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贾衍菊1,, 林德荣2,
1. 山东师范大学商学院,济南 250014
2. 厦门大学管理学院,厦门 361005

Tourists' perception of urban service, place attachment and loyal behaviors: A case study of Xiamen

JIAYanju1,, LINDerong2,
1. Business School, Shandong Normal University, Ji'nan 250014, China
2. School of management, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China
通讯作者:林德荣(1965- ),男,福建厦门人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为旅游市场营销和旅游文化。E-mail: derongl@163.com
-->作者简介:贾衍菊(1981- ),女,山东泰安人,博士,主要研究方向为旅游者行为和旅游目的地管理。E-mail: yanjujia@126.com


旅游者忠诚度是近年来旅游学研究领域的热点话题,但以往研究忽视了旅游者情感因素对于个体行为的影响。从自我调节态度理论的视角,综合旅游者服务感知、地方依恋以及忠诚度理论,构建了忠诚度驱动因素模型。选取国内休闲旅游地——厦门进行实证分析,研究发现:① 厦门旅游者服务感知共有“接待服务感知”、“景区服务感知”和“公共服务感知”三个维度;② 公共服务感知对总体满意度的影响效应最大,其次是景区服务感知,而接待服务感知的影响并不显著;③ 总体满意度不仅直接影响忠诚度,且通过地方依恋的中介作用实现;④ 对于地方依恋的两个维度,地方依赖对忠诚度的影响效应更大。该研究结果不仅揭示了“服务感知→总体满意度→地方依恋→旅游者忠诚度”的复杂影响路径,也证实了自我调节态度理论的评价—情感响应—行为响应顺序在目的地管理层面的适用性。因此,要求旅游目的地管理者在实践中必须全面提升目的地服务质量,改善景区服务水平,注重旅游者情感体验管理,培育旅游者对目的地的依恋情感。

Tourists' loyalty to destinations has been an important topic in the tourism research field recently. However, preivous studies have paid less attention to the influence of the emotional elements on tourists' behaviors. This study employs Bagozzi's self-regulation attitude theory to propose and investigate a new conceptual model to depict the relationship among destination service quality, overall satisfaction, place attachment and destination loyalty. The city of Xiamen is chosen as the study site, which is the famous coastal tourist destination in China. The results are shown as follows: (1) There are three dimensionalitities of tourists' perception of urban service, including hospitality service, attraction service and public service. (2) tourists' perception of public service has the greatest influence on saisfaction, followed by attraction service, while the influence of hospitality service on satisfaction is not significant. Especially, the convience of leisure facilities and information consultation has made greater contribution to the public service. (3) Overall satisfaction is an antecedent of tourist loyalty while partially mediating the effect of place attachment. (4) As for the two dimensions of place attachement, the influence of place dependence has greater infuence on tourists' loyal behaviors. Therefore, this study not only empirically demonstrates the path "tourists' service perception→overall satisfaction→place attachment→loyalty", but also supports the suitability to the destination field of Bagozzi's self-regulation attitude theory with regard to the appraisal, affective and behavior sequence. The findings offer important implications for the destination marketing practice. Destination managers should focus on improving destination service quality thoroughly, administrating the destination attraction effectively, paying more attention to emotion management and cultivating tourists' destination attachment.

Keywords:loyalty;tourists' service perception;satisfaction;place attachment;Xiame

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贾衍菊, 林德荣. 旅游者服务感知、地方依恋与忠诚度——以厦门为例[J]. , 2016, 35(2): 390-400 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602015
JIA Yanju, LIN Derong. Tourists' perception of urban service, place attachment and loyal behaviors: A case study of Xiamen[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(2): 390-400 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602015

1 引言


2 研究区概况与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况


2.2 变量测量

本文采用问卷调查方式获取数据。问卷中所有变量的测量题项主要参考已有的成熟量表,并结合目的地的具体情境进行了适当修改。旅游者服务感知主要借鉴Chen等的研究[14,20],共有13个题项;地方依恋测量参考Williams等的研究[16],包括8个题项;总体满意度测量借鉴Ramkissoon等的研究[21,22],共有3个题项;关于旅游者忠诚度的测量,借鉴大多数****的做法[19],用“重游意向”和“推荐意愿”两个题项来衡量。以上计量项目均采用Likert 5级量表来衡量被调研者的不同态度,以“完全不同意至完全同意”分别由低到高赋1分~5分。问卷内容由变量测量题项、旅游者人口统计学特征及旅游特征3部分构成。

