1. 西安交通大学信息与通信工程学院, 西安 710049
2. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京 100871
3. 高铁地震学联合研究组, 北京 100029
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0202902)、国家自然科学基金(41504092,41774135)、中央高等学校基本科研业务费(bgjs2018003,xjj2016065)及中国博士后基金(2016T90925,2015M572566)联合资助
作者简介: 王晓凯, 男, 1984年生, 汉族, 副教授, 主要从事时频分析、地震信号处理及地震储层解释方法研究
通讯作者: 陈文超, 男, 1970年生, 汉族, 教授, 主要从事稀疏表示理论、智能地震信号处理等研究.E-mail:wencchen@xjtu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P631收稿日期:2018-11-29
The applications of synchrosqueezing time-frequency analysis in high-speed train induced seismic data processing
WANG XiaoKai1,3,CHEN WenChao1,3,,,
WEN JingChong2,3,
NING JieYuan2,3,
LI JiaQi2,3
1. School of Information & Communication Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
2. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3. The Joint Research Group of High-Speed Rail Seismology, Beijing 100029, China
More Information
Corresponding author: CHEN WenChao,E-mail:wencchen@xjtu.edu.cn
MSC: P631--> Received Date: 29 November 2018
Revised Date: 10 April 2019
Available Online: 05 June 2019
关键词: 高铁震源地震信号/
Abstract:In China, there are thousands of high-speed trains running on high-speed railway every day. How to choose some suitable processing methods is critical to explore useful information. The classical spectrum analysis has shown the amplitude spectrum of high-speed train induced seismic data has a multi-narrow-band characteristic. However, the conventional spectrum analysis cannot characterize the time-frequency characteristics of high-speed train induced seismic data with high precision. In this paper, we introduce the synchrosqueezing time-frequency analysis to high-speed train induced seismic data for the first time and apply this tool to the high-speed train induced seismic data which is acquired by Peking University in southern China. The data processing results show some advantages of the synchrosqueezing time-frequency analysis. The synchrosqueezing time-frequency analysis not only can depict the time-frequency characteristic more precisely but also can characterize the running state of one high-speed train, such as acceleration. Besides, the synchrosqueezing time-frequency transform can also be used to reconstruct the signal within a specified frequency band, which is very useful to extract the characteristic component of the high-speed train induced data.
Key words:High-speed train induced seismic data/
Synchrosqueezing time-frequency analysis/
Signal reconstruction