关键词:民族地区;山区;空间句法;可达性;铜仁市 Abstract Traditional villages in minority areas are important carriers of specific cultural heritage, and the level of transportation accessibility directly affects the economic and social development, cultural protection, and dissemination in minority areas. Based on spatial syntax and GIS analysis, this study identified the characteristics and influencing factors of traffic accessibility in 100 state-level traditional villages in Tongren City, Guizhou Province. The results illustrated: (1) There was a significant difference in the grade of connection value of Tongren traffic network and the topological connection was a "point-axis" radial structure. The highway was the core of high integration axis and the distribution of network topological connection level was closely related to the development of regional economy. The most accessible traditional villages in the city are Jiangkou County, Yinjiang County, the Songtao County, and Shiqian County in Fanjing Mountain area. The villages with high local accessibility have a very convenient access to high grade highways. The areas with high perceptual accessibility are concentrated in the area around Fanjing Mountains. (2) The traditional villages of Tongren City form a high-density distribution area in Songtao region of Fanjing Mountains, a sub-high density distribution areas among the Yinjiang region around Fanjing Mountains, Shiqian region and the junction area between Sinan and Dejiang area were identified. The overall accessibility of these areas is also relatively high, indicating that the overall accessibility is proportional to the distribution of traditional villages. (3) The closed terrain, road grade, and the overall level of economic and social development directly affected the accessibility of traditional villages. As the core area of Wuling Mountain area, Tongren City illustrates a poor overall level of accessibility due to the concentration of traditional villages, which is a challenge to the economic and social development of the region, the inheritance and protection of village culture, which needs to be promoted.
Keywords:ethnic region;mountain area;spatial syntax;accessibility;Tongren City -->0 PDF (13893KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 张忠训, 杨庆媛, 王立, 苏康传, 匡成铭. 少数民族地区传统村落交通可达性分析——以贵州省铜仁市为例[J]. 资源科学, 2018, 40(11): 2296-2306 https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2018.11.15 ZHANGZhongxun, YANGQingyuan, WANGLi, SUKangchuan, KUANGChengming. Traffic accessibility analysis of traditional villages in minority areas: a case study of Tongren City, Guizhou Province[J]. RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2018, 40(11): 2296-2306 https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2018.11.15