2.3 数据收集与数据分析方法

为保证量表能够反映旅游者服务感知的结构,首先对前100份问卷采用探索性因子分析法对旅游者服务感知的测量题项进行降维,构建理论模型;使用后328份问卷数据对旅游者服务感知、地方依恋、满意度、忠诚度4个变量之间的影响关系进行结构方程模型(structural equation modeling,SEM)分析。

2.4 探索性因子分析

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Results of exploratory factor analysis


2.5 模型构建

情感的认知评价理论(cognitive appraisal theory of emotions)的代表Lazarus认为情感是人与环境相互作用的产物,在情感活动中,人不仅接受环境中的刺激事件对自身的影响,同时要调节自身对于刺激的响应[24]。在此基础上,Bagozzi引入自我调节过程,即评价—情感响应—应对响应,提出了自我调节态度理论(self-regulation of attitude theory),认为评价促成情感并影响个体的行为或行为意向,表现为评价、情感应对与行为应对的发生过程[25]。因此,以自我调节态度理论为基础,将服务感知作为游客对目的地的评价变量,将总体满意度和地方依恋作为旅游者的情感响应变量,忠诚度则是旅游者的应对行为(或行为意向),构建以游客服务感知、地方依恋、满意度为驱动因素的旅游者忠诚度模型(图1)。通过上述因子分析结果深入分析旅游者服务感知各要素对其他变量的影响,提出以下假设:
-->Fig. 1Research model

3 结果分析

3.1 测量模型

结构方程模型分析分为两个步骤,测量模型和结构模型[26]。测量模型反映潜在变量与观测变量之间的关系,结构模型表示潜在变量之间的关系[27]。采用AMOS 21.0软件中的极大似然程序对测量模型进行验证性因子分析,考察各个变量的信度和效度,为检验结构方程模型建立基础。
3.1.1 测量模型拟合优度检验 测量模型的拟合参数:χ2 =552.954,df=254,χ2/df=2.177,拟合优度指数(GFI)为0.915,比较拟合指数(CFI)为0.916,简效规范拟合指数(IFI)为0.917,都达到了大于0.9的标准,近似均方根残差(RMSEA)为0.060(小于0.08)。虽然规范拟合指数(NFI),Tucker-Lewis指数(TLI)未达到标准,但介于0.8~0.9之间,表示模型拟合度可以接受[28]。总体来说,测量模型具有较好的整体拟合优度。
3.1.2 信度、效度检验 信度是描述变量测量题项之间的内部一致性。运用SPSS软件对测量指标进行信度分析,结果显示,测量总量表的克朗巴哈α值为0.907,模型中各个基本维度的克朗巴哈α值在0.543~0.881之间(表2),均大于0.5的标准[29],说明问卷测量可信。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Results of reliability and validity analysis
接待服务感知A1: 住宿价格
A2: 酒店服务
A3: 餐饮价格
A4: 餐饮服务
景区服务感知B1: 景区美食服务
B2: 景区游览服务
B3: 景区门票
B4: 景区卫生环境
公共服务感知C1: 外部交通
C2: 休憩设施
C3: 公共卫生
C4: 信息咨询
总体满意度D1: 我认为此次旅游所花费的时间和精力是值得的
D2: 我认为来这里旅游是正确的选择
D3: 总体而言,我对此次旅游经历很满意




地方依赖E1: 我喜欢厦门的休闲环境胜过其他旅游地
E2: 厦门的休闲旅游设施比其他旅游地更能满足我的要求
E3: 厦门给我的休闲旅游体验,其他旅游地无法替代






地方认同F1: 我很认同厦门的生活方式
F2: 我觉得自己是厦门的一部分
F3: 厦门对我来讲很特别
F4: 我非常留恋厦门



效度主要通过收敛效度和判别效度来评价。收敛效度是指测量同一变量的不同题项之间的相关性[30]。收敛效度的判断标准为因子负荷超过0.5,并且P值显著,组合信度(composite reliability,CR)大于0.6,平均变异抽取量(average variance extracted,AVE)大于0.5,AVE值越大,观测变量对潜变量的解释程度越高[23]。由表2可知,各个题项在各自计量变量上的因子负荷值在0.624~0.895之间,对应的t值在5.137~18.702之间,组合信度在0.794~0.882之间。除“景区服务感知”这一项的平均变异抽取量略低于标准外,其余变量均符合要求,表明变量具有良好的收敛效度。判别效度是指不同变量测量之间的可区分性[31]。Fornell等给出了一种较为严格的判断方法:变量的平均变异抽取量的平方根要大于其与其他变量的相关系数,判别效度就可满足[32]。由表3可知,各个变量的相关系数在0.242~0.562之间,且每个变量的平均变异抽取量平方根均大于其与其他变量的相关系数,表明变量之间具有较好的判别效度。总体而言,测量模型具有良好的效度。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Discriminant validity and the correlations of varaiables


