1. 地震动力学国家重点实验室, 中国地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029
2. 中国石油大学(华东), 山东青岛 266580
3. 深圳大学, 广东深圳 518060
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41631073)和基本科研业务费专项基金(IGCEA1613)资助
作者简介: 单新建, 男, 1966年生, 研究员, 主要从事地壳形变观测与动力学研究.E-mail:xjshan@163.com
中图分类号: P315 收稿日期:2018-02-07
High-rate real-time GNSS seismology and early warning of earthquakes
SHAN XinJian1,,YIN Hao1,2,
LIU XiaoDong1,2,
WANG ZhenJie2,
QU ChunYan1,
ZHANG GuoHong1,
ZHANG YingFeng1,2,
LI YanChuan1,
WANG ChiSheng3,
1. State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, CEA, Beijing 100029, China
2. China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao Shandong 266580, China
3. Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518060, China
MSC: P315
--> Received Date: 07 February 2018
Revised Date: 01 April 2019
Available Online: 05 August 2019
关键词: 高频GNSS地震学/
Abstract:In order to realize the transform from emphasizing earthquake relief to focusing earthquake prevention, we should pay more attention on how to improve the early warning and risk prevention capability. This paper reviews the application status of GNSS displacement, acceleration and velocity data in earthquake early warning in the world and the characteristics of each technique, and finally summarizes several critical problems on magnitude estimation and real-time inversion for source rupture process by high-rate GNSS seismology. (1) we plan to use combined North Stars (Beidou) and GPS observations to improve the accuracy of real-time displacement solution of single stations to centimeter-level. (2) As accelerometer data and high-rate GNSS displacements have different characteristics, we will try to combine these two types of data to rapidly estimate 3-D seismogeodetic waveforms in displacement and seismic velocity. (3) In view of the low density of GPS stations, we intend to develop an empirical baseline correction for accelerometer data to derive large near-source static displacements. (4) The seismic method permits to rapidly estimate the magnitude of an event, but when a large earthquake happens, the magnitude tends to be saturate, leading to underestimates of this parameter. We need to develop a new real-time method of magnitude estimation that uses a variety of methods based on GNSS displacement time series, and combines GNSS and seismic methods to acquire precise and magnitude estimation very soon. (5) Based on high-rate GNSS, fault parameters selection and self-adapting adjustment make it possible to perform rapid determination of rupture direction, and the self-adaptive quasi-real-time inversion algorithm of source rupture process need to be further strengthened. Investigating and analyzing current situation and development trends suggest that the development of rapid magnitude estimation and the inversion algorithm of source rupture process will provide a powerful technical support to the national earthquake early warning system, which is under the transforming process from "two systems" fusion (using both velocity and acceleration data) to "three systems" fusion (using velocity, acceleration and displacement data).
Key words:High-rate GNSS seismology/
Rapid determination of magnitude/
Real-time inversion for source rupture process/
Baseline correction of accelerometer data/
Data fusion of displacement and acceleration/
Seismic early warning