha_c(0) = \alpha_c $)
for $ \beta(0)>-2 $. The inequality $ \alpha_c\leqslant \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $ implies the Regge cut is bounded by the Regge pole. According to general belief, the subleading (secondary) contributions are important below 1.0 TeV. Then, at ISR energies, the effect of secondary and leading contributions are mixed, while at LHC energies the leading contribution dominates. Therefore, the Regge cut (36) may be used to describe the experimental data behavior from the minimum value of the total cross-section up to $ \sim $ 1.0 TeV, as the role of the cut is now clear: it represents mixed contributions below the logarithmic Regge pole dominance according to inequality (38). To take into account the Regge pole and the Regge cut contributions for the total cross-section, we use the simple parameterization
to fit the SET 3 and 4. The fitting results are displayed in Table 4. The Fig. 3(b) shows the curve obtained for the parameterization (39).
Table4.Fitting parameters obtained by (39) in fitting procedure to SET 3 and 4, taking $\sqrt{s_c}=15.0$ GeV.
It is important to stress that there is no constraint on the fitting parameters. Then, one allows the pomeron intercept to assume any value necessary to fit the experimental data. The result, at first glance, shows a pomeron intercept far above the saturation of the FM bound - a supercritical value. Then, a control mechanism must be imposed to tame the growth of the total cross-section as $ s\rightarrow\infty $. This control mechanism, as shall be seen, is obtained by looking at the $ \rho $-parameter experimental data.
4.The $ { \rho} $-parameter and slope B(s,t)As is well-known, the validity of the Cauchy theorem is crucial for the convergence of the integral dispersion relation. This kind of relationship helps obtain the real part of the forward scattering amplitude from the imaginary part. First of all, one writes the scattering amplitude as the sum of the even (+) and odd (?) amplitudes as
$ A(s,t) = A_+(s,t)\pm A_-(s,t), $
where $ A_\pm(s,t) = {\rm{Re}}A_\pm(s,t)+i{\rm{Im}}A_\pm(s,t) $ are the crossing even (+) and odd (-) amplitudes. The integral form of the dispersion relations is a consequence of analyticity, unitarity, and crossing properties. In the non-subtraction case, it is simply written as ($ t = 0 $)
where P is the principal value of the Cauchy integral. The convergence of the above integral can be ensured using the subtraction procedure, i.e., by rewriting the scattering amplitude as
where K is the subtraction constant. Naturally, this method is valid only for a finite number of subtractions [35]. However, the integral dispersion relations are very restrictive, because to know the value of the real part to a specific value one should know the value of the imaginary part in the whole plane. Then, despite its rigorous formulation, the use of integral dispersion relations is of little interest in the Regge theory. In contrast, the derivative dispersion relation can be used in the present case [36, 37]. These derivative relations can be written in the first-order approximation for the odd and even amplitudes as [38]
Considering (21) and (39), it is possible to obtain the real part of the scattering amplitude in the subtraction as well as in the Regge cut. Then, the real part of the scattering amplitude can be used to define the $ \rho $-parameter
Without loss of generality, we set $ K = 0 $, as the influence of this parameter is restricted to the low energy region, and the main interest here is to understand the asymptotic regime. Then, all parameters are obtained from the previous fits to the total cross-section. Fig. 4 shows the predictions for the $ \rho $-parameter. The results from the logarithmic Regge pole (21) are represented by the dotted line and by the dot-dashed line, SET 1 and 2, respectively. These curves represent the pure contribution arising from the double pomeron exchange. Therefore, these results are not able to reproduce the low energy behavior of the $ \rho $-parameter. Using the parameterization (39), solid and dashed lines, respectively, display the Regge cut contribution obtained from the fitting procedures for SET 3 and 4. These predictions show behavior in the high energy regime that is not present in experimental data. There is a fast-rise introduced by the experimental data below $ \sqrt{s} = 1.0 $ TeV, which is not present in the experimental data above this energy, because the fittings for the SET 1 and 2 show a pomeron intercept $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\approx 1.05 $. Figure4. The dot-dashed and dotted lines are obtained by applying (21) to SET 1 and 2, respectively. The solid and dashed lines are obtained using (39) for SET 3 and 4, respectively. Experimental data are adopted from [30, 31].
An attempt to solve this problem can be tried using the recent experimental data for the $ \rho $-parameter at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV. These experimental data suggest a double pomeron intercept taming the rise of the total cross-section. Then, considering the above discussion, the constraint $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\leqslant 1 $ can be introduced to reduce the fast-rising of $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $ above 1.0 TeV, introduced by (39). The Table 5 shows the fitting parameters only for SET 3. Despite the high value of $ \chi^2/ndf $, the fitting parameters seem to be able to reproduce the growth of $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $ as $ s\rightarrow\infty $.
$ \beta_1 $/mb
$ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}} $
$ \beta_2 $
$ \alpha_c(0) $
$ \beta(0) $
$ \chi^2/ndf $
6.12$ \pm $5.59
1.00$ \pm $0.27
?30.96$ \pm $3.29
?0.14$ \pm $0.31
?1.92$ \pm $0.04
Table5.Fitting parameters obtained by (39) in fitting procedure to SET 3, taking $ \sqrt{s_c} = 15.0 $ GeV and with constraint $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\leqslant 1 $.