3.2 结构模型

3.2.1 结构模型拟合优度检验 采用极大似然程序对最终结构关系模型进行参数估计,从而判断结构模型中初始假设关系是否成立。结构模型的χ2=699.929,df=264,χ2/df=2.651,GFI、CFI、NFI、TLI都介于0.8~0.9之间,RMSEA为0.071,表明理论模型具有良好的整体拟合优度。
3.2.2 假设检验 最终理论模型分析结果与各个系数的标准化估计值如图2所示。除H1a外,其余研究假设均得到验证。复合相关系数(SMC=R2)表明旅游者服务感知的影响效应能解释满意度42.0%(SMC=0.420)的变异,服务质量感知和总体满意度的影响效应能够解释地方依赖0.580%(SMC=0.580)的变异,两者能够解释地方认同44.40%(SMC=0.444)的变异,对于旅游者忠诚度52.4%(SMC=0.524)的变异能够被地方依赖、地方认同和总体满意度所解释。
-->Fig. 2Parameter estimation of the model

3.2.3 模型结果分析 模型结果表明,旅游者公共服务感知对其满意度有显著的正向影响,且影响效应最大。公共服务感知每增加一个单位,旅游者的满意度会提升0.408个单位。这是因为在案例地厦门,自由行游客占绝大比例。本次调研中,自由行游客占到了86.6%。相比于传统的团队游客,自由行游客对便捷的旅游交通、及时准确的信息咨询、舒适优美的旅游环境等服务最为关注,而这些服务已经超越了传统的旅游行业管理范畴,涉及到目的地整体的公共管理与服务水平。“旅游公共服务”在游客服务感知维度中的这种突显作用反映了当前国内游客散客化、成熟化、自由化的发展趋势。其中,“C2休憩设施”和“C4信息咨询”的影响程度较大,因子负荷值为0.73、0.78,说明休憩设施和信息咨询服务的方便性是旅游者关注的重点。因此,为旅游者提供高效、便捷的休憩和信息服务将有利于提高旅游者满意度。

