1. 地理信息工程国家重点实验室, 西安 710054
2. 北京应用气象研究所, 北京 100029
3. 中国人民解放军91954部队, 湖南永州 425000
4. 国防科技大学气象海洋学院, 南京 211101
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41575031)和中国博士后基金一等资助(2015M580124)联合资助
作者简介: 姚志刚, 男, 1978年生, 博士, 主要从事卫星大气遥感以及平流层重力波分析研究.E-mail:yzg_biam@163.com
中图分类号: P407 收稿日期:2017-08-06
Gravity waves in the near space observed by the microwave temperature sounder of the FY-3C meteorology satellite
YAO ZhiGang1,2,,SUN Rui3,
ZHAO ZengLiang1,
CUI XinDong1,
HAN ZhiGang1,
YAN Wei4
1. State Key Laboratory of Geo-Information Engineering, Xi'an 710054, China
2. Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology, Beijing 100029, China
3. No. 91954 Troops of PLA, Yongzhou Hunan 425000, China
4. Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing 211101, China
MSC: P407
--> Received Date: 06 August 2017
Revised Date: 04 November 2018
Available Online: 15 February 2019
摘要:风云三号C星(FY-3C)同时装载有设置了50~60 GHz和118.75 GHz附近氧气吸收带内通道的微波大气垂直探测器,可以用于监测临近空间下部的大气温度.本文的首要目的是展示FY-3C微波大气垂直探测器在监测临近空间(尤其是平流层)强重力波扰动中的优势特点.在给出平流层强扰动监测结果的基础上,分析了不同波段不同通道监测平流层大气温度扰动的能力.随后,对比分析了FY-3C大气温度探测通道与国外同类仪器在观测平流层扰动中的异同点,并进一步讨论了不同平台相同大气微波探测通道联合分析平流层扰动过程的能力.本文在统计2013年冬季(2012年12月和2013年1、2月)和2014年夏季(2014年6、7、8月)的微波大气垂直探测器观测的全球平流层扰动出现频率分布的基础上,利用FY-3C微波大气温度探测器分析了格陵兰岛附近2014年1月7-11日一次平流层扰动过程.结果表明,FY-3C微波探测器50~60 GHz和118.75 GHz波段可用于获取平流层不同高度上的大气温度扰动特征,且前一波段的探测能力显著地优于后一波段.随后,针对2014年1月11日拉布拉多半岛附近的平流层强扰动过程,基于FY-3C的MWTS-Ⅱ与METOP-B的AMSU-A的对比观测表明,MWTS-Ⅱ能够揭示平流层波动更细致的水平结构特征.最后,针对2014年8月10日安第斯山脉附近不同平台仪器的相同通道探测结果的分析表明,多平台联合观测可以进一步提高平流层强扰动监测的时间分辨率.
关键词: 风云卫星/
Abstract:Microwave observations in oxygen absorption bands near 50~60 GHz and 118.75 GHz of the MicroWave Temperatuer SounderⅡ(MWTS-Ⅱ) on FY-3C can be used to monitor the atmospheric temperature of the near space. This study demonstrates the advantages of the MWTS-Ⅱ in the observations of the strong Gravity Wave(GW) disturbances in the near space, especially the stratosphere. Meanwhile the capability of different channels to monitor the stratospheric atmospheric temperature disturbance is analyzed based on the statistical results of strong GWs disturbances in the stratosphere. Then, the similarities and differences between the FY-3C microwave temperature sounder and other similar instruments in observing stratospheric GWs perturbations are presented, and the capability of the similar atmospheric microwave channels on different satellites to analyze the stratospheric GWs is discussed. Besides, the frequency distribution of global stratospheric GWs disturbances in the winter from December 2013 to February 2014 and the summer of 2014 (June, July and August) is calculated. A stratospheric GWs process from 7th to 11th January 2014 in Greenland shows that the 50~60 GHz and 118.75 GHz bands of the MWTS-Ⅱ permits to capture the atmospheric temperature disturbances at different heights of the stratosphere. And the detection capability of 50~60 GHz band is significantly better than the latter. The comparison between AMSU-A of METOP-B and MWTS-Ⅱ of FY-3C via a GWs process of the stratosphere near the Labrador Peninsula on 11th January 2014 indicates that MWTS-Ⅱ can detect finer stratospheric gravity waves, and the intensity of the disturbance from MWTS-Ⅱ is also stronger. The analysis of the similar channels of different platforms for a GWs process near the Andes on 10th August 2014 shows that the multi-platform observations can further improve the temporal resolution of the stratospheric GW observations.
Key words:FY satellite/
Near space/
Gravity waves