The Fig. 5(a) shows the fitting results for $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $ using the parameterization (39) under the double-pomeron constraint. Fig. 5(b), one shows the prediction for the $ \rho $-parameter. Despite this naive parameterization, we observe that the only way to reproduce the high energy behavior of $ \rho $ at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV is assuming a double pomeron exchange in the logarithmic Regge pole representation. Figure5. Experimental data are from SET 3 in panel (a), and the parameterization is given by (39) with pomeron constraint $ \alpha_{\mathbb{P}}\leqslant 1 $. In panel (b), the prediction for the $ \rho $-parameter is presented under the double-pomeron constraint.
A possible understanding here is that the fast rise of $ \sigma_{\rm tot}(s) $ in the logarithmic Regge approach cannot be analyzed independently of the $ \rho $-parameter. In particular, the $ \rho $ value at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV is crucial to determine an upper bound to the pomeron intercept. It must be stressed that this is a feature of the Regge theory: the phenomenology. Another physical quantity that can be predicted from the fitting procedures performed here is the (forward) slope of the elastic differential cross-section $ {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}t $, defined as
In the present approach, using the simple asymptotic parameterization (21), for example, one obtains for the forward case
$ B(s) = B_0+2\alpha'\ln(\ln s/s_0), $
where $ \sqrt{s_0} $ is some initial energy not necessarily related with $ \sqrt{s_c} $. The value $ s_0 $ can be taken from some current known experimental result for the slope, being used as input to predict the slope at s. For example, using the TOTEM result $ B_0 = 19.9\pm0.3 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ at $ \sqrt{s_0} = 7.0 $ TeV [39] and $ \alpha' = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $, we have the prediction for the elastic slope $ B(s) = 20.0\pm0.3 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV. As is well-known, the LHC result at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV is $ B(s) = 20.36\pm0.19 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ [31], in accordance with the value predicted here. In contrast, starting from the TOTEM result, one cannot reproduce, for example, the unexpected value for the slope encountered by the E710 Collaboration at $ \sqrt{s} = 1.8 $ TeV, $ B(s) = 16.98\pm0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ [40]. The prediction capability of (49) is, evidently, limited by the constraint $ \sqrt{s}\geqslant\sqrt{e s_0} $. This implies, for example, that the next energy above the LHC at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV can predict the slope at $ \sqrt{s}\approx 22 $ TeV (likewise for the $ \rho $-parameter). Therefore, using the LHC result as the initial value $ \sqrt{s_0} = 13.0 $ TeV, we obtain $ B(s) = 20.38 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ at $ \sqrt{s} = 22.0 $ TeV, indicating a very slow increase for the slope. At the same energy, the slope from the usual leading Regge pole is $ B(s) = 20.88 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. In contrast, if instead of (21), we use the parameterization considering the logarithmic Regge cut (39), then for the slope in the forward case,
Evidently, the importance of the factor $ \ln(\ln(\ln s/s_0)) $ in the r.h.s. of the above result depends strongly on the values of s and $ s_0 $. For example, from the E710 to the TOTEM energy, we obtain $ \ln(\ln(\ln s/s_0)) = -7.49\times 10^{-4} $, while from the TOTEM to the LHC, $ \ln (\ln(\ln s/s_0)) = -1.54 $. Therefore, we set, for the sake of simplicity, $ \beta'(0) = 0 $. Then, we express the slope as
The parameter $ \alpha_c'(0) $ is unknown and strongly influences the slope. For example, using the TOTEM result $ B_0 = 19.9\pm0.3 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ at $ \sqrt{s_0} = 7.0 $ TeV and taking $ \alpha_c'(0) = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $, we obtain the LHC result at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV, $ B(s) = 20.22\pm0.3 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. Furthermore, using the E710 experimental result and $ \alpha_c'(0) = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $, we have $ B(s) = 18.47\pm 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ for the TOTEM at $ \sqrt{s} = 7.0 $ TeV. However, setting $ \alpha_c'(0) = 0.50 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ and starting from the TOTEM energy, then for the LHC at $ \sqrt{s} = 13.0 $ TeV, we obtain $ B(s) = 20.38\pm0.3 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. Nonetheless, using the E710 at $ \sqrt{s} = 1.8 $ TeV and the TOTEM at $ \sqrt{s} = 7.0 $ TeV, then the slope is $ B(s) = 19.22\pm0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. The last result is better than using $ \alpha_c'(0) = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $, but still below the TOTEM result. In contrast, assuming $ B_0 $ and $ \alpha_c'(0) $ as free parameters, and setting $ \alpha' = 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ and $ \sqrt{s_0} = 15.0 $ GeV,we can fit the experimental data for the slope above 1.0 TeV ($ pp $ and $ p\bar{p} $). In this energy range, the slope seems to be a linear function of s, and therefore, we can use the result (51) to fit these experimental data [30]. Thus, we obtain $ \alpha_c'(0) = 2.91\pm 0.25 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $ and $ B_0 = -3.51\pm 1.73 $ GeV$ ^{-2} $. It is interesting to note that it is a very difficult task to access the slope $ B(s) $, since it is not extracted at $ t = 0 $. In general, the slope is obtained considering very small ranges of $ t\approx 0 $, which implies Coulomb and Nuclear contributions to the scattering amplitude. For example, for the E710 Collaboration [40], the interval for t is $ [0.04, 0.29] $ GeV$ ^2 $ and for the TOTEM Collaboration, one has $ t\in[0.012, 0.2] $ GeV$ ^2 $ [31]. Then, these experimental values may carry some dependence on the momentum transfer.