4 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Tourism Management, 2007, 28(4): 1115-1122.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2006.07.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Differing from the previous studies, this study proposed a more integrated tourist behavior model by including destination image and perceived value into the &ldquo;quality&ndash;satisfaction&ndash;behavioral intentions&rdquo; paradigm. The structural relationships between all variables with respect to different stages of tourist behaviors were investigated in the study. The results show that destination image have both direct and indirect effects on behavioral intentions. In addition, the path &ldquo;destination image&rarr;trip quality&rarr;perceived value&rarr;satisfaction&rarr;behavioral intentions&rdquo; appears evident in this study.</p>
[15]Tuan Y F.Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes and Values. Englewood Cliffs NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1974.
[本文引用: 1]
[16]Williams D R, Patterson M E, Roggenbuck J W, et al.Beyond the commodity metaphor: Examining emotional and symbolic attachment to place.
Leisure Sciences, 1992, 14(1): 29-46.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01490409209513155URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
In contrast to the dominant multiattribute commodity view of outdoor recreation settings, wilderness users are described as having emotional and symbolic ties to the setting that are manifested as attachment to the site and the wilderness concept. Data from four wilderness areas show stronger place and wilderness attachment to be associated with previous visits, rural residence, a setting (as opposed to activity or group) focus, visiting alone and on weekdays, hunting in the area, and sensitivity to site impacts and horse encounters. Place attachment is also associated with a lack of nonwilderness substitutes and lower income and education. Wilderness attachment is associated with membership in wilderness and conservation organizations, visits to more wilderness areas, a preference for longer visits, participation in nature study, and sensitivity to sight and sound intrusions and hiker encounters. The importance of understanding emotional and symbolic values of natural resources is discussed in relation to managing recreation user conflicts and public involvement in wildland resource planning.
[17]Kely G, Graefe A, Manning R.Testing the dimensionality of place attachment in recreational settings.
Environment and Behavior, 2005, 37(2): 153-177.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08240.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The N(1) m is an evoked magnetic field in auditory cortex that is automatically elicited by tones in silence but not in the context of multiple other tones: when listeners are unaware of a tone stream because of informational masking, no N(1) m-like activity is observed. In contrast, N(1) m-like activity is evoked when listeners are aware of the regular tone stream in the same context but in another trial. Here we compared this awareness-related negativity (ARN) with the automatic N(1) m. First, we evaluated whether stimulus lateralization by ear or interaural time differences modulates hemispheric lateralization of the response, as a putative marker of sensory processing. Second, we evaluated the stimulus-independent hemispheric balance thought to indicate higher level cortical processing. The results dissociate three, partly overlapping, time intervals: the P(1) m (45-85 ms) was evoked by missed and detected target tones alike. Subsequent negative activity was only observed when listeners indicated awareness of the target stream inside the multi-tone masker. In the N(1) m time interval (75-175 ms), hemispheric balance of the ARN and N(1) m was modulated by stimulus lateralization. In the subsequent time interval (175-275 ms), auditory-cortex activity was generally right-lateralized in silence and balanced under informational masking, but was not modulated by stimulus lateralization. These results suggest that the same auditory-cortex activity that varies with perceptual awareness also shows sensory response features. This is in accordance with models for visual perception, suggesting that sensory competition determines whether midlevel visual responses occur automatically or vary with perceptual state.
[18]Oliver R L.A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions.
Journal of Marketing Research, 1980, 17(4): 460-469.
https://doi.org/10.2307/3150499URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A model is proposed which expresses consumer satisfaction as a function of expectation and expectancy disconfirmation. Satisfaction, in turn, is believed to influence attitude change and purchase intention. Results from a two-stage field study support the scheme for consumers and nonconsumers of a flu inoculation.
[19]沈雪瑞, 李天元. 国内外旅游目的地忠诚的文献回顾及研究展望
. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2013, 34(1): 18-28.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6539.2013.01.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
在过去的10年中,目的地忠诚逐渐成为国际上旅游****和业界人士的一个热点话题,近期,国内 相应成果也开始涌现。然而,在目的地情境中尝试探索旅游者忠诚的规律性知识仍然面临着诸多挑战。本文从目的地忠诚的概念和测量指标、影响因素、不同时间范 围中重游意向的特点以及实证研究所关注的样本人群和目的地类型几个方面,对国内外相关文献及其主要结论进行回顾,同时提出了今后研究中的几点展望。
[Shen Xuerui, Li Tianyuan.A review of research progress on destination loyalty and its prospects for future.
Journal Beijing International Studies University, 2013, 34(1): 18-28.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6539.2013.01.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
在过去的10年中,目的地忠诚逐渐成为国际上旅游****和业界人士的一个热点话题,近期,国内 相应成果也开始涌现。然而,在目的地情境中尝试探索旅游者忠诚的规律性知识仍然面临着诸多挑战。本文从目的地忠诚的概念和测量指标、影响因素、不同时间范 围中重游意向的特点以及实证研究所关注的样本人群和目的地类型几个方面,对国内外相关文献及其主要结论进行回顾,同时提出了今后研究中的几点展望。
[20]Buhalis D.Marketing the competitive destination of the future.
Tourism Management, 2000, 21(1): 97-116.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00095-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Destination marketing is increasingly becoming extremely competitive worldwide. This paper explains the destination concept and attempts to synthesise several models for strategic marketing and management of destinations. It provides an overview of several techniques widely used and illustrates examples from around the world. The paper also explains that marketing of destinations should balance the strategic objectives of all stakeholders as well the sustainability of local resources. Destinations need to differentiate their products and develop partnerships between the public and private sector locally in order to co-ordinate delivery. Taking advantage of new technologies and the Internet also enables destinations to enhance their competitiveness by increasing their visibility, reducing costs and enhancing local co-operation. Destination marketing must lead to the optimisation of tourism impacts and the achievement of the strategic objectives for all stakeholders.
