Cross-border ports and the spatial linkages of China′s global city regions in the context of "one country, two systems": Taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example
LI Yan,1, SUN Yang,1, YAO Shimou21. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710008, China 2. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
Abstract The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GGBA) is a cross-border global city region with Chinese characteristics. However, due to data acquisition limitations, most of the research has focused on the analysis of the spatial pattern evolution of the 9 cities in the Pearl River Delta of the Chinese mainland or mainly on Hong Kong, Macao and inland cities alone. As for cross-border economic relations, port research mostly focuses on the spatio-temporal distribution pattern and mechanism of the port itself, while it rarely involves the spatial linkages and impact analysis of the port on the entire cross-border region. This paper attempts to understand the spatial linkages of China′s cross-border global city regions from the perspective of port linkages. Taking 11 cities of the GGBA as an example, this study applies analytical methods including port linkage strength, network density and Python programming. Moreover, this research views the sea, land and air cross-border ports as nodes and takes the port traffic linkages as links to analyze the impact of ports on the spatial linkages of the Bay Area. The results show that: (1) ports are an important channel for the internal spatial connections of the cross-border global city region of ??the GGBA. Relying on each port, the Bay Area has formed a macro-linkage pattern with Hong Kong as the core and Macao, Shenzhen and Guangzhou as important nodes. (2) The sea port connection is manifested as a linkage pattern led by Hong Kong as the core with interactions between Hong Kong and Macao, while the sea ports connection between Hong Kong, Macao and other cities in the Bay Area shows hierarchical differences. (3) The land port connection indicates that the Bay Area has formed a radial linkage pattern with the Hong Kong and Macao land ports as the origin, and the Pearl River is the boundary demonstrating a significant imbalance. (4) The air port connection presents a linear and radial outreach pattern with Hong Kong and Macao as the core and facing the GGBA. This paper reveals the impact of port linkages on the spatial linkages of global city regions as well as the flow of factors in the cross-border areas, and thus provides a new perspective for the study of cross-border regional linkages. Keywords:cross-border area;port;spatial linkage;the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;global city region
PDF (19486KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李艳, 孙阳, 姚士谋. 一国两制背景下跨境口岸与中国全球城市区域空间联系——以粤港澳大湾区为例. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(9): 2109-2129 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190448 LI Yan, SUN Yang, YAO Shimou. Cross-border ports and the spatial linkages of China′s global city regions in the context of "one country, two systems": Taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(9): 2109-2129 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190448
1 引言
2000年代以来,区域化渐由超国家(supra-national)层面延伸至国家与次国家(sub-national)层面,出现了微观区域化,基于世界城市与全球城市研究的全球城市区域(global city region)日益成为世界经济增长的核心动力,并成为世界经济体系中地方经济与社会重构的基本研究单元[1],其表现形式之一是以合作形式连结的城市,该类城市区域有时跨越边界,称为跨境全球城市区域[2]。在同一主权国家内分属不同关税区的粤港澳大湾区是独具中国特色的跨关境(以下简称跨境)全球城市区域,历经40余载中国珠三角区域改革开放,与回归后的香港、澳门深度融合而成,被认为是全球最具活力的经济区域之一[3]。在区域范围上,粤港澳大湾区属于次国家级跨境区域,有别于国际上超国家或国家级跨境区域,在制度体系上,粤港澳大湾区内的政治、法律、行政差异造成城市联系的障碍[4]。因此,跨境体制障碍与治理和城市联系是****关注的重要议题[5,6]。特别行政区界限两侧的实体地理空间必须经过口岸才能实现港澳与广东省的城市联系。城市联系本质上可视为城市间各种功能相互作用形成的综合联系网络,可抽象表征复杂的相互作用关系及空间结构[7,8]。
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