铜仁市地处渝湘黔三省交界处,位于云贵高原向湘西丘陵的过渡地带,属于典型的喀斯特地貌发育区,境内的梵净山为武陵山区最高峰,市域总人口427万人,聚居着土家、汉、苗、侗、仡佬等29个民族,少数民族占总人口的70.45%(图1)。2017年铜仁市生产总值969.86亿元,其中第三产业实现增加值472.60亿元,增长13.6%,占比达到48.7%。铜仁市依托于自然生态、佛教、民族、红色等旅游资源,逐步形成了“梵天净土·桃源铜仁”的品牌形象[35]。经传统村落保护发展委员会评审认定,截止2016年11月,贵州省共有546个国家级传统村落,约占中国传统村落总数的13%,其中铜仁市有100个,占贵州省传统村落总数的18%。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图1研究区区位 -->Figure 1Location of the study area -->
4.1.1 路网伺服能力较弱 句法变量中连接度、控制值、深度值等反映了路网交通轴线对整个空间的连接性和重要性[37]。铜仁市路网的连接值均值仅为2.27,控制值均值也仅有1,而连接度小于5和控制值小于2的交通轴线分别占轴线总数的97.47%和95.46%,控制力与联动性较强的轴线较少并且分散(图2a、图2b、图2c),因此对整个空间的渗透和控制较弱,路网整体服务能力受到一定程度影响。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2铜仁市域路网空间句法变量值 -->Figure 2The space syntax variables of road network in Tongren City -->
4.1.2 路网等级差异显著 路网具有较明显的等级差异,依据连接值C、控制值Ctrl、三步深度值LD的差异,可将铜仁市路网分成三个等级:第一等级为C≥9、Ctrl≥2、LD≥20的轴线;第二等级为5<C≤8、1≤Ctrl<2、10≤LD<20的轴线;第三等级为1<C≤5、0≤Ctrl<1、0≤LD<10的轴线[39](图2a、图2b、图2d)。铜仁市道路网拓扑连接性等级差异十分显著,第一等级强控制力的轴线数量极少,占比只有2%~6%,只有杭瑞高速及与其相交的高速公路等10条轴线,第二等级占比在25%~48%,第三等级超过45%,甚至达到71.21%(表2)。整体来看路网的可达性和便捷性较差,结构极为脆弱。 Table 2 表2 表2铜仁市公路网等级体系 Table 2System of highway network in Tongren City (%)
受地理环境的影响,铜仁市传统村落分布呈现明显的差异性。通过核密度分析发现铜仁市传统村落有一个高密度分布区,位于梵净山西麓松桃县,历史上曾作为军屯之地集中分布区域,随后发展为梵净山区域内重要的商贸集散区域,因此村落分布集中,另外环梵净山印江片区、石阡片区和思南片区以及思南与德江交界片区则形成次高密度分布区(图3)。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3铜仁市传统村落分布核密度 -->Figure 3Kernel density of traditional villages in Tongren City -->
最邻近点分析发现铜仁市传统村落平均观测距离6205.06m,预期平均距离8613.03m,最邻近点指数R为0.72,Z得分-5.35,显著性水平小于0.01,表明铜仁市传统村落在空间上属于凝聚型分布。传统村落在各区县的分布不均衡,其中,松桃县与石阡县最集中,思南县与印江县也较为明显,而东部区域碧江区、万山区、玉屏县等经济相对发达区域分布则不明显,表明传统村落在经济欠发达区域较为集中。 通过缓冲区分析发现100个传统村落当中有7个缓冲区内无轴线,表明可达性极差,因此予以剔除,得出剩余93个传统村落句法变量。铜仁市域内传统村落全局可达性较高的为环梵净山区域江口、印江、松桃三县以及石阡县,其中印江县域内传统村落可达性最好,全局可达性前十名当中占据一半(表3)。进一步对比局部集成度空间分布可见,局部可达性较高的区域多分布在县域中心城市周边以及高速公路沿线(图4),松桃、碧江、江口三个距离铜仁市区较近的县域传统村落局部可达性较高(表3),以梵净山为分界点东西方向形成两个村落局部可达性高值集聚区,如梵净山东部松桃、碧江、江口三区县以及印江、思南、石阡三县。局部可达性受交通影响极大,局部可达性大的村落普遍具有极为便利的高等级公路通达,杭瑞高速修通极大缩小了铜仁市东西区域可达性差异。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图4铜仁市各传统村落可达性空间句法变量值 -->Figure 4The space syntax variables of the accessibility space in each village of Tongren City -->
Table 3 表3 表3铜仁市传统村落的集成度及其排名 Table 3The integration and ranking of traditional villages in Tongren City
新窗口打开 铜仁市传统村落智能度排前三位为江口县、印江县和松桃县,其智能度值分别达到0.701、0.683和0.614,远高于其他区县。由此可见,随着铜仁市打造环梵净山旅游增长极这一战略的推进,路网通达性逐步改善,使得环梵净山三个区县的传统村落感知可达性逐步增强(图5)。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图5铜仁市传统村落智能度的县域分布 -->Figure 5The county distribution of the intelligence degree of traditional villages in Tongren City -->
武陵山区是典型的多民族融合的连片特困区,铜仁市位于武陵山区核心区域,传统村落具有突出的地域特色。传统村落在保护过程当中需要不断提升其可达性,加强人们对其作为重要资源的认知,在提升可达性过程中不可采用“摊大饼”的城市交通建设思路,需要在保护村落空间完整性以及文化独特性基础上开展针对性的交通建设,提升传统村落的可达性。本研究对中国传统村落的其它集聚区,如太行山区、横断山区和东南丘陵区[43]的同类研究具有启示作用,为传统村落交通水平研究提供了案例实证。但是,需要指出的是,本文在研究村落可达性时,将传统村落点抽象为旅游吸引物,但是并非所有传统村落都可以发展旅游,这一研究视角将在后续研究中加以完善。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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