[21]Ramkissoon H, Graham Smith L D, Weiler B. Testing the dimensionality of place attachment and its relationships with place satisfaction and pro-environmental behaviors: A structural equation modeling approach.
Tourism Management, 2013, 36(2): 552-566.
[本文引用: 1]
[22]Yoon Y, Uysal M.An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: A structural model.
Tourism Management, 2005, 26(1): 45-56.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2003.08.016URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study offers an integrated approach to understanding tourist motivation and attempts to extend the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationships among the push and pull motivations, satisfaction, and destination loyalty. The research model investigates the relevant relationships among the constructs by using a structural equation modeling approach. Consequently, destination managers should establish a higher tourist satisfaction level to create positive post-purchase tourist behavior, in order to improve and sustain destination competitiveness.
[23]Hair J F, Black W C, Babin B J, et al.Multivariate Data Analysis. 7th ed.
New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.
[本文引用: 2]
[24]Lasarus R S.Emotion and Adaptation. New York: Oxford Press, 1991.https://doi.org/10.1097/00005053-199303000-00014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[25]Bagozzi R P.The self-regulation of attitudes, intentions and behavior.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 1992, 55(2): 178-204.
https://doi.org/10.2307/2786945URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
ABSTRACT We argue that attitudes and subjective norms are not sufficient determinants of intentions and that intentions are not a sufficient impetus for action, as maintained by leading theories of attitude. To deepen attitude theory, we address the role of cognitive and emotional self-regulatory mechanisms. The attitude-intention link is hypothesized to depend on conative processes and on certain coping responses directed at the emotional significance of evaluative appraisals. The subjective norm-intention relationship is hypothesized to be governed by certain cognitive activities inherent in perspective taking and by positive and negative emotional reactions associated with appraisals of the deviation and conformance of both the self and others to expectations concerning the shared social meaning of a focal act. Finally, the intention-behavior relationship, particularly for goal-directed behaviors, is posited to be conditioned on decision making with respect to the means needed to achieve a goal; with respect to implementation processes related to planning, monitoring, and guidance and control of instrumental acts; and with respect to motivational processs associated with commitment, effort, and affect toward the means.
[26]Anderson J C, Gerbing D W.Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach.
Psychological Bulletion, 1988, 103(3): 411-423.
https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.103.3.411URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this article, we provide guidance for substantive researchers on the use of structural equation modeling in practice for theory testing and development. We present a comprehensive, two-step modeling approach that employs a series of nested models and sequential chi-square difference tests. We discuss the comparative advantages of this approach over a one-step approach. Considerations in specification, assessment of fit, and respecification of measurement models using confirmatory factor analysis are reviewed. As background to the two-step approach, the distinction between exploratory and confirmatory analysis, the distinction between complementary approaches for theory testing versus predictive application, and some developments in estimation methods also are discussed.
[27]吴明隆. 结构方程模型: AMOS 的操作与应用. 重庆: 重庆大学出版社, 2009.URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本书前半部分介绍结构方程模型(SEM)的概念与Amos Graphics窗口界面的基本操作;后半部分以各种实例介绍Amos Graphics在各种SEM模型中的应用。
[Wu Minglong.Structural Equation Model: Operation and Application of AMOS. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, 2009.]URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本书前半部分介绍结构方程模型(SEM)的概念与Amos Graphics窗口界面的基本操作;后半部分以各种实例介绍Amos Graphics在各种SEM模型中的应用。
[28]钱佳, 汪德根, 牛玉. 城市居民使用市内公共自行车的满意度影响因素分析
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(2): 358-371.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402014Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Qian Jia, Wang Degen, Niu Yu.Analysis of the infuencing factors of urban residients to use urban public bikes.
Geographical Research, 2014, 33(2): 358-371.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402014Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Nunally J. Psychometric Theory. New York: McGrawHill, 1978. [本文引用: 1]
[30]O'Leary Kelly SW, Vokurka R J. The empirical assessment of construct validity.
Journal of Operations Management, 1998, 16(4): 387-405.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0272-6963(98)00020-5URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper provides an in-depth review of the different methods available for assessing the construct validity of measures used in empirical research. Construct validity pertains to the degree to which the measure of a construct sufficiently measures the intended concept (e.g., is free of measurement error) and has been shown to be a necessary component of the research process. In order to illustrate the steps required to establish construct validity, we drew upon empirical research in the operations management area of manufacturing flexibility.
[31]Lattin J M, Carroll J D, Green P E. Analyzing Multivariate Data.Beijing: China Machine Press, 2005. [本文引用: 1]
[32]Fornell C, Larcker D F.Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics.
Journal of Marketing Research, 1981, 18(3): 382-388.
https://doi.org/10.2307/3150980URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Several issues relating to goodness of fit in structural equations are examined. The convergence and differentiation criteria, as applied by Bagozzi, are shown not to stand up under mathematical or statistical analysis. The authors argue that the choice of interpretative statistic must be based on the research objective. They demonstrate that when this is done the Fornell-Larcker testing system is internally consistent and that it conforms to the rules of correspondence for relating data to abstract variables.
[33]王兆峰. 张家界旅游城市游客公共交通感知、满意度与行为
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(5): 978-987.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405015URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Zhaofeng.Tourists' perception of urban public tranport, satisfaction and behavioral intention in Zhangjiajie city, China.
Geographical Research, 2014, 33(5): 978-987.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405015URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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