

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 中国石油大学(华东)理学院, 山东青岛 266580
2. 中国石油集团测井有限公司, 西安 710077

基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(2017ZX05019-006),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(15CX05047A)联合资助

作者简介: 魏宝君, 男, 1969年生, 教授, 博士, 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"入选者, 研究方向为电磁测井理论及应用. E-mail:weibj@upc.edu.cn
中图分类号: P631


Effect of metal casing on multi-component electromagnetic induction logging signals

WEI BaoJun1,,
REN GuangQiang1,
JIA YiLong1,
WU KangKang1,
DANG Feng2
1. College of Science, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao Shandong 266580, China
2. China Petroleum Logging Company Limited, Xi'an 710077, China

MSC: P631

--> Received Date: 12 March 2018
Revised Date: 29 October 2018
Available Online: 15 February 2019


Study the effect of metal casing on each component of transmitted and reflected low-frequency electromagnetic fields is of great value for monitoring fluid movement during production by using through-the-casing electromagnetic induction logging technology. The dyadic Green's functions in cylindrically stratified anisotropic media were applied to simulate the multi-component electromagnetic induction responses when the transmitter is inside the casing and the receiver is inside or outside the casing, and the law of effect of metal casing on the main components of transmitted and reflected magnetic fields were analyzed systematically. Numerical results showed that the casing effects on each component of both the transmitted and the reflected magnetic fields can be separated from the formation effects since the frequency is low. There still exists a stable reflection for each component of magnetic fields by the magnetic metal casing at low frequencies, but the degree of reflection is different for different component. The component which is more affected by the magnetic shielding effect of the casing (e.g. ρρ-component) will be more reflected than the component which is less affected by the magnetic shielding effect of the casing (e.g. zz-component). The intensity of the reflected magnetic fields will become bigger with the increasing frequency, and finally it will reach a saturation value and the signal is thus totally reflected. The existence of magnetic metal casing will lead to amplitude attenuation and phase delay for all the components of transmitted magnetic fields, but the degree of amplitude attenuation and phase delay is different for different component, and the amplitude attenuation of the component which is more affected by the magnetic shielding effect of the casing will be more obvious. Under the condition of fixed casing parameters and frequency, the degree of magnetic metal casing effect is different for different component of the transmitted magnetic fields but keeps constant, and the amplitude attenuation and phase delay caused by the casing are irrelevant to the coil's position and the formation conductivity. At low frequencies, each component of the transmitted magnetic fields outside the casing is in quasi-static state, its amplitude and phase do not change with the increasing frequency, and the amplitude of the component which is more affected by the magnetic shielding effect will have a more obvious change when the casing's permeability or thickness is changing. The fields will be gradually dominated by the skin effect than by the static shielding effect of the magnetic metal casing after the frequency exceeds a critical value, and the transmitted magnetic fields will undergo an extra amplitude attenuation and phase delay. The larger the casing thickness, conductivity and magnetic permeability, the lower the critical value of the frequency.
Electromagnetic induction/
Metal casing/
Transmitted fields/
Reflected fields/
Dyadic Green's functions


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